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To be taken more seriously than a coward like you. You beat up kids in local middle schools to claim you're a good fighter too?
I haven't even seen you guys do anything impressive and last I checked someones stocks are getting low.....
It’s not bullying when you are fluffslapping a fluffy fool.
You guys think you are awesome, we’ll give you 3 sets of one on one action with SoF to prove it. Or will you try gangbanging us again like your leaders tried to do this set.
Maybe next time you will think twice about trying to rally a gangbang against us. That’s taking off the gloves so to speak. Well we took them off too and threw them down for you :)
Are you kidding me? You blindsidded netters. Thats pathetic. "I can't handle real war tags, my clan can only get kills or hope to win a war against netters" that was your clans opening statment. No one disagrees with that.
So don't start pre-emptively crying about a gangbang, because you cowards can't handle people fighting as dirty as you losers need to.
I have seen no skill so far either. Just a bunch of half assed mediocre countries. Or maybe I need to remind you the score is 17 kills to 21. How the hell do scrubs only have a 4 point lead on a war you initiated with a fluffing sneak attack.... This is the biggest joke I have ever seen in this game and I knew XDarkPrinceX....