
mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 18:49:39

Maurice, have you asked your leaders who they planned to hit this reset?

Edited By: mdevol on Jan 3rd 2014, 18:52:11
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Kalick Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 18:59:23

Originally posted by mdevol:
Maurice, have you asked your leaders who they planned to hit this reset?

Wasn't Aponic very forthright in the original post of this thread that they had planned to hit SoL? Are you looking for something else?

mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 19:42:20

aponic was very forthright about what they planned to do once SoL and MD denied their attempt to pact in an effort to protect our allies from being isolated.

my question is, who would they have attacked should SOL and MD pacted them as they attempted?

In order:
SoF sent out recruit e-mail claiming to be out for blood, having been screwed over.

SoF then offered the 2 clans that warred them last set pacts. Both got denied.

My question is who were they going to hit to get this revenge if they pacted the only 2 that hit them last reset and who was it that "screwed them over" as the recruitment message claims. Seems odd to recruit for a war, then pact the two major likely candidates.

Either they were going to hit our small allies (thus proving we were in the right to not pact, as well as crushing this rhetoric about helping the small clans), or they were going to stab one of their allies in the back.

Flamey answered the question by saying they were going to civil war. Sov is dodging the question.

So what is it Sov?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

euglaf Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 19:49:01

Damn I wish I wasn't in Pakistan so I could read all the whining from everyone.

augur Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 20:04:02

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by trumper:

Well, when it was "pact us and these other alliances, or else..." I found it hard to see it any other way.

You are mistaken. SoF never had the policy of pact or else. SoF was pacted to 2 Alliances who were on the opposing side last set who fought with LCN directly, we did however include clauses to ensure we could protect our allies. The intent of fostering amicable relations with those Alliances remained intact.

LCN did not approach SoF at any stage for a pact for last set. With Servant running around prior to that trying to rally other Alliances against SoF and publicly demonizing myself and SoF on AT we just assumed you were not interested and did not even bother contacting you. So there was no necessity, it was a choice LCN made.

Originally posted by trumper:

Outside of that, yah, everyone else to you plays the victim, but really it's only you that's the victim. Which just puts everyone back at square one.

I hardly consider myself or SoF a victim. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy in the arguments presented, highlighting the lies that are being publicly posted and calling for people to substantiate their indictments made against me personally.

"...We did however include clauses to ensure we could protect our allies."

You never had a policy of pact us or else, just "clauses" to ensure you "could protect" your "allies," aka your block as borne out by the RD logs fiasco.

If you're going down the path of hypocrisy then you're going to be here until you die talking about different players, alliances, pro-cheating/anti-cheating, pro-block/anti-block, yada yada. And you're going to be called out on it by others whom are also hypocritical. It's a waste of breath.

My beef was over the block done through diplomatic force. You want to dictate the terms of other alliance's pacting to ostensibly protect your allies, fine, but don't cry wolf when they join together and start opposing you. My suggestion to my alliance has been to avoid blocks. And from what you say, it seems like you guys are moving away from this strategy, perhaps by choice or by necessity.

So this is all much ado about nothing.

Trumps is correct, SOF placed conditions upon their pact with LCN that they choose not to accept

archaic Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 20:04:34

Probably never thought you'd be happy you were in Pakistan
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Fuji Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 20:23:38

Originally posted by euglaf:
Damn I wish I wasn't in Pakistan so I could read all the whining from everyone.

At least you haven't been kidnapped!

mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 20:24:33

Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by euglaf:
Damn I wish I wasn't in Pakistan so I could read all the whining from everyone.

At least you haven't been kidnapped!

or victim of drone strike
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

iScode Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 22:36:11

Mdevol, three rd members joined from RD.

The only one i dont and wouldnt trust is KC, but thats just me. Who are the others you are talking about because RD leaders joining SoF is one thing i spoke up against. If they joined under a different nick they are only at recruit status and do not have access to anything...

Also how they fluff could we hit laf when we still have a pact with them?

How about this, i will force Sov to answer your question, when you force Makinso to answer mine, I asked first, therefor it is only fair makinso responds first, until such time that your own alliance can stand up and tell the truth, why should mine?

God of War




Jan 3rd 2014, 23:14:37

Originally posted by Servant:
Originally posted by Souly:
Originally posted by Makinso:
The reason that SoL did not pact SoF is very clear and very straight-forward. The whole server is tired of warring uphill battles against SoF and Co. and bla bla bla

what about LCN???

Souly, I will answer that question.

I have had good relationships with current SOF leaders, including Chevs and Aponic, who I highly respect...even if we are currently on different sides of the fence.

F*ck yeah got name dropped.

Must correct you though. I'm not a leader right now and have no desire to be. I've just been trolling around for a set
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 23:48:03

Scode ill hit you up on irc later
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mdevol Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 23:53:31

Hopefully your leaders address it before you find out through someone else...

The question i am trying to get an answer to is who could you have hit if you pacted us? Limits your options doesnt it? I am not assuming any specific clan but it is very limited. Either all of this sappy "we love the little clan" is all bullfluff propaganda or you guys were hitting an ally...i thik we can all agree that civil war was off the table

Edited By: mdevol on Jan 4th 2014, 0:38:06
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 4th 2014, 0:50:18

Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by euglaf:
Damn I wish I wasn't in Pakistan so I could read all the whining from everyone.

At least you haven't been kidnapped!



<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iScode Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 0:55:07

Originally posted by mdevol:
Hopefully your leaders address it before you find out through someone else...

The question i am trying to get an answer to is who could you have hit if you pacted us? Limits your options doesnt it? I am not assuming any specific clan but it is very limited. Either all of this sappy "we love the little clan" is all bullfluff propaganda or you guys were hitting an ally...i thik we can all agree that civil war was off the table

Not at all, it has been floated many times to the members since i have been in sof and most members are down for a good civil war.

A lot of bragging rights between the divisions at the moment.

I of course would of detagged and suicided netters due to the new restart rules i would of had a fantastic set.
God of War


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 4th 2014, 1:19:24

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by mdevol:
Hopefully your leaders address it before you find out through someone else...

The question i am trying to get an answer to is who could you have hit if you pacted us? Limits your options doesnt it? I am not assuming any specific clan but it is very limited. Either all of this sappy "we love the little clan" is all bullfluff propaganda or you guys were hitting an ally...i thik we can all agree that civil war was off the table

Not at all, it has been floated many times to the members since i have been in sof and most members are down for a good civil war.

A lot of bragging rights between the divisions at the moment.

I of course would of detagged and suicided netters due to the new restart rules i would of had a fantastic set.

m0m0 would kick every division's ass!!!!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

locket Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 1:20:00

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by mdevol:
Hopefully your leaders address it before you find out through someone else...

The question i am trying to get an answer to is who could you have hit if you pacted us? Limits your options doesnt it? I am not assuming any specific clan but it is very limited. Either all of this sappy "we love the little clan" is all bullfluff propaganda or you guys were hitting an ally...i thik we can all agree that civil war was off the table

Not at all, it has been floated many times to the members since i have been in sof and most members are down for a good civil war.

A lot of bragging rights between the divisions at the moment.

I of course would of detagged and suicided netters due to the new restart rules i would of had a fantastic set.

So out of curiosity if that is what you would really do, how would you feel like the top 4 clans not named Sof gangbagnged Sof everytime they got bored just to ruin their sets?

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2014, 1:22:04

So Sov, apparently you did create the situation, and punished LCN for not playing ball your way.

AND in True Sov Fasion, when LCN didn't play his way,

He hit LCN:)

Bullying a smaller alliance for not doing exactly what he wants. Like ICN and Monsters. (3 examples in one set)

So despite not having all the information, (for good reasons as I wasn't actively playing at the time.) Your Tried and True methods are so predictable, all the information isn't neccessary.

Which is why things are the way they are.

Z is #1

aponic Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 1:36:27

Originally posted by Bombay:
There is alot of butthurt in this thread.

Makes me laugh.


Sov Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 1:49:09

Originally posted by Servant:

So Sov, apparently you did create the situation, and punished LCN for not playing ball your way.

AND in True Sov Fasion, when LCN didn't play his way,

He hit LCN:)

Bullying a smaller alliance for not doing exactly what he wants. Like ICN and Monsters. (3 examples in one set)

So despite not having all the information, (for good reasons as I wasn't actively playing at the time.) Your Tried and True methods are so predictable, all the information isn't neccessary.

Which is why things are the way they are.

You can continue to lie based on your own contradictory interpretations as much as you want.

Conditions? You mean we wanted to put a break clause in to defend our allies in the event you hit them? Which has been pretty much standard practice in EE since the first set. Are you really going to try and portray that to everyone as SoF bullying you. The more you post the worse it looks for you.

Yes it is SoF's fault that LCN refused our pact, it was SoF's fault that you decided to FS us and it was SoF's fault that you decided to commit what SoF considers an act of war by FAing SoF's enemies while SoF was at war.

Maybe you lack reading comprehension or maybe you are just simply suffer from a terrible mental condition, but ICN has been explained many times in this thread and rather than debate specifics with me you keep beating on the same drum. Well guess what, LCN FSed Alliances for less and so have your allies. Keep making yourself out to be a hypocrite.

Sov Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 1:55:50

Originally posted by Servant:

1. You've never seen me scheme to burn down the server.

Oh so you mean you were butthurt over SoF's recruiting messages which were not only ambiguous but also carried the same sort of messages SoF always puts into it's recruiting messages every single set. Maybe that's why your Alliance can't grow for fluff.

The biggest difference between you and me is that if I were even playing for LCN it would probably have over 45 members by now.

Originally posted by Servant:

2. You've never seen me plot to create a server war for the fun of it. Intentionally bringing in allainces that don't want any part of said war.

Oh right, so when SoF is GANGBANGED right OOP by several Alliances and then threatened with the same for the following set how dare we move to rally our allies to defend us.

Originally posted by Servant:

3. You've never seen me take an alliance and bully someone 1/3rd my size.

That's because any Alliance over 1/3 your size in your entire time as a leader in this game would not have the numbers to even string together a kill run because your Alliances have been so damn small.

Originally posted by Servant:

I much prefer 1-1 wars, and have a track record that backs this up.

And now you have a track record of butthurt and vendetta which will forever haunt you.

Sov Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 1:58:15

And mdevol is not even worth responding too. Try harder mdevol, no one is listening.

Alin Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 2:03:33

No one worths responding to you. You are SperSov and we are just mortals.

Vic Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 2:12:07

mdevol wrote "My question is who were they going to hit to get this revenge if they pacted the only 2 that hit them last reset and who was it that "screwed them over" as the recruitment message claims. Seems odd to recruit for a war, then pact the two major likely candidates. "

you new guys are so politically short sighted. if you can't figure the answer to that, then i'm just gonna have to laf at you ;)

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 4th 2014, 2:18:02

Viclar......where is my moneys and laaaaannnnnddd????

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Vic Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 2:26:24

Originally posted by galleri:
Viclar......where is my moneys and laaaaannnnnddd????

all your base belong to vickylar

Red X Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 2:59:10

" Originally posted by Servant:

3. You've never seen me take an alliance and bully someone 1/3rd my size.

That's because any Alliance over 1/3 your size in your entire time as a leader in this game would not have the numbers to even string together a kill run because your Alliances have been so damn small. "

that made me lol
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 4th 2014, 4:05:26

Originally posted by Servant:
Table, you are mostly correct.

Except, for a few things.

Here are 3 area's where Sov and I differ.

1. You've never seen me scheme to burn down the server.
2. You've never seen me plot to create a server war for the fun of it. Intentionally bringing in allainces that don't want any part of said war.
3. You've never seen me take an alliance and bully someone 1/3rd my size.

I much prefer 1-1 wars, and have a track record that backs this up.

1. Preplanned ECM war vs SOF...out of which Monsters FDP with SOF rose..
2. War with TIE, where SOF and Rival both wanted to gang bang TIE, and I made it a condition of Monsters coming that Monsters get to take TIE on 1-1. BTW Mosnters were 20 and TIE 28 members beginning of that war. It resulted in a fun war both sides remember fondly.
3. AFter multiple sets of issues Monsters hit a similary sized Imaginary numbers. I can't remember who was bigger...only that (no surprise) Monsters had better built countries. Again 1-1. Similar sized war.

That was my 3 wars in Monsters.
Last Reset, LCN took 2 FS's from RD and Rival.
This reset, LCN hitting a similar sized Rival.

Compare that to SOF's reign of terror the last 2-3 years. That's where we differ.

That depends which war you are speaking about Servant.... I think one was even numbered. I think the last one was like Monsters was way bigger and iMag had 6 players? I cannot remember exactly.... you and scode have a better memory than me. I should start writing this stuff down.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

mdevol Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 9:37:50

Well, I am glad this thread cleared a lot of things up.

Sov - Thanks for playing, the best part was you made yourself look worse than you did me, and now more than one of your members has been educated on what really was the plan all along, since you obviously didn't want to touch that subject. Good Work! Have fun explaining yourself out of this one. My work here is done.

SoF, if nothing else, ask questions and demand answers from your leaders.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Taveren Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 20:51:40

Since when does New Years not count as a holiday? God damn heathens!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Taveren Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 20:57:59

Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by euglaf:
Damn I wish I wasn't in Pakistan so I could read all the whining from everyone.

At least you haven't been kidnapped!

Maybe he has been kidnapped and is being brainwashed. He will return as the manchurian candidate!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Nuketon Game profile


Jan 5th 2014, 6:53:26

[quote poster=Sov; 28624; 520672]
Originally posted by tulosba:

In Deci's last set at LCN they also decided to blindside PDM for no reason at all and without PDM provoking them one little bit. This decimated PDM and I offered to help PDM recover at this point and gave them minor assistance. After deciding not to renew LCN as a FDP we were still happy to give LCN a UNAP on the basis that if we rebuilt relations we could return to a FDP.

Around the same time we learned of a coalition being put together by MD (and Imag) targeting Rival and RD from a few MD allies and were delivered lots of logs of discussions and leadership meetings about planning of this conflict with LCN looking to take on Rival (LCN leadership declined knowledge of this planning and we have no evidence of their direct involvement other than MD leadership making plans for LCN to hit Rival). Looking to avoid a server type war at the time we decided to intervene and at our ally's request we wanted to include a break clause for Rival in our pact with LCN to deter LCN from hitting Rival.

Actually, LCN was only offered a block pact which required we pact LaF, SoF, Rival, and RD or we got no pact with SoF at all. There was nothing about break clauses or anything like that. Block pact or no pact. I talked with Boltar about this one personally.

aponic Game profile


Jan 5th 2014, 17:53:29

Originally posted by augur:

Trumps is correct, SOF placed conditions upon their pact with LCN that they choose not to accept

We didn't even talk to LCN about a pact. You are just an idiot. I talked with Servant about his perspective on SOF, which he has vocalized here. Being that he was so against parts of our leadership team, we did not engage further in talks about a pact. Maybe this coming reset we will enter discussions.

SOF did not try to impose any conditions while pacting. In fact, we were quite reasonable in accommodating some small alliances in modifying our standard pacts for them. Go ahead and put your foot in your mouth dude.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2014, 20:25:13

Aponic, they're not taking this reset.

They're talking about a few sets back when SOF/LCN relations fell apart. While you and I were gone from the game.

Sov and I do have different interpretations of the same events. That's not an uncommon occurence.

My issue is not his interpretation, I'm ok with different interpretations. its how he used his power, when he had it.

He's proven the point I'm after. He thinks he did everything right, doesn't regret any of his actions, and would do things exactly the same way should he be the top man on the totem pole of the server again.

Z is #1



Jan 6th 2014, 1:31:10

WOW you guys should get a motel and just have a group grudge orgy.

Tokyousr Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 1:32:57

agree. this is getting out of hand.

bertz Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 5:44:57

These talks are good read. At least it is now clear why there's conflict between alliances.

Makinso Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 9:37:45

LoL sov.

A well displayed action of your transparency by waving Mdevols question off.

Alin Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 13:00:56

A motel would not be enough for the orgy.

An airport hangar would suit the situation better.

MauricXe Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 16:04:39

Originally posted by Makinso:
LoL sov.

A well displayed action of your transparency by waving Mdevols question off.

There is nothing to answer, and more importantly, no one of importance to answer to.

The question was already settled with Flamey's answer. Aponic already made it clear what SoF's intentions were if the pacts were secured and iScode provided some more context. Put 2 and 2 together and it's not so hard to figure out what happened and how the civil war fits in.
He is just trolling and fishing for something not there.

trumper Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 18:12:08

Originally posted by Sov:

The biggest difference between you and me is that if I were even playing for LCN it would probably have over 45 members by now.

Are you being sarcastic or are you really that full of yourself? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the former.

trumper Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 18:20:44

Originally posted by aponic:
Originally posted by augur:

Trumps is correct, SOF placed conditions upon their pact with LCN that they choose not to accept

We didn't even talk to LCN about a pact. You are just an idiot. I talked with Servant about his perspective on SOF, which he has vocalized here. Being that he was so against parts of our leadership team, we did not engage further in talks about a pact. Maybe this coming reset we will enter discussions.

SOF did not try to impose any conditions while pacting. In fact, we were quite reasonable in accommodating some small alliances in modifying our standard pacts for them. Go ahead and put your foot in your mouth dude.

Talking about prior to this reset.

It's not like the block strategy is some big secret because it is all over those RD logs. I earnestly hope you guys have turned over a new leaf and that the block stuff is the past. And simultaneously, those that rose up against your block don't try to maintain a permanent block.



Jan 6th 2014, 18:24:39

"The biggest difference between you and me is that if I were even playing for LCN it would probably have over 45 members by now."

wow, i almost got ice tea up my nose for reading that while drinking


too much ego around here ... you arent the be all to end all around here
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 19:21:19

all i got from this thread is that vic has been the mastermind to all of this.

Alin Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 19:21:36

SuperSoooov, SuperSooooooov la la la !!!

Walbertross Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 20:35:44

sof ftw

mdevol Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 21:05:28


Edited By: mdevol on Jan 8th 2014, 20:29:11. Reason: Broke Forum Rules
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

iScode Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 22:47:48

Originally posted by Makinso:
LoL sov.

A well displayed action of your transparency by waving Mdevols question off.

Thats quite hypocritical coming from you since i posed a question to you first and you refused to answer. but hey, you have never been one to hold yourself the high standards you set for others right, lmao.

fluffing dutch lying piece of fluff. I bet you cant even roll good.
God of War


anoniem Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 2:33:37

and i bet iscode still sucks fluff

ninong Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 2:38:27

iscode, annie, how bout the 3 of us do the centipede? but we need to go around in a circle to make it fair!
ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic



Jan 7th 2014, 2:39:50

Originally posted by mdevol:
I am not going to be the one to post the logs that your leaders know exist that show otherwise Maurice....

They can try to dismiss me as a "puppet" all they want but in the end they made their bed and now they have to sleep in it.

and no, there was not going to be a civil war.

Oh, just out of curiosity what is your country name this reset Maurice?

BuckeyesSmashEugene, right? Oops.

You are a toolbag... stop assuming you know anything. I am presuming mdevols country is Deepthroats24inches...