Sep 14th 2010, 23:29:42
We at ICN realize that you guys probably get very little practice at the whole rhythmic in-and-out thing, however we feel particularly sad that you have been trying to hard this set.
In - a war that you broke a uNap for in order to help save SoF's ass
Out - of the same war about a week later when SoF dismissed you
In - a war you did not choose when Collab included you in the party they threw celebrating Ivan's big mouth
Out - less the 2 days later after you begged Collab for a CF because their FS gave you an owie
In - a week later when you decided to renege on your CF and FS Collab
In order to help you guys stay in this time and avoid anymore . . . umm, premature capitulations - ICN hereby re-re-redeclares war on iMag. It's no big deal, really, just try to think about baseball or something.