Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2513
Currently Logged in: 187

Game Profile for oats on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: First

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 1004#496
Top 101#148
Best 3$188,286,014#258
Attack Success92.47%#923
Pop Killed4,529,553#238

Countries on this server

63 473 struggle and famine (#446) 279$25,898 M  
30 432 bean daddy m0m0 (#398) 336$26,241 M  
29 m0m0 corrupt doughnut state (#453) 560$41,766 M  
28 532 le village de chevs m0m0 (#362) 140$10,681 R  
27 423 a poutine of a m0m0 (#426) 9313$2,213,916 R SoF
26 i bribed m0m0d martian (#434) 2857$385,082 F SoF
25 Ahnuld Sausagenegger (#987) 6483$3,873,105 I  
25 87 percent restart (#815) 4320$2,732,389 T SoF
25 m0m0 county prison (#518) 4337$4,441,756 T SoF
24 478 didi m0m0 nono (#1105) 1932$390,042 R 75SoF75
24 the trinity sessions m0m0 (#941) 1321$564,899 H 75SoF75
24 m0m0 nuclear memories (#598) 1362$1,060,835 H 75SoF75
23 490 groundhog days (#1246) 4766$1,229,683 R SoF
23 low hanging fruit (#1209) 5356$754,496 F SoF
23 i get stronger by death (#1182) 4972$456,321 F SoF
23 generally bad warmonger (#1129) 6419$751,803 F SoF
23 burn your turns (#998) 1810$2,595,321 H SoF
23 master baiter (#978) 6023$1,470,878 F SoF
23 feel good hit absorber (#891) 2219$1,124,675 R SoF
23 inactive decoy (#851) 3031$514,992 R SoF
23 got std from pussycats (#363) 6030$1,156,773 H SoF
22 Inactive (#640) 3517$612,030 FG SoF
21 mostly inactive m0m0 decoy (#1072) 1927$133,008 M SoF
21 name it Bula or Bon Joni (#424) 20,052$9,523,016 F SoF
20 583 going for 3000 (#1317) 0$833,179 F SoF
20 Gonna BR the trailer park (#1254) 6842$1,017,374 F SoF
20 i like putrid meat (#991) 7980$2,130,116 F SoF
20 nukanuka (#474) 9774$3,537,606 F SoF
19 m0m0 CHIP LIGHTNINGDONG (#422) 40,202$10,540,634 H SoF
18 pooball (#1172) 2898$1,146,730 I  
18 The Book of m0m0 (#562) 19,778$16,804,012 F  
17 319 Inc defies conservation of mass (#96) 8152$41,671,259 D SoF
16 179 Chevs nw beats selfworth (#663) 27,439$25,626,474 T SoF
15 323 USA uses financial WMDs (#348) 9925$19,115,835 T SoF
14 277 rep to fasc USA strat (#490) 15,380$25,424,386 C xSOFx
13 397 evo kills people at church (#786) 18,921$20,427,294 T SoF
13 mOney as Weapon of Socialwarfare (#419) 4987$768,766 T  
12 703 mOney as Weapon of Social warfar (#1658) 100$4717 M  
12 evo been molested (#1154) 1523$579,131 T SoF
12 i molest whiny evo girls (#863) 2441$631,273 C SoF
12 m0m0 infant massage specialist (#442) 8489$918,239 R SoF
11 496 Army of Fluffy Bunnies (#299) 9227$15,573,636 T SOF
10 815 snow deuce (#1268) 140$6517 M  
10 m0m0 rapture (#787) 0$328 M SOF
9 415 Dial m for m0m0 (#117) 18,854$8,713,815 M SOF
8 501 fuck you lagbot (#1139) 1295$516,606 M xRAGEx
8 m0m0 pax in terra (#468) 16,706$4,864,896 I xRAGEx
7 1 m0m0 Pot Licker (#364) 43,247$287,936,653 HG SOF
7 Pot Licker (#200) 120$5617 M  
6 11 MOMO (#586) 30,346$160,090,222 DG SOF
5 646 inactive account m0m0 (#1072) 100$4717 M  
5 hi (#711) 9436$1,369,371 T SoF
5 am0m0 dissonance (#323) 12,554$1,677,690 R SoF
4 69 m0rm0ns eat babies (#484) 36,468$80,004,077 D xSoFx
3 13 i fluff you with impunity (#626) 17,513$116,831,168 DG SoF
2 h0m0 kain train m0m0 (#436) 13,733$11,584,825 I NaturalS
1 249 m0m0 empires (#503) 15,693$20,645,084 T xSoFx

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism