


Mar 19th 2016, 11:28:22

So what are you trying to say?

Don't like what an Alliance does? Get your Alliance FR on the phone and contact their FR.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Marshal Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 12:10:20

Originally posted by Vic:
Laf used to grab A LOT more aggressively in 2025. Fact. Life. Heyo

yep, that's how i once ended up warring against them with sol.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Vic Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 12:55:12

Originally posted by Dissident:
Originally posted by Vic:
Dissident, a time that wr grabbing would have gotten laf killed?? Uh what lifetime was that?

no, Vic... that self grabbing would have got you killed.

Dissident, when laf discovers oil destock before anyone and has these two back to back sets ...

(And winner of the following set as well)

it = a huge stfu to anyone else in the game, laf has nothing more to prove. Greatest of all time, not even close competition.

And I mean it when I say the only legit competition left in this game is internal laf netting competition... So please man, walk away and don't bring laf up again. When you dominate so hard for so long, create all strats that others now try to use, have political dominance on the server and general likeability of leadership... You can internal trade. Lol.

Laf is one of the only reasons this game still exists. Get with the program, walk away from this thread. Really no more to say about this.

Vic Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 12:58:21

actually I'll say one last thing ... Those counties internally trading had 1st 2nd and 3rd place locked down by over 35million a piece ... So don't concern yourself with what they are doing. They were going to win anyway. Laf doesn't take the easy route to take top spots... That would be something the rest of the sever is guilty of. Look inside at laf boxcar and see how hardcore we all are with internal competition. We may even accept your app you sent in last week, Dissident :p

Untagged Hunter


Mar 19th 2016, 14:04:59

Intra-trading? Wow laf, go fluff yourself you bunch of worthless fluffs

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 19th 2016, 14:22:24

rd did it years ago, maybe 10, without getting killed, i think they were the first

randus711 Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 14:33:42


Dissident Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 15:07:43

Ya... RD was a different beast.

Also, to be clear, I didnt apply to Laf little doggy.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 19th 2016, 16:15:19

seawolves come to mind as well for internal tading, might be wrong on who but someone else was doing it around that time

as well as tga and koh and maybe han even

that sort of kept to themselves self farming with multiesmore so than trading though

Vamps Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 18:06:38

Originally posted by Vic:

it = a huge stfu to anyone else in the game, laf has nothing more to prove. Greatest of all time, not even close competition.

Pretty bold statement... I wonder if you'd have more competition if netting wasn't just glorified circle jerking.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 18:32:08

It seems that dissident has an issue with Tags using any sort of creative means to achieve victories. It is very narrow-minded to think or believe that there is only one method that should be used to accomplish tasks. We're so sorry that all those lazy all x explore countries are not winning top tens anymore. The game is competetive to the point that people who are willing to put in more time and effort are the one's who stand the best chance at finishing with higher networths. The game isn't filled with as many players as it used to have, so people are forced to adapt to the environment. Those who are not willing to adapt or change become frustrated that things can't stay the same forever. Get used to it.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 18:45:45

Syko... its clear that you dont know me. I dont net... i war.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 19:38:57

Originally posted by Dissident:
Syko... its clear that you don't know me. I don't net... i war.
So your war-mongering! Trying to find any illegitimate reason to find someone at fault so you can feel justified to war them. That is hypocrisy. That is one of the main reasons why this game is dying out among people who don't mind text based games. I don't know you personally but i'm sure you have a pretty common personality and character just like most other human beings.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Vamps Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 19:44:05

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
The game used to be competitive to the point that people who were willing to put in more time and effort were the one's who stand the best chance at finishing with higher networths. Then land trading happened.

There you go, fixed it for you.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 19:49:24

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
The game used to be competitive to the point that people who were willing to put in more time and effort were the one's who stand the best chance at finishing with higher networths. Then land trading happened.

There you go, fixed it for you.

I actually disagree with that statement. When I used to net, it was easy, fast, worry free, casual, and whatever. If you wanted to do it well, it took more work... but it was more about timing than anything. It's still pretty easy if you got the right group of people to help you get to the top...

It's still a helluva a lot easier than being a warmonger. Warring takes a lot more energy than netting... that is, if you want to do it well.

Youre right syko... im always looking for a reason to war. but Laf and Elders have a pact this set.

Edited By: Dissident on Mar 19th 2016, 19:51:39

En4cer Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 22:20:50

BTW if you look at the top countries the Land Trading is only part of the Strategy. Also Vic's statement is a bit off there about the locked in 1 2 3... there is a SoF country in there that is actually competing all the way with us. Also its not just LaF that has internally traded this set and we weren't the first to do it. All our guys were still open to trading outside LaF and did do where the partners were available.

What i don't get is where people think we gain more by trading internally or get some kind of extra bonus out of it ? Its the exact same process where we have to find someone who matches up with us and will be free at the time we are also free to trade... Instead of limiting ourselves to the 10 people outside of LaF doing it and giving them the whole server bar 1 or 2 in their own alliance we have leveled the field for LaF and its members to have a more effective go of things. We lost members over the last few sets because they couldn't get partners to trade with and are sick of all x and other things.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 22:47:29

you don't need to spend turns on spying opponent so that's atleast 2 turns per target saved.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Suicidal Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 22:53:24

Make war, not NW

En4cer Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 23:23:09

there is no spying when u trade mate

Vic Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 1:12:47

all i know is i've never land traded and i'm a still a boss and all the laf guys know if i desired to land trade, which i've never done, it would become a question of who was going for 2nd and 3rd place ... but I'll take 1st non land trader and actually be able to sleep at night :p

Vic Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 1:14:43

also en4 is being politically correct and the typical gentleman he is. sof country was never in this mathematically. that's fact. it is, and was long before the internal trades, 1 2 and 3 for those top land laf countries unless one of them botches. i know because I have the numbers on stock for the sof country k thx. also sof player is nice guy nut doesn't have the same talentz lar

Marshal Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 1:41:08

Originally posted by En4cer:
there is no spying when u trade mate

1. doubt you traders run countries with 0 or skeleton defense

2. if attacker trusts military info trading pardner tells then he/she is either idiot or friend with trading pardner

when i landtraded i saw traders with def allies and far from 0/skeleton defense and of course some had weapons tech, like sending 1m jets per attack gets costy quite quickly especially now since players need to stock oil too.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 1:57:29

why would you only send 1m? my last trade was 11m units for ghost acres -_-
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 1:59:17

Originally posted by Marshal:

2. if attacker trusts military info trading pardner tells then he/she is either idiot or friend with trading pardner

When it comes to Land trading, in order to gain max ghost acres you will be oversending in your attacks by far more than you would ever need. But it's worth the excessive losses in the long run for the added acreage. If somebody gives you bad info than it's going to make it difficult for anyone else to want to trade with them if they are that bad of a trading partner. It's extremely difficult to botch your trades to the effect of a DH. But just ask DH he did it with an internal Trading partner and they didn't get mad and go to war with each other either, probably because we are in the same tag. When trading with outside clans, partners are more likely to have major disagreements when one partner gets a couple hundred acres more than their partner. Anyways I don't know what the trouble is over trading, it's a means of bartering. People have traded with one another in RL for thousands of years. It's a completely natural thing to do. Trading for mutual benefit never hurt anyone except the people who have nothing to offer.

Do as I say, not as I do.

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 3:08:29

yah, what they said. you need to send a buttload to maximize ghost acres. it's part of nerfing landtrading. at this point in the set if the big guys landtrade they're sending 15m+ units on a PS.

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 3:15:42

yep I just sent 12.1m at you cloaked and your acres were delicious!
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 20th 2016, 4:14:01

Originally posted by Marshal:
you don't need to spend turns on spying opponent so that's atleast 2 turns per target saved.

well our tag news would disagree on how many turns were wasted in laf on laf spying :P

but you shouldnt spy if both people communicate properly

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 20th 2016, 4:16:47

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by En4cer:
there is no spying when u trade mate

1. doubt you traders run countries with 0 or skeleton defense

2. if attacker trusts military info trading pardner tells then he/she is either idiot or friend with trading pardner

when i landtraded i saw traders with def allies and far from 0/skeleton defense and of course some had weapons tech, like sending 1m jets per attack gets costy quite quickly especially now since players need to stock oil too.

because of the ghost formulas its very unlikely that a trading country will ever have more d than you need to send for jets

it happens a bit at the start but not very often

its more like 10 or 20m jets at this point, even 30m

and weapons tech is irrelevant given the asymmetry

Dissident Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 4:22:12

ya, if you cant even trade with yourselves and not communicate, that's messed up.

Not to mention that whole incestual thing you got going on...

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 5:38:02

Originally posted by Dissident:
ya, if you cant even trade with yourselves and not communicate, that's messed up.

Not to mention that whole incestual thing you got going on...

Well, if you all believe in the bible and the story of adam and eve. Than they were the first two humans and everyone here on the planet is related and derived from adam and eve. So the question is do you believe the bible in it's entirety dissident?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Link Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 5:47:44

Good god I hate netting lol

I Am a meat popsicle.


Dissident Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 6:14:27

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by Dissident:
ya, if you cant even trade with yourselves and not communicate, that's messed up.

Not to mention that whole incestual thing you got going on...

Well, if you all believe in the bible and the story of adam and eve. Than they were the first two humans and everyone here on the planet is related and derived from adam and eve. So the question is do you believe the bible in it's entirety dissident?

No, i do not believe the stories of the Bible. I believe that the Bible is a book... and that it exists... that's far as I'm comfortable going with certainty.

Don't forget about the incest after the flood too. Noah and his wife... plus all those animals musta gone through some serious incest. So ya... you should recruit them all to Laf

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 20th 2016, 7:03:16

dont people think there was about 7 women everyone was descended from anyway

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 7:27:34

Well at LaF, we get all the womanz and all the landz !
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP



Mar 20th 2016, 7:31:49

Originally posted by Vic:

Dissident, when laf discovers oil destock before anyone and has these two back to back sets ...


incorrect, the reset before that, someone in MD did, but didn't perfect it.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Mar 20th 2016, 7:38:29

Originally posted by Marshal:
you don't need to spend turns on spying opponent so that's atleast 2 turns per target saved.

That shows how little you know about the current land trading environment,

there are people who still op every attack, those aren't the ones jousting for top 10 positions
there are people who just over sends to make sure it breaks, those are the ones that will finish T15 or so
then there are the crazy people who actually talk to each other and know how much each other have, those will make up your usual T10s

but to truly make it T5 and fight for that win?
it takes a lot more skills and determination than what people think is easy mode.

All explorer, play once a day, can get you 150m, no problem.
You start trading and grabbing, 200m isn't that much of an issue.
to break 250m, you would need dedication, organization, time matching and min-maxing fluff

now, think of how hard is it to break 300m.

then 400m.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Mar 20th 2016, 7:39:45

Originally posted by Vic:
all i know is i've never land traded and i'm a still a boss and all the laf guys know if i desired to land trade, which i've never done, it would become a question of who was going for 2nd and 3rd place ... but I'll take 1st non land trader and actually be able to sleep at night :p

sure, i'd like to see you go ahead and dominate the land traders, but you can only play one country.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Mar 20th 2016, 7:44:15

And to finish this off,

you guys think LaF is internal trading now? We are just opening up targets for trading.

This is not LaF internal trading, yet. If we actually cared about screwing everyone over, we would organize this, plan hits and times for 10 or so crazy people that wants to do it, and min-max, rotation, everything.

We wouldn't even sweat at having all top 10 countries all over 400m.

That, would be LaF abusing mechanics and screwing everyone over.

Plus, I'm running a 0 turn country to handicap it for you guys this set, me and top 3 LaF combined should average to 300m net.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Link Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 9:32:18

Netting sucks so much LOL

I Am a meat popsicle.


Vic Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 12:05:03

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by Vic:

Dissident, when laf discovers oil destock before anyone and has these two back to back sets ...


incorrect, the reset before that, someone in MD did, but didn't perfect it.

Err nice try. The first set oil changes came out laf discovered it, had a memo out about it, and planned to act fully on it the following set (ensh ... And even xin from retirement in IRC made the call on how to properly oil destock that set). The one MD player you are referring to tried it that SAME set it came out and he didn't even come close to the laf scores. Laf (ensh) had numbers perfected by then even though they weren't going to do it until the following set -so it was definitely laf that discovered it.

So incorrect. the first full oil destock set laf figured out perfect ratio, half of laf did it, laf won, and one nice MDer (hoops) tried it and got a t10 but no win and it wasn't optimized.
Facts. But hey, you've had a roller coaster few months on AT anyway.

Edited By: Vic on Mar 20th 2016, 12:17:08

Vic Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 12:12:11

Again if you are referring to the set LaF also won and hoop didn't even finish top 20... laf had discovered it by then, I have the msg from ensh about it before that previous set ended and hoops even dropped land.

Laf discovered oil destock. Ensh (and again, even xin in irc) had math detailed out long before hoops dropped land and didn't have nearly enough oil that seT

Edited By: Vic on Mar 20th 2016, 12:19:04

Marshal Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 12:16:35

yes i know that getting max ghosties needs to send big oversend.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Mar 20th 2016, 12:22:31

Fact :

1 En4cer Shooting Christmas Cheer (#99) Game profile 60,183 $345,464,430 HG LaF

Land : 60183

Fact : Dropping land is the current 'proper way to oil destock'

fact : hoop did it first, he just never did it well, which brings to my entire points above, LaF may not invent things, but we sure as hell perfect them.

Just because I don't have 'records' or 'top 10s' to show for fluff, doesn't mean I don't know fluff. I just never bothered with it.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

TipDaVampire Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 13:29:44

Good place to get bonus points...

Vic Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 13:33:34

huh? you are struggle city.
and it has nothing to do with your finishes.

but for the facts.

laf discovered it. memos were sent to certain players. hoops then tried a version of it before laf implemented. but very simply, laf had identified it by then, ensue had crunched numbers on it, xin had acknowledged it in IRC ... ALL BEFORE HOOPS TRIED HIS OIL DESTOCK.

you seem to be stuck. hoops trying some drop land botched oil version before laf actually tried it does not MEAN HE DISCOVERED IT. he didn't. laf certainly had discovered it and at least two laf leaders were in IRC with me and they made a point to explain how and why hoops botched it the set he tried it.

laf discovered it at the beginning of that set and implemented it in the following set. sometime during the set that laf discovered it, and didn't act on it, Hoops tried out a failed version. But LaF surely discovered it, had all the math down, and implemented it the next set. facts.

Vic Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 13:36:23

oh also ... just because you are too easy.

you said
Originally posted by Forgotten:

Fact : Dropping land is the current 'proper way to oil destock'

that is totally incorrect. it isn't a fact. when we start talking about the "proper" way to oil destock, we are talking about proper oil:stock ratios. so once more. laf knew about it. laf even had proper math then. laf watched hoops botch. then the next set laf confirmed all of this by owning hoops once more.

and for what it's worth, i think hoops is one of the best guys in this game. great guy.



Mar 20th 2016, 13:41:46

You are both wrong. Shut up and go back to your playpens.

Vic Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 13:45:27

ok fine, hoops is one of the top 250 best guys in this game

Vamps Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 15:55:57

Vic's ego has always been impressive considering the only thing he's ever done well in this game was run

Dissident Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 17:04:45

Hes also good at stroking his friends off while they dutch rudder him back.