


Jun 1st 2016, 5:10:16

SS, I may have had good shot winning this set, that should be enough motivation for you to come back and put me in my place, but then again, I know my place, maybe that's not motivating enough for you.


Is that better?

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Vic Game profile


Jun 1st 2016, 5:27:28

landtrading is for nubs

Vic Game profile


Jun 1st 2016, 5:27:41

or fluffkids as ss says

Untagged Hunter


Jun 1st 2016, 5:37:46

Bunch of pansy netters!!

diez Game profile


Jun 1st 2016, 15:30:13

for me bakku / samxz r teh best

SS sucks

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 1st 2016, 18:00:17

I still maintain that nof was one of the best.

Newworld Game profile


Jun 1st 2016, 20:07:44


SS and Pang are still nublets
pew pew pew

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 1st 2016, 20:56:19

Rockman > SS

- Premium Patron Member

diez Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 9:28:04

SS <3 Rockman

Rockman Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 12:40:28

Rockman doesn't even have a 200mil networth finish on Alliance, and the closest he's come was with an explorer techer.

So yeah, leave me out of this.

But I did expose EVO cheating, and got the rules of the game changed in response to my actions that exposed their cheating. So it all depends on what your goal is. If your goal is netting, I'm not even in the top 100 players of all time. But if your goal is finding creative ways to do fun things, then I am one of the best. But I don't think that "best" is the appropriate word for that. If you want to give me the title of most creative, I'll accept that. But the title of "best" belongs with at least 100 other people (conservative estimate) before it goes to me.

Vic Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 13:24:06

Originally posted by Rockman:
Rockman doesn't even have a 200mil networth finish on Alliance, and the closest he's come was with an explorer techer.

So yeah, leave me out of this.

But I did expose EVO cheating, and got the rules of the game changed in response to my actions that exposed their cheating. So it all depends on what your goal is. If your goal is netting, I'm not even in the top 100 players of all time. But if your goal is finding creative ways to do fun things, then I am one of the best. But I don't think that "best" is the appropriate word for that. If you want to give me the title of most creative, I'll accept that. But the title of "best" belongs with at least 100 other people (conservative estimate) before it goes to me.

rockman is hands down one of the smartest. he just hasn't ever "tried" because he's too smart and gets bored when challenges aren't posed. so i agree, in a convo of the best, we are considering finishes. but in a convo of capabilities ... rockman would have to be included

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 13:25:49

Originally posted by Rockman:
But I did expose EVO cheating, and got the rules of the game changed in response to my actions that exposed their cheating.

So you had to get the rules changed? Meaning, whatever Evo was doing wasn't against the rules when you found out? So, technically, it wasn't cheating at all? Ok.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2016, 13:36:04

no, the rule change wasnt connected to the cheating, you misinterpreted the sentence structure

Vic Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 13:47:17

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Rockman:
But I did expose EVO cheating, and got the rules of the game changed in response to my actions that exposed their cheating.

So you had to get the rules changed? Meaning, whatever Evo was doing wasn't against the rules when you found out? So, technically, it wasn't cheating at all? Ok.

Originally posted by enshula:
no, the rule change wasnt connected to the cheating, you misinterpreted the sentence structure

and evo is now basically defunct.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 14:45:33

Originally posted by enshula:
no, the rule change wasnt connected to the cheating, you misinterpreted the sentence structure

Nah, I think I read that sentence correctly. Anybody with advanced intelligence would have interpreted that sentence as I did.

I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 16:16:05

I interpreted it as he caught Evo cheating, and however he did it, or whatever he did in responde to it- i.e his actionsafter the fact for finding it, caused the rules of the game to be changed.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 17:13:19

So you're saying that Evo's cheating didn't get the rules of the game changed--Rockman's action in sniffing out/responding to the cheating were so bad that the rules of the game were changed to stop him from doing it again?

I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 18:50:28

I don't know I'm not sure what actions were made or what the cheating was

But your logic is flawed. If what Evo was doing was cheating, the game rules wouldn't need to be changed as they were already breaking them

That type of flawed logic is par for the course for someone who was kicked and banned from a dying alliance that was recently caught cheating.

#I could do this all day

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2016, 21:13:07

Originally posted by Rockman:
...But I don't think that "best" is the appropriate word for that.

I'll be the judge of that! I was just showing you some love I didn't actually think you are better than SS. Sorry :D
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2016, 21:18:26

Originally posted by NukEvil:
So you're saying that Evo's cheating didn't get the rules of the game changed--Rockman's action in sniffing out/responding to the cheating were so bad that the rules of the game were changed to stop him from doing it again?


If a rule was put into place because of actions taken in game by an alliance then was it deemed to be immoral or down right diry?
- Premium Patron Member

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 21:26:11

Originally posted by Pang:

there were always 2 camps in LaF: those who thought SS' ego was overblown in one camp and SS in the other

glad to see he's still doing that whine-bragging thing like I remember!

Ego and choosing not to be modest are two different things. There's an element of truth and an element of trolling to most of what I post on AT, isn't the latter what AT is for?

And for those of us that played long enough to remember when you actually played and quite openly claimed to be gods gift to FR it's really quite amusing to reference my ego. My assertions are based on legitimate understanding of the game and skill in playing it. I wonder if I'd get banned if I posted what things you did back when you did actually play. I assume I would, don't think you'd be able to take the bruise to your ego.

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jun 2nd 2016, 21:41:11

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 21:32:08

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Rockman:
...But I don't think that "best" is the appropriate word for that.

I'll be the judge of that! I was just showing you some love I didn't actually think you are better than SS. Sorry :D

There are certainly aspects of the game that rockman is better than me and most people at. I think there were a few people like Xin, enshula, rockman, TC to an extent, that were significantly better making small optimizations than almost anyone i knew.

Like developing the cash start up that changed tax every other turn to maximize income/pop by turn 120 or whatever it was. Rockman is just very modest and never really bothered grabbing, without grabbing you dont get top ranks, that's not to say you don't have the most efficient country though.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 21:36:13

Originally posted by NukEvil:
So you're saying that Evo's cheating didn't get the rules of the game changed--Rockman's action in sniffing out/responding to the cheating were so bad that the rules of the game were changed to stop him from doing it again?


From memory rockman ran harmful opps eos on qzjul to cost him a t10? He got mad and opened up country news of all countries to the public as a backlash and way to prove rockman did it, we all lol'd at evo.

It was the mod-abuse that previously had been slagpit's forte that was repeatedly ignored with no action being taken which is essentially the same as encouraging it to continue, I suppose it wasn't technically cheating though as they make the rules.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 21:54:21

Originally posted by Forgotten:
SS, I may have had good shot winning this set, that should be enough motivation for you to come back and put me in my place, but then again, I know my place, maybe that's not motivating enough for you.


Is that better?

Forgo for rank 1! I'm joining the bandwagon.

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
I think what hurts the most about pulling the trigger on my destock a day late(trying to give myself the shot at NW record) is more that I may miss beating SS's techer record. I should have blown past that, while playing on my phone mostly living in hotels... and from what enshula and en4cer say, your set was better for techers


I honestly don't even remember anything about that reset except that enshula had a good country and everyone else sucked. That said a brief look at your country op says your country was typical good t3 contending techer at turn 1200, but nothing to write home about. Still, enjoy that failed destock for old times sake!

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 22:47:52

I agree.

Also, destock options were weak for me this set. I still should beat the oil destock route, even screwing up a perfect public destock by upwards of 70m, I still likely beat the safe route by 15-20

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 0:00:22

haha SS never changes....

Whine-bragging like usual, then answering his own questions about my intentions + threats about outing me for things I'd actually love to talk about :p I don't talk about them as a courtesy to the others that were involved -- you're in that group too, SS. :)

For the record, and as I said last time SS made this threat, I'm more than happy to talk about anything I ever did while playing. From writing bots to market manipulation to special access I honestly don't care. I moved on from playing to leading to hosting admin to game admin over like a 17 year period and my attitude toward the game evolved as my role did. The petty fluff that I used to get so involved over makes me laugh today at how dumb it was. I'm glad you're still able to cling to those accomplishments like a badge of honor.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Vic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 0:10:34

Hands down best thread on the forum right now

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 0:12:37

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by NukEvil:
So you're saying that Evo's cheating didn't get the rules of the game changed--Rockman's action in sniffing out/responding to the cheating were so bad that the rules of the game were changed to stop him from doing it again?


If a rule was put into place because of actions taken in game by an alliance then was it deemed to be immoral or down right diry?

There's lots of times when a mechanic is found to be abusable to the point it'd be considered cheating and we had to change it. I can only think of a couple off the top of my head, but I remember discussion threads about lots of them. Everyone here into insane optimizations -- if it's not against the rules at the time it's executed it won't be considered cheating. That's different than exploiting a hole in the game coding (i.e., the old 2B bug exploit from E2025)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 0:12:51

Originally posted by Vic:
Hands down best thread on the forum right now

It's a low bar
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Jun 3rd 2016, 2:43:34

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
SS, I may have had good shot winning this set, that should be enough motivation for you to come back and put me in my place, but then again, I know my place, maybe that's not motivating enough for you.


Is that better?

Forgo for rank 1! I'm joining the bandwagon.

That was after a 6k AB and before a 30k AB that I had a shot at winning. Now if I make over $300m I'm happy.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Jun 3rd 2016, 2:53:16

I once had my country mod deleted because mods were lazy and forgot to reset the market and then I abused it.

I didn't break rules. Mods were lazy.

Anyways. Back to reality. This thread is what AT was meant for.

@Nukevil, I hope you don't take the banter on AT into the game itself, I like my buildings.

@SS, SS, without a doubt, if he wanted to, he can come back any set and be the favourite to win unless war or well planned suiciding on him.

@Rockman, if attacking was taken out, you would win.

@Pang, when you went to lead PDM to help them organize and other things. Whether there was any politicial meaning behind it, I don't know or care. But that action and subsequent resets is why I'll forever respect you as Game Admin.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2016, 3:14:32

I bet you I'm better than SS at dota 2
- Premium Patron Member

Rockman Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 3:33:43

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by NukEvil:
So you're saying that Evo's cheating didn't get the rules of the game changed--Rockman's action in sniffing out/responding to the cheating were so bad that the rules of the game were changed to stop him from doing it again?


From memory rockman ran harmful opps eos on qzjul to cost him a t10? He got mad and opened up country news of all countries to the public as a backlash and way to prove rockman did it, we all lol'd at evo.

It was the mod-abuse that previously had been slagpit's forte that was repeatedly ignored with no action being taken which is essentially the same as encouraging it to continue, I suppose it wasn't technically cheating though as they make the rules.

Quite close. He was going to finish around rank 15, so I didn't knock him out of the top 10. But I did take out 40 million troops during the last minute of the set without getting caught on any of my spy ops. And since tons of countries have their networths change in the last 5 minutes of the set, you can't really narrow it down that way either.

I knew that they'd have to abuse their mod powers to expose me, but I did it expecting exactly that because I'd seen that type of behavior from them. Everyone would know that it was LaF that did it, but the only way to prove it was to out themselves as abusing their mod powers. And they took the bait.

The rule change that I call the "Rockman rule" is the change they made to humanitarians during the last day of the set, where the humanitarian range tightens up as the end of the set approaches. It was in direct response to my actions using spy ops to take out 20 million networth in the last minute without being caught.

Vamps Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 3:46:59

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
I guess it is debatable, it would be between hao, chun, eug, enshula, xin, bakku, hlw, samxz and me I would say and it's pretty interchangable by reset and what style suited the reset, some had an aggressive risk taking like me some were more about maximizing what you have like enshula.

That said the skill level has decreased pretty drastically any newb can fart on a keyboard and get a t10 these days.

It's nice to see some names again like eug, chun, ensh, xin mentioned in a thread like this. Guys like eug, chun, ensh, xin (and SS for that matter) were great because they never feared competition. Would they dump stock a day early to beat your stock dump based on your country profile? Sure they would, but then they'd joke about it and use it as a teaching moment to educate you on the market, and make you a better player. To me, the best netters were the ones who were unafraid, and who became the best teachers/influences on the game while still dominating. Eug, Chun, Ensh, Downsay, Reinz, Osso, AzN, and (secretly) Dragon. On a side note, god help you all if Dragon ever decides to stop killing things and makes a legitimate attempt to net.

It's funny to me to see people like Syko "speaking" for LaF when he can't net for fluff - and Vic...why pick fights when your "notorious" best finish was ruined by a Huggy suicide when you announced you were RD? lulz. I've made my peace with you, but just stop.

This game is a shadow of what it once was, and reminiscing only makes it sadder. We should just let it die.


Vic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 4:13:05

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
I guess it is debatable, it would be between hao, chun, eug, enshula, xin, bakku, hlw, samxz and me I would say and it's pretty interchangable by reset and what style suited the reset, some had an aggressive risk taking like me some were more about maximizing what you have like enshula.

That said the skill level has decreased pretty drastically any newb can fart on a keyboard and get a t10 these days.

It's nice to see some names again like eug, chun, ensh, xin mentioned in a thread like this. Guys like eug, chun, ensh, xin (and SS for that matter) were great because they never feared competition. Would they dump stock a day early to beat your stock dump based on your country profile? Sure they would, but then they'd joke about it and use it as a teaching moment to educate you on the market, and make you a better player. To me, the best netters were the ones who were unafraid, and who became the best teachers/influences on the game while still dominating. Eug, Chun, Ensh, Downsay, Reinz, Osso, AzN, and (secretly) Dragon. On a side note, god help you all if Dragon ever decides to stop killing things and makes a legitimate attempt to net.

It's funny to me to see people like Syko "speaking" for LaF when he can't net for fluff - and Vic...why pick fights when your "notorious" best finish was ruined by a Huggy suicide when you announced you were RD? lulz. I've made my peace with you, but just stop.

This game is a shadow of what it once was, and reminiscing only makes it sadder. We should just let it die.


picking fights? huh?
stop being so emo vamps

Vamps Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 4:26:26

Originally posted by Vic:

picking fights? huh?
stop being so emo vamps

Do you even know me? You just... don't...understand :-(



Jun 3rd 2016, 4:31:06

Vic thinks he knows everybody.

Anyways, I agree with Vamps though, we should recruit everyone back and then take alli t25 spots
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Vic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 5:20:51

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Vic thinks he knows everybody.

you mean like that time you got busted trying to start lies and drama about me to someone i did know? lol.



Jun 3rd 2016, 6:14:24

Nah, like that time you had someone spam me and then take a few sentences out of context.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Vic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 6:17:42

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Nah, like that time you had someone spam me and then take a few sentences out of context.

I had someone spam you? Nice try creep



Jun 3rd 2016, 6:20:10

You are boring.

Back to topic,

SS need a to come back and be first to break 500m without FA or buyouts.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Vic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 6:21:44

Originally posted by Forgotten:
You are boring.

Back to topic,

SS need a to come back and be first to break 500m without FA or buyouts.

Hey, we can't all be sending Heston pm's as exciting as yours. Don't talk about me again and please, for your own sake, get some help.

Bikerman Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 10:30:17

I once made atleast 33mill NW without landtrade or anything else! - Think I win.....

Ohhh, and Bonus

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 13:10:12

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by NukEvil:
So you're saying that Evo's cheating didn't get the rules of the game changed--Rockman's action in sniffing out/responding to the cheating were so bad that the rules of the game were changed to stop him from doing it again?


From memory rockman ran harmful opps eos on qzjul to cost him a t10? He got mad and opened up country news of all countries to the public as a backlash and way to prove rockman did it, we all lol'd at evo.

It was the mod-abuse that previously had been slagpit's forte that was repeatedly ignored with no action being taken which is essentially the same as encouraging it to continue, I suppose it wasn't technically cheating though as they make the rules.

Quite close. He was going to finish around rank 15, so I didn't knock him out of the top 10. But I did take out 40 million troops during the last minute of the set without getting caught on any of my spy ops. And since tons of countries have their networths change in the last 5 minutes of the set, you can't really narrow it down that way either.

I knew that they'd have to abuse their mod powers to expose me, but I did it expecting exactly that because I'd seen that type of behavior from them. Everyone would know that it was LaF that did it, but the only way to prove it was to out themselves as abusing their mod powers. And they took the bait.

The rule change that I call the "Rockman rule" is the change they made to humanitarians during the last day of the set, where the humanitarian range tightens up as the end of the set approaches. It was in direct response to my actions using spy ops to take out 20 million networth in the last minute without being caught.

Aaahahahaha that was great. Just yanked the rug out from under him. I don't think I was there during that time (or I may have been, but was on my way out and didn't care anymore, don't remember), but I do sorta remember people talking about it later. Reminded me of the good times I had on Evo's alliance site. I was very paranoid about suiciders joining our ranks, so I did whatever I felt needed to be done to ensure that either a suicider didn't join, or I would know exactly who enabled them. Caught about a dozen or so suiciders before they were able to do their thing. For example, I changed the site code to enable me to read everyone's insite messages (instead of having to do the same in the database). Caught my new boss covering for a suicider that way, and also caught the resulting backlash before it actually became the backlash. Good times.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

archaic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 14:21:26

I realize this has turned into a Laf circle jerk of nerdity, but is a discussion about best ever that does not include dragon really valid? In addition to his abilities as a warroom leader, his walling has literally turned the tides of war back when wars were really wars. Its a two sided coin - excluding 50% of the game play from the discussion seems hollow.

Also, FWIW, if you add up the collective NW of non-laf people that were taught basic netting skills by the likes of En4, DDan, Raheel, NiteL, oldman, etc - you would have an awful lot of NW over the last 15 years.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Kingme Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 14:32:58

Originally posted by archaic:

Also, FWIW, if you add up the collective NW of non-laf people that were taught basic netting skills by the likes of En4, DDan, Raheel, NiteL, oldman, etc - you would have an awful lot of NW over the last 15 years.

You just rattled off some damn good players.



Jun 3rd 2016, 15:33:06

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by NukEvil:
So you're saying that Evo's cheating didn't get the rules of the game changed--Rockman's action in sniffing out/responding to the cheating were so bad that the rules of the game were changed to stop him from doing it again?


From memory rockman ran harmful opps eos on qzjul to cost him a t10? He got mad and opened up country news of all countries to the public as a backlash and way to prove rockman did it, we all lol'd at evo.

It was the mod-abuse that previously had been slagpit's forte that was repeatedly ignored with no action being taken which is essentially the same as encouraging it to continue, I suppose it wasn't technically cheating though as they make the rules.

Quite close. He was going to finish around rank 15, so I didn't knock him out of the top 10. But I did take out 40 million troops during the last minute of the set without getting caught on any of my spy ops. And since tons of countries have their networths change in the last 5 minutes of the set, you can't really narrow it down that way either.

I knew that they'd have to abuse their mod powers to expose me, but I did it expecting exactly that because I'd seen that type of behavior from them. Everyone would know that it was LaF that did it, but the only way to prove it was to out themselves as abusing their mod powers. And they took the bait.

The rule change that I call the "Rockman rule" is the change they made to humanitarians during the last day of the set, where the humanitarian range tightens up as the end of the set approaches. It was in direct response to my actions using spy ops to take out 20 million networth in the last minute without being caught.

Aaahahahaha that was great. Just yanked the rug out from under him. I don't think I was there during that time (or I may have been, but was on my way out and didn't care anymore, don't remember), but I do sorta remember people talking about it later. Reminded me of the good times I had on Evo's alliance site. I was very paranoid about suiciders joining our ranks, so I did whatever I felt needed to be done to ensure that either a suicider didn't join, or I would know exactly who enabled them. Caught about a dozen or so suiciders before they were able to do their thing. For example, I changed the site code to enable me to read everyone's insite messages (instead of having to do the same in the database). Caught my new boss covering for a suicider that way, and also caught the resulting backlash before it actually became the backlash. Good times.

Wait. So you hacked the game and you didn't have a lynch mob after you?
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Jun 3rd 2016, 15:34:25

If you want legendary story on waller, we have Grinch, who walled at 3 civ. Lived the rest of reset.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 16:02:22

If any of you actually thought the mods and admins were corrupt then you would have stopped playing this game a long time ago.

mrford Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 16:03:43

Emopit sighting
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford