
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 12th 2012, 4:25:46

Hey bros want to get drunk and circle jerk with me about AT posts? fluff YEAH I DO

Pain Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 4:32:26

Originally posted by Detmer:

The problem with their actions is that they took it across servers. We are keeping team server problems on team server. It may be lame and terrible for the server, but it is not hypocritical. Hypocrisy would be going after their friends on alliance.

it doesnt matter what your justification is, your problem with them is not team server based, it is alliance based because what they did affected you in alliance. regardless if you are "keeping team problems in team" you killing people not involved as revenge still makes you a hypocrite, plain and simple. there is no other way around that fact.

if they told you they werent playing countries in team anymore, would you still do it?
Your mother is a nice woman

Boltar Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 4:39:50

Originally posted by Forgotten:
What the few suiciders has done is wrong.
What the mass Team Server killers has done is wrong.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but if people are looking to actually solve the problem, maybe it is the TSO that is at the root of the problem.

Then you go back to why these groups of players who cannot succeed in Alliance server would play as an alliance on the Team Server.

The problem then goes back to the issue of said group of players unwilling to tough it out on Alliance Server as an alliance, but rather go terrorize another server because THEY can be the top dog there.


Server Politics.

/end rant

I do not hold any leadership position in any alliance, nor do I represent any alliance with my rant.

I am one of the players who have stopped playing on Team Server from the early days when teams joint together for positioning, ie NBK.

most of TSO players have been in their current alliance clans for sets and years on end.. why would they want to leave to make a new clan on alliance? i got 1 guy in TSO who has been with the same clan since before i started playing e2025 in 2004.. and he has succeeded greatly.. the sofers in TSO have been on top and have fallen hell they even went thru the botting and hand multi'ing of RD.. some of my current clan mates on team server even hated my guts on e2025 but now we all good.. just cause someone plays another server entirely differently then they play alliance does not make them a alliance reject.. it makes them a regular member who just wants to run turns be it for whatever reason the clan goes..

Pain Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 4:42:15

and just think some of the players who liked you now hate you. i guess its an even trade.
Your mother is a nice woman

Detmer Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 4:44:09

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Detmer:

The problem with their actions is that they took it across servers. We are keeping team server problems on team server. It may be lame and terrible for the server, but it is not hypocritical. Hypocrisy would be going after their friends on alliance.

it doesnt matter what your justification is, your problem with them is not team server based, it is alliance based because what they did affected you in alliance. regardless if you are "keeping team problems in team" you killing people not involved as revenge still makes you a hypocrite, plain and simple. there is no other way around that fact.

if they told you they werent playing countries in team anymore, would you still do it?

I wouldn't trust them - but if I could indeed verify somehow that they did not play team anymore I would not pursue them.

Pain Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 5:10:26

i can tell you that PP is not.
Your mother is a nice woman

Pain Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 5:14:51

Originally posted by Chaoswind:

However as it stands TSO isn't an alliance effort to destroy Team server, they are Team players, they have played in the team server for several sets, the situation now has been evolving for months, if Team players where unable to stop it with diplomacy or force, then they deserve every bit of it.

wrong and wrong. how did i miss this gem.

50% of TSO did not play team server before TSO formed.

also, TSO IS a team effort to destroy the server, this has been stated by both elves and by the person who originally started TSO. this is not debatable.
Your mother is a nice woman

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 12th 2012, 5:21:55

Anyway de1i you can argue that suiciding for a bad reason is worse than random suiciding, although I would not agree with that. But why would you draw the line there on what's acceptable and what isn't?

Do you feel that random suiciding is okay but suiciding like this isn't?

de1i Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 5:32:27

You can argue either point being worse than the other, it's all a matter of personal opinion really. I'm not saying either type of suiciding is ok, but IMO this type would be more aggravating to me than being a victim of a random suicide.

Actually in fact, I'm pretty certain I've been a victim of suicide of this type... Twice.

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 6:24:44

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
kind of disappointed in the i could go after BobbyATA, but given his historic inability to illuminate any subject, i'd have to aim directly at the Slagpit rhetoric Bobby was slobbering over

boo to you and your mean slanders sir=)

FireFox Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 7:26:05


TNTroXxor Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 7:53:34

TSO blows

your mind away
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Sov Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 11:04:32

SoF is behind every decision Pang makes.

Sov Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 11:05:39

To clarify I meant "behind every decision Pang makes" as in we are the ones who make him come to those decisions!

TAN Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 11:10:38

Pang made this game for you for free. Shut the fluff up about him. It's basically, more or less, his game. If you don't like it, gtfo.

Warster Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 11:13:27

Dagga doesnt seem to get it TAN so its pointless replying to him
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Sov Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 11:13:41

I think Pang has done an awesome job. It's just unfortunate for him that he is not as cool as me.

hanlong Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 11:40:02

Originally posted by dagga:
No TAN. You are wrong. Mehul Patel made this game for free. You are right, it is now pangaeas game because he copied it, provides a server for it and enjoys being God moreso than his desire to actually improve it.

Do you really think it would take more than 2 weeks of setting up this game on another server, with the same codes and the same look and feel? If it costs more than 2K a year to run and host I'd be mightily surprised. I'd do a nude lap around qz's lounge room.

The game is 12 years old and thats how it continues to be. It is a farce that someone as self-centered, biased and off kilter with the community continues to rate as the games highest priority a bunch of suiciders that hit his own alliance. He sits quiet while his old alliance destroys the very foundation of the games most important server.

Its a f-ing joke really.

if you think its a f-ing joke, then gtfo then. no one is forcing you to play this game.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Devestation Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 11:54:04

Cross server politics is screwed up by definition. My only experience with it was when I was a stupid newb in old 1a as the Revelations aFa and put MET(?)s FS time in their wiki article. For some reason, ReVeL wanted to keep me in that very same job if at all possible in 1a and protested voraciously when I left them at the end of that set to fly under the radar for a while, but over in Earth Council, I was almost immediately kicked out of TIE and couldn't find a home for 6 months.

Whoever's coming along to do the suiciding over something that happened in team server; well done, you've given Paradigm another player this set.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 12:06:48



The one that was friends with the governator?

Sorry my time in rev is part of a fussy period of time in with I was rage attacking lots of people in defense of the weak.

I do remember Psych was the president (I think) and I was CL, before we joined another clan as a division (TIL was going strong back then)

If we played tons of forum games together then you are the person I am thinking about.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Devestation Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 12:17:42

No, only Devestation, I was only friends with Darkling really, and it was in 2008. I played a lot of Mafia back then though.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 12:27:06

If you are a gal, then you are probably the person I am talking about, because I suck with names and I am more likely to remember actions or things people write rather than their names.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Devestation Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 12:30:19

Nein. Is male.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 12:32:44

Then got the wrong person, Deviaton and Devastation seem very similar :P
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Devestation Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 12:43:46

I've never heard of Deviation. 2008 was very, very close to the absolute end of ReVeL, I believe. I've also never met Arnold Schwartzenegger as I live in Australia.

TAN Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 15:30:58

Originally posted by dagga:
deleted dagga spin post

Then go create Earth: Empirez and stfu.

He didn't copy the code - the code it was originally written in, from what I understand, was fluffing horrible, which was what made updating the game take so long and become so arduous.

From what I understand, the code was pretty much rewritten.

I may not see eye-to-eye with the Admins all the time, but goddamnit, they are keeping this game up and running from their own pockets.

Remember that although this game might be FREE FOR YOU, it's NOT for them.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 12th 2012, 15:55:43
See Original Post

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Feb 12th 2012, 15:47:05

We had no access to any code from E2025; everything was written from scratch (including our framework!)
Finally did the signature thing.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 12th 2012, 15:50:14

everything that is wrong with the game is my fault.

the other people who actually claim to work on the game never lifted a finger. qz is my quieter alter ego.

it's so hypocritical to blame 100% of "perceived problems" on me while showering all the praise on someone like qz. especially 2 days after I added new war changes that *gasp* someone like dagga actually supported!

dagga is gone, but it's not from my hand.

i hope he decides to grow the fluff up or get the fluff out when he's unbanned.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Sov Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 15:52:26

You just ruined me Pang... ruined...

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 12th 2012, 16:13:12

oh and PS for those of you who think I hate SoL -- I actually like SoL quite a bit; I just don't like 2 of the people who play there because they like attacking admins :p

I mean, I was a SoL'er for several years during its heyday and my country has a memorial Duke name this round.

there's just two people (one lately) who pretty much burned any bridges that were left between me and SoL -- at least publicly. I still chat with Jiman often :p

Edited By: Pang on Feb 12th 2012, 19:10:55
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Sir Balin Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 16:18:00

seriously all you have to do is put him on ignore. i've never had a direct issue with him and i've kept it that way by never having to see his posts.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Feb 12th 2012, 16:19:12

For the record, the restart change initally pushed by me about 3-4 weeks ago although it was based on ideas posted from people from at least 6 (yes 6) different tags and then discussed and modified into its present form. Discussing/coding/testing took this long. Any connection to pdm is purely coincidental. Right now I think the suiciders benefitted from this change more than pdm did...
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2012, 16:26:19

Dagga: if you have such a problem with the game make your own game and run how you please.
- Premium Patron Member

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 17:00:30

Wait I can put people in ignore?


Adding 2 people to that list in 3 2 1...
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2012, 17:54:05

Originally posted by Chaoswind:
Wait I can put people in ignore?


Adding 2 people to that list in 3 2 1...

You n00blet!
- Premium Patron Member

dLpLow Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 19:30:41

poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.

Terror Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 19:59:34

Actually, I am also Devastation's friend. He may find this post interesting:

When I started playing earth around 13 or 14 years ago (I honestly can't quite remember) I was a bit of a hothead and went ballistic at the drop of a hat. My screen name matched me pretty well.

These days I am a lot more laid back but I still have then name. I really didn't sweat it much. However I do consider PP a friend even though he makes a point of not reciprocating. But I decided to help him in this effort. I honestly didn't research anything. I haven't done any FA in years, and I don't love politics. All I want is a nice place where a small group of friends could play in peace. TSO exists to prevent small groups of people from having fun.

Now, I have a country in alliance. I hope it isn't necessary to use it, but I still may. PDM definitely isn't solely responsible for what has happened, but given their political power and level of respect across the game, it is possible they may take steps to resolve the issues. Besides, I hate hiding in shadows. It's undignified and cowardly.

So Pang, you started the thread, you are of course prominent in PDM. People will follow you if you ask them to. Give me a reason to turn my friend PP away from his task. I have a country in a holding pattern, but I honestly don't get any joy from suiciding anymore. I've lost my touch and I'd really rather not.

I'm just wanting a place where a small group of people can play with a fair chance at prosperity.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 20:30:05

when we want to change something we try to change it thought the player base of our server, and if that is not possible we flood the suggestion boards.

Alliance issues:

Unfair Wars
Restarting isn't rewarded
Broken bonuses
Countries die too fast

What we did? we posted SEVERAL suggestions on the suggestion boards non stop for months/years.

what we got?

Wars can still be unfair, but they want to work on that.

Restarting is now rewarded on all servers.

Bonuses are no longer as broken as in the past (Decay was imba).

We got the attack throttle as a way to give people an easier time to wall, but that destroyed the capabilities of small clans of getting anything done while bigger clans still maintained their power so it was rerolled.

In short:

When TSO was killing you all instead of coming to another server to seek revenge and cause harm to unfortunate bystanders maybe the best course of action was to COMPLAIN about it in the suggestion boards and Team Talk, post SUGGESTIONS of how to fix the DEEP problems of Team server instead of rage suiciding on bystanders for no reason.

Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

NukEvil Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 20:36:01

Originally posted by Terror:
...However I do consider PP a friend even though he makes a point of not reciprocating.

...Give me a reason to turn my friend PP away from his task.

You call him a friend, yet you call him "Pee Pee". And, you say he often does not reciprocate. I am now conjuring up mental images that make me want to say, "Interesting 'friendship' you have going on there".
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

archaic Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 20:38:42

Originally posted by Terror:

Now, I have a country in alliance. I hope it isn't necessary to use it, but I still may. PDM definitely isn't solely responsible for what has happened, but given their political power and level of respect across the game, it is possible they may take steps to resolve the issues. Besides, I hate hiding in shadows. It's undignified and cowardly.

So Pang, you started the thread, you are of course prominent in PDM. People will follow you if you ask them to. Give me a reason to turn my friend PP away from his task. I have a country in a holding pattern, but I honestly don't get any joy from suiciding anymore. I've lost my touch and I'd really rather not.

I'm just wanting a place where a small group of people can play with a fair chance at prosperity.

Are you kidding? Your trying to hold PDM hostage with your lame ass suicide country? You think Pang being in PDM will somehow cause him to intervene in the Team server as an Admin based on your threats?

You are a piece of fluff Terror, a worthless piece of fluff. Please, PLEASE, please suicide PDM - we'd MUCH rather kill your useless pimply ass than negotiate with you. My country number is well known, I'll sell all of my tanks as soon as I log in - even playing with a parking lot I pwn you lame ass.

Edited By: archaic on Feb 12th 2012, 20:40:45. Reason: thats the ticket
See Original Post
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

archaic Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 20:39:36

Well that failed miserably . . .

Edited By: archaic on Feb 12th 2012, 20:44:21. Reason: I failed at quote ed
See Original Post
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

archaic Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 20:43:44

Tanks sold, country #403

'Use' your alliance country you cowardly piece of fluff. If you need me, I'll be killing restarts on the team server.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Terror Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 21:18:51

I was more seeking a response from pang at this point since people like archaic are beyond reason and would waste my time in ways that will never solve the problem. Having hotheads call me a worthless piece of fluff or anything else doesn't concern me.

The point is, I am not a hothead. Attention has been drawn to the issue. Now I can not personally guarantee that others who wanted to suicide will stop just because I do, but I can full well guarantee that going into hate mode will not help.

I'm just learning as I go here. I will refine my process to achieve better results.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 21:40:04

Originally posted by Chaoswind:

When TSO was killing you all instead of coming to another server to seek revenge and cause harm to unfortunate bystanders maybe the best course of action was to COMPLAIN about it in the suggestion boards and Team Talk, post SUGGESTIONS of how to fix the DEEP problems of Team server instead of rage suiciding on bystanders for no reason.

This kind of issues have been happening in Team server for a long while, yet Oct 8th 2011, 5:24:52 was the last time a Team player complained about it and made a suggestion to fight the issues that plague team server.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Terror Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 21:53:55

That's at least partially a valid point Chaoswind. There is value to making suggestions to fix the server. I had assumed at least some of my clan mates had participated in that, but I was wrong to assume that.

This does not however make me sorry I participated in this action. I'd like it if I had the resources to AB every country in every alliance that had members participate in TSO. They may be unfortunate bystanders, but not innocent.

They lack social responsibility. They allowed TSO to do this and would continue to allow it if they thought it would never burst their little bubble they live in no matter how many suggestions on fixing team server are made.

Although Pang definitely has skills as a programmer, I am mainly concerned with his ability to rally people socially. That is where the fix is needed in my opinion. I never had the power to do that myself, and now I definitely don't since I am now the bad guy, but he still does.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 22:39:47

Originally posted by Terror:
That's at least partially a valid point Chaoswind. There is value to making suggestions to fix the server. I had assumed at least some of my clan mates had participated in that, but I was wrong to assume that.

This does not however make me sorry I participated in this action. I'd like it if I had the resources to AB every country in every alliance that had members participate in TSO. They may be unfortunate bystanders, but not innocent.

They lack social responsibility. They allowed TSO to do this and would continue to allow it if they thought it would never burst their little bubble they live in no matter how many suggestions on fixing team server are made.

Although Pang definitely has skills as a programmer, I am mainly concerned with his ability to rally people socially. That is where the fix is needed in my opinion. I never had the power to do that myself, and now I definitely don't since I am now the bad guy, but he still does.

Knowing in advance how things have played out, and that my little bubble may be burst, I would not have changed anything I did or try to pressure anyone to play differently. I have no responsibility to try to engineer a server I do not play on. Why didn't you go suicide on random folks in primary? How is alliance server responsible for this? TSO is some random collection of Earth players with no particular alliance affiliation. The reason you guys did this was merely to seek attention to the plight of team server - not invoke any sort of social change. I can't believe social attention was any sort of goal considering the lack of investigation that even went into targeting TSO affiliates or thinking that terroristic attacks would garner any sympathy. I know you're a smart enough guy to realize that no one in this game is going to give in to suiciders.

I tried to fix team server (to be in line with what I think most people consider to be the admins' intent of the server) a long time ago. It didn't happen. I owe that server nothing. TSO is quite in-line with how that server has been played before and after I was ever involved in it. Acting like TSO's recent actions are any different than what has been going on in that server is completely unrealistic and just a testament to how broken that server has always been. There is nothing that the admins have been willing to do that can fix it and some stunt like this can do nothing. Even if it evokes some change from the admins, it will not work. There is no way to stop collaboration amongst multiple teams. Even with the recent proposals, I can easily have Detmer team A attack Terror's team while Detmer team B market aids Detmer team A. There is nothing that can be done from a game mechanics stand point and this was the opposite method of how to invoke social change.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 22:41:25

quite a few people hate Pang for several reasons (mainly based on his past and his sarcastic smiles), so asking him to have as much of an effect on the game as you want is unreal.

Qz alliance "Evolution" had a couple of rough wars, and having Qz as a leader didn't do much to force everyone to drop their pacts and force LaF to stop.

you are asking them to do too much, and they already work hard for this game, they shouldn't have to pamper us, or keep us in line, they are not our parents, we are all big boys/girls now.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2012, 23:17:03

Originally posted by Chaoswind:
Originally posted by Chaoswind:

When TSO was killing you all instead of coming to another server to seek revenge and cause harm to unfortunate bystanders maybe the best course of action was to COMPLAIN about it in the suggestion boards and Team Talk, post SUGGESTIONS of how to fix the DEEP problems of Team server instead of rage suiciding on bystanders for no reason.

This kind of issues have been happening in Team server for a long while, yet Oct 8th 2011, 5:24:52 was the last time a Team player complained about it and made a suggestion to fight the issues that plague team server.
It's not the fault of Team server mechanics that TSO went and killed everyone.


The server was fluff, but between the non-TSO clans there had been general peace for 3 sets...
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2012, 23:20:03

Originally posted by Detmer:
Acting like TSO's recent actions are any different than what has been going on in that server is completely unrealistic and just a testament to how broken that server has always been.

No clan before TSO ever went and killed the entire server for fun...
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Jiman Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 23:48:02

Can you qoute that from someone PP in TSO?

BTW, I play games to have fun. Sorry if that bothers you.