
locket Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 19:08:36

if its true he offered you a pact why on earth would you refuse it -_-

snawdog Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 19:14:43

Originally posted by locket:
if its true he offered you a pact why on earth would you refuse it -_-

Perhaps the "take it,or you know what's coming" attitude?
ICQ 364553524

locket Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 19:19:25

they fought for something the set before. Should it have been anything less than a pact? They fought all set to prove themselves worthy or so I thought.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 16th 2010, 19:21:14

and what makes you think such an attitude existed?

I can quote the convo almost 100% accurately right here:

me: "Hey, you interested in a pact for next reset?"

ZIP: "You guys using 48 hour retal windows?"

me: "Yep"

ZIP: "then I will have to say no to a pact, but thanks for offering..."

Yes... I was so mean to them.

NukEvil Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 19:28:43

And you honestly believe that farming them into oblivion is the best way to enforce your 48-hour retal window?

"Accept our new retal policy or be farmed to nothing"?

Have fun playing on an empty server if that's your only way of interacting with non-pacted alliances.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 16th 2010, 19:30:21

we are unpacted to pretty much everyone. Do you see us farming SoF? EEVIL? SOL?

Why aren't we farming them? Its not cause we are afraid to... I wonder what it could be?

Maybe you guys should mull over that one for a while, it will go a real long way to putting you in the same position as them in the future.

archaic Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 19:35:07

Ely will never have that chance - nor will any other tag that drops below the member threshold that your mrmbers determine is not a threat. You won't grab eevil because you know who their friends are.

Hey, its their right to refuse a pact and its your right to landgrab them for it. However, it is also your job to control your members and to hold them accountable to the policies that you yourselves espouse to. We all hear that LaF rules specify that "a person is only allowed to attack an tag 2 times a day, on separate countries", and set after set, LaF leadership snickers as their out of control membership utterly ignores those rules. So the real question is, do you guys actually give a damn about curtailing your members from farming, or is LaF leadership so weak that it is incapable of policing its own house?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 16th 2010, 19:39:41

won't grab EEVIL because I know who their friends are?

Please... that is laughable.

I already stated that our rules are in regards to tags that are set on will retal status or higher. Ely currently is not on that status because they are yet to prove that they deserve it (and they are the only "established tag" that isn't on at least will retal).

Our members don't constantly abuse our rules, try again. Those that due are punished according to our rules. Not that our internal system is any of your business anyway.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 16th 2010, 20:31:12

EEVIL has nearly double the average net of the rest of the server.

As for the latest developments in this thread... lol... you guys are too much.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Aug 16th 2010, 21:16:05

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by Detmer:

Not true. In primary, tournament, express and team I don't farm countries. I am not like you.

And you're saying I am giving up a competitive edge by not farming? That is how I interpret your strategy/road statement. I don't really care what the repercussions for my country are. I am well aware that I give up free acres this way. I don't care. I play this game for fun, not for my e-penis. I feel like you probably stress out about poor finishes, knowing that we all mock you behind your back for your ineptitude. =P

Every alliance is assembled differently, the majority of laffers find fun in the game in two ways,
a: trying to win netgaining competitions be they individual or as an alliance.
and b: the alliance itself.

You say you have fun all exploring, good for you. Not everyone does. Asking laf to stop trying to put up top finishes is like asking sol to stop warring. The game constantly adapts, if you dont like the way it is adapting you can leave, but its not because of lafs grabing that you would be leaving, and frankly, if laf were to stop landgrabing, you would get a much larger number of people leaving the game than if they continue to grab.

It used to be that warmongers dictated the path of the server, and netgainers would whine about having to war, currently netgainers do and people complain about being landgrabed and not being able to do anything about it, it will change again in time but if you want to blame someone for being landgrabed blame yourself, i could teach someone that had never played the game before in under an hour how to retal the best players on this server all reset long.

iMag would have been a much better alliance to use in relation to not warring.

I will not be happy until you edit your post to reflect that...

EE Developer

Detmer Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:23:06

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Anyway, I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why what LaF does is worse than some warring alliance randomly FSing another alliance. I've been waiting for a over month at this point. Should I give up?

Alliances don't randomly war new people who might show up.
Alliances don't tend to randomly war the same people over and over again.

But ruthlessly farming someone for one set is no worse than randomly warring someone for no reason one set.



Aug 16th 2010, 21:25:46

Originally posted by Chewi:
Pretty sure some people in LaF would quit the game if there was no grabbing going on.

I was under the impression that this thread was about farming, not simple landgrabs.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Detmer Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:28:27

Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by Chewi:
Pretty sure some people in LaF would quit the game if there was no grabbing going on.

I was under the impression that this thread was about farming, not simple landgrabs.

I have actually seen a number of posts here acting as the general desire for LaF to curb their farming is telling LaF to stop grabbing entirely. It is sort of mind boggling.

Chewi Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:37:50

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by Chewi:
Pretty sure some people in LaF would quit the game if there was no grabbing going on.

I was under the impression that this thread was about farming, not simple landgrabs.

I have actually seen a number of posts here acting as the general desire for LaF to curb their farming is telling LaF to stop grabbing entirely. It is sort of mind boggling.

Probably because people will complain if LaF grabs anyone at all. So I just kinda assume you don't want LaF grabbing at all.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:41:31

Originally posted by Chewi:

Probably because people will complain if LaF grabs anyone at all. So I just kinda assume you don't want LaF grabbing at all.

Why would people complain if LaF grabbed anyone at all? You don't see people complaining about anyone else's grabbing habits do you? This is ridiculous reasoning. You act as if you give an inch people will expect you to concede everything.

Chewi Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:48:07

You're right. I don't see anyone else complaining about others farming.

Of course that doesn't mean others aren't farming.

TAN Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:54:13

Chewi, there are others guilty of farming, but from what I've seen in the news set after set after set, LaF is the largest contributor to the farming. No one is saying that LaF is the *only* guilty party here.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 22:00:40

Originally posted by Chewi:
You're right. I don't see anyone else complaining about others farming.

Of course that doesn't mean others aren't farming.

It's a matter of scale.



Aug 16th 2010, 22:01:43

Well Ely can look on the bright side ..... if LaF keeps farming them like they have been, they wont be worth hitting in a few days.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

TGD Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 22:03:07

I hope LaF keeps farming and they farm even harder.

That way all the work Pang is doing goes to waste.

Then everyone can laugh as this game finally dies through all internal cumbustion.

When every alliances bows out because there is no fun left in this game LaF will finally win and always win.

But I guess LaF loves all the bad press they get, must make them feel GREAT knowing that they are not a respectable alliance in most people's eyes. But hey, I'll let this thread and the many more to appear speak for that.

TGD Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 22:03:53

I hope LaF keeps farming and they farm even harder.

That way all the work Pang is doing goes to waste.

Then everyone can laugh as this game finally dies through all internal cumbustion.

When every alliances bows out because there is no fun left in this game LaF will finally win and always win.

But I guess LaF loves all the bad press they get, must make them feel GREAT knowing that they are not a respectable alliance in most people's eyes. But hey, I'll let this thread and the many more to appear speak for that.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 22:06:59

Originally posted by TGD:
I hope LaF keeps farming and they farm even harder.

That way all the work Pang is doing goes to waste.

Then everyone can laugh as this game finally dies through all internal cumbustion.

When every alliances bows out because there is no fun left in this game LaF will finally win and always win.

But I guess LaF loves all the bad press they get, must make them feel GREAT knowing that they are not a respectable alliance in most people's eyes. But hey, I'll let this thread and the many more to appear speak for that.

Why would you hope that?

Chewi Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 22:17:27

TGD the Alliance server = the entire game?

Or are LaF also the ones doing cross retals/gang bangs in the Team server or running the suiciders in Express?

archaic Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 22:22:32

fatalism mostly?

I just hate watching another small tag driven off, I actullay liked Ely pretty well. As a guy that has played in mostly smaller tags I know that its just a matter of time before LaF turns their spotlight un a tag I am in. Then when we are each getting hit 8-10 times per day, LaF will say that we are just not good retallers while they farm our pimply asses into oblivian.

I am deeply saddened that nobody picked up on my Easter Island analogy.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Aug 16th 2010, 22:29:10

Breaking news! LaF found responsible for global economy meltdown as well as global warming!!!

Chewi ate the polar icecap!!!!



Aug 16th 2010, 22:30:29

Do you have examples of them destroying the global economy and warming up the planet ?

No ???

Hmm ... well the farming is a little easier to prove.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 16th 2010, 22:55:09

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Regarding Ely:

Everyone over in that camp (aka Ely, PDM, Imag, Neo etc) seem to be forgetting that I offered them a uNAP for this reset. They rejected my offer.

It takes great odacity to outright reject my pact offer, and then complain when we find your countries to be appealing landgrabs.

I mean you had a choice to either accept the pact, or run countries that would scare our players away from grabbing you (for example, see EEVIL, SOF, Monsters, etc). You have done neither.

I have a lot more to say about this issue in general, but it is going to have to wait until I am not at work.

That's all very true. The problems of "LaF farming everything" is more a problem in the 'targeted' alliances in terms of planning, ability to inspire people to play well, etc.

People talk all the time about how the players left e2025 over the years, but more than players the leaders started quitting after being frustrated for a variety of reasons. There are only a few alliances that have active leadership that was around during Earth's heyday.

One of the reasons LaF is able to continually perform so high is because the knowledge was passed down through the generations, and also because quite a few of those old leaders are still active in LaF :p

As we keep saying, running a tag that can deter retals is an important part of this server. Especially if you're willing to reject pacts. Maintaining retal capacity, or at least the capacity to make grabbing non-worthwhile isn't super hard, so when tags aren't achieving it that's usually the clan's leadership's fault, not LaF's.

You can't blame LaF for this problem -- there were multiple solutions for Ely to avoided being grabbed by LaFfers, they decided not to do any of them... why is LaF the villain? Why is there a villain at all anyways?

This reminds me of US politics :p
Shotgun Democrats for LaF (less crazy)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Popcom Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 23:10:00

but if a clan like LaF farms you 20 hits...GL ever getting your retals for that.
even if u did a 1:1 retal. (which on 20 hits nobody would think 1:1 was reasonable) LaF would just kill you.

edit: if u are in a small say 10 man clan

Edited By: Popcom on Aug 16th 2010, 23:13:36
See Original Post

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 16th 2010, 23:45:26

But I think that's part of the problem with what all the LaF haters are saying....
LaF's not trying to target and overwhelm Ely. There is no organized policy to target Ely with grabs.

The reason people are hitting them is that they think Ely can't retal, not that we can overwhelm them by farming them. That would basically be a war-time move, not netting.

You only need 4 countries to be able to keep LaF from grabbing your tag effectively, it's not super hard to do :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

locket Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 23:50:14

eh even if we saw 4 good countries theyd likely fall behind towards the end of the set to be fair :P

Popcom Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 23:54:47

how is that exactly?

in my experience with large 1a clans (not just laf), u have 0 options.

Land is, and always will be at a premium, so ppl will get as much as they can at almost any cost.

They just farm you into the ground, defuse your missiles, CD your troops, ect. but if u do any harmful spy opps you are a suicider and are killed.
if you try to retal, even a 1:1, you are a killed.
its the big man bulling the little man kind of thing. worst part of it is after when they all cry when someone suicides them "for no reason at all"

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 16th 2010, 23:57:16

well I'm not saying that the 4 countries will be able to compete for netting titles with other clans.... but it's the first step towards a positive playing experience... achieving your own tag protection

it's like securing your own airspace in war :p
you basically need it to do anything of consequence at all

I'd definitely wager that 4, or maybe even 3 countries could make themselves not worth it to grab
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 17th 2010, 0:01:23

oh man... i have so many things to disagree with in Popcorn's post....

1) Most suiciders on LaF are not those who we have hit. Most are people who have hatred for other reasons, usually political. I wish we would only have people who we farmed suiciding us -- that would be awesome!

2) It's a war game... you're saying it's wrong of us to take land, but ok for people to suicide. We're saying it's ok for to take some land, but we expect to get suiciders sometimes if we do. Who sounds more unreasonable? :p

3) LaF does not kill alliances for retalling hits. LaF kills them when they start attacking OTHER players who were not involved in the hits, or when special attacks start happening. I cannot think of a SINGLE time that LaF has ever gone to war with an alliance over 1:1 retals.

4) Land has to come from somewhere... no one's trying to bully anyone, people are just hungry for resources. War alliances should start selling land to LaF early in the set for the promise of aid later when they fight! :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Kyatoru Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:06:34

There are always options.

NukEvil Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:06:41

So you're saying that it's more of Elysium's fault if they don't exist next set?

That's not very reassuring, coming from a game admin. Not very reassuring at all.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:08:09

Smoke, this is fire. You two should be seen together from now on.
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available 24/7

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:09:13

Where did me's post go? Why was it deleted? That seems more than a little fishy.

Pang, shouldn't you be more devoted to the game than your tag at this point?
yahoo chat:

available 24/7

Popcom Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:09:32

you are misunderstanding me.

1) if say, 3 sets in a row i am turned into farm land for LaF (or another large clan, not trying to single them out) u think on the 4th set Im going to wait for them to farm me? no. I' m goin to wait till an opportune moment and repay the favor. sometimes players that really dont deserve it get suicided on, but thats what happens when u surround yourself with others that do. collateral damage.

2) same could be said both ways. but laf (or another large clan, not trying to single them out) players (not all clearly) still cry when someone "ruins there set"

3) laf and many other larg clans have killed me and clans i have been in for trying to retal there farming...its not exactly a secret.

4) Not trying to bully people, but end up doing it in a quest for land, really makes no difference, in the end its the same. thou your idea of selling land is fairly sweet.


~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Detmer Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:09:58

Re: 2)

If you didn't farm you probably wouldn't get suicided. Suiciding for the sake of harm alone is probably not condoned by any group of people. I think the disconnect is usually are not aware of the reasons that people suicide on you. I used to get suicided on all the time and never knew why. I had guesses but "suiciders" rarely do a good job of explaining their point.

Popcom Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:21:31

as i said, sometimes people are just collateral damage. if the same clan is constantly farming you every set, and one set you find a country with 200 mill bushels on hand, and very little to defend it...chances are you are going to take the opportunity to get back at the "clan" by hitting that person, even thou they personally didn't do anything to you necessarily.

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 17th 2010, 0:23:56

I am more committed to the game than LaF... but this is a thread about LaF and Ely.... if you want me game commentary, go over to the game commentary thread :p

What I'm promoting here is that the idea that tag protection comes from within. It is not the responsibility of other alliances to provide your alliance tag protection, it is yours to achieve it.

I've always thought of "Alliance" as the "Major Leagues" of Earth. The most serious players, leaders and alliances play this server and they play for keeps. I'd rather see people elevate there game on this server rather than force serious players to curb the way they want to play. It's not like there aren't options for people like Ely -- LaF even extended the olive branch.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... 3 or 4 countries can achieve basic tag protection against LaF without a pact.... I'm happy to give out the jist of how to achieve that, as it's not overly complex :) :p

But anyways, I wish people wouldn't automatically jump on the "Pang agrees with LaF? THE SKY IS FALLING!!" bandwagon, it's getting kind of old and annoying...
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:24:10

I still want to know what happened to the post by "me" with the news of LaF farming. :\
yahoo chat:

available 24/7

locket Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:26:07

i deleted it

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 17th 2010, 0:27:31

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
I still want to know what happened to the post by "me" with the news of LaF farming. :\

try posting again and see if it works?
I don't think it would be too big for the db field...
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Theseus Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:27:46

As gamers you're just playing an aggressive style in a war game - fair enough. You're allowed to do that and nobody should give you fluff for it. I don't think anyone here is though. What they're giving you fluff for is that the act (however reasonable it may be within the technical and practical confines of the game mechanics) is harmful to the community and the game itself. People aren't pissed because you're farming, people are pissed because you know the game is going to lose players over what you're doing, and you come off as not giving a fluff about that.

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:28:55

Pang, the poster who is handled "me" posted it, not me as in Vic Rattlehead.
yahoo chat:

available 24/7

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 17th 2010, 0:31:35

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
Pang, the poster who is handled "me" posted it, not me as in Vic Rattlehead.

oh, well I have no clue then....
ask "me", perhaps? :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

NukEvil Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:31:43

Originally posted by me:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
We don't farm countries either.

a person is only allowed to attack an tag 2 times a day, on separate countries. Since when was single tapping countries "farming" ? Is that what you classify as "farming" when you say you don't farm in express or tourney? So you believe we should just all explore then I guess.

34 hits on the 5 elysee countries by LaF in the last 72 hours.

That includes the following violations of your stated policy:
Addiction is a terrible thing (#237) (LaF): 3 hits on one country in 24 hours, 5 in 48 hours. 7 total hits on that tag in the last 72 hours.
eatTorMINTicecreamUdai (#266) (LaF): 4 hits in the past 24 hours.
Currently Logged In (#253) (LaF): 6 hits on one country in the past 24 hours.
Lover not a Fighter (#501) (LaF): 4 hits on the Elysee tag on the 13th.
Boycotting Country Theme (#321) (LaF): Hit 3 of the 5 elysee tagged countries yesterday.

Other violations:
Scrub Paradise (#6) (LaF) has hit the xtx tag 5 times today.

It looks like you as a leader of your alliance are not effective at getting your members to follow alliance policies. It also looks like farming. Hopefully, for your alliance's sake, elysee doesn't have strong pacts.

You mean that one?
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

mazooka Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:43:23

suicidimg has been nerfed to the point that you cant really stock steal anymore. what did you noobs think was going to happen once there is no risk farming people? devs made that game change for laf style playing. enjoy getting your asses reamed one small tag at a time =)

snawdog Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 0:44:23

Originally posted by mazooka:
suicidimg has been nerfed to the point that you cant really stock steal anymore. what did you noobs think was going to happen once there is no risk farming people? devs made that game change for laf style playing. enjoy getting your asses reamed one small tag at a time =)

ICQ 364553524