
BobbyATA Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 4:10:26

Q: how exactly is netting on a server with no grabbing fun?

Answer: it is not.

Q: how then should I have fun on this server?

Answer: war.

Q: but wait I forgot, I'm lazy and want to have fun playing 5 minutes a day, b/c I reject your first answer that it is not fun

Answer: then play all-x on a solo server where nobody will FS you

Q: but wait, I love my clan, you are taking them away from me

Answer: no, hang out with your clan. Talk about your solo server countries. Do whatever you were doing insite before with your clan that made it fun...

end of discussion IMO...

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2010, 4:21:17

I never claimed that farming isn't bad... just that saying farming untaggeds is what causes players to leave the game is a factually incorrect argument to make about the current game, as we have done our best to make sure people know this is a server that you need to be in a clan to "start off" in.

Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

warlorde Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 4:22:32

slag.... im just saying you will find more suiciders directed at you that way. maybe the suiciders wouldnt be after you if you hadnt grabbed them so much?

Its a nasty circle. im going to farm untags to the ground so they dont suicide me and untags are going to suicide you because you are farming them into the ground.

i guess its debatable but i would say you farm untags because you like the land and not that they pose a threat to your allaince

Im just saying..... (i heard if you put "im just saying" at the end of every comment they cant get mad)

Zahc Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 4:40:48

any of you that want to continue playing and have the power to back up whatever you do

apply at
llort orp s`fos

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 4:47:25

But that still doesn't make it right Pang.

These people need to come out and acknowledge that Farming is just as bad randomly FS'ing people.

Pull your heads out of the sand and say no to both, or conversely:
Pull your heads out of the sand and say yes to both.

None of this half-assed rubbish.

Thomas Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 4:47:43

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
Come play in NA! We need the numbers!

Why join a place that can't net or war?

Join Collab, we can do both!

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2010, 5:00:07

Sure dragonlance, I'll acknowledge it after you actually present an argument instead of just repeating yourself.

locket Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 6:14:17

meh he knows that untaggeds are willingly playing untagged while knowing what will happen. And any who actually want to play the game end up in NA due to Llaar and his many recruiting messages :P He just wants to play the blame game

Lord Slayer Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 6:32:09

I'll help dragonlance out.

People who are new will still join the alliance server without having an alliance. When your new, you try all the games/formats available to see which one you like. Some are "afraid" to join either a big alliance, or one at all because they are new, and don't want to look dumb. They don't know that tons of people look dumb just by posting on AT every day and don't even know it.

These people log into their country not knowing how to play it, but seeing these monster countries attacking them, 5+ hits a day, and they are like ok, this is just dumb. DELETE. Unlike back in the day when we had multis that were farmed, Tons of new players so the hits were spread out, there isn't many targets to go around, and constantly LG'ing them Plays as much of a part in killing the game as anything else. Killing potential new player base by driving them from the game because of LG's, does the same thing as any unwaranted FS because an alliance was bored.

spawn Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 9:57:44

damn, i should not start threads and then not have the time to keep following it :-S

my initial post might have come over a little too strong against PDM/Rage/LaF, it wasnt your actions as a clan, but more the cumulative actions, not just this set but the last 2/3.

Imag are still retarded though (iTavi is fun to idle in IRC with though)
and Ely and eevil are just sore excuses of alliances (at least Ely of nowadays)
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

spawn Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 9:59:19

Originally posted by Tertius:
I'm not too familiar with FIST's situation on EE, and you're more than welcome to stop playing if you don't enjoy it, but this seems a bit childish. You don't get exactly what you want, so you go home?

While people debate whether larger alliances should take it easy bullying other alliances considering the size of the player base, as a smaller alliance you have to know it's not going to be easy. You have to earn your respect. If they don't play nice and over retal and topfeed you, well then spend a few sets and give them a reason not to. There's a few other smaller alliances that you could probably join up with as well.

It just seems silly to blame it all on everyone else and then leave to make the problem worse, when you could stay around, find others in your same situation and make it better.

sorry buddy, but apparently you have no clue who we are
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Fooglmog Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 10:14:32

Originally posted by spawn:

sorry buddy, but apparently you have no clue who we are
Ahem? I believe that's my department.

Guy with no clue.

ZIP Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 10:31:57

if you want to see real change, then everyone needs to look at them self and start there. the blame game gets used way too much.

I will say it, hell i was hitting larger more land fat countries then mine all set. 1 a day. we were pacted to all but 3 clans. lcn, na and fist. so not much room to spread the love around.

we think that we have a lot more fun when we fight then net, and this is a game and we play to have fun so simple, we like to fight -

and locket if you quote me again saying we like to net rather then war ( and i know you want to ) STFU !! we have the right to change our mind. besides anyone who knows how to play this game knows that if you want a top 10 finish you need to be in a large netting alliance or go home. ( over 30 )

Elysium was a great and powerful clan in the past, like many other clans, but their time has passed. you can't expect everything to always be the same as leaders/members change.

Out of the ashes something new will come.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2010, 10:42:44

Originally posted by ZIP:

and locket if you quote me again saying we like to net rather then war ( and i know you want to ) STFU !! we have the right to change our mind. besides anyone who knows how to play this game knows that if you want a top 10 finish you need to be in a large netting alliance or go home. ( over 30 )

Funny you should say that when Fist had a few countries with pretty decent stocks...

Makinso Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 10:53:30

LoL @ Fooglmog

Sad to see you go guys. I hope your players atleast divide to other alliances or move ot another alliance as a collective.

spawn Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 10:56:06

Zip, you think its more fun to war, we dont

also we were self reflecting and we came to the conclusion that this game doesnt suit us anymore, so we change the game. i would call that real change
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

spawn Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 10:56:41

nope Maki, leaving the game altogether
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

ZIP Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 11:01:48

spawn, i really do hate to see you guys go. it sounds like you had your mind made up before the past day.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

spawn Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 11:10:28

yeah, we pretty much had.

maybe we can change some attitudes with us leaving...
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

ViLSE Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 11:15:29

How about you come join the Team server instead? It is what DBD did when we realised that this server is an impossibility fora smaller alliance. Of course youd have to split into separate teams etc but it is really good fun most the time.

Ivan Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 18:46:57

Well I think most of the issue here is that thefist refused imags policies about DH ending L:L and im sorry thefist but if you want to try to dictate other tags policies then you have to be ready to back it up

theres 3 choices in a case like that

A swallow
B refuse and expect a war




Nov 11th 2010, 18:51:24

bah, i can repeat it how many times i want. it seems nobody really listens to it.
it was no L:L! we don't do that fluff! only LCN does L:L... it was a plain escalating (for a double tap). that is NOT ended by any DH in any way you want to look at it...

Speaker Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 19:06:56

Originally posted by Lord Slayer:
Some are "afraid" to join either a big alliance, or one at all because they are new, and don't want to look dumb. They don't know that tons of people look dumb just by posting on AT every day and don't even know it.

lol. All true though.

Soviet Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 19:43:52

Originally posted by spawn:
Zip, you think its more fun to war, we dont

Yet its your stupid policies, high amount of land grabbing, and utterly retarded FA work that has sent you to war every set. If you don't get what you want you cry and get someone to do your dirty work, or you grab more and get FSed.

You are simply all talk when it comes to FA and that's as plain as it gets when talking about your demise.
Imaginary Numbers

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2010, 19:51:39

Ok, so you've made up some crap reasons no one believes for why you drove Fist from the game, now what about ICN?

Soviet: Take a look around you. Everyone except for SoF seems to think your actions are stupid, petty and detrimental to the game.

Now you're trying to make it seem like we started this conflict with you and it wasn't just a case of you being bored and starting a conflict by coming up with an excuse, which is easy for you because you don't have retal policies like real clans.

Thomas Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 19:54:36

Originally posted by iTavi:
bah, i can repeat it how many times i want. it seems nobody really listens to it.
it was no L:L! we don't do that fluff! only LCN does L:L... it was a plain escalating (for a double tap). that is NOT ended by any DH in any way you want to look at it...

A DH would end L:L.

A DH wouldn't end escalating retals, but it would count as one of the retals.

Soviet Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 20:05:18

Okay so my reasons are invalid based on how many times you got LCN to smack us in a gangbang? Once again, your stupid policies, landgrabbing, and retarded FA led you to this.

I'm looking around. All I see are a couple whiney baby Fisters, agitated ICNers, NA trolls, and Pang and Slag. You are putting too much credit on these few people for the "real" feelings of the server.

No one said you started the conflict. iMag did when we FSed you way back when. You simply didn't man up and take the beating and gain anyone's respect. You got LCN to smash us that set. The set after you went into LCNs tag and farmed us for the whole set. The set after we tried to pact, but your terms were fluffing retarded and we wouldn't agree to them.

Can you not see why we are here at this point in time, smashing the fluff out of you while you walk away from the game?

On the topic of retal policy- iMag's policy is standard 1:1. You didn't happen to notice any of us taking L:L this set have you?
Imaginary Numbers

Soviet Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 20:07:12

Originally posted by Thomas:
Originally posted by iTavi:
bah, i can repeat it how many times i want. it seems nobody really listens to it.
it was no L:L! we don't do that fluff! only LCN does L:L... it was a plain escalating (for a double tap). that is NOT ended by any DH in any way you want to look at it...

A DH would end L:L.

A DH wouldn't end escalating retals, but it would count as one of the retals.

And IIRC we took 2:3 retals, with 1 being a DH.
Imaginary Numbers



Nov 11th 2010, 20:07:46

we were fighting (and probably will fight some more) with LCN for that L:L long time before the Fist story started

Pain Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 20:08:00

Originally posted by spawn:
damn, i should not start threads and then not have the time to keep following it :-S

my initial post might have come over a little too strong against PDM/Rage/LaF, it wasnt your actions as a clan, but more the cumulative actions, not just this set but the last 2/3.

Imag are still retarded though (iTavi is fun to idle in IRC with though)
and Ely and eevil are just sore excuses of alliances (at least Ely of nowadays)

whats that say for fist if you guys got smacked up by a sore excuse of an alliance? lol

i dont even feel like trying to find out what caused this but its kinda wierd fist blames everyone else but themselves for the fluff they get themselves into. theres a trend here that youre not noticing.
Your mother is a nice woman

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2010, 20:14:24

Originally posted by Soviet:
Okay so my reasons are invalid based on how many times you got LCN to smack us in a gangbang? Once again, your stupid policies, landgrabbing, and retarded FA led you to this.

I'm looking around. All I see are a couple whiney baby Fisters, agitated ICNers, NA trolls, and Pang and Slag. You are putting too much credit on these few people for the "real" feelings of the server.

No one said you started the conflict. iMag did when we FSed you way back when. You simply didn't man up and take the beating and gain anyone's respect. You got LCN to smash us that set. The set after you went into LCNs tag and farmed us for the whole set. The set after we tried to pact, but your terms were fluffing retarded and we wouldn't agree to them.

Can you not see why we are here at this point in time, smashing the fluff out of you while you walk away from the game?

On the topic of retal policy- iMag's policy is standard 1:1. You didn't happen to notice any of us taking L:L this set have you?

Oh, so you're hitting us NOW because we didn't pact you last set?
Or maybe you're hitting us now because you pissed off LCN and they hit you the next set after you refused a pact?
Basically, you don't have a reason and you're destroying this server and it's obvious to most people here that you're doing that.
I bet your reason for hitting ICN is just as good...

PS: about L:L, once again proves you make up policies to start fights. remember that DH earlier that set? it was on 1 grab. You took a second after your DH and said "land:land"

@Pain: I think the only people here that think iMag was justified in its actions this set are iMag and Ivan.

Soviet Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 20:26:35

No, you're getting hit NOW because of a combination of the fluff you did with LCN to iMag, policies attempted to be forced on iMag and hey, we heard you were leaving before we FSed you so might as well get a little revenge in. :)
Originally posted by spawn:
over the last few sets the environment in the community declined at a rapid pace to such extend that we at The Fist dont enjoy playing the game anymore.

we will be leaving the game as of right now

i hope everyone responsible (you know who you are) enjoyed making 13+ players leave the game. congrats

special thanks to:
LaF for your constant grabbing of our retallers this set. we never said anything bad about you on the forums, i even warned 3 of your upper leadership that you were FSed last set when they didnt even know it and you thanked us with the "grabs" this set.
Imag/PDM/Rage: thanks for your constant topfeeds, overretals and unreasonable FA work as well as the random FS some sets ago by Imag

i hope that our friends at Collab and LCN enjoy the game some more, i dont think any of us will continue playing, but if then i'll point them your way

The Fist of Odin

Originally posted by spawn:
the random FS by Imag just now proves our point
Imaginary Numbers

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 11th 2010, 20:31:15


Anyhow my 2 cents. If you planned on leaving anyhow, then don't go blaming a clan for FS'ing you.
I know you all have put up fights before, and good ones.
But Rogue ended up in the end leaving due to the fact that I believe we had like 3 members left? And yes we were getting farmed to death by LCN. And even when we had 7 members and was fs'd by Imag, or other clans...or we jumped wait, we weren't fs'd by imag...we joined the fight..sorry Imag. Anyhow moral of the story is at least try merging. If that does not work then I guess yes it is time to shut down the doors.
But you are small and I know that is hard in this game, and merging is hard etc...but don't blame being FS'd as the result of your leaving.
And you are definantly not innocent either. I can name a date and a country name from your clan that did spy ops on me before the war...intentions were probably to grab...but never happened.

And this is just a galleri rambling.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2010, 20:42:17

so basically Soviet, you're too scared to hit LCN so you take it out on us? 'cause last I checked, LCN made most of the decisions those two sets ;)

Soviet Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 20:49:46

Umm we've FSed LCN how many times? 4? 5? Like iTavi said, the conflicts were over L:L and before the Fist saga, but still.

We aren't scared.
Imaginary Numbers

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2010, 20:52:32

so once again it's back to the "we FSed big clans in 2005" that Tavi was using in another thread

since your random FS on LaF, you've only chosen wars that were easy (note the chosen there because LCN was the one who FSed you :P)

and now you've helped a bunch of players in Fist and ICN make up their minds about leaving the game.

good job, Soviet, keep it up :)

/I'm out

BadFish Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 21:12:18

Originally posted by Ivan:

Well I think most of the issue here is that thefist refused imags policies about DH ending L:L and im sorry thefist but if you want to try to dictate other tags policies then you have to be ready to back it up

theres 3 choices in a case like that

A swallow
B refuse and expect a war


Spawn swallows . . . . . . . .
Are You A BadFish Too ?

Soviet Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 21:19:50

Or how about 2 sets before we FSed you? I've only been prez for over a year, hWAR for 1.5 years before that. I remember leading every one of our conflicts with LCN. So it's more like using 2009 logic.
Imaginary Numbers

Dark TwizTid


Nov 11th 2010, 21:20:37

Originally posted by spawn:
yeah, we pretty much had.

maybe we can change some attitudes with us leaving...

LOL ya right...

Dark TwizTid


Nov 11th 2010, 21:24:18

The Difference between imag and fist, Imag is sticking around, now where is fist? oh yes, they quit.

Enough with the bullfluff.

NoleICN Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 3:53:24

you know this discussion is pointless... cause in Sov's eyes he is god and what he does is the end all save all. Nothing can change that accept a good ole fashion ass whoopin. If your objective is to make the "whiney baby Fisters, agitated ICNers, NA trolls" your fluffes then your sorely mistaken my friend. I cant speak for Fist or NA, but you can rest assured that ICN will fight you as long as we have live countries.. You can bet on that.

And as for Imag as an alliance.. you guys had alot of respect from me back in the day.. But today's alliance is only a shell of its former self. Scode is more of a leader than you Sov will EVER be.


Mr. Lime Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 7:23:48

Originally posted by spawn:
damn, i should not start threads and then not have the time to keep following it :-S

my initial post might have come over a little too strong against PDM/Rage/LaF, it wasnt your actions as a clan, but more the cumulative actions, not just this set but the last 2/3.

Imag are still retarded though (iTavi is fun to idle in IRC with though)
and Ely and eevil are just sore excuses of alliances (at least Ely of nowadays)

ummm wasn't eevil kicking your ass until collab step'd in?
ICQ: 20654127

locket Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 7:29:09

Pretty much the only people taking imag's side soviet are your many imag AT posters. Stop justifying your crap when it hits you in the face.

Xintros Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 7:40:29

There definitely seems have been a trend regarding fisties, their politics, and game play to make someone like myself to beg our members to FS you guys last reset.
EVERYBODY can't be wrong. I did not like the way your members wished to play their turns so aggressively. I did not like your posts, replies..... as a matter of fact nothing about you in this game struck me as likable.

I thik I hate you. Don't go away mad, just go away f*k''n cowards. You suk I dare you to stay.

How could 13 individuals make the decision to leave? There must be a few who are tagging elsewhere?

Hope you trip on the door saddle an break your ugly face on the way out Sperm.
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros

nimrodix Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 7:59:51

wtf Xin r u drunk lol

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Nov 12th 2010, 8:16:14

Originally posted by NoleICN:
you know this discussion is pointless... cause in Sov's eyes he is god and what he does is the end all save all. Nothing can change that accept a good ole fashion ass whoopin. If your objective is to make the "whiney baby Fisters, agitated ICNers, NA trolls" your fluffes then your sorely mistaken my friend. I cant speak for Fist or NA, but you can rest assured that ICN will fight you as long as we have live countries.. You can bet on that.

And as for Imag as an alliance.. you guys had alot of respect from me back in the day.. But today's alliance is only a shell of its former self. Scode is more of a leader than you Sov will EVER be.

rofl. scode was probably the most publically hated president imag ever had. soviet can only hope to aspire to be as hated.

And i guarantee you that if scode was prez today, imag's attitude would be worse in your eyes.

What a stupid argument. Scode was the president that started our emphamis sh*t list. he's the initial reason we 'blindside' clans 4 years after the fact. well, he's the reason we still remember why we're fs'n 4 years later.

So much stupidity this reset.
EE Developer

Xintros Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 8:27:33

Originally posted by nimrodix:
wtf Xin r u drunk lol

No I'm at work which is worse than being drunk.

(Was attempting to use reverse psychology to get them to stay. :-p )

...where was I...... oh yea


"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros

Sifos Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 8:48:09

Originally posted by Xintros:

How could 13 individuals make the decision to leave? There must be a few who are tagging elsewhere?

Duuh, but you must remember that they're on a relentless quest to convince all EE that they really hate us :D
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

locket Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 9:17:44

Dude.....dagga even called you guys retards.... no one does like you :P

spawn Game profile


Nov 12th 2010, 9:25:02

Originally posted by Ivan:

Well I think most of the issue here is that thefist refused imags policies about DH ending L:L and im sorry thefist but if you want to try to dictate other tags policies then you have to be ready to back it up

theres 3 choices in a case like that

A swallow
B refuse and expect a war


thats not the case Ivan

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by spawn:
Zip, you think its more fun to war, we dont

Yet its your stupid policies, high amount of land grabbing, and utterly retarded FA work that has sent you to war every set. If you don't get what you want you cry and get someone to do your dirty work, or you grab more and get FSed.

You are simply all talk when it comes to FA and that's as plain as it gets when talking about your demise.

1:1 escalating retals and not accepting blatant topfeeds are totally stupid policies, sorry you're right.
utterly retarded FA work? ever tried to do FA with yourself? the retarded part sits on your end

Originally posted by Soviet:
Okay so my reasons are invalid based on how many times you got LCN to smack us in a gangbang? Once again, your stupid policies, landgrabbing, and retarded FA led you to this.

I'm looking around. All I see are a couple whiney baby Fisters, agitated ICNers, NA trolls, and Pang and Slag. You are putting too much credit on these few people for the "real" feelings of the server.

No one said you started the conflict. iMag did when we FSed you way back when. You simply didn't man up and take the beating and gain anyone's respect. You got LCN to smash us that set. The set after you went into LCNs tag and farmed us for the whole set. The set after we tried to pact, but your terms were fluffing retarded and we wouldn't agree to them.

we did war you alone until we were tagkilled. then LCN approached us that they were annoyed with your topfeeding, but dont let the truth stop you from posting lies...
retarded terms? you wanted to pact LCN only not both of us... even SoF helped you to get a pact, you simply didnt accept it

Originally posted by Dark TwizTid:
Originally posted by spawn:
yeah, we pretty much had.

maybe we can change some attitudes with us leaving...

LOL ya right...

we did get a discussion rolling ;)

Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
Originally posted by spawn:
damn, i should not start threads and then not have the time to keep following it :-S

my initial post might have come over a little too strong against PDM/Rage/LaF, it wasnt your actions as a clan, but more the cumulative actions, not just this set but the last 2/3.

Imag are still retarded though (iTavi is fun to idle in IRC with though)
and Ely and eevil are just sore excuses of alliances (at least Ely of nowadays)

ummm wasn't eevil kicking your ass until collab step'd in?

they were winning, i admit that, but with 3 or 4 warprepared Collab countries to even out the numbers

Originally posted by Xintros:

How could 13 individuals make the decision to leave? There must be a few who are tagging elsewhere?

how is that hard to imagine? we've kept playing because we of the group, not the game. the game is improving slowly, the community went downhill, so as a group we go somewhere else...
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!