
NukEvil Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 2:20:13

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
That's why Evo failed, mrford

It was full of emo losers like fagpit, kj and nukevil who would rather whine and cry foul than actually try to be competitive at literally anything

An alliance consisting of members with such a loser attitude was bound to fail sooner or later

Why compete against an alliance that cheats to win? Personally, I've got better things to do with my time.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 5th 2016, 2:33:20

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
That's why Evo failed, mrford

It was full of emo losers like fagpit, kj and nukevil who would rather whine and cry foul than actually try to be competitive at literally anything

An alliance consisting of members with such a loser attitude was bound to fail sooner or later

In this very thread SS said that he didn't see any point in trying to compete partially because "the admins would just tell everyone that i run the country to get me suicided anyway so what's the point."

Are you really this stupid or is it an act?

For the record, I spent the majority of my time working on the actual game instead of evo. Nukevil spent a bunch of time coding the forums that you're now using to attack him. Again, are you really this stupid or is it an act?

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 2:37:02

What a productive use of your guys time. You should have spent it on self improvement in literally any area instead.

Are you still so emo you can be trolled this easily?

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 2:39:40

I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 5th 2016, 2:49:23

It was productive actually. What would you know about it? Apparently less than nothing.

Does anyone have anything new, intelligent, or interesting to say around here?

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 3:00:33

Originally posted by Slagpit:
It was productive actually. What would you know about it? Apparently less than nothing.

Does anyone have anything new, intelligent, or interesting to say around here?

About being productive? Or about coding a copy of an almost dead game so a bunch of cranky, mostly anti social middle aged men can stay in their safe place?

Quite a bit about the former, literally nothing about the latter

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 5th 2016, 3:04:57

You said something interesting, thanks.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 5th 2016, 3:38:07

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Vic:
Hands down best thread on the forum right now

Not anymore . . . between slaggy making an appearance to feed even more of his tears to the game, and SS still denying that he was running a network of suiciders against EVO and PDM, and now we've dragged TC and HLW back out of the cubbard.

The 'History' of netting is all we get to talk about now, because Laf ran every tag that tried to compete with them out of the game either as a deliberate FR policy or by outright blatant cheating. Now they reign supreme over a server of 426 tired grumpy old men. Congrats, GG

archaic..... give it up. Half this thread would kemp bush in the open and cry warpack when they got one shotted. 10/10 this thread is cancerous.

Kat - he said 426 grumpy old men. He didn't say anything about females.

I also have a funny story........

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 19:40:55

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Running away with your tail between your legs is fine too. You brought me into this thread by talking fluff and dropping my name, but now you're whining because I'm asking you hypothetical questions? Poor baby. Go back to your echo chamber where you can relive your "glory days". Much more comfortable than doing any critical thinking, I'm sure.

I'm running away by continuing to reply, note taken.
I dropped 20 names, you just happened to be one of the ones i was legitimately calling fluff as opposed to the ones i was joking about.
You haven't asked me any questions unless you consider "who gives a fluff about a country number" a question directed at me, despite it coming across as rhetorical. Which if it was, my answer would be, no one unless it results in getting suicided. That said, it's not a hypothetical question so my question to you would be, when writing on the forums, do you deliberately post random sentences as a troll or do you actually believe what you're saying to be true? Because if it's a troll it's top notch because you've built a persona literally over a decade that makes the troll believable hence making it a good troll. But personally I think it's far more likely a continuation in the decade of bollocks you spew that is either just wrong or makes no sense so as not to be able to even begin discerning if it is wrong or not.

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
That's why Evo failed, mrford

It was full of emo losers like fagpit, kj and nukevil who would rather whine and cry foul than actually try to be competitive at literally anything

An alliance consisting of members with such a loser attitude was bound to fail sooner or later

In this very thread SS said that he didn't see any point in trying to compete partially because "the admins would just tell everyone that i run the country to get me suicided anyway so what's the point."

Are you really this stupid or is it an act?

For the record, I spent the majority of my time working on the actual game instead of evo. Nukevil spent a bunch of time coding the forums that you're now using to attack him. Again, are you really this stupid or is it an act?

I said that if I netgained untagged the admins would give my number out, as has happened in the past. To be honest I dont know how much weight i even hold to that assertion given how little anyone cares about the game anymore, but the one time I did I got screwed, so that's the only information I have to go off.

Since reading and comprehension doesn't appear to be your strong suit I feel like addressing any more posts to you is likely a waste of time.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 6th 2016, 14:36:26

Seriously, SS, no one cared about you enough to give out your country #. I certainly didn't, I doubt anyone else did either.

While you were typically trying to slam the admins for being corrupt (at least you're now willing to admit you were wrong on some of those charges) we were actually focused on running the game. Take off your tinfoil hat, anything the admins did to you was not an abuse of game admin privileges.

Giving out your country # wasn't worth the risk of losing admin access for doing it. Plain and simple. Especially at a time we were all happy to be working on new features.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 14:52:24

Originally posted by Pang:
Seriously, SS, no one cared about you enough to give out your country #. I certainly didn't, I doubt anyone else did either.

While you were typically trying to slam the admins for being corrupt (at least you're now willing to admit you were wrong on some of those charges) we were actually focused on running the game. Take off your tinfoil hat, anything the admins did to you was not an abuse of game admin privileges.

Giving out your country # wasn't worth the risk of losing admin access for doing it. Plain and simple. Especially at a time we were all happy to be working on new features.
well I don't know about anyone else. But I sure do appreciate the bots in the game. I'm sure that was hard work.
Do as I say, not as I do.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2016, 15:30:41

Im a bit too bad to edit the bots, but they should have been improved more by all of us.

They are a bit better this set than they have been though.

Kingme Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 15:58:32

It's sad that the true contributing members of this game are the ones given the hardest ride these days.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2016, 21:57:01

Originally posted by Kingme:
It's sad that the true contributing members of this game are the ones given the hardest ride these days.

The problem is the people with the skills to do it are the same people who work all day programming and do not want to come home and do it for free :p

Cant blame them
- Premium Patron Member

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 22:28:41

Originally posted by Pang:
Seriously, SS, no one cared about you enough to give out your country #. I certainly didn't, I doubt anyone else did either.

While you were typically trying to slam the admins for being corrupt (at least you're now willing to admit you were wrong on some of those charges) we were actually focused on running the game. Take off your tinfoil hat, anything the admins did to you was not an abuse of game admin privileges.

Giving out your country # wasn't worth the risk of losing admin access for doing it. Plain and simple. Especially at a time we were all happy to be working on new features.

Pang you even admitted at the time he likely did it, when 0 people know i'm playing, and my country gets leaked, there aren't many options really.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 6th 2016, 22:49:22

I don't recall, but I do recall having a lot of conversations where people kept bugging me until I eventually just said "whatever" :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Jun 6th 2016, 22:53:57

If anyone bothers to look for the thread, there was that time when EVO was suicided on like 6+ years ago where Slagpit publicly claims that it was a member of LaF and made it an issue on AT. He was speaking it as a matter of fact, like he saw it from database. But that thread probably got deleted.

Then there was that time on irc he threatened to ban me from game for discussing whether he did abuse game through admin power or not....

So there is that.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 7th 2016, 0:01:45

The discussions of banning people were more to save our sanity than to cover up abuses. It's pretty easy to throw out accusations at Admins for corruption when you have zero accountability for doing so.

In the end, fluff like that caused slag and I to spend less time with the game.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Jun 7th 2016, 5:01:14


It was in a private IRC channel that had a key, he shouldn't have read our IRC channel.

Admins shouldn't care about what people say about them in private.

Anyways, I respect you Dave, you know it.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 8th 2016, 1:25:16

Hope you're doing well Pang!

SS, you mentioned my name three times in that first post. I'll try to simplify what I'm saying since my posts appear to you as random words. If I abused my admin powers and was out to get you why didn't I frame you for running multies? It's not a hard question. You can do it.

Kat Game profile


Jun 8th 2016, 2:08:01

Originally posted by galleri:

Kat - he said 426 grumpy old men. He didn't say anything about females.

I also have a funny story........

I think I know this story! :P

BattleKJ Game profile


Jun 9th 2016, 14:35:38


I don't think anyone mentioned aqua and cm. They were pretty good back in the TTR days. There was a guy in Evo or RED for a while too that came from FFA I think called DOM (I believe) that was really good. I also thought the pinoys that joined Evo for a while were really good (legit or not can always be debatable). Aswell as other people already mentioned like eugene, hanschlong and co. I would debate the legitimacy of most of them though, all the netters had a bit of a culture of getting aid and being handed acres etc. Towards the end of me playing as the game died I would often just play untagged and hit other untagged before they came out of DR.

But really saying who the best is at netgaining and warring is like saying, who had the least substance in their life at those times as it was so time consuming to netgain successfully or war well.



Jun 9th 2016, 19:43:27

That is kinda true.
I spent most of the last half year on a bed. I had a t10 last set.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Ivan Game profile


Jun 11th 2016, 18:41:09

SS cant netgain his way out of a wet paper bag ;)


Syko_Killa Game profile


Jun 11th 2016, 19:24:47

Ivan sighting
Do as I say, not as I do.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 2:39:01

Originally posted by BattleKJ:

I don't think anyone mentioned aqua and cm. They were pretty good back in the TTR days. There was a guy in Evo or RED for a while too that came from FFA I think called DOM (I believe) that was really good. I also thought the pinoys that joined Evo for a while were really good (legit or not can always be debatable). Aswell as other people already mentioned like eugene, hanschlong and co. I would debate the legitimacy of most of them though, all the netters had a bit of a culture of getting aid and being handed acres etc. Towards the end of me playing as the game died I would often just play untagged and hit other untagged before they came out of DR.

But really saying who the best is at netgaining and warring is like saying, who had the least substance in their life at those times as it was so time consuming to netgain successfully or war well.

While typically true in the past recently things are much easier to post a top finish. I came 3rd with very little effort and screwed up royally, if I played it right I could have won...

I did this while running my one business and launching a multi national start up, going through federal regulations for health products in Canada, state department in the US for importing to Canada/exporting from the US a 'military grade' substance in thousands of pounds, organizing hundreds of people for my product launch, organizing patents and scientific testing... Not to mention the small stuff like website, label, meeting with software company to fine tune commission structures and payouts for the MLM, All in all about 80 hour work weeks- while spending enough time with my girlfriend to maintain a relationship. Some people are just more active than others in EVERYTHING, successful people tend to do whatever they're doing well, and do many things

Heston Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 18:47:29

Toot the fluff out of the horn little man.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Kingme Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 18:56:36


brujodale Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 20:03:20

peki was the best in my opinion

Son Goku Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 21:16:18

From my time in LCN and LaF the best players I saw were probably cm (from when he was in LCN), hlw and xinhuan. As much fluff as hlw gets for what happened he was a great player.

There's a lot of other older players who were really good, but I wasn't close enough to them to know if they were legit or unaided. I assumed most netgainers back from 2001-2005 days that beat me by a significant margin cheated or were aided, but my time in LaF made me realize that stocking/market play outside of LaF was light years behind.

There's a ton of others that are top tier or near there but honestly the main difference between them is who would get lucky on DRs (or which time zone had the most land available) or who put the most time in that reset.

I can't believe some of you are still fluffing at each other about stuff from years and years ago as well.

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 13th 2016, 22:01:46

Wop or Mr m
M4D Founder

En4cer Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 23:40:07

SG sighting... BTW he is one player that definitely came to the forefront of the netting arena when he came across to LaF too.

euglaf Game profile


Jun 14th 2016, 4:51:42

stupid fat ass sg pointed me to this thread so i felt compelled to comment.

you ALL suck. this includes ss. the best player to come through laf is nof, hands down. the rest of us were just trying to catch up to him.

now that i've settled it you all can continue to argue over stupid fluff about a stupid game.



Jun 14th 2016, 13:16:00

Kakarrot and Eug sighting.

You two and SS come back and LaF will take all 10 Top 10. Something that hasn't been done, ever.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 14th 2016, 13:56:03

well we got 9 one set

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 14th 2016, 21:05:22

Hi eugene!

Hi SG!
- Premium Patron Member

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 19th 2016, 23:20:15

Firstly: lol@ this thread! Blasts from the past!

2nd: ya, the Rockman thing was a big piss off; I think I was actually going to finish T10 based on my eventual finish though, Rockman, not 15th. Regardless. That sort of behaviour was one of the reasons I started playing much more casually.

3rd: Bots are fun to program! But also work.

4th: A bunch of Evo's are in PDM in Clash of Clans! =D I think that's what drained off a lot of us.

5th: I wish I'd had more time to play the game serious in the past lol.

Originally posted by enshula:
Im a bit too bad to edit the bots, but they should have been improved more by all of us.

They are a bit better this set than they have been though.

w00t Bots!

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Kingme:
It's sad that the true contributing members of this game are the ones given the hardest ride these days.

The problem is the people with the skills to do it are the same people who work all day programming and do not want to come home and do it for free :p

Cant blame them

Ugh yes! lol...

I'll make a bot thoughts post somewhere else
Finally did the signature thing.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 19th 2016, 23:25:17

Oh, and WRT corruption / SS -- honestly I had no idea you were even a contender for a top spot, or a "threat to Evo" or any of that until all of this crap was somehow foisted onto my plate at some point. At which point I think I promptly forgot about it.

Most of the time we (myself, pang, slagpit) were actually talking about game mechanics and improvements like that. Or interface design. There *was* definitely discussion of reducing persistent malicious behaviour (@see end-reset-humanitarians), and trying to adjust the mechanics to prevent generally demoralizing behaviours. But nothing specifying any specific person or clan.

All the personal drama was very much a distraction. And still sometimes is lol...
Finally did the signature thing.

Untagged Hunter


Jun 19th 2016, 23:49:13


En4cer Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 2:04:11

I'll be looking forward to seeing the bot post ... wherever it ends up



Jun 20th 2016, 2:04:40

No one will ever let go of anything in this game. But their waist line.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 20th 2016, 15:47:38

Look everyone! Eugene agreed with me about nof!

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 21st 2016, 6:07:07

Originally posted by En4cer:
I'll be looking forward to seeing the bot post ... wherever it ends up

I have to remember what I was going to say and ask....

I think i remember!
Finally did the signature thing.

major Game profile


Jun 22nd 2016, 0:54:52

En4cer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2016, 1:47:13

Well then get posting QZ :)