
mdevol Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 10:44:29

good. thank you for putting that on record...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Yippie Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 11:40:19

I dont read the rest of the thread, except for what Aponic posted. Kudos to you for trying to bring your clan back up again after being demoralized. But I tell you this, it's not gonna be easy after what SoF (maybe you or the previous or current leaders) have done to a lot of other clans sets after sets.

Pretty much right now, you guys are getting what you deserved.

Souly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 11:45:24

Originally posted by Servant:
Aponic. I respect the Hell out of you, you know that. But you're in an impossible situation.

Now as far as this set goes.

LCN hit Rival for very legit reasons.

Rival, cheapshoted us last set. And FS'd us after RD did, an RD that was 2x our size.

We had every reason to hit Rival.

I even sent a message to Rival leadership, stating that no FA, no calling in allies, that we'd be willing to pact multiple sets.

Rival choose another route. I even suggested that Rival not call you in, as they'd only be calling you into a loss.

I can guarantee, that had Rival fought us 1-1, SOF would still be netting unless they FS'd someone.

Now to set things straight Servant last set we FS'd along side RD not after they FS'd you while we were under fire from MD and SOL and almost the entire rival clan had been killed.

Also we didn't only FS LCN we FS'd PDM and Evo too so the numbers of the war were even, though after the RD deletion we took the beatting from you guys and finally CF'd.

Also this set you tryed to bully us into following LCN rules... no one other clan should try dictate to others who to ally and how to play the game ;)

I've seen Makinso play the card of being fair toward other clans ha that's a lot of bulfluff just remember the war against Rival/RD where you forced DK to send SOL FA cos you were loosing, then when you guys couldn't get back in the war with all the FA DK sent you had them join a war they would loose since they had no more stock... How is that fair toward DK???

Also the 1st set i joind EE when SOL FA tryed to force rival into war over retals that were made in a fair way according to policy

And there are many other examples of SOL being "fair" that is just a reminder of how SOL is usually "fair".

Also this set SOL and MD were ready to war right from the beginning of the set just look at how many mono's they had also the country builds that stopped at about 10-14K acres

Alin Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 11:52:38

md had 30 countries over 15k land and 45 over 12k.

Edited By: Alin on Jan 2nd 2014, 12:10:27

Souly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 11:58:38

Originally posted by Alin:
md has 30 countries over 15k land and 45 over 12k.

It was and average ;)... and when LCN fs'd us they didn't have that many... i know cos i grab big countries :P

Alin Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 12:04:41

i was a 17k techer if that counts. MD countries did explore batches @ 11k. MD was in netting status while also being half ready for war since Sof is always fooling around trying to mess something.

Anyway aponic is trying to clean a airport hangar with a toothbrush. At least he tries.

Souly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 12:07:50

we'll see how it goes for you :P

Alin Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 12:11:46

It goes pretty good - when i`ll be out of stock Sof will be out of originals.

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 13:14:26

Originally posted by tulosba:

I became aware that many viewed SOF as having bullied them in the past

That depends on how you define bully. I have no issue and explaining SoF's conduct as I value my ability as a leader to operate with reasonable transparency to my members and those who I hold in high esteem (i.e aliies etc). But let's look at SoF's recent opponents.

SOL - Since SoF and SOL were FDPed this is the first time SoF has FSed SOL. Whilst certain SOL leaders like to play the victim card and act as if SoF has bullied them you will find that it was SOL who gangbanged SoF out of protection alongside Evo and Monsters. I accept much of the blame for the breakdown in SOL/SoF relations and have openly admitted this to several key SOLers (namely Dragon and Suni) but it was not my intent at the time to actually break the relations. I had grievances with SOL leadership, SOL leadership overreacted out of fear of SoF coming for them and as a result we are where we are.

I actually like SOL and thus had given them lots of latitude. I have the nothing but the highest respect for Dragon. If Dragon of SOL was ever to call me a liar about something and was able to show me I am wrong, I would be happy to admit it and would be nothing but apologetic for it.

LCN - This one is an interesting one. Whilst Servant loves to portray LCN as an innocent victim (surprise surprise, much like SOL) let's look at the facts. SoF and LCN were happily FDPed for a long time. When I became a Head in SoF I had a great working relationship with Deci and I also like Trife and Zen. When Deci departed LCN communication with LCN was virtually non-existent. The FDP was totally useless for a couple of sets because apart from re-signing a pact we had no contact with LCN.

In Deci's last set at LCN they also decided to blindside PDM for no reason at all and without PDM provoking them one little bit. This decimated PDM and I offered to help PDM recover at this point and gave them minor assistance. After deciding not to renew LCN as a FDP we were still happy to give LCN a UNAP on the basis that if we rebuilt relations we could return to a FDP.

Around the same time we learned of a coalition being put together by MD (and Imag) targeting Rival and RD from a few MD allies and were delivered lots of logs of discussions and leadership meetings about planning of this conflict with LCN looking to take on Rival (LCN leadership declined knowledge of this planning and we have no evidence of their direct involvement other than MD leadership making plans for LCN to hit Rival). Looking to avoid a server type war at the time we decided to intervene and at our ally's request we wanted to include a break clause for Rival in our pact with LCN to deter LCN from hitting Rival.

We ended up in a war with MD at this point and LCN decided to FS SoF in defense of MD (a war which MD was the aggressor). The following set LCN decided to send FA to MD (they claim they only sent a few packages but we believe otherwise). SoF does consider outside involvement against SoF as an act of war, and really so does every Alliance, as a result we decided to act upon it.

In essence, LCN FSed SoF then aided SoF's enemy the following set and then SoF is somehow the bully of poor innocent LCN for FSing them back afterwards. Why... because we are bigger than LCN? We do not think things work that way.

Monsters - This one is an unfortunate situation and was much as Warster described it. However once again Servant enjoy's portraying SoF as the bullies because it suits his political objective. I will note that over the 3 sets that SoF and Monsters had issues SoF had offered Monsters a pact on every occasion. I will also note that at no time did SoF ever FS Monsters when we easily could have.

ICN - Due to my personal historical dislike for ICN for my entire time in SoF I had maintained a distance with any ICN dealings so not to allow my personal position to ever affect SoF. Basically SoF had announced it's landtrading policies during this set and ICN was very vocal in their dislike for it. Somehow ICN felt that our policy was targeted at them when ICN was not even a remote consideration when our policy was being drawn up (a policy that was drawn up in coordination with LAF and SOL who both supported and adopted the policy).

ICN then took it upon themselves to purposely and provocatively topfeed SoF, attempt to outrun the retals, retal the retals and then brag about it on AT. At this time we did expect ICN leadership to resolve the issue with us in a reasonable manner but instead ICN's response was quite inflammatory which lead to outrage amongst the entire SoF leadership. I logged in one day to find that we had been set to Red Alert with intentions to act upon ICN. Following the war ICN leadership held very cordial discussions with SoF about the situation and their leader had admitted that he could have handled the situation better. I will not post my discussions with ICN leaders publicly at this time regarding the issue, but I am more than happy to share those messages with ICN members privately.

Now this one has been portrayed by everyone as SoF bullying poor small ICN. But I can guarantee you almost every Alliance in our position would have done the same thing as us. Just because an Alliance is small it does not give them the right to be assholes and expect to get away with it, and to do it against the largest *Warring* Alliance on the server at the time was pure insanity.

Evo - By Evo's own public admission they had no beef with SoF prior to their participation in the gangbang against SoF. They participated in the gangbang on SoF because LAF had FSed them the set earlier. That makes sense right. But wait, SoF is bullying everyone.

We also had mediated on many occasions between Evo and LAF to try and keep things cordial between those Alliances and even at one time recently had offered Evo a DP.

MD - MD may feel bullied by SoF, but by the same token SoF feels that MD always provokes us. MD/SoF relations broke down during the SPERM war (fallout over Hanlong) at which point MD made a big enemy out of Helmet due to comments they posted on AT about him which were fabrications and manipulations of the truth. There are many issues between MD and SoF and a general hatred which now saturates both Alliances to the Core and will probably not be easily fixed regardless of who is leading. In fact in our last few wars against MD I was very constrained in my dealings with MD much to the outrage of many of my members.

We generally do not war for no reason. If we fight someone it is because we have genuine issues with that Alliance. But if we intend to pursue an Alliance, we generally give them a lot of latitude before acting on anything. We do not blindside anyone for no reason. If we FS someone, we have a reason.

Whilst most Alliances on here will preach that we are bullies and we are destroying the game, I will argue that no Alliance has worked as much with other Alliances to assist them in building up, no other Alliance on this server has worked more to mediate disputes between other Alliances and no other Alliance has worked harder to bring players into this game as we have.

I would also argue that no other Alliance leader would have acted differently against those above mentioned Alliances if they were in our shoes.

We are such assholes that if any Alliance ever came to us saying "hey SoF we need help" that we would not tell them to go away or shrug them off. We'd be the first ones there to help them whether that be through guidance or advice or any other logistical support. Hell, even when we were enemies with MD I was giving them IA and recruiting advice (a very small amount during the earlier wars).

The Alliances SoF is fighting have their own agendas and I believe they fear SoF. And so they should. Neither MD, SOL or LCN could fight SoF one on one. They know this. So instead they attempt to manipulate public perception to further their objectives. That's part of the game and I know how that works. I'll let every Alliance make their own judgements for themselves. How MD, SOL and LCN have conducted themselves in this set is now the benchmark and neither Alliance has the right to criticize anyone else for engaging in any such conduct.

XiQter MD Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 13:31:34

Originally posted by Sov:

A load of bullsh-t

"Whilst most Alliances on here will preach that we are bullies and we are destroying the game, I will argue that no Alliance has worked as much with other Alliances to assist them in building up, no other Alliance on this server has worked more to mediate disputes between other Alliances and no other Alliance has worked harder to bring players into this game as we have."

This might be the best one! thing is true tho, SoF and MD relations are pretty bad, i give you credits for atleast making one true fact!

xoxo Sov, hope you are having a nice holiday!

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 2nd 2014, 13:40:17

Originally posted by aponic:
Leaders from SML have told me that their coalition is simply a defensive block but I think that this reset shows that at least in some respects it is not just a defensive block as LCN hitting Rival resulted in all three alliances going to war -- but that is really semantics.

Actually no, LCN decced rival in a standup 1v1 could have only resulted those two alliances being at war, and sof could have chose not to help rival in it or to FS SOL in the process ;)
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 13:41:08

Ok XiQter if it is such bullfluff...

I currently have access to 6 Alliances other than SoF, all of whom I am either currently working with in regards to their recruiting and IA or have done so in the past. What other Alliance right now has provided as much assistance to anyone?

I have mediated many disputes between Alliances. In the past year a few examples are Imag and Monsters, SOL and LAF, Evo and LAF, PDM and Imag, PDM and LAF... How many disputes has MD mediated?

You are butthurt for all the times SoF killed MD, we get it. Doesn't mean I am lying.

Alin Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 13:54:45

Sov pretty much anyone in this side knows you are full of fluff.

I suppose your "manipulation" wall of text here is for your members because i highly doubt anyone else buy that crap. You have mediated disputes btw alliances? lol

Sol and Laf. Well Sol ended receiving Laf FS last reset. When Sol fighted Sof, Laf was Sofs FA Redcross.
Evo and Laf. Yea it surely went well 2 sets ago.
PDM - you took all the cheap shoots at PDM and didn`t miss one single occasion.
You mediated disputes? You manipulated disputes into the best outcome for Sof agenda.

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 13:58:33

I like it when Alin posts. His posts are so retarded that I never feel I have to answer them in a serious tone.

Flamey Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 14:12:15

Originally posted by Sov:
Ok XiQter if it is such bullfluff...

I currently have access to 6 Alliances other than SoF, all of whom I am either currently working with in regards to their recruiting and IA or have done so in the past. What other Alliance right now has provided as much assistance to anyone?

I have mediated many disputes between Alliances. In the past year a few examples are Imag and Monsters, SOL and LAF, Evo and LAF, PDM and Imag, PDM and LAF... How many disputes has MD mediated?

You are butthurt for all the times SoF killed MD, we get it. Doesn't mean I am lying.

MD did mediate peace between SoF and PDM one set; the next set MD and PDM FSed SoF :)

Gongshow09 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 14:28:58

^ must of been really constructive peace talks hehe

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 2nd 2014, 14:36:57

If Sov put as much effort into being a positive force into the community as he put into spinning himself out of trouble he'd be better off :p

He doesn't deserve anyone's trust -- he even lied to Martian :p
Then Martian had to go yell at him for being an RD leader + SoF leader
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 14:40:34

Now who is lying. I never lied to martian and martian has NEVER yelled at me. My involvement in RD was no different to my involvement in a number of Alliances and all SoF leaders were well aware of what I was doing there.

Vic Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 14:43:17

To Sov's defense he did come to me two sets ago and see if I would be able to help mediate and obtain pacts between LCN, Monsters, and SoF. I am particularly close with Serv and I like Sov and Serv both quite a lot.
Serv wanted certain terms and Sov wanted other terms and I was not able to bring the two together. The same went for my talks with Monsters heads regarding a pact with sof.

To make matters worst, both dorks (Serv and Sov) refused to speak to each other and had me of all people as the mediating voice in between :p

so the prospect of those two sides coming together was slim from the onset. two proud guys standing strong, and tbh it makes the game more fun this way

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 2nd 2014, 14:46:47

then I guess Martian is lying because he said he had to yell at you over it. he messaged me about it unsolicited :p

"help alliances"... yes... my comments still stand. keep on spinning if you like. most people see through your, and the wider SoF, spin machine at this point.

I'm just here to laugh while on vacation :)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 14:52:27

One day you will get over the fact that I FSed your Alliance and blew it up because of your mouth.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 2nd 2014, 14:57:50

Make up whatever history you like, I know you like to do that. But you've never FS'ed my alliance -- my alliance is LaF.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 15:00:50

Sad, you get your previous Alliance killed back in early 2012 then you disown them totally.

I don't need to make up history, I can just link AT threads for you if you like :)



Jan 2nd 2014, 15:01:37

Pretty sure he means PDM the 2 sets after we blew up their missiles and you were HFA
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 2nd 2014, 15:06:08

Link to more of your spin threads? :)
You Sof'ers do have a lot of them..

I never ran PDM like I ran LaF back in the day. If it was on my shoulders, I would have had a MUCH different poiicy. Like I said... you make up history -- like you being an important player in IX :p

Edited By: Pang on Jan 2nd 2014, 15:08:11
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Flamey Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 15:11:34

Wasn't your LaF policy to get pwned by SoL multiple times?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 2nd 2014, 15:18:22

Wow, I love that you SoF guys give me so much credit -- as if I'm the only person who runs whole alliances. :)

I at least accurately see that there are many SoF leaders who don't deserve trust. I mean, you're faulting me for my actions... I'm just saying you guys are dishonest, disloyal and not worth working with and the only way you attempt to refute that is to try and attack my record as a leader.

It's fitting.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Jan 2nd 2014, 15:23:20

i came back this set to play but sadly the politics are so stale and boring, can't someone think outside the box?

and why does everyone get so butthurt over everything? why cant we all just laugh and be trolls together

oh and also...god pang you are such a whiney baby complete loser

SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 2nd 2014, 15:24:17

@chevs.... I learned from my time in SoF -- we got beaten bad by Evo & co and cried and cried and cried....

typical, though... can't refute the content, call people whiners.

The politics are stale and boring and SoF is a big part of that. :)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Nuketon Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 15:25:12

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Servant:
Aponic. I respect the Hell out of you, you know that. But you're in an impossible situation.

Now as far as this set goes.

LCN hit Rival for very legit reasons.

Rival, cheapshoted us last set. And FS'd us after RD did, an RD that was 2x our size.

We had every reason to hit Rival.

I even sent a message to Rival leadership, stating that no FA, no calling in allies, that we'd be willing to pact multiple sets.

Rival choose another route. I even suggested that Rival not call you in, as they'd only be calling you into a loss.

I can guarantee, that had Rival fought us 1-1, SOF would still be netting unless they FS'd someone.

As things stand, unlike previous sets No one is planning to bring the whole server into a war.

and other small to mid sized alliances are experiencing growth and peace. They aren't living in fear of being wiped about by a coaltion b/c Sov wanted to flex his egomanical power. And Burn the server down.

Hell SOV even bullied Monsters into FSing out of Protection, their, Fifth? FS in 15 yrs of playing. That should say something!

APonic, you're a great guy,

The issue isn't you.

Its SOV.
He's the new Makinso. And many on the server will not trust SOF again till he is gone. OR a lot of time passes.

He's lied to allies, and to foes. And been caught multiple times.
No one trusts him.

Now one can argue that people are working with Makinso again, but how many yeard did SOL pile up the losses? That kind of losing changes someone. Makinso isn't bullying others as he once was.

Now you can continue to claim you're being bullied. Go ahead. Though I would didn't have to come in. Rival had multi pact offers from us
But If only 1 alliance is claiming it vs 75% of the server......

That's called Progress.

What's changed?

Sov can't use his carrot and stick method to decide who wars and who nets anymore.

SOF isn't going to win this political PR battle by saying the right words.
NO one will believe them, Sov is in SOF and calling the shots. No matter what kind of setup you have, it SOV's SOF.

I respect the Hell out of you Aponic, but you're in an impossible position.

LOL. Dont act like it was always Sof pushing for the server wars. Both sides wanted them numerous times. Sol wanted to hit RD multiple times for little to no reason. MD wanted to hit RD for little to no reason when they had double the members. Those are just during my time there too. And funnily enough if it wasnt for Sof, some of those would have happened and those that did would likely have been worse. So as much as Sof have been giant fluffs at times, they have helped their allies out, and the other side is not much cleaner.

What you may not remember about MD wanting a piece of RD is that RD was given SoF's FS time and used it to farm MD only minutes before a SoF FS. Omega, MD's police that set, were bullied into not policing those hits by SoF. I would say MD would have been justified crushing RD the following set no matter the member advantage.

Flamey Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 15:33:15

Originally posted by Pang:
Wow, I love that you SoF guys give me so much credit -- as if I'm the only person who runs whole alliances. :)

I at least accurately see that there are many SoF leaders who don't deserve trust. I mean, you're faulting me for my actions... I'm just saying you guys are dishonest, disloyal and not worth working with and the only way you attempt to refute that is to try and attack my record as a leader.

It's fitting.

You mean like the time you exploited back door access in OMAC to track all of Rivals untagged countries? And like the time you decided to reveal that Hanlong had Boxcar access when you fell out with him politically? Your are entitled to have your own opinions about the game should be run, but your problem is that you are very political and and opportunistic and the fact that you own the game makes that much more dangerous.

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 15:34:38

Originally posted by Nuketon:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Servant:
Aponic. I respect the Hell out of you, you know that. But you're in an impossible situation.

Now as far as this set goes.

LCN hit Rival for very legit reasons.

Rival, cheapshoted us last set. And FS'd us after RD did, an RD that was 2x our size.

We had every reason to hit Rival.

I even sent a message to Rival leadership, stating that no FA, no calling in allies, that we'd be willing to pact multiple sets.

Rival choose another route. I even suggested that Rival not call you in, as they'd only be calling you into a loss.

I can guarantee, that had Rival fought us 1-1, SOF would still be netting unless they FS'd someone.

As things stand, unlike previous sets No one is planning to bring the whole server into a war.

and other small to mid sized alliances are experiencing growth and peace. They aren't living in fear of being wiped about by a coaltion b/c Sov wanted to flex his egomanical power. And Burn the server down.

Hell SOV even bullied Monsters into FSing out of Protection, their, Fifth? FS in 15 yrs of playing. That should say something!

APonic, you're a great guy,

The issue isn't you.

Its SOV.
He's the new Makinso. And many on the server will not trust SOF again till he is gone. OR a lot of time passes.

He's lied to allies, and to foes. And been caught multiple times.
No one trusts him.

Now one can argue that people are working with Makinso again, but how many yeard did SOL pile up the losses? That kind of losing changes someone. Makinso isn't bullying others as he once was.

Now you can continue to claim you're being bullied. Go ahead. Though I would didn't have to come in. Rival had multi pact offers from us
But If only 1 alliance is claiming it vs 75% of the server......

That's called Progress.

What's changed?

Sov can't use his carrot and stick method to decide who wars and who nets anymore.

SOF isn't going to win this political PR battle by saying the right words.
NO one will believe them, Sov is in SOF and calling the shots. No matter what kind of setup you have, it SOV's SOF.

I respect the Hell out of you Aponic, but you're in an impossible position.

LOL. Dont act like it was always Sof pushing for the server wars. Both sides wanted them numerous times. Sol wanted to hit RD multiple times for little to no reason. MD wanted to hit RD for little to no reason when they had double the members. Those are just during my time there too. And funnily enough if it wasnt for Sof, some of those would have happened and those that did would likely have been worse. So as much as Sof have been giant fluffs at times, they have helped their allies out, and the other side is not much cleaner.

What you may not remember about MD wanting a piece of RD is that RD was given SoF's FS time and used it to farm MD only minutes before a SoF FS. Omega, MD's police that set, were bullied into not policing those hits by SoF. I would say MD would have been justified crushing RD the following set no matter the member advantage.

If you are going to comment on specific issues it is better to be correct with the facts and tell the truth.

Omega was not prevented by SoF from policing those hits whatsoever. Omega killed those RD countries and SoF was not involved in any way.

The issue you are referring to with Onega is when someone quit their Alliance and joined SoF while at war with MD. At this stage the war with MD was over, MD had been tagkilled and the country would have zero impact on the war which was already decided. SoF made a decision to protect it's member over the petty interests of MD which was acting out of spite. The issue was not against Omega but against MD.

Vic Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 15:37:41

nuketon - in all fairness how that went down was:
Boltar gave the FS time to Tan. Tan told me. It was my second reset back in over 8 years and I didn't quite understand the server politics or etiquette or how much of a mindless dink Tan was at the time, so Tan hit and I hit. And that was that. No one else in RD hit other than us two.
And we got killed for it.

Boltar is no longer in SoF and Tan was removed from RD 'leadership' after that fiasco so I don't think it's too fair to bring that little unfortunate event into the fold :p

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 15:46:15

On this thread I've been labelled a liar many times by individuals who have grudges against me, but alas not one of them has cited a single instance of proof of me actually lying. Would love to see some.

Red X Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:01:30

lol a thread that started off as a real attempt has became so jacked up with spinning its un real.

I believe Aponic, but let's be real here. LCN FSed Rival. Rival was in full netting mode; however, LCN felt that they were wronged, ok I get that. Rival is basiclly leveled now, SoF steps in to help them. How is this wrong? SOF is doing something that they are suppose to do, honor a fluffing pact. So, SOF goes ahead and hits SoL because they know SOL would hit them. So, the war is pretty even, SoL calls in MD which would be overkill, but who said war had to be fair?

you all need to just get over the grudges over the past year, or the server will never progress.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Bombay Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:01:39

Holy wall of text Batman.

Bombay Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:02:13

I could stitch up MD-SOF relations, I will make fluffy submit to me!

Atryn Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:02:14

Originally posted by iScode:
Laf (although sure they were cheating but you stabbed them in the back before you knew that)
Rage (you guys as well as sol just let them get trounced by laf last set)

This is actually the first time in a very very long time MD has fs'd someone in defence of an ally, but please feel free to spread more bullfluff.

I'll just respond to these two.

First, we strongly suspected LaF was cheating before that FS. It wasn't the only reason we FS'd them (we mostly wanted to test MD against LaF in a 1v1, but SoF wouldn't allow that) but we had plenty of internal discussions about LaF's "unusual access to information" before their hacking became public.

Second, RAGE - Did RAGE ask us for help last set? If they did, I missed it. Our options would have been limited since both were allies but we have worked to help mediate between them (or so I've been told).

Atryn Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:04:21

I've only been back since mid-2011 but people in MD have hated RD for as long as I've been back due to old old grudges. I don't think I have been here for a single set when someone wasn't asking "can we finally FS RD now"?

So saying we had no reason to want to hit RD is way off the mark. It was a very old and very good reason.

Their LG's against us before the FS were actually just further fuel on the fire.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:13:29

Originally posted by Red X:
lol a thread that started off as a real attempt has became so jacked up with spinning its un real.

I believe Aponic, but let's be real here. LCN FSed Rival. Rival was in full netting mode; however, LCN felt that they were wronged, ok I get that. Rival is basiclly leveled now, SoF steps in to help them. How is this wrong? SOF is doing something that they are suppose to do, honor a fluffing pact. So, SOF goes ahead and hits SoL because they know SOL would hit them. So, the war is pretty even, SoL calls in MD which would be overkill, but who said war had to be fair?

you all need to just get over the grudges over the past year, or the server will never progress.

Aponic totally comes off a genuine and honest. Unfortunately, in his honesty, he states that SoF needs to war every reset to keep members happy, and will hit other alliances without provocation if they have no real reason to fight. This is the same crap that got SoL gangbanged by LaF/MD/LCN a couple years ago. Aponic, Sov and other SoF leaders are doing what is best for them, but the rest of the server isn't going to like it, and doesn't have to put up with it.

Atryn Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:19:45

Originally posted by Flamey:
Assuming we pacted LCN as well, we would have been pretty much pacted out and would have had a late civil war... better than netting on a server full of landtraders.

Did you offer to pact out everyone and have a civil war this set? That would have been a very good choice, IMHO.

Red X Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:21:58

I get that, he said if i remember correct. I am not going to re read it lol. He said after last set they needed a war to rebulid apon. They give netting tags pacts to let them rebulid whats wrong with them looking for a fight. SOL wars 9/10 sets, so they went to them and talked. Neither side could come to an agreement, but its how the game works. Now, IF you said Aponic said SoF was going to FS lets say TIE, Omega, and idk Monsters. That would be SoF picking on primarly netting alliances, but they went to talk to SoL. SoL does not have to have a friendly with them I am not even saying that, but what I am saying is that SoF went to another primarly war alliance and told them they needed a war. Just my thoughts on this matter.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Kalick Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:34:47

Originally posted by Red X:
I get that, he said if i remember correct. I am not going to re read it lol. He said after last set they needed a war to rebulid apon. They give netting tags pacts to let them rebulid whats wrong with them looking for a fight. SOL wars 9/10 sets, so they went to them and talked. Neither side could come to an agreement, but its how the game works. Now, IF you said Aponic said SoF was going to FS lets say TIE, Omega, and idk Monsters. That would be SoF picking on primarly netting alliances, but they went to talk to SoL. SoL does not have to have a friendly with them I am not even saying that, but what I am saying is that SoF went to another primarly war alliance and told them they needed a war. Just my thoughts on this matter.

They need a war this set. They will need a war next set, and the one after that. They are a war alliance. This is the same problem SoL ran into.

Many alliances are not on friendly terms with SoF because they have acted like a bull in a china shop the past 2 years, and would not want a friendly war with them.

SoF can say they would have a civil war if nobody else wants to fight them, but nothing in their recent history would show this to be true. They need somebody to fight. Civil wars don't get people as motivated as an enemy you can really develop an animosity towards, and Sov has used this very effectively.

Their recent history has just been hitting a variety of alliances every set. SoL one set, MD the next, TIE, PDM, then Evo, then whoever else is on the list. This is how they have operated under Sov, and how they admittedly wanted to force a war with SoL this set. Nothing has changed.

Nuketon Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:35:31

You are correct Sov. My memory of the situation faded some. Offending RD countries were killed. Somehow I remembered it being that RD farmed and Omega was told not to do anything, when it was a different issue in the same set. My apologies for the mix up.

crest23 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:36:27

Sov brings impossible terms for his contract talks, terms he knows won't be accepted. Unreasonable terms in fact. Then uses the good ol' at least I brought something to the table bullfluff excuse. These are your leaders. Set after set failing and cannot get out of the rut. Almost 2 yrs of the same BS and the members keep voting him as a leader? Dumb leader leader a dumb member base, go figure. If the alliance was dumb enough to accept and place a loser (iScode) from a failed alliance (iMag) as a leader, then you know you have problems. It's like bankrupting a company and jumping with your golden parachute as an executive in another.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Red X Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:38:51

just being curious what terms does he bring to the table that are impossible.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Kalick Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:41:18

Originally posted by Red X:
just being curious what terms does he bring to the table that are impossible.

An MD leader can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he demaded Pride step down from President of MD before SoF would pact. I could be mistaken, as I was not involved in the talks.

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:43:49

Yes yet another person making some outlandish statement without anything to back it up. Please elaborate for us these "outlandish" terms.

SoF doesn't make special pacts, we use the same basic pact for all pacts of that type we sign. So if we offer someone a FDP, it was the same FDP that LAF has or Rival has. If we offer someone a UNAP, it is the same UNAP others get.

The only difference between our pacts is that sometimes we will include clauses to protect our allies which is common practice for most Alliances.

Red X Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:43:56

If that is the case I do see what you are saying about term issues lol
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Gongshow09 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:44:21

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Flamey:
Assuming we pacted LCN as well, we would have been pretty much pacted out and would have had a late civil war... better than netting on a server full of landtraders.

Did you offer to pact out everyone and have a civil war this set? That would have been a very good choice, IMHO.

pfftt...prolly would of caused the end of SoF cause TOG divison would of dominated right from the fs. hehe