Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 203

Free For All Clan: SWORDS of Justice (SWORDS)

Sixth round: Nov 24, 2010 - Jan 25, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank7 of 43
Total Networth Rank15 of 43
Average Networth Rank22 of 43
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1202 war tester (#4872) 5610$4,550,615 F
1228 mypengin (#4743) 5518$4,166,135 M
1231 Penis El Grande 3 (#4870) 11,587$4,136,784 CG
1233 IxLIKExTOxKill (#4720) 12,186$4,083,995 T
1236 Swords of Justice (#4548) 10,038$3,993,482 RG
1248 penginNY (#4846) 5051$3,833,462 D
1258 New Year Pengins (#4729) 4156$3,736,537 I
1262 Im Putting The Fire Out (#4876) 5017$3,684,437 M
1264 StabsU (#4718) 11,735$3,625,160 T
1266 Scooby Snacks (#4882) 4436$3,603,744 M
1274 Found You (#4881) 4823$3,484,482 M
1279 Panic Attack (#4879) 4367$3,410,807 M
1283 Smackem Between The Eyes (#4883) 4433$3,379,977 M
1287 FryingPan (#4716) 11,956$3,306,769 T
1288 Hit Parade (#4875) 4111$3,294,947 M
1292 Later4Q (#4719) 9567$3,139,252 T
1293 UrMomJumpsTags (#4715) 9784$3,120,865 T
1299 For Moral Improvement (#4878) 3755$3,055,474 M
1301 Your Daily Beating (#4877) 7146$3,046,887 M
1303 Obama Cares (#4874) 3698$3,024,126 M
1319 hotPANts (#4717) 12,452$2,787,415 T
1335 Its Not Me (#4880) 3685$2,576,395 M
1338 CATS (#4792) 9851$2,521,542 T
1340 Ive Warred KOTG (#4514) 7000$2,508,335 R
1345 goUKwildcats (#4791) 9122$2,456,231 T
1351 jKAtron (#4794) 9257$2,352,876 T
1352 Ive Warred LEU (#4509) 6985$2,352,193 R
1358 Ive Warred ICD (#4935) 7611$2,245,086 R
1359 Ive Played in Swords (#4401) 6681$2,244,099 R
1361 Ive Warred PANLV (#4508) 6864$2,177,749 R
1362 Ive Warred Harry (#4382) 6643$2,147,896 R
1367 UrMom (#4790) 7760$2,072,482 T
1369 KillMeAgain (#4796) 8396$2,051,824 T
1370 Ive Played in USIMP (#4510) 6751$2,043,949 R
1371 Ive Warred IMP (#4381) 6880$1,992,389 R
1374 Ive Warred LOTU (#4507) 7195$1,975,327 R
1376 Ive Warred NBK (#4400) 6635$1,940,870 R
1378 Ive Always Liked DWAR (#4379) 6736$1,934,413 R
1380 Ive Played in IMP (#4383) 6854$1,917,602 R
1385 Ive Warred TKO (#4384) 6933$1,904,262 R
1386 Ive Warred BSS (#4380) 6693$1,887,065 R
1396 Ive Warred Ares (#4799) 6999$1,781,045 R
1402 KeepTheHitsComing (#4832) 7729$1,716,073 T
1413 Ive Warred USIMP (#4561) 6324$1,555,048 R
1422 Tiny Tosser (#4833) 2933$1,471,669 C
1446 Pintsized Punter (#4834) 3425$1,279,530 F
1488 Halfsized Hangman (#4859) 2339$868,212 H
1508 Shortie Shanker (#4858) 2453$625,731 F
1522 Northwind (#4923) 4047$552,464 C
1566 iKILLu (#4854) 2569$306,131 T
1600 SNAKEnTHEgrass (#4855) 1529$228,487 T
1610 RestartYourCountries (#4857) 1573$207,343 T
1622 DropNW (#4856) 1480$183,047 T
1626 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5260) 1385$175,509 R
1662 Better dead than in Pan (#4391) 1423$113,545 M
1730 I heart KA even dead (#4390) 685$73,272 M
1739 Swords 4 Life (#4393) 693$69,718 M
1744 See you next set (#4392) 699$69,064 M
1766 Die by the Sword (#4395) 702$62,630 M
1809 Greenberg (#4529) 568$43,778 R
1909 Coors1 (#4015) 365$24,736 R
2033 Munky Luvin (#4499) 140$10,687 M
2044 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5261) 120$9710 I
2072 Shulman (#4530) 120$7891 M
2152 Flingin Munky Poo (#4500) 120$5617 M
2153 Spank the Munky (#4501) 120$5617 M
2154 Spam Lover (#4502) 120$5617 M
2155 Shafer (#4531) 120$5617 M
2727 Coors (#4016) 100$4717 M
2728 Coors2 (#4017) 100$4717 M
2729 Coors3 (#4018) 100$4717 M
2730 Coors4 (#4019) 100$4717 M
2731 Coors5 (#4020) 100$4717 M
2732 Coors6 (#4021) 100$4717 M
2733 Coors7 (#4022) 100$4717 M
2734 Coors8 (#4023) 100$4717 M
2735 Coors9 (#4024) 100$4717 M
2736 Coors10 (#4025) 100$4717 M
2737 Coors11 (#4026) 100$4717 M
2738 Coors13 (#4027) 100$4717 M
2739 Coors14 (#4028) 100$4717 M
2740 Coors15 (#4029) 100$4717 M
2741 Coors16 (#4030) 100$4717 M
2849 Bernheimer (#4532) 100$4717 M
2850 Sokoloff (#4533) 100$4717 M
2851 Goldfluss (#4534) 100$4717 M
2852 Scheer (#4535) 100$4717 M
2853 Wisotsky (#4536) 100$4717 M
2854 Adelsberg (#4537) 100$4717 M
2855 Bookson (#4538) 100$4717 M
2856 Weinstein (#4539) 100$4717 M
2857 Kronisch (#4540) 100$4717 M
2858 Buckvar (#4541) 100$4717 M
2859 Dankberg (#4542) 100$4717 M
2860 Lieberman (#4543) 100$4717 M
2861 Horowitz (#4544) 100$4717 M
2887 Getting head while killing (#4712) 100$4717 M
3060 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5262) 100$4717 M
3061 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5263) 100$4717 M
3062 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5264) 100$4717 M
3063 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5265) 100$4717 M
3064 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5266) 100$4717 M
3065 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5267) 100$4717 M
3066 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5268) 100$4717 M
3067 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5269) 100$4717 M
3068 n00b Juices the juice isloose (#5270) 100$4717 M
3069 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5271) 100$4717 M
3070 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5272) 100$4717 M
3071 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5273) 100$4717 M
3072 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5274) 100$4717 M
3073 n00b Juices the juice is loose (#5275) 100$4717 M

Ranked countries: 111 (Show all countries)

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