


Feb 3rd 2021, 15:39:55

First I would like to say, I am against cheating and have never knowingly cheated / broken the rules.

A few questions and I think the playerbase deserve an official response.

1. Why is this here, if its suddenly against the rules?

2. Why was there no announcement or warnings to affected players? You deleted players countries, playing on their main accounts, 1 day before the end of the FFA reset. What was the logic for this?

3. Were any of the deleted players running "multis" on a game server?


SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 3rd 2021, 16:30:07

Your first line is flawed.

/me opens envelope

You sir, are a cheater!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

myerr21 Game profile


Feb 3rd 2021, 18:58:04

Youre for sure lying. Im prettty sure everyone has knowingly cheated at this game lol. Hell, me and Link got Purpled like 2 months ago in express for teaming lol. I even used to run multies back in like 03.

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

Xninja Game profile


Feb 3rd 2021, 21:23:59

Originally posted by Chevs:
First I would like to say, I am against cheating and have never knowingly cheated / broken the rules.

A few questions and I think the playerbase deserve an official response.

1. Why is this here, if its suddenly against the rules?

2. Why was there no announcement or warnings to affected players? You deleted players countries, playing on their main accounts, 1 day before the end of the FFA reset. What was the logic for this?

3. Were any of the deleted players running "multis" on a game server?



Pretty sure forum handles and game accounts are two separate things.

Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

daspheebsie Game profile


Feb 3rd 2021, 21:36:36

Originally posted by myerr21:
Youre for sure lying. Im prettty sure everyone has knowingly cheated at this game lol. Hell, me and Link got Purpled like 2 months ago in express for teaming lol. I even used to run multies back in like 03.

Nope I am pretty fluffin' innocent. Thanks for including me in with the rest of the cool kids though.
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo



Feb 3rd 2021, 21:59:03

Originally posted by myerr21:
Youre for sure lying. Im prettty sure everyone has knowingly cheated at this game lol. Hell, me and Link got Purpled like 2 months ago in express for teaming lol. I even used to run multies back in like 03.

So if everyone has cheated in the past, why wasn't everyone deleted? Seems like a very targeted witch hunt

As far as I can tell, someone had their Main account country in Primary and FFA deleted, for what appears to beusing a 2nd account in team server, last set.

seems like an insane precident to set, when they didn't break any rules for the current set on the specified servers
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 3rd 2021, 22:20:18

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by myerr21:
Youre for sure lying. Im prettty sure everyone has knowingly cheated at this game lol. Hell, me and Link got Purpled like 2 months ago in express for teaming lol. I even used to run multies back in like 03.

So if everyone has cheated in the past, why wasn't everyone deleted? Seems like a very targeted witch hunt

As far as I can tell, someone had their Main account country in Primary and FFA deleted, for what appears to beusing a 2nd account in team server, last set.

seems like an insane precident to set, when they didn't break any rules for the current set on the specified servers

Yeah. I actually sort of agree that deleting totally legit FFA countries over a multiple acct on a different server is probably more extreme than usual and sets a totally new precedent. I actually think if the people deleted in that manner (hawk and zen on FFA at least) kind of apologized for doing it, and agreed never to do it again, they could probably get some legit countries reinstated to finish the round. Like any appeal of a forum ban or country ban. You can usually show remorse and a want for it never to happen again and the mods usually will empathize. I would wager there is an opportunity for both of them to be reinstated today if they just said they didnt know they were breaking rules and wont ever do it again. I dont think saying all the ways they were wronged and expressing that they don't believe it was fair and mods are cheating etc I don't think anything will change if it's a complaint on the mods and I kind of say that from a place of experience lol.

From my perspective, it looked like a whole tag of people slightly bending the multi acct rules in a variety of ways to achieve some type of advantage or even credibility. I think when the mods and devs see a whole clan of people systemically bending the rules, it feels like they have to push back very hard against it. If it was 1 player, or even 5 players that are not working together, I think it honestly doesnt get as severe a punishment.

But I do think the mods should hear out appeals on a couple guys and if they agree not to do this again let them finish net sets on FFA where they weren't engaging in lunacy. I mean. Unless they were engaged in lunacy there. I dont really know what hawk was up to because I wasnt tracking him because I dont track people, but I know zen was netting on his primary account there always and maybe could appeal now that he is made aware of the rule and how it will be enforced, should he follow the proper channels to appeal and agree to play on 1 acct.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 3rd 2021, 22:27:09
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 3rd 2021, 22:38:10

I hope they do let y'all finish your FFA sets or play again legit on any server and I know it's probably not my place because I am no part of a good old boys club and run to the tune of my own intuition only, but I do think dusting off a couple legit FFA strings 3 days before the set ends is a lil extreme.

I think the message is well received and most if not all of them will stop doing it. I think you could and should consider reinstating a couple legit countries in an appeal as a mod...especially if it seems the player seems willing to abide by the rules now.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 3rd 2021, 22:40:14
See Original Post

Link Game profile


Feb 3rd 2021, 22:51:10

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by myerr21:
Youre for sure lying. Im prettty sure everyone has knowingly cheated at this game lol. Hell, me and Link got Purpled like 2 months ago in express for teaming lol. I even used to run multies back in like 03.

So if everyone has cheated in the past, why wasn't everyone deleted? Seems like a very targeted witch hunt

As far as I can tell, someone had their Main account country in Primary and FFA deleted, for what appears to beusing a 2nd account in team server, last set.

seems like an insane precident to set, when they didn't break any rules for the current set on the specified servers

We were deleted instantly

I Am a meat popsicle.


enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 3:42:31


the real reason for that page existing is because forum accounts used to be separate to game accounts

and you could have multiple forum accounts

but now you are supposed to have 1 forum and 1 game account combined with all the additional names claimed


its been the rule since the start of ee i think, ive been talking about it for years

the only 'good' reason to do it is because of the broken leaderboard problems, and even then only if you are getting suicided from leaderboard tracking but with how easy it is to work out who is who even that is pretty useless

it probably has more application for war but i still dont like it because if it is useful then its yet one more dumb thing everyone should be doing to compete properly

most of the use is by people wanting to show a fake/clean profile, or be untracked suiciders, or run multies, or avoidance of the most recent change with restart tracking

deleting is of course sensible as both disincentive to do it in the future and taking away any possible benefit gained

Players are only allowed to have one (1) game account.
One account provides full access to the game and creating multiple accounts is not permitted. In addition, players may not login to another player's account for any reason. Players violating these rules may suffer country deletions and account closures.

the only reason not to delete both accounts as well is because then you essentially gift whoever wants a new identity with what they wanted, if there was someway to keep the bad history while wiping out some of the achievements im sure that would be considered

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 3:54:09

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Yeah. I actually sort of agree that deleting totally legit FFA countries over a multiple acct on a different server is probably more extreme than usual and sets a totally new precedent.

if the goal of using 2 accounts is to achieve a benefit then why should whoever does that be allowed to keep whatever benefit is achieved

even if the benefit is something like not being known as a suicider

as much as i hate cross server issues usually it involves someone being suicided because of what they did on another server, when instead its a suicider trying to avoid responsibility for their actions on another server even if its more so to maintain a good reputation than to avoid being suicided themselves it doesnt feel the same

Buch Game profile


Feb 4th 2021, 4:29:25

I only cheat

myerr21 Game profile


Feb 4th 2021, 5:55:18

Originally posted by Buch:
I only cheat

Ive seen it, during every KR he hacks into the mainframe first.

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Feb 4th 2021, 15:41:42

Originally posted by Buch:
I only cheat

Correct. This Buch isn't even Buch.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 15:55:14

enshula - thats BS and you know it. Makes no sense. The picking and choosing of what benefits you can gain vs what you can't gain.

The simple fact is. It is against the rules to have two accounts. Not because you gain anything but because its to prevent you from playing multiple countries. That is why you can delete your account every set and create a new one and not get deleted.

Don't worry though. I have the solution:

Let's just NOT allow any new accounts period. That would help the game! That way the frat party can stay at the top with their imposed rules on the server and nobody new can ever join the game. That gives everyone what they want! You're welcome

myerr21 Game profile


Feb 4th 2021, 16:47:02

Originally posted by ZEN:
enshula - thats BS and you know it. Makes no sense. The picking and choosing of what benefits you can gain vs what you can't gain.

The simple fact is. It is against the rules to have two accounts. Not because you gain anything but because its to prevent you from playing multiple countries. That is why you can delete your account every set and create a new one and not get deleted.

Don't worry though. I have the solution:

Let's just NOT allow any new accounts period. That would help the game! That way the frat party can stay at the top with their imposed rules on the server and nobody new can ever join the game. That gives everyone what they want! You're welcome

Just convince pewdiepie to play earth, then we will be able to farm 9 year olds all day like it was 2005

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok



Feb 4th 2021, 16:51:22

Originally posted by myerr21:
Originally posted by ZEN:
enshula - thats BS and you know it. Makes no sense. The picking and choosing of what benefits you can gain vs what you can't gain.

The simple fact is. It is against the rules to have two accounts. Not because you gain anything but because its to prevent you from playing multiple countries. That is why you can delete your account every set and create a new one and not get deleted.

Don't worry though. I have the solution:

Let's just NOT allow any new accounts period. That would help the game! That way the frat party can stay at the top with their imposed rules on the server and nobody new can ever join the game. That gives everyone what they want! You're welcome

Just convince pewdiepie to play earth, then we will be able to farm 9 year olds all day like it was 2005

Once they figure out the game they will get banned and called cheaters.

if pangs alliance isn't winning they'd rather see the game die
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 17:15:40

Man whatever happened to people being actually good enough to stick their foot in LaFs ass proper. THEYRE NETTING. You can actually tag kill them with like 12 good warbuilds and a blindside. Anytime. Anyone can do that.

Right now the bomb has what...5 members? So you were like 7 members away from being able to pound them for a set?

But because the good old boys club can stop a 5 member tag you need to hide and suicide? /me gags

No. You need to actually get the 12 members together to actually tag kill them if you're mad at them. And if you cant find 7 other people here who want to kill LaF, you either arent looking or you are actually a bigger douche than LaF itself. It was EASY to find 30 people to whack them a few years ago. I cant imagine it is much different now.

I stuck my foot up that ass for a year. Won some lost some. You had an opportunity to do the same, but wasted it on fake accts and suciding. I did it on my main profile, on my main nick. And peace was found thru negotiations to end a long hard faught war.

No one ever tried to get me deleted or anything because they knew they were fighting a totally legit player and had to win against us on ingame merits.

I could say the same thing about you guys that you say about LaF. It's a good old boys club of crybabies trying to cry to get their way instead of actually beating them on ingame merits.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 4th 2021, 17:26:31
See Original Post



Feb 4th 2021, 17:26:50

Cool story Derrick
Dev encouraging it

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 17:29:39

you were there hawk

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 17:37:49

Originally posted by ironxxx:
you were there hawk
in a great twist of irony, I think at least 2 if not 3 of them were members of LaF during that campaign or shortly after. I even remember requiem trashing me because I was mean to his baby boy LaF.

Hawk is one guy that I believe actually brasses up and would try to beat LaF on merits, although I've heard thru the grapevine that he was also a member of LaF after the war.

Did even chevs join for a set or nah? Are these just ex members dissenting or what?

Zorps land grabbing bot was even around then. Laf was working on theirs. And LaF JUST NOW became bad guys? Like just today? Or was all the bad fluff LaF does totally fine when it benefits you? Didnt req even help build the grabbing tool? Lol. It was all fine and dandy when you guys were members.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 4th 2021, 17:44:00
See Original Post

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 17:42:42

Derrick, that is an interesting take.

I would like to point out, your political views differ in game then in real life. Picked on? Do something about it. Poor? Do something about it. Little opportunity? Do something about it.

It all takes work. Some people don't have the desire to do more than what they are doing. Plus this is a game. We are busy doing something about it in real life.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 17:48:48

Yeah everyone knows I'm a hardline liberal because I thought trump was a fluffty president. Even tho he is the only Republican presidential candidate I've ever voted democrat against. I did so because he was a terrible president, not because I'm a Democrat.

Do I think a poor minority community needs just 7 more members to take down systemic racism and the wage gap? No. It doesnt work like that.

Fortunately in this game it does.

If life did work like that tho, I'd advocate for the approach.

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 17:49:01

i meant hawk was 1 of the 12 if this wasn't clear cause i'm not sure it was

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 18:11:13

Derrick, it really has nothing to do with Trump or your opinions on him. Or mine as a matter of fact.

"Do I think a poor minority community needs just 7 more members to take down systemic racism and the wage gap? No. It doesnt work like that."

Let's not be literal here. I said it takes work. Not complaining about it, but working to do something about it. Life is work. Life has adversity. Very few people can succeed without putting in the work. I have zero issues with equality in any aspect, but the over correcting is going to get us in trouble.



Feb 4th 2021, 18:12:50

Originally posted by ZEN:
Derrick, that is an interesting take.

I would like to point out, your political views differ in game then in real life.

haha so true i never thought about it this way...

IRL hes complaining about the rotten patriarchy the game however he BADLY WANTS and THIRSTS to be part of the corrupt, rotten establishment patriarchy/boys club.

basically become everything he hates IRL. the irony is actually hilarious. thanks for pointing it out.

There is SO MUCH HONOUR in being allied to the establishment, self declared mafia, that run this game (Pangs alliance). Good for you buddy!

I hope they treat you well for the 2 hours every night being their spy/demo fluff. What do you get out of the deal? an arranged war with dying SoF? and 32 Lovetaps in FFA every set? neat. Sounds really fulfilling. You got a good deal going there man you'd be crazy to change anything
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 18:46:15

You wanna know what I get out of the deal for the one of you I demo'd? Oh yeah. Its killing the people who kept talking fluff about me the entire 6 months I was gone from the game.

Again, I didn't choose to be your enemies, the bomb wasnt even around the last set I played lol. You had some beef with rasp or something with evo in my last set and I feel like a couple sympathizers detagged and killed you. I was not one of the sympathizers tho and I think I maybe even went inactive before that set ended. I always thought marshal was an idiot and everyone here knows that. Turns out hes a creep too. Kind of sad I missed witnessing his exit.

6 months later I come back to the game and within 2 days theres a bomb video with a pile of attacks on me in it. So I was like oh ok I guess I have to kill these guys now. Lol. I didnt even really get an update on the history I was like oh these guys want me to kill them ok.

If you wanted something else from me you sure had a funny way of showing it. I'm really not overthinking it here. You were like PLZ KILL ME DERRICK and I was like oh ok sounds good.

The bomb called me out personally, and cross server attacked ME PERSONALLY on fake accts while purposefully avoiding players of the bomb who played with me. Did you want me to like cheer you on during that?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 4th 2021, 19:00:17
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 18:49:03

Tinfoil time, Chevs is here.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 19:02:39

Yeah, I guess I had the wrong reaction. I should have been like "it's awesome to be welcomed back to the game with my name plastered over an image of a baby crying and people cross server suiciding me on fake accts over nothing I ever did here. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!"



Feb 4th 2021, 20:41:35

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah, I guess I had the wrong reaction. I should have been like "it's awesome to be welcomed back to the game with my name plastered over an image of a baby crying and people cross server suiciding me on fake accts over nothing I ever did here. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!"

people say mean things to me on the internet all the time. I don't abandon my principles because of it.
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 21:49:54

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah, I guess I had the wrong reaction. I should have been like "it's awesome to be welcomed back to the game with my name plastered over an image of a baby crying and people cross server suiciding me on fake accts over nothing I ever did here. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!"

people say mean things to me on the internet all the time. I don't abandon my principles because of it.
What are my principles again? If it is to not fight back when people are targeting me personally in a game I guess I got some week ass principles lol

I really dont mind warring and you guys more than asked me to war you. Like on a personal level you came after me both with suicides and cross server attacks. People say mean fluff to me all the time and I'm not out here targeting them unless they hit me. What should have been my reaction?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 4th 2021, 21:52:02
See Original Post

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 22:33:15

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Awwwwwww <3

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 22:43:02

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Awwwwwww <3

Ha...this guy gets it. Nothing but love for y'all really. Idk why you choose to target me personally and cross server suicide me with fake accts. I dont have any beef with yall as individuals. I'm just here for the fish ya know. *shrugs*

If you wanna cross server me on FFA, I'll kick it back to the right server and play ball. And if you want to choose LaF as my ally I guess I'll play ball with them because you made us both enemies. As long as you want me as an enemy I'll continue to play the game the way you wanna play with me. Idk. If you wanna play some other way with me I'm down. I don't hold grudges. *shrugs*

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 4th 2021, 22:47:23
See Original Post

archaic Game profile


Feb 4th 2021, 23:37:18

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Ha...this guy gets it. Nothing but love for y'all really. Idk why you choose to target me personally and cross server suicide me with fake accts.

Because chevs is a fluffstain that got left in a hot car a few too many times as a baby? I mean, seriously - does anybody think this place has gotten better since he came back? Back in the day he was at least relevant cancer, now that he is irrelevant he's just loud cancer.

I never liked you because of some ingame stuff, but you yourself seem like a perfectly fine person who posts a lot of TL,DR biopic text walls.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 23:50:29

archaic bringing it LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 0:12:16

Haha. Although I will contest that it's a biopic as it's usually only about half accurate by design, I totally deserve some hate for tags I've played in and ingame actions I make. That's typically a good reason to come for me, and if you did attack my country I figure I'd know exactly why and it wouldn't be personal itd be about the game.

The bomb went for targeting Derrick the person rather than Derrick the player in a tag and it was never about anything I did ingame, it was about suiciding me on every server for who I am as a person... Not that it really bothers me, I'll war anyone. But there shouldn't be much confusion as to why I'm killing them.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 0:29:17

Keep boot licking LaF while Gerdler gaslights you. One day you’ll come around buddy!
- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 0:33:09

You mean gerdler the guy who killed them on FFA when they cross server suicided me? Yeah I'm totally getting gaslit.

Gerdy has high key killed way more of you guys cross server suiciding me on fake accts on FFA than I have for him here and it isnt even close.

He's like the other dude getting personally targeted everywhere by these fake accts so we have every reason to stick together on it.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 5th 2021, 0:52:38
See Original Post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 0:37:04

Meh I don’t play FFA
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 0:37:23

I do feel sorry for you tho.
- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 0:58:17

I'll believe that when you quit playing with people who are personally targeting me on every server with fake accts, Req.

I just cant imagine you standing up for me and telling them to cut out the cross server personal attacks on Derrick. You'll stand up and call me a bootlicker but I doubt very seriously you'll back me up on getting the cross server suiciding your tag is doing to stop.

Change my mind baby boy. Come back me up if you wanna have feelings about it. If not, imma go ahead and keep playing with the people who are there to help me doll out asswhoppings to those who wanna cross server suicide me with fake accts kthxbai

Dont waste your time feeling sorry on my account. Do something about it.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 5th 2021, 1:08:42
See Original Post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 1:04:57

I never talk bad about you to anyone. If I say anything bad about you I've already said it to you directly.

Belieeee dat
- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 1:10:39

I didnt think you do. I just also think you are currently playing with people who are attacking me personally and cross server suiciding me on fake accounts.

You sir, could express your displeasure to your tag about it. Alternatively you could show up on FFA and SHOW you don't support it.

If you arent doing anything about your tag cross server suiciding, then you might as well be supporting and condoning it.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 1:18:17

Tbh req I shouldn't have to ask you or any of my friends to tell your boys to quit cross server suiciding me and attacking me personally. It should be given. You're better than that.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 5th 2021, 1:21:21
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 1:44:21

Also req, I've had this same convo with iron and with zen. I dont think it's just you. Basically everyone thinks it is chill when people they play with are cross server suiciding me over my personal life as far as I can tell. No one except gerdler is really having any balls to stand up for me on that one and calling it bullfluff. But tbh, I think he's just in it with me so we became natural allies.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 5th 2021, 1:46:49
See Original Post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 1:47:06

Galleri said I can only post in one thread:

If "warring" under a new game account with one country...

Feb 5th 01:46
EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 1:01:25

Is cheating, then I am adding Hash to that list for suiciding SoF under another account.

I'm sure the RD cheaters in LaF will try to spin out of that one. Guilt by association Girdler.
- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 1:49:11

No response for me fam?

Whatsit 6 months of this now? It can stop and you can do something req



Feb 5th 2021, 1:58:13

Why post your personal life on these forums? No one needs to know. This is not facebook.

Oh welcome back blowcow.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 2:00:17

Damn the main man is on his main acct folks.

You got something to say? You're the whole reason people cross servered me in the first place so why not tell me what the fluff its for? And you probably started running a fake acct because you dreamed up some fluff about me running scripts on an android 7. So what the fluff is your problem with me personally? Let's get it out there.



Feb 5th 2021, 2:16:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Damn the main man is on his main acct folks.

You got something to say? You're the whole reason people cross servered me in the first place so why not tell me what the fluff its for? And you probably started running a fake acct because you dreamed up some fluff about me running scripts on an android 7. So what the fluff is your problem with me personally? Let's get it out there.

Damn dawg you were in cc during the loc cc wars? That's when I switched to an alt.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.