
Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 2:27:22

Wtf is this horse shyte?;num=18&reset=1033

I remember a time when that kind of crap got you killed.

I yearn for the days of old.

Catchy Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 2:51:16

Well there aren't many people to trade with, so I can't really blame them.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 2:54:59

Maybe dont pact everyone out and play the game the way it was designed... on conflict

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 3:00:55

You should be complaining at the people doing the trading between different tags. What LaF is doing is teamwork..... Intertag trading is lame.

If you're upset about the fact that conflict no longer exists on this server, look no further than ghost acres.

I agree with you about ghost acres, actually. But what LaF is doing here is the only kind of land trading that isn't totally lame.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 3:05:37

Land trading is lame

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 3:12:47

Agreed. But until the admins eliminate it, it will be used. To do it intratag, IMO, is more in keeping with the spirit of this server than to do it intertag.

happyweb Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 3:19:09

I agree trading between tags is worse than inter tag trading. No two tags should hit each other and it be okay and it not be war... Lame
either way both forms of trading aren't the way the game was designed.

I think ghost acres were designed to assist a retaller get his land back whilst minimising the effect for both parties.

Having said that with the numbers so low, its hard to play the game how it was intended.

It used to be that when you war, and lose. You rebuild and plan revenge for next set.

Now most wars aren't even, and people quit the game..

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 3:21:45

Ya. I said it before and ill say it again... that sht'll kill ya.

breeze Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 3:26:59

doesn't surprise me in the least bit

Hector Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 3:48:07

Is it looked down upon in FFA?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 17th 2016, 4:15:15

i think in ffa self farming and self landtrading is the norm

topfeeding is sort of accepted there and bottomfeeding tends to result in kills

Hector Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 4:17:30

Just wondering cause I see it a lot.

Vamps Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 4:22:37

Originally posted by Dissident:
Land trading is lame

You're a good man Dissi, but this is really what you should be taking issue with.

The last two sets that I've netted (not within 6 months, but within the last couple years) - One set I spent about 15 min a day on my country, trading with LaFers, MDers, Evoers, and whoever else would trade, and got a top 10. I was surprised at how easy it was. It felt oddly unsatisfying.

A few sets later, I tried again... I spent about 3-5 hours per day setting alerts, hitting untags/bots as soon as they exited DR, etc etc, did not trade a single hit, and got a top 10. I was much prouder of this finish...

...but would you like to take a guess at which country finished better in NW and rankings? Easily finished better?

A lot of factors have helped kill this game over the last few years, but organized landtrading was one of the biggest imo. I know of at least a few other ex-netters/earthers who would agree with me. If it's going to exist though, you can't fault what's left of the netting tags for taking advantage of it.

I've never bragged about my "skill" in this silly game and I'll be the first to say I don't think of myself as an elite player, but it's pretty telling that virtually every netter I learned the game from has despised the effect ghost acres has had on netting competition. I could list a few people have stopped netting or left the game because of it, and I'm sure my list would be small in comparison to others. It's nothing more than another mis-step in a series of many which has lead to the decline of this game.

+First game related post I've made on this board in longer than I can remember. I really need to retire one of these days.

++Once I run out of good bourbon.

Vic Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 4:26:23

Originally posted by Dissident:
Wtf is this horse shyte?;num=18&reset=1033

I remember a time when that kind of crap got you killed.

I yearn for the days of old.

what days you remembering? i remember the days when talk like that would mean laf would surely isolate you next set and set you to farm + kill.

Vamps Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 4:26:45

Btw, Hi ensh! I hope you're well. Say hi to eug, hash, neal, solid snake, downsay, hurri, and whatever's left of the gia division for me

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 4:52:25

Vic, the days Im remembering is when ICN nearly got killed off for having a retal team... that is, regifting the land back to the original owner via ICN to ICN hits. We were very careful to not abuse those trades to beef up our netters and that went a long way in maintaining our principles.

But ICN is dead now.

From those ashes you get a fair portion of the backbone in Elders. I guess if you want to hurl threats at me personally... you truly dont know what the Elders stand for or what we can do.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 4:54:38

But i guess maybe laf doesnt have that kind of clout anymore... since that was just in the olden days

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 4:55:30

none of those names are active Vamps.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Vamps Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 5:02:50

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
none of those names are active Vamps.

None of them, seriously?


The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 6:18:12

landtrading is super lame.

Taveren Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 6:46:49

Originally posted by Dissident:
Maybe dont pact everyone out and play the game the way it was designed... on conflict

This fluff again? Whether it's L:L retals, land trading, or EWPP, the reaction is the same - fluff and complain. Sit there and expect someone else to do something about it. Reminisce about "the good ol' days". I may be recalling incorrectly but in "the good ol' days" people didn't just fluff and complain and wait for someone else to do something. They fought and killed. Take a page out of your own book - build up an alliance and fight for change.

Originally posted by Vamps:
A lot of factors have helped kill this game over the last few years, but organized landtrading was one of the biggest imo.

Really? Land trading is what killed the game the most? It had nothing to do with a severely outdated game or a toxic political environment that resulted in grudge wars or the practice of farming the fluff out of new alliances? If Land trading killed the game, why didn't anyone actively fight it? SoF made some hokey policy a couple years ago meant to punish land trading but no one enforced it.

It astounds me that people will complain about the lack of punishment kill runs, wars, and lack of competition but refuse to compete for change.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 6:53:26

Taveren, have you been paying attention at all this set? The Elders have been part of two wars so far this set... so ya, we're taking a page from our own book.

Vic Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 6:57:14

Originally posted by Dissident:
But i guess maybe laf doesnt have that kind of clout anymore... since that was just in the olden days

there's no such thing as clout anymore. en4 is liked by all, and that's all that matters. when we want to net, we pact out, and we net. no hard feelings to others, it's all good!

Taveren Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 6:57:35

You call that slaughter of RR a war? In the old days I'm pretty sure they called that a drill.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 7:15:57

LOL that game is so, small now of days and want to start fluff over something as petty as this.

LOL who the hell cares any more. Just enjoy whats left of this game.

Link Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 8:49:10

Originally posted by The Cloaked:
landtrading is super lame.

I Am a meat popsicle.


Vamps Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 12:26:38

Tav - I said "one of." I certainly agree that stale politics also takes plenty of blame. I also think the stale politics argument plays into the "why didn't anyone fight it" debate.

Politics are the players doing though - land trading is a poor game function.

Outside of the strength of suiciding (the ability for one country to easily ruin many who have done nothing to it has always baffled me), I can't think of another *game* mechanic that is as disliked as trading. It killed a lot of competition and caused boredom, and when people get bored, they leave.

Just my 2 cents

Edit: To clarify, the game mechanic is ghost acres (I said land trading, but land trading is only possible because of the ghost acres)

Edited By: Vamps on Mar 17th 2016, 13:28:33
See Original Post

Untagged Hunter


Mar 17th 2016, 12:30:31

5-6 of my buddies left this game because of stupid "landtrading" crap. So fluff you landtraders

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 17th 2016, 18:22:12

hi vamps

btw on trading vs not trading

trading isnt even better than bot farming all the time

the set i got the highest nw in EE (apparently llaar got some sort of aided finish of about 600m and i think there were some 2b nw bug finishes from the tech stack overflow thing back in e2025) i did 1 set of 3 trades with a single country

and not doing it wouldnt have made much difference

and if i wanted to hurt landtrading its a lot easier to do something like increase cs losses, or tie high cs losses to a high % of land taken from you in one hit, than nerf ghosts

since remember ghosts have the effect of making people who get farmed lose a lot less than people farming them gain, particularly g2

but really the first thing that should be tried is more bots, they dont cost anything, force more people to do stuff to compete rather than allxing

and if you have enough it means new people can play truely untagged without being farmed because it wont be worthwhile farming them

plus trading could become weaker, or at least not the only choice

btw the set ss won, he beat me by 10m odd nw and he didnt trade at all

keep in mind at least a portion of why laf likes to do stuff we think is dumb is because it might get changed if we do it properly, and this set landtrading is nowhere close to being done properly btw

an example would be decay which we all started running then it got changed after a set had already started, really bad way to handle changes :(

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 19:43:45

yah, no. For netting, trading>not trading. Sure you can beat me without trading even if I trade but that doesn't change the premise.

personally I think we should actually just organize our internal land trading next set and really break the system. This quarter-a***d internal landtrading is barely noticeable.

myerr21 Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 22:47:51

PS - TreeMaker (#164) [LaF] -> DeathFromAbove (#35) [LaF] 10047A

I noticed it.

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 17th 2016, 23:44:42

People spent years complaining that the server was too confrontational and that laf's excessive landgrabbing of their members was driving people away from the game.

Now you are complaining that LaF isn't grabbing other tags enough? Pacting out too much?

Grass is always greener on the other side, I guess?

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Mar 18th 2016, 0:00:05
See Original Post

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 23:50:08

No Haxor... Im complaining that they are grabbing themselves for huge gains. And theres a difference.

On team server you cant do this, why can you on 1a?

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 0:31:48

Would you prefer LaF brings back WR farming, and players like myself, SS, etc come back and sit in the top 3 farming your target with you having no recourse to retal other than start a war, which LAF will use to tag kill and farm you into oblivion?

Just curious, because if that style of playing came back, so would I.

Hector Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 1:07:07

This kind of reminds me of the Steroid debate in Professional sports!

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 1:36:11

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Would you prefer LaF brings back WR farming, and players like myself, SS, etc come back and sit in the top 3 farming your target with you having no recourse to retal other than start a war, which LAF will use to tag kill and farm you into oblivion?

Just curious, because if that style of playing came back, so would I.

That sounds like fun :)

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 3:40:06

More bots and make them able to retal. Also whatever happened to that war-bot tag. I'm guessing that probably takes far more time than anybody has to give. I guess we should just be happy that there is even a game left at this point. All the other text based games are pretty much gone forever. Once these die out, there won't be anything left for me to do.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Hawkster Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 3:44:59

This is nothing new, I have complained about this several times on AT and always got pretty much same reply. That it wasnt anything new.

However I fully agree with Sam_Danger, intra is much better than inter. But really any form of land trading is just lame.



Mar 18th 2016, 5:07:51

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Would you prefer LaF brings back WR farming, and players like myself, SS, etc come back and sit in the top 3 farming your target with you having no recourse to retal other than start a war, which LAF will use to tag kill and farm you into oblivion?

Just curious, because if that style of playing came back, so would I.

But you would screw up destocking.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Mar 18th 2016, 5:10:35

LaF WR Farms - LaF is killing small Alliances!
LaF Pacts Out - LaF is driving new players out!
LaF Goes to War - LaF are bullies!
LaF Leaves Everyone Alone - LaF is abusing the game.

I bet if LaF went all explorer, you guys would still have something to complain about.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Mar 18th 2016, 5:17:19

Actually, I haven't even played a turn this set and people have complained about my country.

So it's actually true, you guys just hate LaF for no reason.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 5:50:37

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Would you prefer LaF brings back WR farming, and players like myself, SS, etc come back and sit in the top 3 farming your target with you having no recourse to retal other than start a war, which LAF will use to tag kill and farm you into oblivion?

Just curious, because if that style of playing came back, so would I.

that does sound like fun. I always was amazed by the fast-techer you guys played.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 7:02:36

i think it's funny how all these posts are acting like Laf is a victim of hatred and butthurt or something. omg, get a grip of yourselves.

Land trading has become one of those acceptable things that I still think is bogus, but the netting clans do it, so whatever. But intra-clan landtrading is equivalent to making out with your cousin in a small closet and getting to third base.

Now to quote:
"LaF WR Farms - LaF is killing small Alliances!
LaF Pacts Out - LaF is driving new players out!
LaF Goes to War - LaF are bullies!
LaF Leaves Everyone Alone - LaF is abusing the game."

So, Laf doesn't "grab" anymore... they just farm? There's an inbetween from grabbing to farming you know...

My main point was, and i think you can all agree, there was a time in this game when that kind of shyte would have gotten your clan killed. right? yaa....

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 7:10:51

maybe 3 or 5 years ago I'm pretty sure even laf's pacts had a clause that caused death for inter-tag landtrading. lets be frank though, the gameplay itself is kinda lame regardless. Internal landtrading just allows LaF to take the top netting spots with even less effort. Truth is most traders are already in laf. If we exclusively internally trade it starves everyone else out of landtrading and allows our own guys more targets. For us, that's win-win.

if you don't like it, then fight us over it. We're easy to find. We're all conveniently found in a tag called 'LaF.'


New Member

Mar 18th 2016, 13:09:54

Originally posted by Dissident:
Land trading is lame

Inter or Intra. Both are lame.



Mar 19th 2016, 1:46:25

LaF didn't start land trading, so why is LaF being targeted for it?

"WR Farm" is just a term. Not an actual farm.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Vic Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 4:44:47

Dissident, a time that wr grabbing would have gotten laf killed?? Uh what lifetime was that?

Vic Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 4:45:26

Laf used to grab A LOT more aggressively in 2025. Fact. Life. Heyo

Dissident Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 5:58:43

Originally posted by Vic:
Dissident, a time that wr grabbing would have gotten laf killed?? Uh what lifetime was that?

no, Vic... that self grabbing would have got you killed.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 6:00:33

2016-03-19 00:30 TreeMaker (#164) [LaF] DeathFromAbove (#35) [LaF] SS 8,477A (+3,628A)
2016-03-18 18:57 DeathFromAbove (#35) [LaF] TreeMaker (#164) [LaF] PS 8,096A (+3,848A)
2016-03-17 22:56 DeathFromAbove (#35) [LaF] TreeMaker (#164) [LaF] PS 10,752A (+4,591A)
2016-03-17 22:40 TreeMaker (#164) [LaF] DeathFromAbove (#35) [LaF] PS 10,047A (+4,294A)
2016-03-17 03:03 DeathFromAbove (#35) [LaF] TreeMaker (#164) [LaF] PS 10,240A (+565A)
2016-03-17 02:31 TreeMaker (#164) [LaF] DeathFromAbove (#35) [LaF] PS 9,665A (+4,125A)

This... would have gotten you killed.