Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2543
Currently Logged in: 165

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset First round: Dec 09, 2009 - Jan 31, 2010
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 1008 countries in the Alliance server.

1 whats this here (#405) 24,968$105,393,012 HG SANCulT
2 SoF should quit (#193)  Game profile 19,471$90,021,414 HG EVOfoo
3 Go Flower Girl Go (#397) 16,366$85,793,592 HG EVOfoo
4 Exxon Mobil (#396) 12,070$78,194,428 DG EVOfoo
5 The Silence of the LAMBDAs (#657) 24,125$72,713,629 HG TheOmega
6 Ranked 7th in Omega (#457) 21,707$70,736,425 HG TheOmega
7 MONSTERS UNBOUND (#125) 23,354$69,636,711 DG MONSTERS
8 Holy Canadian Empire (#667)  Game profile 10,683$68,749,095 HG EEVIL
9 motherfunkers (#487)  Game profile 13,492$68,594,054 RG LCNostra
10 jagernacht (#25)  Game profile 10,548$66,331,110 DG xNAx
11 ALPHAntasize about schmetterling (#654) 23,573$65,784,354 HG TheOmega
12 sleepy (#693) 11,965$65,276,527 DG EVOfoo
13 Nightmare (#78) 13,250$64,615,988 HG xSoFx
14 DjTrainWreck (#319) 11,026$64,370,934 HG xNAx
15 omegawd xi eta lot of pi (#591) 20,261$63,904,428 HG TheOmega
16 WARLORDes HIZZY (#252)  Game profile 18,258$60,871,060 HG xNAx
17 Y (#681)  Game profile 22,828$59,921,494 HG EVOfoo
18 asdf (#262) 19,321$59,825,516 HG EVOfoo
19 Youll NEVer Walk AlOne (#56) 20,887$59,658,550 HG EVOfoo
20 Euphoria (#297) 19,919$58,095,312 HG xNAx
21 Solomons Palace (#491)  Game profile 15,155$57,710,757 HG ICN
22 Frost (#656) 18,030$57,062,832 H LCNostra
23 Kingdom of Roldrem (#45) 10,176$56,244,078 HG RAGE
24 Sherbrooke (#247) 10,699$55,000,157 RG MONSTERS
25 deeper down (#115) 21,748$54,866,899 RG xSoFx
26 Lover Of Corky Nipples (#275)  Game profile 22,627$54,586,614 RG xNAx
27 Alright Im Mehul (#69) 9000$53,863,599 DG ICN
28 Oceana (#501) 11,237$53,560,710 HG RAGE
29 ALPHAk you up (#531)  Game profile 24,142$53,529,934 F TheOmega
30 FREEDOMs AER Korps (#377) 20,109$53,000,000 DG RomexEly
31 Testing One Two Three (#362) 22,968$52,573,020 HG TheOmega
32 Orcs of xNAx (#111) 21,557$52,466,826 HG xNAx
33 zipper ass kicker (#608)  Game profile 7973$52,334,789 HG RomexEly
34 eye (#500) 16,692$52,072,602 HG ParadigM
35 TreeMaker (#161)  Game profile 12,013$51,760,690 H LCNostra
36 Peanut Butter Jelly Time (#489) 20,948$51,543,722 HG LCNostra
37 MEMNOCH THE DEVIL (#108) 20,705$50,908,180 R MONSTERS
38 Five to One (#213) 26,907$50,555,555 R EVOfoo
39 I came for the food (#51) 18,281$50,503,269 R ParadigM
40 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#437)  Game profile 18,318$50,186,480 HG EEVIL
41 unF (#612) 17,328$49,878,582 HG EEVIL
42 1Fist2RuleEvolution (#95) 25,800$49,744,808 T EVOfoo
43 AoS Wyrd (#27)  Game profile 22,647$49,673,734 HG EVOfoo
44 ProoviRing (#404) 24,451$49,296,452 R ParadigM
45 RED STORM (#76)  Game profile 17,817$49,197,578 D EVOfoo
46 The CookieEmpire (#65) 25,653$49,117,483 R xNAx
47 ZuesCountry (#728) 10,439$48,802,740 HG ICN
48 GE Loves My Crank (#590)  Game profile 20,151$47,880,969 RG xNAx
49 EDSA Revolution (#72) 21,217$47,846,456 HG EVOfoo
50 Tutuwarrior (#55)  Game profile 19,999$47,833,009 R MONSTERS
51 PANGSBUTTLOVE (#701) 22,900$47,039,593 H TheOmega
52 tanduay rum (#453) 20,804$47,033,701 DG EVOfoo
53 Trumper (#388) 19,906$47,009,042 R LCNostra
54 The Spear Saint (#598) 11,364$46,902,211 DG xNAx
55 Millentillion of Buddies (#97) 19,488$46,855,340 TG xSoFx
56 Live to See Tomorrow (#346) 17,074$46,290,279 H xSoFx
57 Zolpidem (#378) 21,023$46,067,157 RG EVOfoo
58 BetamaxRules (#101)  Game profile 23,275$46,019,331 HG LCNostra
59 Monsters are here (#597) 24,770$45,685,585 R MONSTERS
60 EVO One (#264) 11,848$45,467,243 DG EVOfoo
61 Psi Storm (#579) 27,529$45,423,139 R TheOmega
62 Cant Faze This (#682) 16,886$45,181,001 R Neofed
63 QZ and Pang 2012 (#421)  Game profile 18,029$45,165,664 H EVOfoo
64 The Arabian Nightmare PDM hFA (#46) 16,360$45,034,859 R ParadigM
65 My first my last my OMEGA (#539) 26,836$44,820,550 R TheOmega
66 PornosounDtrackMixtape (#8)  Game profile 22,702$44,753,894 F ParadigM
67 Omicron Mu Epsilon Gamma Alpha (#525) 24,201$44,521,605 F TheOmega
68 psi (#812) 22,843$44,419,015 H TheOmega
69 Locket (#134) 17,643$44,197,495 FG RomexEly
70 custom cut blinds LCN (#39) 26,124$43,632,597 HG LCNostra
71 ORCS (#837) 20,104$43,436,832 F xNAx
72 BooHoo (#191) 8704$43,430,511 HG xSoFx
73 UPSguy (#324) 18,794$43,390,944 H Infernal
74 Hex Omega (#680)  Game profile 29,945$43,390,547 H TheOmega
75 The Seksi Espada (#774) 9742$43,198,964 DG xNAx
76 LickmyPI (#595) 19,854$43,065,743 H TheOmega
77 Monster (#411) 16,317$42,981,239 H MONSTERS
78 RAGE of FDF (#35)  Game profile 17,216$42,837,272 D RAGE
79 le cult (#676) 18,648$42,821,586 H TheOmega
80 llaar (#225) 44,031$42,809,870 C xNAx
81 PlzDaMeatya (#234)  Game profile 23,538$42,493,946 DG ParadigM
82 A New Beginning (#825) 10,831$42,062,222 H RAGE
83 Kirks CoUNTry (#336) 19,103$41,640,488 DG xNAx
84 Pestilence (#54) 17,362$41,637,766 R xSoFx
85 Mississippi Queen (#871) 21,136$41,547,137 RG LCNostra
86 Epsilon (#686)  Game profile 19,053$41,504,037 R TheOmega
87 CRNA GORA (#786) 17,573$41,470,583 HG xNAx
88 Arc Blast (#131) 20,758$41,056,325 M Infernal
89 XZeron Dominion (#58) 17,732$40,761,627 F RomexEly
90 StillDontKnowWhyIPlay (#629) 20,133$40,640,576 R MONSTERS
91 From KMEI To ORBD (#443)  Game profile 24,987$40,602,969 R MONSTERS
92 the pains of being pure at heart (#971) 18,004$40,298,665 HG EVOfoo
93 Rip You 2 Shreds (#630) 16,689$40,049,882 T RAGE
94 Dawg Eat Dawg (#828) 17,974$39,701,700 R xNAx
95 The Jackson Four (#401) 18,500$39,678,541 HG EEVIL
96 AD 1967 (#268) 11,378$39,668,620 DG xNAx
97 Dark Angel (#163) 24,820$39,546,971 DG Infernal
98 Peaceful Turtle (#232)  Game profile 18,982$39,487,381 HG LaF
99 HIghandRAGEing (#291) 26,273$39,485,496 F RAGE
100 Elmer Gantry (#519)  Game profile 24,910$39,257,683 DG MONSTERS

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