
Alin Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 8:33:36

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
@Scode: I said it before, you're in a tough situation... but what can you really do with iMag that would make up for two years under Soviet? Put yourself in Monsters' or Rival's position (or the other alliances which haven't then grown to be bigger than iMag), basically having been a netting alliance that's smaller than iMag. Under Soviet, FA with iMag was basically "accept these topfeeds/RoRs/inconsistent retal policies or we'll FS you oh and you better not FS us because we'll FS you next set." I mean do you think just replacing Soviet, but still leaving him as an advisor fixes this?

@Silver: I thought I was quite fair with you :P

@Warster: Why don't you go protect some more cheaters? Wouldn't want anyone to know what their aliases are. It's actually hilarious that galleri is on here like "PP is smikke" and then on the other hand you close threads about Mr Titanium's identities and their deletions. You two really set the bar high for consistent and fair modding ;)

Soviet was domesticated mean-while(he is learning it the hard way). Thank EE Mod/GM team!!!

Warster Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 9:32:25

hey PP maybe you should learn the truth before you open your mouth,

i protected JJ23 and Seth soooo much they hold the record for the most deletions.

all threads closed are done for 1 of 3 reasons, 1. people purposely starting threads to troll people 2. threads getting out of hand with the comments made by posters 3. the subject at hand is finished with.

you always make this claim,but you still haven't backed up your claims about my modding with evidence even after being asked plenty of times for it ,

Edited By: Warster on Dec 14th 2012, 9:37:35
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 9:52:45

PP, what do you mean Warster protects me? He deleted me 5 times on express... and only express. And what did he do to protect my identity? He along with the other 50+ people who knew who I was just didn't post it on the forums. That's Warster protecting me?

And although you like to make claims that I hold the record for most deletions.... I doubt I'm even in the top 25 in express for deletions.. and I've never been deleted elsewhere.

PP, you just dislike me because I make fun of you for being the psychotic lonely little princess you are... oh, and that I dominate every server I play on with ease and laugh at your sad attempts to make a difference with you consistent failures of suiciding.

Warster Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 9:55:43

actually there are 2 people on 5 and 3 - 6 people on 4 so someone will take your record soon enough :)
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 10:02:37

Oh man, so many people are always getting deleted on express.... and there's been so many sets, that's surprising to me :(

I guess I'm still the biggest cheater out there. Can you make a post when someone breaks my record?

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 10:17:51

Originally posted by Warster:
hey PP maybe you should learn the truth before you open your mouth,

i protected JJ23 and Seth soooo much they hold the record for the most deletions.

all threads closed are done for 1 of 3 reasons, 1. people purposely starting threads to troll people 2. threads getting out of hand with the comments made by posters 3. the subject at hand is finished with.
I don't see you deleting galleri's post which, in her own words, was made to troll me... and had no relevance to this thread... and caused more argument than any of the Titanium on AT threads... and if all of your criteria for closing a thread apply to a lot of galleri's posts, why on earth is she still a mod?

as for your modding, I've posted about it plenty of times, blid and crest23 have posted about it plenty of times but your standard argument seems to be "you're just out to troll me". but it's not really relevant to this thread, something I hope you'd recognize given the amount of mr titanium related threads you've closed for lack of relevance.

@Tits and Silver: btw, credit to you guys for playing clean last set. only "bad thing" you guys did was the MD hits, but I can easily believe your defense of "Vic was an idiot." And you guys placed fairly well (except Tits lol) with legit play.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 10:24:02

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:

I guess I'm still the biggest cheater out there. Can you make a post when someone breaks my record?
Wouldn't be surprised if he did. Because we all know it's important to make sure that it's no longer valid to call you the record holder for most deletions. Of course, it's also important for the mods to troll Alin for his one deletion on express.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Alin Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 10:31:42

Actually my deletition had nothing to do with any sort of cheating. Was just martian in one of his fluffy days.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 10:40:54

Originally posted by Alin:
Actually my deletition had nothing to do with any sort of cheating. Was just martian in one of his fluffy days.
yeah, that was my point... Warster trolls you for it but seems to have a different tone with a guy deleted 5x for cheating
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Alin Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 10:45:17

nope, Warster DOES NOT troll me(don`t know how you got that ideea). Actually Warster admited that i did nothing wrong.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 11:02:48

ah k, my apologies to warster on that
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

smlandau84 Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:06:54

PP likes to make up stories and tell everyone about them on the forums

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 11:10:03

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
I doubt I'm even in the top 25 in express for deletions.. and I've never been deleted elsewhere.

... I dominate every server I play on with ease...
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:16:54

All true statements sir

iScode Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:20:13

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
@Scode: I said it before, you're in a tough situation... but what can you really do with iMag that would make up for two years under Soviet? Put yourself in Monsters' or Rival's position (or the other alliances which haven't then grown to be bigger than iMag), basically having been a netting alliance that's smaller than iMag. Under Soviet, FA with iMag was basically "accept these topfeeds/RoRs/inconsistent retal policies or we'll FS you oh and you better not FS us because we'll FS you next set." I mean do you think just replacing Soviet, but still leaving him as an advisor fixes this?

@Silver: I thought I was quite fair with you :P

@Warster: Why don't you go protect some more cheaters? Wouldn't want anyone to know what their aliases are. It's actually hilarious that galleri is on here like "PP is smikke" and then on the other hand you close threads about Mr Titanium's identities and their deletions. You two really set the bar high for consistent and fair modding ;)

Soo what your saying is dont bother trying, fs anyone for the hell of it.

If thats the case, I dont want to hear you fluff about any decision i make because no matter what I do, i cant improve the situation.

Bassically you just shot yourself in the foot with regards to trolling imag, so keep your thoughts to your self and shut the fluff up, unless you have some constructive advise ;)

God of War


Warster Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:20:14

i guess PP you don't understand that generally ( unless directed to by Pang or QZ) i don't close or delete posts on AT or FFA due to my position in the alliance im in on each of those servers.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Warster Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:22:57

and PP as you are not a member of staff , you wouldnt know who closed what thread, so again stop making crap up.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 11:23:05

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
All true statements sir
the fact that you thought you were "not even top 25" for deletions when you were infact #1 just adds to the evidence that you're a little bit messed up

remember when I said that rapists think everyone else also wants to go out and rape people and that they're completely normal? and how you were doing the exact same thing with regards to your cheating, talking about how everyone does it but you just get attention because you've won 1a? btw, for the stupid (aka Warster, who's been confused by this kind of stuff before), that does not mean I'm calling Mr Titanium a rapist.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 11:26:23

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
@Scode: I said it before, you're in a tough situation... but what can you really do with iMag that would make up for two years under Soviet? Put yourself in Monsters' or Rival's position (or the other alliances which haven't then grown to be bigger than iMag), basically having been a netting alliance that's smaller than iMag. Under Soviet, FA with iMag was basically "accept these topfeeds/RoRs/inconsistent retal policies or we'll FS you oh and you better not FS us because we'll FS you next set." I mean do you think just replacing Soviet, but still leaving him as an advisor fixes this?

@Silver: I thought I was quite fair with you :P

@Warster: Why don't you go protect some more cheaters? Wouldn't want anyone to know what their aliases are. It's actually hilarious that galleri is on here like "PP is smikke" and then on the other hand you close threads about Mr Titanium's identities and their deletions. You two really set the bar high for consistent and fair modding ;)

Soo what your saying is dont bother trying, fs anyone for the hell of it.

If thats the case, I dont want to hear you fluff about any decision i make because no matter what I do, i cant improve the situation.

Bassically you just shot yourself in the foot with regards to trolling imag, so keep your thoughts to your self and shut the fluff up, unless you have some constructive advise ;)

no, I'm saying you don't wipe out several years of bad behavior with a few good sets, but at least it's a step in the right direction

obviously if Monsters or someone keeps grudge warring you for half a year, opinions are going to shift, but you can't just say "Soviet's gone, so let's all just forget about iMag's past. Oh yeah, he's not really gone, he's still an advisor but still, whatever, you guys are bigger than us now so let's pretend we weren't fluffs to you in the past"

edit: and that's constructive advice (ie. just take it without holding a grudge, try to keep your wars legit etc)

Edited By: Pontius Pirate on Dec 14th 2012, 11:29:45
See Original Post
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

iScode Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:29:34

so how many sets will it take, its been 6 that i have been trying to do the right thing, yet in these rankings you say we deserve more

what will it take? 8 sets? 12 sets? 15 sets?

come on bro, your talking out your arse now.

hell i told monsters i wanted to improve relations and work to an fdp then out of the blue they fs us for no fluffing reason, i still swallowed my pride and have not fs'd them and you still fluffing dog us???

give me a break, nothing i would do would improve imag in your eyes, can you not see that, your bias with hate...
God of War


Warster Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:31:39

PP maybe if you worded things the right way you wouldnt get in trouble for what you post.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 11:32:42

^maybe I'm not the only one? maybe a lot of the clans iMag fluffed around with for no reason feel the same? maybe it's you that's "biased" in the sense that you think that it's completely irrational to hold iMag accountable for Soviet's actions as leader?
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 11:34:48

Originally posted by Warster:
PP maybe if you worded things the right way you wouldnt get in trouble for what you post.
you want me to repost it and see whether the problem was in the post or the interpretation?
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

iScode Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:40:09

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
^maybe I'm not the only one? maybe a lot of the clans iMag fluffed around with for no reason feel the same? maybe it's you that's "biased" in the sense that you think that it's completely irrational to hold iMag accountable for Soviet's actions as leader?

your not answering the question??? how many sets will it take?? its been 6 sets now and still im the bad guy

dont sit there saying what we did in the past, give me som fluffing constructive feedback on what i can do to improve the situation???

all your doing is fluffing, your not helping, ether help me or stfu up on imag, im doing all i fluffing can bro...
God of War


Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 11:46:34

I didn't say you were the bad guy, I said you were in an alliance that has the reputation of being a bad guy.

Alright how about this:
1) Stop fluffing about Monsters. Seriously, with how much Monsters put up with from iMag over the years, they were allowed to screw you over once. You did it in the past, they did it a few sets ago, now you're even.
2) If you don't have a good reason to war someone in a reset, don't create one by starting grabbing disputes.
3) Treat small alliances the same as large alliances in FA talks. This doesn't have immediate effects but with fluctuation membership, you never know which small alliance recruits to 2x iMag's size.
4) Distract yourself from these things by maybe joining some coalition warfare. (ie figure out what fight's going to go down, join in. Preferably on the losing side as well to balance things out :P)
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pride Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:47:05

Are you drunk iScode? Lol.

I think this thread can be closed?
Clans will always have to answer for past leaders actions. I think 6 sets is more than enough though.

Warster Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:49:20

and how about you keep out of Monster matters PP :)
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

iScode Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:52:21

Alright how about this:
1) Stop fluffing about Monsters. Seriously, with how much Monsters put up with from iMag over the years, they were allowed to screw you over once. You did it in the past, they did it a few sets ago, now you're even.

- the only reason im fluffing is cause i was lied to, i genuinly wanted better relations, but fair point

2) If you don't have a good reason to war someone in a reset, don't create one by starting grabbing disputes.

I hit tie due to them not worried about a member farming us, any other alliance would do the same, we are also now close fdps due to that, I hit NA because they ROR us 3 times in 2 sets and refused to acknowledge it, LCN was not a grabbing issue, I have not fs'd any other alliance, they have fs'd us, this point is invalid.

3) Treat small alliances the same as large alliances in FA talks. This doesn't have immediate effects but with fluctuation membership, you never know which small alliance recruits to 2x iMag's size. - i do this already

4) Distract yourself from these things by maybe joining some coalition warfare. (ie figure out what fight's going to go down, join in. Preferably on the losing side as well to balance things out :P) - ok so you dont want me to war alliances for no reason, but now you do want me to war alliances for no reason, please make up your mind.

This is getting tiring you are not providing anything substantial

Pride, not drunk, maybe tidly, i should go to bed i got cricket tomorrow, but i am enjoying this :P
God of War


iScode Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 11:54:18

ok bed now, we continue this later PP, would love to hear more thoughts of how the big bad imag can change its reputation, but im feeling nothing i do will please anyone so might as well fs for no reason :).
God of War


Alin Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 12:21:46

Originally posted by Pride:
Are you drunk iScode? Lol.

I think this thread can be closed?
Clans will always have to answer for past leaders actions.

Really? I`ve seen different in the recent past.

aponic Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 13:39:12


Mr Charcoal Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 14:07:19

Scode, you can't get out of this arguement. You can make all the excuses you want, but we can revisit the topic in two weeks ;-)

On the other hand, My sis in law just got back from your native country and had this to say:

"While it may be gorgeous, Im glad I dont live there"

Oh Canada!
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2012, 14:23:40

country rankings (NZ and Canada only)
1. NZ
2. Canada
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

locket Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 15:38:46

PP dont be retarded. Canada > NZ

smlandau84 Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 15:39:53

Canada is still a country?

iScode Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 19:47:51

Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
Scode, you can't get out of this arguement. You can make all the excuses you want, but we can revisit the topic in two weeks ;-)

On the other hand, My sis in law just got back from your native country and had this to say:

"While it may be gorgeous, Im glad I dont live there"

Oh Canada!

no need to revisit in two weeks mate ;).

As i have said i am going to stop trying to do whats right and go back to the old ways, it is what everyone seems to want.
God of War


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 14th 2012, 20:19:55

It is not my fault that when I was in Fist with you, you made the mistake of letting your other identity be known. Either way if I was a mod or not, I will still call you smikke.
Have another good day.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iScode Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 20:24:19

hell i knew he was smikke from sanct days when he was suiuciding..
God of War


locket Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 21:29:26

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
Scode, you can't get out of this arguement. You can make all the excuses you want, but we can revisit the topic in two weeks ;-)

On the other hand, My sis in law just got back from your native country and had this to say:

"While it may be gorgeous, Im glad I dont live there"

Oh Canada!

no need to revisit in two weeks mate ;).

As i have said i am going to stop trying to do whats right and go back to the old ways, it is what everyone seems to want.

Great attitude. Instead of continuing to try to play nice as you claim you are you let one AT troll get to you this much.

Boltar Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 2:41:54

fs sanct u will really hear him piss and moan especially if u get his country ;)

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 15th 2012, 4:26:19


you're wrong.

I learned this the hard way.

Iscode, is attempting, to make changes to how Imag does things. The steps he has taken make Imag, a far cry from where Imag was under previous leadership.

Scode has been very reasonable to deal with, after we got past some misunderstandings, and I think he's done a hell of a job.

Why is it my rankings get more posts, when I don't make one, than when I do:)


Z is #1

locket Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 5:36:11

Because he insulted 2-3 clans and people in the rankings themselves and stirred up drama? :P

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 15th 2012, 10:24:48

Originally posted by Servant:

you're wrong.

I learned this the hard way.

Iscode, is attempting, to make changes to how Imag does things. The steps he has taken make Imag, a far cry from where Imag was under previous leadership.

Scode has been very reasonable to deal with, after we got past some misunderstandings, and I think he's done a hell of a job.

Why is it my rankings get more posts, when I don't make one, than when I do:)


I didn't say anything about Scode's leadership being bad (edit: infact I said he was doing a good job of undoing the damage Soviet did but it's a difficult job)... I said that Soviet's leadership was so bad that iMag was still rightfully paying for it.

Edited By: Pontius Pirate on Dec 15th 2012, 10:55:03
See Original Post
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Son Goku Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 17:35:38

This got long.

ZIP Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 21:13:52

Pontius Pirate your mouth runs more then a birds ass in chokecherry season, and has the same coming out from it.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

iScode Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 3:07:09

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
Scode, you can't get out of this arguement. You can make all the excuses you want, but we can revisit the topic in two weeks ;-)

On the other hand, My sis in law just got back from your native country and had this to say:

"While it may be gorgeous, Im glad I dont live there"

Oh Canada!

no need to revisit in two weeks mate ;).

As i have said i am going to stop trying to do whats right and go back to the old ways, it is what everyone seems to want.

Great attitude. Instead of continuing to try to play nice as you claim you are you let one AT troll get to you this much.

na not the at troll, monsters and rival showed me that i couldnt change imag's image.
God of War


locket Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 3:49:09

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
Scode, you can't get out of this arguement. You can make all the excuses you want, but we can revisit the topic in two weeks ;-)

On the other hand, My sis in law just got back from your native country and had this to say:

"While it may be gorgeous, Im glad I dont live there"

Oh Canada!

no need to revisit in two weeks mate ;).

As i have said i am going to stop trying to do whats right and go back to the old ways, it is what everyone seems to want.

Great attitude. Instead of continuing to try to play nice as you claim you are you let one AT troll get to you this much.

na not the at troll, monsters and rival showed me that i couldnt change imag's image.

Seems to me you convinced Servant of it and Rival seemed to just want to blindside people recently so I'd not take that to heart ;) Go after the one who got you or find a good reason still! Bring Imag to the top!

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 16th 2012, 11:06:37

Originally posted by ZIP:
Pontius Pirate your mouth runs more then a birds ass in chokecherry season, and has the same coming out from it.
i have no idea what that means

Edited By: galleri on Dec 16th 2012, 16:18:27
See Original Post
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pride Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 11:42:25

Originally posted by Son Goku:
This got long.

That's what she said?

ZIP Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 13:28:52

too complex for you i guess -

birds eat up all the berries, their ass opens up a lot like your mouth and they both have fluff coming out, lots of it.

( that is how the trees populate )
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops