
Vic Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:47:19

gongshow junior hockey bible 4 life!!

Gongshow09 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:49:14

^ the man speaks the truth.....Go Canada Go way to beat the usa @ the world juniors!

Sov Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:50:54

Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by Red X:
just being curious what terms does he bring to the table that are impossible.

An MD leader can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he demaded Pride step down from President of MD before SoF would pact. I could be mistaken, as I was not involved in the talks.

That is not correct. I never asked for Pride to step down.

iScode Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:51:52

Originally posted by crest23:
Sov brings impossible terms for his contract talks, terms he knows won't be accepted. Unreasonable terms in fact. Then uses the good ol' at least I brought something to the table bullfluff excuse. These are your leaders. Set after set failing and cannot get out of the rut. Almost 2 yrs of the same BS and the members keep voting him as a leader? Dumb leader leader a dumb member base, go figure. If the alliance was dumb enough to accept and place a loser (iScode) from a failed alliance (iMag) as a leader, then you know you have problems. It's like bankrupting a company and jumping with your golden parachute as an executive in another.

This coming from the guy who runs around fixing peoples spelling and grammar on the interweb, and im the loser, bahahahahahaha

Oh an imag didnt fail till AFTER I left. geeez i wonder who was holding it together...
God of War


Flamey Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 16:52:16

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by iScode:
Laf (although sure they were cheating but you stabbed them in the back before you knew that)
Rage (you guys as well as sol just let them get trounced by laf last set)

This is actually the first time in a very very long time MD has fs'd someone in defence of an ally, but please feel free to spread more bullfluff.

I'll just respond to these two.

First, we strongly suspected LaF was cheating before that FS. It wasn't the only reason we FS'd them (we mostly wanted to test MD against LaF in a 1v1, but SoF wouldn't allow that) but we had plenty of internal discussions about LaF's "unusual access to information" before their hacking became public.

Second, RAGE - Did RAGE ask us for help last set? If they did, I missed it. Our options would have been limited since both were allies but we have worked to help mediate between them (or so I've been told).

The main reason MD went after LaF was because Arsenal wanted revenge for the LaF vs MD wars 7 years ago and LaF's connections with the old RD. However you didn't want a 1vs1. You plotted to take them down with SoL/Evo, who had pretty much begged SoF/LaF for one years of peace and put a sneaky little clause in that would allow them to help you. You FDPed two of our enemies in secret and planned to take out one of our FDP. Although MD wasn't hostile towards SoF, you totally sidelined us and relegated us to junior partners. We would have never known if Hanlong hadn't had access to your site. But instead of us being openly hostile, we took the decission to really make it a 1vs1 (and cover SoL) and pretend to be ignorant. We hoped that MD would have new elections, take a break from politics, have new elections and FDP LaF again. But then the Hanlong scandal happened and we decided to stick by LaF eventually leading MD to FS us.

crysk Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 17:00:16

IF the ladies ran SOF/SOL/MD ect, everyone would love each other. OR we'd actually communicate with each other, sit down and talk. AND find a way to move forward. Anyways, back to reading this penis fight ya'll have going on here.

iScode Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 17:11:00

Originally posted by crysk:
IF the ladies ran SOF/SOL/MD ect, everyone would love each other. OR we'd actually communicate with each other, sit down and talk. AND find a way to move forward. Anyways, back to reading this penis fight ya'll have going on here.

bullfluff, the politics would be worse.

Did you know when woman go out, they dont actualy dress up for guys to look at them, it is just a by-product. They dress up to make other woman jealous. :P
God of War


tellarion Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 17:11:02

Tulosba a pretty much nailed it.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 17:12:28

Originally posted by Flamey:
Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by iScode:
Laf (although sure they were cheating but you stabbed them in the back before you knew that)
Rage (you guys as well as sol just let them get trounced by laf last set)

This is actually the first time in a very very long time MD has fs'd someone in defence of an ally, but please feel free to spread more bullfluff.

I'll just respond to these two.

First, we strongly suspected LaF was cheating before that FS. It wasn't the only reason we FS'd them (we mostly wanted to test MD against LaF in a 1v1, but SoF wouldn't allow that) but we had plenty of internal discussions about LaF's "unusual access to information" before their hacking became public.

Second, RAGE - Did RAGE ask us for help last set? If they did, I missed it. Our options would have been limited since both were allies but we have worked to help mediate between them (or so I've been told).

The main reason MD went after LaF was because Arsenal wanted revenge for the LaF vs MD wars 7 years ago and LaF's connections with the old RD. However you didn't want a 1vs1. You plotted to take them down with SoL/Evo, who had pretty much begged SoF/LaF for one years of peace and put a sneaky little clause in that would allow them to help you. You FDPed two of our enemies in secret and planned to take out one of our FDP. Although MD wasn't hostile towards SoF, you totally sidelined us and relegated us to junior partners. We would have never known if Hanlong hadn't had access to your site. But instead of us being openly hostile, we took the decission to really make it a 1vs1 (and cover SoL) and pretend to be ignorant. We hoped that MD would have new elections, take a break from politics, have new elections and FDP LaF again. But then the Hanlong scandal happened and we decided to stick by LaF eventually leading MD to FS us.

Part of this is incorrect. At the beginning of the set, MD wanted a 1vs1 against LaF. We wanted to prove our mettle and go against the top alliance. Arsenal may have had his own reasons, but the general membership and rest of the leaders just wanted a good, fun fight. We would not have supported a gangbang, and it is not what was proposed. LaF would have the member advantage (I think they were about 15 countries up on us), but we hoped us having the FS would even things out. At this point (prior to the set starting) we were not aware of hanlong having access to our Boxcar site.

Arse did go to SoL and Evo for backup in case things didn't go as planned. I think this would include things like the war not being 1vs1. hanlong had a history, and it was prudent to be prepared. SoF was a tight FDP of LaF and it was pretty clear they would not help us, so Arse went to LaF's enemies.

But the intent from the beginning was 1vs1. All MD heads from this time will agree.

Edited By: Kalick on Jan 2nd 2014, 17:19:32
See Original Post

MauricXe Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 17:39:13

Originally posted by XiQter MD:
Originally posted by Sov:

A load of bullsh-t

"Whilst most Alliances on here will preach that we are bullies and we are destroying the game, I will argue that no Alliance has worked as much with other Alliances to assist them in building up, no other Alliance on this server has worked more to mediate disputes between other Alliances and no other Alliance has worked harder to bring players into this game as we have."

This might be the best one! thing is true tho, SoF and MD relations are pretty bad, i give you credits for atleast making one true fact!

xoxo Sov, hope you are having a nice holiday!

I was amused with this post and the few others that addressed Sov's posting.

There wasn't any dispute of the argument presented by Sov's case against SoF being a bully (examples are the political dealings with other alliances). Curious given that SoF is still chided for it in this thread.

Instead of attacking the strongest points of his arguments, his detractors throw their lot in with the weakest argument i.e. that Sov "helped build other alliances" and that he "mediated" between alliances. We can dispute all day about how much, how effective, and to what end the help Sov gave other alliances. Does it really matter? What matters most is how he has pulled SoF in relation to other alliances. On the charge of being a bully, I think Sov defended SoF rather well. The lack of good counter arguments says a lot. That in itself doesn't mean Sov is right but I find it odd our favorite trolls didn't try spinning any of it.



Jan 2nd 2014, 17:43:29

Originally posted by tulosba:
This year long saga is like the Bold and the Beautiful.
Ridge goes after Brooke then Taylor and they have kids and greatgrandkids and they still switch between each other every season and.. WTF??

omg, is that storyline still going? I stopped watching it years ago and figured they would have settled this long ago, and quit jumping from wife to wife, lol

SoF likes to war, that much we all know. I like to war as well .... but getting hit every damn reset by SoF got old, and MD got smart. There is always a price to pay, and you are paying it now.

Enjoy your war, its what you wanted, isnt it?

Edited By: Ruthie on Jan 3rd 2014, 1:32:13
See Original Post
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Alin Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 18:12:31

Originally posted by Sov:
One day you will get over the fact that I FSed your Alliance and blew it up because of your mouth.

This sums it up ladies and gents ...
Not Sof, not those hard working members but : "I" FSed your alliance.
Made me laugh HA!, after a wall of explanation one single phrase that just ruins everything you just said.



Jan 2nd 2014, 18:13:57


Makinso Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 18:14:29

The reason that SoL did not pact SoF is very clear and very straight-forward. The whole server is tired of warring uphill battles against SoF and Co. and we were not going to pact out our ability to honor the pacts we already had in place. SoF had already promised its members a "revenge" war and we were not about to leave our allies hanging. This came as no surprise to anybody--including SoF. As per our talks with aponic.

Every conversation that we had about this reset was pretty much the same thing over and over. SoL was netting and not going to be the aggressor in any situation but we were definitely willing to scrap our netting to honor pacts we have with our allies, should SoF choose to go that route. We also mentioned out loud to be netting and that if SoF tries to disturb this we will respond accordingly. This was discussed with their ally laf as well with whom at that point we came to agreement that this bullfluff needs to end.

We understood that SoF was going through a transition and we chose to put the ball 100% in their court to choose how this reset went and to show that they are making changes in how they approach the game, rather than just a change of face in leadership. With that idea and fact that it were the holidays we decided netting was the way for SOL to go.

When we learned that not many leadership wise changes have been made. It is either that or the people they have in place do not have enough of a voice internally to make the changes they preach they want to make.

aponic is a good guy with a good moral compass that understands what is going on. Unfortunately, he is only one part of leadership in SoF.

We wish SoF would have chosen a different route but they chose to go right into this knowing exactly what was in store if they did.

spitz Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 18:26:42

Can't an alliance ever say "Yes we were bullies and pricks because that's how our leader(sov)was or what our members wanted?"

I'd have way more respect for Sof if they did that. In fairness to Sof, SOL did the same thing and then complained or went into spin mode on how they were the "good guys" So they aren't the only alliance to do so.

What is surprising is how long it takes for alliances to work together to take on a bully. This should have happened a long time ago.

So Sof continue spinning. I wouldn't worry though. Most leaders tend to forgive and forget and most likely this will be the only set you get beat down if you make changes

The ball seems to be in you court and we'll see what you do to make amends.

archaic Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 18:28:01

When Sov first took over Sof, I think he (much like Aponic now) meant what he said about trying to reform Sof's image. Perhaps I was just hopeful that anything was better than Ivan. As time went on and the bonds between Laf-RD-Sof and Rival tightened, it became more and more obvious that Sov liked being on top a lot more than he cared about Sof's image or the game.

Sof does something to people, Sov changed, iScode has become a douche since he joined Sof, so has Galleri. Boltar recognized it for what it was and left. Even Laf has distanced themselves from Sof.

Nobody feels any sympathy for you guys Aponic, I know you're a good guy - but you walked into a minefield. Isn't it odd that Sof promotes so many 1st-2nd set Sof players to FA? I think now you see why its a suckers job.

I'm sure TEQ/Mars are eagerly anticipating your return Sof.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

crest23 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 19:01:55

I know what I'll do. I will play alliance next set. The only reason being that I will request membership to SoF for the sole purpose of being their HFA assigned specifically to enemy relations. Let's see if I won't change this BS that your leaders keep doing. Find out what their reason is for being fluffheads. The truth will come out one way or another. Someone send me their alliance site. Sov and co. do you accept?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Boltar Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 19:18:46

being the tag whore that i am.. i have seen and been around of like of bullfluff lies and slander.. but that being said..

Sof: this set if ur fault, yes u defend a ally that is honorable, but on the same hand sometimes people need to lose to learn how to be better.

Laf: they pact out on their allies multiple sets.. (go figure the people that want to kill them is letting them netgain in peace)

MD: u pacted LaF twice in recent resets.. when in fact the first time u did so, ur allies hated u for it.. and either got bullied or just slaughtered.. (i was in PDM during this.. and we was set to take on LaF good thing me and a few others talk or all of PDM would have shown up with hands in pockets waiting since u didnt inform PDM but 1 hr before hand cause we told archaic u guys called off the FS) would we have lost that set? maybe who knows.. but if u are bound to die.. might as do it honorably (PDM got hammered by RD the following set along with rival before RD got deleted)

this game is utter fluff.. people can sling the crap they want about any other alliance or player but being in LCN this set.. they are the most honorable and servant is a stand up guy, LCN hit Rival for legit reasons and did not call in another alliance to help (sol probably would have loved to beat around rival for a little bit). LCN had and continues to have every intention of keeping it 1 vs 1, as far as i know we are only missleing SoF cause they are missleing us..

one of the biggest problem in this game is no one wants to lose, well guess what.. losing is part of life.. if everyone won all the time it would be just the way

my little rant aka 2 cents..

Edited By: Boltar on Jan 2nd 2014, 19:22:31
See Original Post

mdevol Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 20:35:39

Originally posted by Sov:
On this thread I've been labelled a liar many times by individuals who have grudges against me, but alas not one of them has cited a single instance of proof of me actually lying. Would love to see some.

Sov, since Flamey already answered this question, I would like your answer.

If SoF got a pact from SoL and MD this reset who would they have hit?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mdevol Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 20:38:27

Originally posted by crysk:
IF the ladies ran SOF/SOL/MD ect, everyone would love each other. OR we'd actually communicate with each other, sit down and talk. AND find a way to move forward. Anyways, back to reading this penis fight ya'll have going on here.

The talks with aponic were, for the most part, pleasant, he just doesn't have the power to change the course of SoF.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 2nd 2014, 20:40:29

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by crest23:
Sov brings impossible terms for his contract talks, terms he knows won't be accepted. Unreasonable terms in fact. Then uses the good ol' at least I brought something to the table bullfluff excuse. These are your leaders. Set after set failing and cannot get out of the rut. Almost 2 yrs of the same BS and the members keep voting him as a leader? Dumb leader leader a dumb member base, go figure. If the alliance was dumb enough to accept and place a loser (iScode) from a failed alliance (iMag) as a leader, then you know you have problems. It's like bankrupting a company and jumping with your golden parachute as an executive in another.

This coming from the guy who runs around fixing peoples spelling and grammar on the interweb, and im the loser, bahahahahahaha

Oh an imag didnt fail till AFTER I left. geeez i wonder who was holding it together...

iMag was failing before you left. And you know it. I can pull out chat logs from several people that left because of you.

Archaic - I am the same as I was before SOF..... I haven't changed a damn bit, actually I take that back, I have changed since iMag. I feel more sympathetic now towards everyone and now I just really don't give a fluff as much as I used to. While I was iMag HFA... I was defiantly a douche and gave more fluffs, I still take the same amount of fluffs (according to toilet paper losses). But thanks for trying to blame it on SOF. You are just confused on the time frame. I understand, it happens in old age ;)

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

locket Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 21:31:42

Originally posted by Atryn:

I've only been back since mid-2011 but people in MD have hated RD for as long as I've been back due to old old grudges. I don't think I have been here for a single set when someone wasn't asking "can we finally FS RD now"?

So saying we had no reason to want to hit RD is way off the mark. It was a very old and very good reason.

Their LG's against us before the FS were actually just further fuel on the fire.

I didnt know that Earth 2025 was a good enough reason to FS someone these days. Now that that is out of the way Sof now has ample reasons to FS anyone they want and Sol/MD can stop calling them bullies. Sol pissed off Sof in 2002 and Sof is just FSing this almost completely unrelated tag in revenge for that. It isnt bullying if you have a childish Arsenal grudge from 2002!

Kalick Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 21:43:27

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Atryn:

I've only been back since mid-2011 but people in MD have hated RD for as long as I've been back due to old old grudges. I don't think I have been here for a single set when someone wasn't asking "can we finally FS RD now"?

So saying we had no reason to want to hit RD is way off the mark. It was a very old and very good reason.

Their LG's against us before the FS were actually just further fuel on the fire.

I didnt know that Earth 2025 was a good enough reason to FS someone these days. Now that that is out of the way Sof now has ample reasons to FS anyone they want and Sol/MD can stop calling them bullies. Sol pissed off Sof in 2002 and Sof is just FSing this almost completely unrelated tag in revenge for that. It isnt bullying if you have a childish Arsenal grudge from 2002!

Yep. What RD did in E2025 and what everyone else did are totally the same thing. Totally.

locket Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 21:48:17

Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Atryn:

I've only been back since mid-2011 but people in MD have hated RD for as long as I've been back due to old old grudges. I don't think I have been here for a single set when someone wasn't asking "can we finally FS RD now"?

So saying we had no reason to want to hit RD is way off the mark. It was a very old and very good reason.

Their LG's against us before the FS were actually just further fuel on the fire.

I didnt know that Earth 2025 was a good enough reason to FS someone these days. Now that that is out of the way Sof now has ample reasons to FS anyone they want and Sol/MD can stop calling them bullies. Sol pissed off Sof in 2002 and Sof is just FSing this almost completely unrelated tag in revenge for that. It isnt bullying if you have a childish Arsenal grudge from 2002!

Yep. What RD did in E2025 and what everyone else did are totally the same thing. Totally.

There were botters in other clans and cheaters in other ones too but I do agree with you. However, waiting till reset 20ish to get your revenge for something from Earth 2025 is complete and utter bullfluff when everyone else in the game was giving them a second chance. Either way that had little to nothing to do with why MD wished to hit... although if Arsenal had a choice in it maybe it did since you know... he had such a hardon for Laf that went so well for MD ;) MD are the only ones who have a current grudge that comes from Earth 2025 and they are the only ones who acted on it years after EE started. Time to grow up and find some current events to start your wars on.

archaic Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 22:00:22

Originally posted by galleri:
Archaic - I am the same as I was before SOF..... I haven't changed a damn bit, actually I take that back, I have changed since iMag. I feel more sympathetic now towards everyone and now I just really don't give a fluff as much as I used to. While I was iMag HFA... I was defiantly a douche and gave more fluffs, I still take the same amount of fluffs (according to toilet paper losses). But thanks for trying to blame it on SOF. You are just confused on the time frame. I understand, it happens in old age ;)

OK, you're right, I'm wrong.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

E2025 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 22:05:21

*Arnold voice*

C'mon, what are you doing? Get out of hea

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 2nd 2014, 22:10:05

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by galleri:
Archaic - I am the same as I was before SOF..... I haven't changed a damn bit, actually I take that back, I have changed since iMag. I feel more sympathetic now towards everyone and now I just really don't give a fluff as much as I used to. While I was iMag HFA... I was defiantly a douche and gave more fluffs, I still take the same amount of fluffs (according to toilet paper losses). But thanks for trying to blame it on SOF. You are just confused on the time frame. I understand, it happens in old age ;)

OK, you're right, I'm wrong.

I still <3 you!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

archaic Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 22:31:28

Yes ma'am, understood ma'am.

I still love you too, and I'm still hoping someday I'll get my turn to receive some mod abuse.

(next time I'm passing through Kentucky, that is)
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Souly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 23:30:48

Originally posted by Makinso:
The reason that SoL did not pact SoF is very clear and very straight-forward. The whole server is tired of warring uphill battles against SoF and Co. and bla bla bla

what about LCN???



Jan 2nd 2014, 23:35:10

I only read the op, I could care less what was said in the last 3 pages...


Thank you for that post. Granted I don't hold much sway anymore, but I must say that I really felt sincerity in your post, and after MD got to fight 2 wars with an advantage against you, I don't think you'll have to worry about us carrying much of a grudge. We're usually pretty satisfied after a taste of blood. I really do hope that the SoF and MD relations improve, as it would finally allow us to net perhaps instead of this "wargaining" bullfluff.

Thanks and good luck with the FA job.



Jan 2nd 2014, 23:57:20

Guys, it's impossible for a clan who guarantee's war every set not to be a "Bully". Get over it!

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:26:38

this coming from an alliance that wanted to bully RD into a war for two sets in a row even though we would of happily just netted on the sidelines.

Ironically you all talk such big about being the better man and not being the bully but, at the end of the day as soon as the numbers change you guys see the opening.

Dear SoL you talk a big game but, you could never even win a war out number 120%. You guys want to considering you self a war alliance. Learn to fight on your own a set. I know it goes against what you believe but, you will never be considered a real war alliance until your able to go toe to toe even numbers and acturaly fight. Until then your second class alliance period. Part of being a real war alliance is not caring the odds but, fighting to win anyway. Before you say SoF only know easy out numbers wars that is bullfluff SoF did fight MD 1 vs 1. SoF has fault you guys at a disadvantage and won. The problem is you guys have no balls period.

Btw Sol you can say all you want about RD but, even out number (WE BOTH GOT FA so, STFU on that arguement) YOU NEVER WON. RD was out numbered 120% of the numbers but, we still kicked your ass. You couldn't win a 1vs 1 with equal numbers period.

Until you do that you will always be 2nd tier so, called "war" alliance.

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:35:46

Originally posted by galleri:

Aponic is trying to make things clear and rebuild some relations out there from his HFA position. I currently am the asst. fa to aponic and I can say have had some very pleasant talks with Col Chaos and I have much respect for him. I had a nice recent FA chat with Makinso (sorry maki I was doped up on cold medication LOL), I have no hard feelings towards SOL. I enjoy a nice war. I have warred them several times while in several different clans and have had fun doing so, it is how I first met Pheebs ;) She can tell you the story.
Many may not like me in this game, and that is their choice and for whatever reasons they might .. .oh well. I highly doubt I have the same feelings against them as this is just a game.

THERE WAS FRIGGIN' SHAMPOO IN MY EYES DANGIT! <3 me some imag. That is all.
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:44:30

Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
this coming from an alliance that wanted to bully RD into a war for two sets in a row even though we would of happily just netted on the sidelines.

Ironically you all talk such big about being the better man and not being the bully but, at the end of the day as soon as the numbers change you guys see the opening.

Dear SoL you talk a big game but, you could never even win a war out number 120%. You guys want to considering you self a war alliance. Learn to fight on your own a set. I know it goes against what you believe but, you will never be considered a real war alliance until your able to go toe to toe even numbers and acturaly fight. Until then your second class alliance period. Part of being a real war alliance is not caring the odds but, fighting to win anyway. Before you say SoF only know easy out numbers wars that is bullfluff SoF did fight MD 1 vs 1. SoF has fault you guys at a disadvantage and won. The problem is you guys have no balls period.

Btw Sol you can say all you want about RD but, even out number (WE BOTH GOT FA so, STFU on that arguement) YOU NEVER WON. RD was out numbered 120% of the numbers but, we still kicked your ass. You couldn't win a 1vs 1 with equal numbers period.

Until you do that you will always be 2nd tier so, called "war" alliance.

If SoL is 2nd tier war alliance what tier is RD? Yep, I win. Get off my lawn.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:46:46

Plus i dont think sol even mentioned rd in this thread..

In addition the entire server knows that SoL didnt kill RD, pangs agenda killed RD. it couldnt have been the illegal activity that RD did or the denial and coverup of said illegal activity that killed RD.

Also, im still waiting for sov to answer my question

Edited By: mdevol on Jan 3rd 2014, 0:53:01
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

locket Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:58:19

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
this coming from an alliance that wanted to bully RD into a war for two sets in a row even though we would of happily just netted on the sidelines.

Ironically you all talk such big about being the better man and not being the bully but, at the end of the day as soon as the numbers change you guys see the opening.

Dear SoL you talk a big game but, you could never even win a war out number 120%. You guys want to considering you self a war alliance. Learn to fight on your own a set. I know it goes against what you believe but, you will never be considered a real war alliance until your able to go toe to toe even numbers and acturaly fight. Until then your second class alliance period. Part of being a real war alliance is not caring the odds but, fighting to win anyway. Before you say SoF only know easy out numbers wars that is bullfluff SoF did fight MD 1 vs 1. SoF has fault you guys at a disadvantage and won. The problem is you guys have no balls period.

Btw Sol you can say all you want about RD but, even out number (WE BOTH GOT FA so, STFU on that arguement) YOU NEVER WON. RD was out numbered 120% of the numbers but, we still kicked your ass. You couldn't win a 1vs 1 with equal numbers period.

Until you do that you will always be 2nd tier so, called "war" alliance.

If SoL is 2nd tier war alliance what tier is RD? Yep, I win. Get off my lawn.

Still better than Sol! ;)

Oh and the reasoning for Sol/RD being brought up is the comments on Sof bullying and some people pretending that it was a one way street. That street ran both ways and both "sides" did some pretty fluffty things.

Yippie Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:13:00

Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
this coming from an alliance that wanted to bully RD into a war for two sets in a row even though we would of happily just netted on the sidelines.

RDs are a bunch of cheaters so all your arguments are invalid. Cheaters play purple.

You guys wont have all of these arguments if SoF would have just let RIVAL and LCN had their 1v1. You decided to butt your nose in, then you just face the consequences.

You can call in RD perhaps?

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:13:43

RD will always be eternally better then sol every could dream of being. The legacy alone and influence on the game is unmatched by any other alliance combined. PERIOD

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:15:00

mdevol when you actually win a war with out pangs help or out number you opponent 170% let me know until then sol will be a 2nd tier alliance.

Edited By: King_Cobra1 on Jan 3rd 2014, 1:21:39
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:21:05

Originally posted by Yippie:
Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
this coming from an alliance that wanted to bully RD into a war for two sets in a row even though we would of happily just netted on the sidelines.

RDs are a bunch of cheaters so all your arguments are invalid. Cheaters play purple.

You guys wont have all of these arguments if SoF would have just let RIVAL and LCN had their 1v1. You decided to butt your nose in, then you just face the consequences.

You can call in RD perhaps?

One cheater/dirtbag actually.. which I guess is somewhat surprising considering who they used to be and how childish some of them acted then.

iScode Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:22:44

Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
mdevol when you actually win a war with out pangs help or out number you opponent 170% let me know until then sol will be a 2nd tier alliance.

You mean RD leaderships help? Not pang's fault RD decided to cheat...
God of War


mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:30:10

And, as we laid out last reset, we admitted to losing sight of our core principles in the past and are taking a path forward returning to those principles.

We have not strayed from those commitments we made and we will not in the future as long as i am in leadership.

SoF wanted to use this set to try and get us to brek those promises and bait us into hitting them. We stood by our word and now they are spinning it to save face. But in the process changing the story that they told at the beginning of the reset while "pacting" meanwhile everybody else's story hs been consistent throughout.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:32:00

KC seems upset...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

iScode Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:40:10

Originally posted by Boltar:
being the tag whore that i am.. i have seen and been around of like of bullfluff lies and slander.. but that being said..

Sof: this set if ur fault, yes u defend a ally that is honorable, but on the same hand sometimes people need to lose to learn how to be better.

Laf: they pact out on their allies multiple sets.. (go figure the people that want to kill them is letting them netgain in peace)

MD: u pacted LaF twice in recent resets.. when in fact the first time u did so, ur allies hated u for it.. and either got bullied or just slaughtered.. (i was in PDM during this.. and we was set to take on LaF good thing me and a few others talk or all of PDM would have shown up with hands in pockets waiting since u didnt inform PDM but 1 hr before hand cause we told archaic u guys called off the FS) would we have lost that set? maybe who knows.. but if u are bound to die.. might as do it honorably (PDM got hammered by RD the following set along with rival before RD got deleted)

this game is utter fluff.. people can sling the crap they want about any other alliance or player but being in LCN this set.. they are the most honorable and servant is a stand up guy, LCN hit Rival for legit reasons and did not call in another alliance to help (sol probably would have loved to beat around rival for a little bit). LCN had and continues to have every intention of keeping it 1 vs 1, as far as i know we are only missleing SoF cause they are missleing us..

one of the biggest problem in this game is no one wants to lose, well guess what.. losing is part of life.. if everyone won all the time it would be just the way

my little rant aka 2 cents..

Shut up boltar you flaming homosexual!!!
God of War


Atryn Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:41:55

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Atryn:

I've only been back since mid-2011 but people in MD have hated RD for as long as I've been back due to old old grudges. I don't think I have been here for a single set when someone wasn't asking "can we finally FS RD now"?

So saying we had no reason to want to hit RD is way off the mark. It was a very old and very good reason.

Their LG's against us before the FS were actually just further fuel on the fire.

I didnt know that Earth 2025 was a good enough reason to FS someone these days. Now that that is out of the way Sof now has ample reasons to FS anyone they want and Sol/MD can stop calling them bullies. Sol pissed off Sof in 2002 and Sof is just FSing this almost completely unrelated tag in revenge for that. It isnt bullying if you have a childish Arsenal grudge from 2002!

Actually we DIDN'T act on it. That was the point I was making... every set since I returned I was hearing people ask when we WOULD get to kill RD and we never did. Set after set. We even had people either quit or threaten to quit over it. Then came the whole RD farming MD before we were FS'd and that finally provided a new reason that wasn't form E2025 to kill them. At that point a plan was worked on but it never came off either (and then people DID quit).

RD in E2025 didn't drive our actions, but to deny that most of MD has hated RD ever since then would be willfully blind to the truth.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 3rd 2014, 1:49:04

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by galleri:

Aponic is trying to make things clear and rebuild some relations out there from his HFA position. I currently am the asst. fa to aponic and I can say have had some very pleasant talks with Col Chaos and I have much respect for him. I had a nice recent FA chat with Makinso (sorry maki I was doped up on cold medication LOL), I have no hard feelings towards SOL. I enjoy a nice war. I have warred them several times while in several different clans and have had fun doing so, it is how I first met Pheebs ;) She can tell you the story.
Many may not like me in this game, and that is their choice and for whatever reasons they might .. .oh well. I highly doubt I have the same feelings against them as this is just a game.

THERE WAS FRIGGIN' SHAMPOO IN MY EYES DANGIT! <3 me some imag. That is all.

But those were Vengeance days..... Damn that feels like a really really really really really long time ago in another galaxy.

Archaic- no, just no :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 2:31:36

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by galleri:

Aponic is trying to make things clear and rebuild some relations out there from his HFA position. I currently am the asst. fa to aponic and I can say have had some very pleasant talks with Col Chaos and I have much respect for him. I had a nice recent FA chat with Makinso (sorry maki I was doped up on cold medication LOL), I have no hard feelings towards SOL. I enjoy a nice war. I have warred them several times while in several different clans and have had fun doing so, it is how I first met Pheebs ;) She can tell you the story.
Many may not like me in this game, and that is their choice and for whatever reasons they might .. .oh well. I highly doubt I have the same feelings against them as this is just a game.

THERE WAS FRIGGIN' SHAMPOO IN MY EYES DANGIT! <3 me some imag. That is all.

But those were Vengeance days..... Damn that feels like a really really really really really long time ago in another galaxy.

Archaic- no, just no :P

Yeah well I'm never going to see Vengeance again so imag will have to do. Just sayin'.
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

prankster Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 2:35:42

Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
this coming from an alliance that wanted to bully RD into a war for two sets in a row even though we would of happily just netted on the sidelines.

Ironically you all talk such big about being the better man and not being the bully but, at the end of the day as soon as the numbers change you guys see the opening.

Dear SoL you talk a big game but, you could never even win a war out number 120%. You guys want to considering you self a war alliance. Learn to fight on your own a set. I know it goes against what you believe but, you will never be considered a real war alliance until your able to go toe to toe even numbers and acturaly fight. Until then your second class alliance period. Part of being a real war alliance is not caring the odds but, fighting to win anyway. Before you say SoF only know easy out numbers wars that is bullfluff SoF did fight MD 1 vs 1. SoF has fault you guys at a disadvantage and won. The problem is you guys have no balls period.

Btw Sol you can say all you want about RD but, even out number (WE BOTH GOT FA so, STFU on that arguement) YOU NEVER WON. RD was out numbered 120% of the numbers but, we still kicked your ass. You couldn't win a 1vs 1 with equal numbers period.

Until you do that you will always be 2nd tier so, called "war" alliance.

Remember when I told you during those wars that your alliance cheated? LOL.

You said I was wrong :p

Red X Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 2:58:44

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by galleri:

Aponic is trying to make things clear and rebuild some relations out there from his HFA position. I currently am the asst. fa to aponic and I can say have had some very pleasant talks with Col Chaos and I have much respect for him. I had a nice recent FA chat with Makinso (sorry maki I was doped up on cold medication LOL), I have no hard feelings towards SOL. I enjoy a nice war. I have warred them several times while in several different clans and have had fun doing so, it is how I first met Pheebs ;) She can tell you the story.
Many may not like me in this game, and that is their choice and for whatever reasons they might .. .oh well. I highly doubt I have the same feelings against them as this is just a game.

THERE WAS FRIGGIN' SHAMPOO IN MY EYES DANGIT! <3 me some imag. That is all.

But those were Vengeance days..... Damn that feels like a really really really really really long time ago in another galaxy.

Archaic- no, just no :P

I do miss vengeance some kinda bad at times.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

locket Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 5:09:10

@atryn I am fairly certain that if Sof wasnt around MD would have definitely hit RD. I dont even get how those farming incidents would be cause for a war. It was 1 or maybe 2 people, both of whom had their countries killed for it. That seems like retribution to me.

@Prankster It wasnt cheating that won those wars. It was having me and Braden, the war MVPs.