
Suicidal Game profile


May 30th 2019, 21:39:19

^^ Thanks LOL

Zelow Game profile


May 30th 2019, 22:22:56

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Sov some of your posts are comical because you are talking to people who in no way lead or make decisions for the Alliance. If you want to create a reason to continue a war with LaF that is fine but lets not pretend like we are asking for it.

Also if Gains was trying to gang bang SoF then we were doing a hell of a job of having the worst built war countries ever (no spies or sdi or stock) you wanted to hit LaF because you felt disrespected and your ego took a hit being in our IRC room. You and I have no issues, that I know of, but lets be men about this.

We don't really need to peafluff on AT about it, let the war stats speak for themselves.

…" you are talking to people who in no way lead or make decisions for the Alliance."
SOF is an alliance and does not believe in your "Deep State" way of thinking. A lot of us have been playing this GAME for 20+ years. Along comes some yahoos who want to find significance in life by attempting to control the GAME with pre-arranged wars, deciding who should and who should not be hit.
If a Clan wants to net, then net. If a Clan wants to war, then war. Clans should make their individual decisions and should never need to get permission from the self-serving who attempt to make decisions for the whole alliance.
This self-serving attempt to direct the whole alliance have destroyed recruitment and drove most from the GAME.
Each Clan can form their pacts based on their needs. Netters should always build their countries knowing that other clans might come exploring for land. Warring Clans should always prepare their countries for other warring clans knowing that even a high stocked netter might come exploring for land.
Clan rules should be consistent, (retals 1:1 or land:land), and should one clan deviate from established game rules the other Clans can jump on them to enforce these rules.
Their will always be the highest hitter, highest waller, highest netter although the numbers may not end up the same.
War Clans brag on their ability to build strong war countries.
Netting Clans brag on their skills to do all the calcs and strategy to get high NW.
Are Clans afraid to build their skills by preparing for whatever might happen?

How you gonna complain about people trying to dictate a server then claim there is some dumb 1:1 or land:land retal policy. If you want anarchy, then take the suicide retals that come with it. Don't abandon your own convictions half way.

Originally posted by Requiem:
I think there needs to be two servers:

1. PVE
2. PVP

The game is too small to accommodate everyone on a single server. Even WoW has two servers for such things.

I agree with this, a cool way to do this easily, is just clone 1a and make everyone GDI. Make it so no one in GDI can attack someone in GDI, then just remove GDI from all the bots. Happy farming, and GL on that NW finish.

The only reason I see people crying about this, is becuase the war dogs will cry that they don't have easy netter targets to leech off of.

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I have better names.

1. Earth Empires
2. Requiem is a homo

Otherwise i like the idea. :)

Derrick does know all about homos.
(⌐■_■)--︻╦╤─ - - - (✖╭╮✖)

Syko_Killa Game profile


May 30th 2019, 22:40:58

Thank you #619 for showing love to my nick. You are under my protection for the rest of the reset.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DonSean Game profile


May 31st 2019, 0:05:07




Jun 1st 2019, 19:15:12

Who is winning i want to see some S tier analysis any volunteers
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jun 1st 2019, 19:44:14

Originally posted by Chevs:
Who is winning i want to see some S tier analysis any volunteers
SoF lost
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 1st 2019, 23:08:55

Since the addition of the stupid ass restart bonus, the community has largely decided a tag kill represents a win. Laf/sol is closer to winning now, but still hasnt won and obviously can still be broke. 3rd restarts are still alright. But sof would need some miracle walls to come anywhere near staving off a loss.

Howd i do?

Karnage XZ


Jun 1st 2019, 23:37:05

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Since the addition of the stupid ass restart bonus, the community has largely decided a tag kill represents a win. Laf/sol is closer to winning now, but still hasnt won and obviously can still be broke. 3rd restarts are still alright. But sof would need some miracle walls to come anywhere near staving off a loss.

Howd i do?
I have been told TNW is what defines a win, but I think that because LaF/SoL started with more networth it wouldn't be fair to say that we already won from the beginning. To me it looks like LaF/SoL are winning at the moment but have not quite won just yet. SoF has their six best wallers still alive and that presents some challenges but it's nothing that cannot be overcome. LaF/SoL has over 3k more hits, 13 more kills, 600m more nw and there is 9 days left. SoF CM'd a bunch of LaF countries with none to barely any SDI and low defenses. It surprises me that they didn't do more BR's instead of GS. LaF/SoL lacked very many CM kills for the fact that LaF didn't really have missiles and SoF had 89% SDI in most of their countries but LaF/SoL made up for it with more BR kills than SoFs BR and CM kills put together. Strategically SoF made several mistakes, hitting and wasting resources on a defenseless netting alliance was a big mistake because SoF will never tag kill SoL now since they have war built countries. SoF has speed kills against Laf but if you look at the ones against SoL countries the speed is not the same and that's because SoL has spal to contend with SOF whereas LaF doesn't and can be easily Demo/CD. All in all, SoF had the advantage of a surprise attack on one alliance who was unprepared for war, SoF has the majority of the best wallers left in the game, SoF had the FS and essentially I think there FS was off by a week, seriously bad timing. For an alliance whose been gone for this long though, I think SoF didn't skip a beat, but in there absence there are other people who took the field. When you return after being gone for so long, ask for a friendly war because too many alliances have folded. Anybody ever played 52 card pickup?

How'd I do?
Do as I say, not as I do.



Jun 1st 2019, 23:39:13




Jun 2nd 2019, 1:04:33

SoF picked the only fight that would have been a challenge. Kudos for taking the risk.

DruncK Game profile


Jun 2nd 2019, 2:50:31

I'm impressed with activity and lack of whining on LaF's behalf. We have been slowly chewing thru the Uber wallers and very impressed with the most recent impromptu run against Vamps.

SoL/LaFs target selection has been totally on point as far as restarts go but that is helped along by the good handful of offline laf hitters.

If this wasn't a "friendly" war I don't know what is, hats off to all involved.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2019, 3:32:37

Originally posted by justtaint:
SoF picked the only fight that would have been a challenge. Kudos for taking the risk.

I dont think it was a risk, having the reunion made this war the actual reward regardless of the outcome.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2019, 9:36:52

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Since the addition of the stupid ass restart bonus, the community has largely decided a tag kill represents a win. Laf/sol is closer to winning now, but still hasnt won and obviously can still be broke. 3rd restarts are still alright. But sof would need some miracle walls to come anywhere near staving off a loss.

Howd i do?
The obsession with the tag kill (of LaF) is why SoF lost.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Karnage XZ


Jun 2nd 2019, 16:29:46

I think Xyle thought this would be like the SoF vs MD75 war.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2019, 19:14:01

Originally posted by Chevs:
Who is winning i want to see some S tier analysis any volunteers

The stats speak for themself don't you think?
Don of LaF

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 6:01:08

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Since the addition of the stupid ass restart bonus, the community has largely decided a tag kill represents a win. Laf/sol is closer to winning now, but still hasnt won and obviously can still be broke. 3rd restarts are still alright. But sof would need some miracle walls to come anywhere near staving off a loss.

Howd i do?

Fuxk you and your tag kill Bullfluff. What about wars that go full reset? Are they decided 1 week in but continues for another 6-8 weeks?
Always hated the tag kill reason for winning a war, restarts can be just as deadly and some times they can be 100% troops or Jets cause people are going blindly for the tag kill.
Don of LaF


New Member

Jun 3rd 2019, 16:11:49

No netting if it's a SoF Reunion set.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 18:46:47

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Since the addition of the stupid ass restart bonus, the community has largely decided a tag kill represents a win. Laf/sol is closer to winning now, but still hasnt won and obviously can still be broke. 3rd restarts are still alright. But sof would need some miracle walls to come anywhere near staving off a loss.

Howd i do?

Fuxk you and your tag kill Bullfluff. What about wars that go full reset? Are they decided 1 week in but continues for another 6-8 weeks?
Always hated the tag kill reason for winning a war, restarts can be just as deadly and some times they can be 100% troops or Jets cause people are going blindly for the tag kill.

Haha. To answer your question I'll respond with i think yes. They are decided then. When we finish tk we say have a nice day and see you next set and then only remain semi active until next set. Restarts not only can be deadly. They are deadly.

People dont accept tk as finish because anything changes. They accept tk as a win so smaller tags can beat larger tags. Can elders tk stones? In this war presumably yes, we're close. They will still have more nw than us tho. Can we, a 12 member tag fully get ahead in nw? Sure, if we had a 90 day set i suppose we could kill their restarts enough times.

Nothing about the impact on the numbers indicates that elders is winning their war except that only 4 of us have died and we killed near 20. Weve only lost like 20m nw and killed like 300m nw but theyre still ahead by a large margin because of volume. We have 270 HPK against 850 HPD. But still not ahead in nw. We would have to kill them all like 3 times to pass them in nw tho, as it is 29vs12. 40% of 29 is still greater than 12. By any other metric youd be asking us 12 to get around 60 kills which is kind of not going to happen.

So it's either completely improbable to win wars you clearly dominated as a small tag (even if your bottom originals are above their top restarts), or the metric of tk can be used to show that we were able to kill them all. And that metic can be used by large tags as well, although it isnt as necessary in an even numbers war. But just the way things work out, the losing tag is generally tag killed anyways...

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 3rd 2019, 19:11:01
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 18:55:33

Think of it this way. If a 40 member laf was hit by a 100 member clan, do you really think its possible with the restart bonus to actually get ahead in nw? Youd need like 250 kills which is never going to happen. It's easy to favor a metric that obviously favors large tags when your the big boy on the block. LaF probably will never have to face 2 to 1 odds, so you wouldnt run into a problem with the nw metric, only smaller enemies will.

I dont like any metric by which its impossible for one side to win.

Also fluff the restart bonus. It should be about nw but its not because of that fluffty rule.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 3rd 2019, 19:00:32
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 3rd 2019, 19:15:39


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 19:33:03

You can define it by any arbitrary metric. Tag kill as the only measure of a win is silly to me. So much more goes into a successful war than simply getting tag kill.
- Premium Patron Member



Jun 3rd 2019, 19:41:44

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Think of it this way. If a 40 member laf was hit by a 100 member clan, do you really think its possible with the restart bonus to actually get ahead in nw? Youd need like 250 kills which is never going to happen. It's easy to favor a metric that obviously favors large tags when your the big boy on the block. LaF probably will never have to face 2 to 1 odds, so you wouldnt run into a problem with the nw metric, only smaller enemies will.

I dont like any metric by which its impossible for one side to win.

Also fluff the restart bonus. It should be about nw but its not because of that fluffty rule.

my restart was a 15k tyr techer with a million tech and 200m bushels...what is even the point of killing me at that point? so i lose 100 turns in protection? if there was no restart bonus it would force people to carry more military and be massive breaks like 35m raw

so stupid
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 20:01:33

Yep chevs. Plus it makes all metrics of war completely arbitrary. Its really annoying.

Thats what i mean tho, req. Generally after a tag kill those other stats are met anyways in an even numbers war. Sure its a combination of a number of things, but all are generally met anyways if someone is TKd anyhow. And not only that, but looking a totality of fluff, you could almost argue that you won or lost any war like the big dog thread.

TK is good because it is a definitive, widely accepted, end.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 20:05:03

Any disagreement we have is a symptom of the rest bonus. I say after two deaths you go to 0.
- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 20:22:02

Originally posted by Requiem:
Any disagreement we have is a symptom of the rest bonus. I say after two deaths you go to 0.

Yeah. Gerdy's suggestion. For what its worth i dont think that solves the metric for a smaller tag problem. Otherwise i like it. In my example, if a 40 member laf was fsed by a 100 member tag, youd still need 120 kills to win nw. Which is still hella big advantage to the bigger tag, who wouldnt need any kills to stay ahead in nw as long as they dont suffer more deaths than they have members.

I think youd start to see more double kills than attempts to go for tops or TKs, because stock and nw loss would be more effective on a 2nd kill than a 1st kill to knock a guy off from breaking. Still would be a symptom that causes a disagreement imo.

Should just be eliminated altogether. I understand the FS feels too powerful without it, but the last time SOL fsed us we suffered only one death. Good warclans can compete. Dont like how powerful an fs is? Get better at walling. Netters are gonna get whiney when they get fsed anyways. I know i do. Who gives a fluff? You're never gonna please everyone. Better to have something difinitive.

Everything ive seen aside from getting rid of it entirely greatly exaggerates the advantage a larger tag has.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 3rd 2019, 20:30:12
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 20:33:04

Look at elders war right now req.

We have 242m nw, they have 376m. And we're pretty clearly winning. We havent killed any restarts so under your premise, this war would turn out completely identical and equally as arbitrary with that rule change.

Without a restart bonus, nw would be swinging in our favor rn, and would seem to indicate at all that we are actually winning, though we would have just passed them in nw the last couple days. Numbers is advantage enough as it is.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 3rd 2019, 20:42:28
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 20:43:57

In attempting to narf the strength of an FS, they exaggerated numbers advantage to an offensive degree.

Sof would be looking currently at similar warstats if they were winning against you rn. They'd almost have to kill you 2 to 1 to win the war. If the war isnt almost even in numbers, the restart bonus plainly hands the win to the larger side unless a tag kill metric is used. And even then the side with greater numbers has a HUGE advantage in the war. Like waaaaay more than it used to be. Should be no reason that a smaller tag needs to tag kill a larger tag two or three times to win a war. Thats crazy.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 3rd 2019, 21:02:24
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 3rd 2019, 21:02:13

Last set when LEMM was fighting SSRP there was at one point a large TNW advantage to the LEMM side and a significant 30 to 18 originals advantage for the SSRP side. I think both sides agreed at that point that LEMM was winning, but according to the tag kill principle LEMM would lose if the reset ended at that point because we had fewer originals left. In the end we won, no matter which metric we used, but TNW predicted it before.
If the sides are similar(doesnt have to be equal) in skill, prep, organization and numbers I suggest TNW is the best indicator of a war win and a TNW graph will tell you when one side was doing well, who did the FS and such.

And if either one or several of those parameters are vastly divergent from one side to the other there is often no one metric that can encapsulate and tell the whole story of a war. A 30 vs 10 war is not supposed to happen and if it does its supposed to be a slaughter of the 10.

I also like to point out that we all agree that the restart bonus in its present for creates more issues than it solves, and we all have different arguements for why it should be removed or at least be nerfed.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 21:07:00

Honestly I'd like the restart bonus if it eliminated 100% of your stock and military and techs but let you keep like 40% of your acres and buildings. Id be ok with that narf. Prevents the 5000 spal restarts with enough stock to survive. Prevents restarts from breaking oop etc. But also you dont have to start totally fresh and can still get back into the war with production. And people who were around 80k acres are rewarded for their hard work with decent production on their restarts.

I like that better than the two restarts rule you suggested and req adopted.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 3rd 2019, 21:12:35
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 3rd 2019, 21:14:50

I think the way the restart bonus is built up now is proper. The fact that you get more of your on-market stuff creates opportunities to play with that would just be removed with your suggestion. It should be way harder to get to 95% stock back and 95% of everything else back, tho. I think that would solve a lot of our issues with it.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2019, 22:52:11

If it stayed the way it is now, I'd like to see the average closer to 10% than like 50% like it is. Like cut the restart bonus by 5x.

Also chem killed restarts could at least be comparable to gs restarts. Perhaps a minimum of 10% of everything goes back and goes up from there by defend starting at like 250 defends... Chem kills get screwed on restarts atm while everyone else get decent restarts.



Jun 4th 2019, 1:55:42

Restart bonuses are ghey and I’m going to topfeed Gerd every set until he makes his admin buddies remove them


SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 4th 2019, 2:05:51

Originally posted by Chevs:
Restart bonuses are ghey and I’m going to topfeed Gerd every set until he makes his admin buddies remove them



Only us mods (including your loving leader) has access to the admin buddy action. Hater

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2019, 2:50:10

Galleri, carry me to victory.
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2019, 2:50:10

- Premium Patron Member

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 4th 2019, 2:59:46

Originally posted by Requiem:
Galleri, carry me to victory.

Already did.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Relax lah Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2019, 15:08:49

Now u both carry me :D

Karnage XZ


Jun 4th 2019, 22:18:28

No, you all pick me up and carry me to Victory!!!
Do as I say, not as I do.

TipDaVampire Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 21:29:11

Good job guys... Ya got me.

Karnage XZ


Jun 5th 2019, 21:32:30

Originally posted by TipDaVampire:
Good job guys... Ya got me.
You guys had a lot of wallers who were pain in the rear, good walling.
Do as I say, not as I do.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 21:35:46

Originally posted by TipDaVampire:
Good job guys... Ya got me.

You was awesome :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

mac23 Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 21:46:39

Originally posted by TipDaVampire:
Good job guys... Ya got me.

nice wallin!

Zelow Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 21:52:13


Admin please delete


Edited By: Zelow on Jun 5th 2019, 22:05:31
See Original Post
(⌐■_■)--︻╦╤─ - - - (✖╭╮✖)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2019, 21:59:42

RIP Vamps its still weird to see you on the other team :)
- Premium Patron Member

TipDaVampire Game profile


Jun 6th 2019, 23:22:59

Thank you all.

Great tactics in doing brs at the end.

And btw, the first time you hit me and I walked the gs's, then you followed with 50+ chems and a few ems to boot, I was squirming in my chair... Single digit civies and only half a dozen turns.

Hats off to you.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 17:39:21

Lol nice
- Premium Patron Member

Son Goku Game profile


Jun 10th 2019, 21:39:06

Weird war

Don Gainsboro

EE Patron

Jun 10th 2019, 22:02:37

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Weird war

Hey :-)

Karnage XZ


Jun 10th 2019, 22:15:16

The moral of this reset is don't get too fluffy.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Karnage XZ


Jun 11th 2019, 12:02:44

32 grilled halibut (#226) Game profile 23,492 $54,251,922 F LaF. Alive
Do as I say, not as I do.