
Flamey Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 23:51:32

Today SoF would like to inform the world that we are in a state of war with PDM and have been so since 23:00. Our reasons are many and our causes are just. It is for our good, but most poignantly it is for the benefit of all. Our collective liberty is at stake from the alliance you know as PDM, an alliance that can only be described as one thing; communist.

They are an alliance that believes that all is wrong with the game and that the system is broken, while also being of the opinion that their philosophy is the only right one. Last set they had reached a stage where they believed that they could achieve the ideals of 'Permanent Revolution', but failed spectacularly after overestimating their own strength. They have now resorted back to the policy of 'Socialism in One Country', so they can sideline the leaders who have differing ideas, purge the non-conformists and therefore achieve a loyal and brainwashed alliance before they embark on imposing their ideals on other alliances again.

What ideals? What... communism?... I hear you say! Well, first I would like to direct you to PDM's state organised policies. All hits are to be monitored, all hits arranged, and all hits beneficial for both sides. Then there is their belief that all alliances should adopt this and that the server should be socially engineered around the values of PDM. These values include the elimination of all individual competition within alliances, as the server is an alliance server only. To them individual netgaining finishes mean nothing, so policies that give unfair advantages to certain countries who avoid any competition in the server are of no concern to the PDM comintern. Even from a war alliance perspective we understand that individual competitions, such as hit stats and stonewalling, is an important part of this alliance server and we will fight to defend that. We want a game where alliances can compete with each other, but individuals can also compete whether it be in their own alliance or with everyone else in the game. PDM wants the individual's freedom removed and transferred to the alliance and where will that lead? There will be no need for alliances; everyone can tag up as one; one state... no borders... Everything mutually agreed and organised; all one harmonious community...

The effects of communism are all too apparent on PDM itself. PDM's countries show classic examples of over-bureaucratic and inefficiently organised labour. By the state of these countries it looks like PDM will need another twenty years before they can get the system right. But even if this is the case, it is clear the population is not enjoying a socialist utopia, but instead are being forced into small labouring areas, being collectivised and fearing the gulags. It is amazing how many civs comply with our SR attacks. We must actually pity the proletariat in this alliance.

Some of you may say, "leave these wackos and self-deluded people alone! They cause no harm"... but this couldn't be further from the truth. Last reset, we attempted to make compromise after compromise with this rogue nation, despite their policies and actions being an affront to what most this server stands for:

1) Actions such as informing suiciders (international terrorists) what alliance certain players played in, so that they direct their fire away from them.

2) Policies already discussed, such as making it impossible for most individuals in the server to compete without doing communist-style mutually agreed grabbing.

3) Arguing that individual rankings mean nothing anymore.

Yet, every compromise was turned down and as a result we made a point on behalf of all free-thinking peoples of EarthEmpires... We landgrabbed one of their landtraders!

The politburo was outraged and offended that people could think so freely and attack without consent that they decided to take action. They launched an undiplomatic and insulting campaign on us in public and in private, before committing acts of wars. First they defused all of our missiles, but to their surprise we did not give them the war that we wanted. Being the calm and contemplative thinkers we are; we did not respond. With rash heads they took action themselves and triggered a war that cost 100's of millions of lives, mainly their own.

Despite this tragedy, they continue to plot and state that they will never give up until what they hope for has been achieved. They have claimed that they will do anything to dictate PDM communism to the server... from the unconventional to hurting our all of our allies. Yet their so-called creative thinking so far has amounted to that of most comintern states of the past; pretty null.

Therefore today, SoF fights back for the server. SoF wants the server to be as much for the individual as it is for the alliance. Hit stats for people of war countries and individual netting ranks for individuals in netting alliances. Freedom for the people of EarthEmpires!!!

Flamey Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 23:51:38

TLTR version:

SoF declares war on PDM, because they are communists.

PDM is trying to impose their communist ideals on the server, despite spectacularly failing last reset.

Such communist policies include state controlled grabbing and the elimination of all individual competition in the server.

PDM's crappy countries are examples of the pitfalls of communism.

Last set we tried to compromise on our differences, but they refused to budge an inch. We topfed one of their landtraders and they responded by diffusing our missiles. We did not respond to this provocation, but they first striked us anyway.

Despite being annihilated, they vowed to get back at us. They said they would be unconventional and they have threatened to make our allies hurt. They have also been trying to turn our allies against us and talking with most alliances with a view to form pacts against us.

We are left with no choice for our own good and also for the good of the server to lay another blow against the forces of communism.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 23:51:51

TDTU (Dagga) Version:

- SoF and PDM got sad about landtrading.

- PDM say persons has to be same and permission be asked for every action.

- SoF tell PDM and cronies that this bad.

- PDM defuse SoF missiles, but SoF walk away from playground.

- PDM bully looking to impress cronies throws FS punch at SoF and calls him fading star as he walk in other direction.

- PDM bully miss SoF and falls on ground flat on face and cry.

- SoF pick PDM off floor but PDM storm off crying to friends.

- PDM plots how to make SoF or SoF friends hurt for humiliation and go back to read Marx.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 20th 2012, 23:53:01

TLDR version:

SoF didn't offer PDM a pact this round.

SoF went around the server telling everyone PDM would AB FS SoF OOP.

PDM planned to net and did nothing of the sort.

SoF lied to everyone to get a sour grapes war against PDM.

This was the plan all along.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Detmer Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 23:55:27

Originally posted by Pang:
TLDR version:

SoF didn't offer PDM a pact this round.

SoF went around the server telling everyone PDM would AB FS SoF OOP.

PDM planned to net and did nothing of the sort.

SoF lied to everyone to get a sour grapes war against PDM.

This was the plan all along.


archaic Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 23:55:34

did you write that all by yourself flamey? wow, I'm impressed
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

bug03 Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 23:56:26

I want my trading partner back :(

Devestation Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 23:58:10


hello RD 2.0 how are you

Jiman Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:08:02

*pulls a bunny out of his hat*

Now for my next trick, no one will say SOF is destroying the server for blind siding a netting alliance because they are friends with Laf!

That title has to be reserved for SOL, right.... right...

*waits to be flammed*

*feeds trolls*

Edited By: Jiman on Apr 21st 2012, 0:10:35
See Original Post

Ivan Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:17:56

oh noes sof blind sided a netgainging alliance over policies, im sure sol has never done that one before

*waits to be flammed*

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:18:00


Jiman Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:18:49

Originally posted by Ivan:

oh noes sof blind sided a netgainging alliance over policies, im sure sol has never done that one before

*waits to be flammed*

*lights Ivan on fire*

*runs away*



Apr 21st 2012, 0:19:58

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

oats Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:23:36

I kind of laughed when I read the accusation that PDM are communists.


Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:26:46

Originally posted by Jiman:
*pulls a bunny out of his hat*

Now for my next trick, no one will say SOF is destroying the server for blind siding a netting alliance because they are friends with Laf!

That title has to be reserved for SOL, right.... right...

*waits to be flammed*

*feeds trolls*

If that was a blindside... PDM must have some pretty poor eyesight...

They defuse all our missiles, dec on us, tell us to not even consider pacting them. Vow revenge, contact everyone in the server in an attempt to turn them against us...threaten to make us hurt by damaging our allies' interests... and they don't see us coming... right.

Boltar Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:28:43

hey i think he's talking about me "1) Actions such as informing suiciders (international terrorists) what alliance certain players played in, so that they direct their fire away from them."



Apr 21st 2012, 0:33:08

One of the better war decs I have seen in my 10+ years... *golf clap*


Edited By: [IX]Mobster on Apr 21st 2012, 0:57:31
See Original Post

bug03 Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:41:43

Originally posted by [IX]Mobster:
One of the better war decs I have seen in my 10+ years... *golf clap*


LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Apr 21st 2012, 0:49:19

Originally posted by Flamey:
Originally posted by Jiman:
*pulls a bunny out of his hat*

Now for my next trick, no one will say SOF is destroying the server for blind siding a netting alliance because they are friends with Laf!

That title has to be reserved for SOL, right.... right...

*waits to be flammed*

*feeds trolls*

If that was a blindside... PDM must have some pretty poor eyesight...

They defuse all our missiles, dec on us, tell us to not even consider pacting them. Vow revenge, contact everyone in the server in an attempt to turn them against us...threaten to make us hurt by damaging our allies' interests... and they don't see us coming... right.

has to be blindside cause they were netting (as pang says) aka not expecting. :P
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance



Apr 21st 2012, 0:52:32

[quote poster=bug03; 16932; 310151]
Originally posted by [IX]Mobster:
One of the better war decs I have seen in my 10+ years... *golf clap*

poke [/quote]

Is this the bug I know and love?


Edited By: [IX]Mobster on Apr 21st 2012, 0:57:57
See Original Post

bug03 Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:53:11

the one and only

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 21st 2012, 0:55:05

fluff you fluff.
I financially support this game; what do you do?



Apr 21st 2012, 0:57:17

Good to see you around still! SoF put a gun to my head and told me to play again for at least this set. I couldn't resist. What alliance you in?




Apr 21st 2012, 0:58:42

How do you not expect it coming when you Defuse FS last set and vowing not to pact?

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Boltar Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:00:48

^ forgotten speaks truth.. look at 2 sets ago.. tie honored a DP and then the following set FS tag killed them last 10 days of set or so.. why wouldnt they do this to PDM who missile sabotaged FS them last set.. and then officially FSed

Drow Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:02:19

I laughs.
then I restarts... bastards killed me in your fs :p

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

ninong Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:04:12

f;amey! bug! kj! group hug!
ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic

Jiman Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:07:26

Why did PDM FS defuse your missiles last set?

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:09:06

Because we topfed a landtrader.

archaic Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:10:57

because we had the same number of members and sof was bored
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Apr 21st 2012, 1:14:48

if they expected an fs this set for last sets actions then they wouldnt be in netting mode this set, which means the leaders got blindsided b/c they didnt expect it for some reason.

thats all im sayin lol
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

vern Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:15:02

take this to the FFA boards

Collzaboration Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:22:25

Good luck , have fun....

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:22:34

They were not in netting mode... but tbh looking at most of these countries I don't think they were in any mode; they look like the remains of a former Soviet Republic.



Apr 21st 2012, 1:25:58

if PDM wasn't prepared, then that's their problem,

it's not a blind side when EVERYONE else knows a war was coming.

it's like insulting a nonpacted alliance as a country theme, then don't war prep, and cry blindside when you get hit.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Sov Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:32:34

See one thing has been evident to me these recent weeks... Somehow some leaders have come to think of alliance politics as being dagga-style posts on AT.

This game is about politics and always has been. Real politics is about negotiating and dealing in the best interests of your alliance. If you want to play stubborn that is your call bit it didn't work out too well for Arrow... Let me know how it works out for you.

Drow Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:43:31

meh, we got caught with our pants down this set. I don't care, I'll fight anyways ;)

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Pride Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:49:06

I'm not very impressed Sof. Dont you have a 20+ member advantage ?

locket Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:04:04

Originally posted by Flamey:
TLTR version:

SoF declares war on PDM, because they are communists.

PDM is trying to impose their communist ideals on the server, despite spectacularly failing last reset.

Such communist policies include state controlled grabbing and the elimination of all individual competition in the server.

PDM's crappy countries are examples of the pitfalls of communism.

Last set we tried to compromise on our differences, but they refused to budge an inch. We topfed one of their landtraders and they responded by diffusing our missiles. We did not respond to this provocation, but they first striked us anyway.

Despite being annihilated, they vowed to get back at us. They said they would be unconventional and they have threatened to make our allies hurt. They have also been trying to turn our allies against us and talking with most alliances with a view to form pacts against us.

We are left with no choice for our own good and also for the good of the server to lay another blow against the forces of communism.

I very much doubt that a non netting clan is doing this to stop their landtrading which isn't even as bad as other clans which you aren't killing and is at least done in a not so blatant and abusive way.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:05:46

Wait, so we stand up for ourselves last round (oh btw, you declared war on us, not vice versa) and then you feel you have to hit us back? That excuse doesn't fly. Everyone knows that getting revenge for someone standing up to you is the same as you picking on them in the first place. Your spin does not work.

Your spin does not work.

Your spin does not work.

Revenge against someone standing up to you is the same as you picking on them in the first place.

This is just proof that you planned to hit us last round anyways.

20 member advantage? You are still cowards, no matter if you always beat the unprepped alliances.

Helmet Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:21:06

I'd love to hear your explanation of how we declared war.

You sabotaged our missiles. We didn't react other than laugh. Then you FS'd us. How in your mind does that equate to us declaring war?

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:21:36

1) Regarding the 20 member advantage. How much larger was PDM than Sanct when you hit them a few sets ago over retal issues (common occurance?)

I remember PDM saying at the time they would have done it even if they were smaller... kind of like when we hit Evo, despite our disadvantages.

2) You are wrong to think we do not care about netgaining. We are more than prepared to netgain our fair share of sets if the conditions are right; or even wargain the set out. However, what is the point with the blatant landtrading skewing any effort?

Last set we were prepared to do this, even if it annoyed our members, but we were not prepared to pact an alliance that wasn't willing to compramise with us. Therefore we were totally entitled to topfeed those countries. fluff move, maybe... but this is how we feel about undermining our potential finishes.

So why didn't we take action against RD? Perhaps we did... just more subtly... as who are they going to mass landtrade with now? Why didn't we take as much action as we did against PDM? Perhaps because they didn't defuse all of our missiles, hit us and threaten us and our allies in future sets.

hawkeyee Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:22:21

Oooh. I wonder if this will start to sway the votes of my survey. Vote now!
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:23:58

Originally posted by Helmet:
I'd love to hear your explanation of how we declared war.

You sabotaged our missiles. We didn't react other than laugh. Then you FS'd us. How in your mind does that equate to us declaring war?

We never sabotaged your missiles.

On the other hand...

Your war dec, public, verifiable for all:
SoF declares war on PDM
Author Posts

Posts: 857
Mar 8th 2012, 22:20:50


Paradigm declares war on SoF
Pages: 1 2 Newest
Author Posts

Posts: 3,560

Mar 9th 2012, 2:05:32

Ergo, you declared war on us.

locket Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:25:40

Originally posted by Flamey:
1) Regarding the 20 member advantage. How much larger was PDM than Sanct when you hit them a few sets ago over retal issues (common occurance?)

I remember PDM saying at the time they would have done it even if they were smaller... kind of like when we hit Evo, despite our disadvantages.

2) You are wrong to think we do not care about netgaining. We are more than prepared to netgain our fair share of sets if the conditions are right; or even wargain the set out. However, what is the point with the blatant landtrading skewing any effort?

Last set we were prepared to do this, even if it annoyed our members, but we were not prepared to pact an alliance that wasn't willing to compramise with us. Therefore we were totally entitled to topfeed those countries. fluff move, maybe... but this is how we feel about undermining our potential finishes.

So why didn't we take action against RD? Perhaps we did... just more subtly... as who are they going to mass landtrade with now? Why didn't we take as much action as we did against PDM? Perhaps because they didn't defuse all of our missiles, hit us and threaten us and our allies in future sets.

RD will landtrade with themselves. Aren't Sanct/Neofed and others doing it too? Just seems like you are avoiding the number one on the tree there.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:27:32

Originally posted by Flamey:
1) Regarding the 20 member advantage. How much larger was PDM than Sanct when you hit them a few sets ago over retal issues (common occurance?)

I remember PDM saying at the time they would have done it even if they were smaller... kind of like when we hit Evo, despite our disadvantages.

So you're saying we should have hit Sanct again, because once the issue was settled it wasn't?

We hit SoL when they were bigger than us... we got three kills and they tag killed us in three days. We are not the hypocrites here.

2) You are wrong to think we do not care about netgaining. We are more than prepared to netgain our fair share of sets if the conditions are right; or even wargain the set out. However, what is the point with the blatant landtrading skewing any effort?

Last set we were prepared to do this, even if it annoyed our members, but we were not prepared to pact an alliance that wasn't willing to compramise with us. Therefore we were totally entitled to topfeed those countries. fluff move, maybe... but this is how we feel about undermining our potential finishes.

So why didn't we take action against RD? Perhaps we did... just more subtly... as who are they going to mass landtrade with now? Why didn't we take as much action as we did against PDM? Perhaps because they didn't defuse all of our missiles, hit us and threaten us and our allies in future sets.

So this is an anti-landgrabbing war? By looking at the recent post by Pang it is clear that most of the server favor's our landgrabbing policies. You only fighting us only shows that you are insecure with your stature on the server. Nothing more.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:30:10

Well if RD really start landtrading with themselves again, then I admit, we're beat and someone else with have to deal with it if they don't like it... and we'll just war more since netting wouldn't be worth it.

Sanct/Neo are not mass hitting each other's countries over a 72 hour period, like PDM/RD was.

Helmet Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:30:11

Lol @ Detmer.

You can lie all you want on here. I don't give two fluffs about the AT. :)

Btw: You declared war on us this set by your same brilliant logic.

Originally posted by Detmer:

We know you think you're hot fluff.

You're wrong.

I guarantee you we are smarter and more creative than you are and down the road you and your allies will regret the way you have behaved. You will not be capable of fulfilling your obligations as allies to your allies. You have picked the wrong game to attempt to bully. That card was played years ago and you failed to adapt.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:33:09

Originally posted by Helmet:
Lol @ Detmer.

You can lie all you want on here. I don't give two fluffs about the AT. :)

Btw: You declared war on us this set by your same brilliant logic.

Originally posted by Detmer:

We know you think you're hot fluff.

You're wrong.

I guarantee you we are smarter and more creative than you are and down the road you and your allies will regret the way you have behaved. You will not be capable of fulfilling your obligations as allies to your allies. You have picked the wrong game to attempt to bully. That card was played years ago and you failed to adapt.

Dude, you are not, to my knowledge, an idiot like the majority of SoF heads. How can you possibly claim logic on that?

I cite posts where alliances formally declare war with SoF clearly being the first one.

You cite a post where I call you out for being pathetic - that is not a war declaration.

Helmet Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:38:02

That thread was clearly a joke. Did you even read the content? Are we seriously arguing about a thread?

PDM did the first harmful ops. PDM did the first special attacks. PDM declared war.