
braden Game profile


Mar 22nd 2012, 23:53:47

the game is most certainly afoot.

the way him and the special ed teacher were berating the nice asian girl was horrible. not like her and vote her off, that's fine, but to be a prick to her because of it just shows your own ignorance.

kat not knowing what appendicitis is was adorable. she isn't very smart, but man does she look good on a beach..

Kalick Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 0:48:56

Colton is a horrible person, and Alicia is nearly at the same level.

I liked Christina until she was soothing and coddling Colton when he had a headache. To be so kind to somebody who is a complete asshole to you, made me lose respect for her. Maybe that says more about me than it does her though.

I think Tarzan is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. The name aphasia hurts him, but there isn't anything he can do about that.

locket Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 2:03:34

Kat's comments all night cracked me up. Dumbest contestant I can remember on that show...

Also very glad karma nailed Colton. I see Alicia as someone who wants to be a nasty fluff like Colton but isn't smart enough to think up much to say.



Mar 23rd 2012, 2:25:41

the game is indeed still afoot :)
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 2:28:42

Alicia is a huge fluff and I would get kicked off the show for giving her a black eye
Smarter than your average bear.

McPimp Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 12:19:04

As all of you do, i also am happy that karma had its day regarding Colton.

Alicia - for being a teacher of anybody she should know to have respect. After seeing how she is on the game personally if i was hiring there is no way i would hire her just based on character, especially for the type of job she does.

with the merge, i'm wondering what's going to happen to these alliances...will people from the 'good' tribe stick together, will girls stick together? i want to find out now!

Patience Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 17:38:01

Wow... I finally had time to watch this last night, and wow. The only thing that could have been more joyous to me than Colton suffering excruciating pain and being forced from the game would have been Colton being blindsided by his tribe of morons. What an ass. And Alicia needs to go next, the big bully.

This crop of contestants is unbelievable. First we have a group of people blindly following the most arrogant punk ever to grace a sandspit (Matt) and openly lording it over the rest of the tribe (Manono), when it was obvious that only one person had to be swayed to make it all fall apart. And when it does and Matt is voted out, how does a whiny fluff like Colton take the lead???? Are these people all idiots??? Not only does he take the lead, but he literally does an Ayatollah on them all - AND THEY LIKE IT! Good lord. And then Colton (or Revoltin', as I have dubbed him after the tirade about poor black stand-up comics and the bullying of Christina) is thrown a curve in a merge and STILL ends up calling the shots, on a tribe whose name should be 'Dumb and Dumber'. Or maybe 'Loser and Loserer'. Yeesh.

I'm glad we've seen the last of him. Well, until the reunion show, anyway. He's a sad excuse for a human being.

Sad that I'll have to wait 2 weeks to see what happens to Alicia, and whether karma will also bite her in the ass. I'm heading to California next week and won't be back until the 5th...
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

locket Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 20:38:34

Originally posted by Patience:
Wow... I finally had time to watch this last night, and wow. The only thing that could have been more joyous to me than Colton suffering excruciating pain and being forced from the game would have been Colton being blindsided by his tribe of morons. What an ass. And Alicia needs to go next, the big bully.

This crop of contestants is unbelievable. First we have a group of people blindly following the most arrogant punk ever to grace a sandspit (Matt) and openly lording it over the rest of the tribe (Manono), when it was obvious that only one person had to be swayed to make it all fall apart. And when it does and Matt is voted out, how does a whiny fluff like Colton take the lead???? Are these people all idiots??? Not only does he take the lead, but he literally does an Ayatollah on them all - AND THEY LIKE IT! Good lord. And then Colton (or Revoltin', as I have dubbed him after the tirade about poor black stand-up comics and the bullying of Christina) is thrown a curve in a merge and STILL ends up calling the shots, on a tribe whose name should be 'Dumb and Dumber'. Or maybe 'Loser and Loserer'. Yeesh.

I'm glad we've seen the last of him. Well, until the reunion show, anyway. He's a sad excuse for a human being.

Sad that I'll have to wait 2 weeks to see what happens to Alicia, and whether karma will also bite her in the ass. I'm heading to California next week and won't be back until the 5th...

It could be a strategy.. if you let someone who is a jackass get to the end they wont win type plan... but yah... I wouldn't have let him rag on Christina like that.

Wasn't that total fluff black chick from last season or the one before it a teacher as well?

oats Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 21:19:55

Christina's coddling Colton was the best part of that show, imo. She is trying to be decent and doign a reasonably good job and then Colton goes down with stomach pains (was not appendicitis, more like Colton doing nothing - including not taking care of himself).

If I were in Christina's place I would do the exact same thing. Comfort the dude and play along with his agony encouraging him to make the healthy choice, getting the doctors asap because you know he'll give in. Under the facade of concern would be a wicked huge smile knowing that you're absolutely getting your butt saved in the most satisfying way possible.

That's how Christina was playing it. So subtle that no one called her out on it (at least in the shown cuts).



Mar 23rd 2012, 21:36:44

The "other" tribe thinks Colton gave them the idol because most people wouldnt have been that selfish. Funny to see Alicias reaction to not getting the idol.

Karma all around, lol
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

braden Game profile


Mar 24th 2012, 0:14:01

patience will have to NOT visit this thread, it would appear there is an active following of the best [reality] show on televion outside of dancing with the stars!

locket Game profile


Mar 24th 2012, 2:38:57

Originally posted by Ruthie:
The "other" tribe thinks Colton gave them the idol because most people wouldnt have been that selfish. Funny to see Alicias reaction to not getting the idol.

Karma all around, lol

That made me laugh. Her entitlement and his selfishness made a nice combo there.

Gazza Game profile


Mar 24th 2012, 5:47:26

so glad that Colton is off the show...
biggest bully ever...(atleast on the seasons ive watched of the american version)
Im farmer fluff and this is my fluff

TY Game profile


Mar 24th 2012, 13:25:09

I just got a chance to watch it. LMAO Colton was talked right into being sicker than he was. Tarzan telling him all the things it could be got his mind all worked up. The mind is a powerful thing and I dont think he really had appendicitis. Doing nothing for the tribe gave him all day to think about what could be wrong and he thought himself into being sick. Alicia not being given the idol was awesome and her reaction was a beautiful thing to watch. Kats wanting to know how not to injury her appendix was just about the cutest naive comment I have ever heard uttered. My wife and I laughed and laughed, I rewound it a couple times to laugh. This episode was the best one so far this season. Players I didnt like got what I think they deserved and I got to laugh probably harder than I had all week with Kats comment.
There's a great power in words, if you don't hitch too many of them together.
Josh Billings

iolair Game profile


Mar 24th 2012, 23:22:19

I would prefer a drama to all the reality tv
nothing to see here ... move along

braden Game profile


Mar 25th 2012, 20:05:37

try downton abbey.

bakku Game profile


Mar 26th 2012, 10:24:52

agree with what patience said about the cast this season. also, this is the most uninteresting and uncharismatic cast of survivors the show has ever had. i don't care at all who wins

i'm actually bummed that colton is gone, only because i was looking forward to him getting blindsided. but not having to hear him talk anymore is a huge plus

i want to vomit every time i see alicia's gross flapjacks in that bikini she wears. colton's one saving grace was not giving her the idol

lol kat. you guys should go to the survivor website and read her bio page

braden Game profile


Apr 7th 2012, 13:51:10

last weeks was awesome, i hadn't been drinking for it but still enjoyed it as much as i otherwise do ;)

the men are friggin idiots, for crying out loud. so dumb they still think it's tribes, monano/selani, as opposed to men vs women, and the women are steam rolling them.

My early guesses to win would be Kim the bridal shop owner (always the seller of brides dresses, never the bride?) and the adorable southern belle that is chelsea.

although there is still *a lot* of surviving left to be done, and it should be good :)

locket Game profile


Apr 7th 2012, 19:20:41

Dude Chelsea wont make it there on her own though. She is every bit as dumb as the men. It was her afterall who told Jay right in front of the people who werent supposed to be in their group who to vote for. I personally think just about everyone other than Kim is coming off as terrible at this game. None of them are making smart choices and it is almost sad to watch.

If men hadn't watched past seasons they should realize that women always team up.

I fail to see how Chelsea has not decided to join up with the men when the women have said they'd vote her out multiple times in the past and such... Troyzan being so gulible... Jay not acting on that info he got... blows my mind.

braden Game profile


Apr 7th 2012, 23:15:27

Chelsea, not knowing what will happen next week, is regardless of past mistakes STILL third in line for the ladys.. alicia the horrible person.. christina the asian lady that EVERYBODY hates for some reason(???), and then kat for dumbness, sabrina for token blackness and chelsea and kim share the million dollars, marry, and livehappily ever afer in the south who hates the gays..

braden Game profile


Apr 7th 2012, 23:16:41

Im on my phone, youll excuse the.. lack of math logic pease ;p

Alana Game profile


Apr 9th 2012, 15:31:17

I am liking this season and Braden, you are right, the guys are just terrible lol
LCN Peon

SMz Game profile


Apr 10th 2012, 17:56:23

I can't belive Colton was ruling them all untill he got Injured , everybody are idiots there.

I do like Troyzan and Kim... Kim seems to be controling the game right now.

SMz Game profile


Apr 10th 2012, 17:57:21

btw didn't know you likr survivor Pattie , I watched all the 24 seasons! hehe

braden Game profile


Apr 12th 2012, 0:18:33

smath is ma boy, i didn't know YOU liked it..

i haven't seen all twenty four, but i went back and downloaded some of the better seasons (amanda and parvati!!)

braden Game profile


Apr 12th 2012, 1:02:29


mans still be fluffing idiots.. jay is a moron..

i wonder if troyzan, leif and the idiot tarzan all realize it;s a womans world, after all? ;)

my guess is then alicia, christina, sabrina..



Apr 12th 2012, 2:13:16

i've seen them all except the first one

one of my favorites was when rupert was a pirate, lol
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

SMz Game profile


Apr 12th 2012, 12:25:14

Rusell Huntz FTW! Pavarti is the best female ever in the game.

on a side not , Jay is such a MORON , he screwed Troyzan up when Troyzan was trying to save him.

I really hope troyzan survives till the finals! Just like long time ago in survivor when 7 woman alliance was left (led by a lesbian chick) and 1 guy on the outs , and the guy won it all! Chirs , one of the best.

Ambian Game profile


Apr 12th 2012, 13:56:59


McPimp Game profile


Apr 12th 2012, 17:56:49

yes, the guys are all idiots...hell last week Jay got a hint from Chelsea that the women were back together and tried to warn mike about it...but didn't

then goes into this week feeling completely safe...for some dumb reason



Apr 12th 2012, 21:51:23

i like how they kept showing the girls acting like they were voting for Troyzan but he only got 2 votes, playing his idol when he didnt need to

adds to the drama i quess, lol
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

locket Game profile


Apr 13th 2012, 0:29:41

I'm watching this episode right now but fluff are the women ever useless in challenges. That last girl aiming for 5 in the first challenge and only gets it as high as the 1? Man...

locket Game profile


Apr 13th 2012, 0:55:36

This season is painful to watch. The women are useless in challenges and the men are complete morons. I'll add Christina in that too. She isn't even a part of that womens alliance. Those morons could have gotten together and voted as a group and got rid of someone but they split votes every time... man...

SMz Game profile


Apr 13th 2012, 2:11:13

yep Kim is in total control... she's the smartest person there.

locket Game profile


Apr 13th 2012, 2:35:58

Originally posted by SMz:
yep Kim is in total control... she's the smartest person there.

Only smart person left in the game :P

KeSSie Game profile


Apr 13th 2012, 4:27:01

My dad is finding this season to be amusing. He's looking forward to when the girls have all the guys voted out and they really start ripping at each other. Cat fight anyone?

oats Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 12:44:31




are they just a bunch of wildcards? was the editing horribly deceptive or misleading? 'tarzan' is officially a wildcard.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 14:58:12

Tarzan is stupid. He could have tied the vote both this, and last vote and did not.
Smarter than your average bear.

Patience Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 15:07:25

Tarzan's just plain insane. After last night I'm convinced that this is the dumbest group to ever grace a deserted island. Troyzan GAVE the low men on the women's totem pole (Tarzan, Christina, Alicia, Leif) the only out they have, and they didn't take it. It was their only chance to oust the power block. Are they really so stupid that they don't see they'll be picked off one by one as soon as Troyzan and Tarzan are gone? Idiots. If they had teamed up with Troyzan, they could STILL potentially have picked off Tarzan (he's the obvious target) after taking out the women, then had majority and taken out Troyzan and Leif, and ended up in the final 3.

I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 15:10:40

I think they think that the power block will turn on each other giving them an in. Which they will, but not before it gets down to 4-5 and most of these people are already gone. Right now I'm loving Troyzan though because he's behaving in the boorish manner I would in the same situation ;)

His diatribe about women getting their food, shelter, and everything they need then deciding they don't need you anymore is true as well.
Smarter than your average bear.

braden Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 21:55:43

why get married when you can find a woman you don't like and buy her a house, eh orkin? ;)

i was CONVINCED troyzan had gotten the upper hand.. he made an incredibly convincing argument both in private and at tribal. You have a chance, right now, to band together and take out the power block, a complete one eighty in the power/control department, but they didn't do it

i was glad though, i suppose. i want a final three of kim, kat and chelsea.. though i would be JUST as happy to see christina take the whole fluffing thing, just to spite that little colton kid.

McPimp Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 22:15:10

I hope Troyzan keeps winning immunity and find another idol to keep himself safe as he's really the only chance that anyone has to go against the four girls.

This would have been the week for Christina and Alicia to flip on Kim/Chelsea/Sabrina/Kat...but nooooooo

here's my choices for winning

Troyzan would be my first choice
Chelsea my second (just because i love me a hot country girl)

locket Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 6:04:18

Yah these people are stupid as hell... only two people seem to be smart enough to figure stuff out in this game now... hoping Troyzan pulls it off and wins all the immunity. Any physical challenge he wins almost by default and mental he has a good shot at.

Kat has to be in the running for least intelligent player ever too lol

oats Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 11:01:24

What slightly baffles me are the auctions.

Have these people never watched a previous episode? Do they not realize that there are never more items auctioned than there are people? Yet they bid stupidly low amounts. I find it funny how at the amounts bid a person can walk away with 3 items while others walk away with none.

And you totally see Christina's and Alicia's bias toward optimism. They hope to somehow break into the top 4 by some miracle when the time comes, hoping that they'll be able to pull off some yet to be conceived spectacular move and that an opportunity for such a move will present itself...

Well at least the better looking women will be around until the end :P

Patience Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 17:18:04

I'm with McPimp, mostly. (Damn. I think I need a t-shirt that says 'I'm with McPimp'.) I want Troyzan to take it, because I have a thing for underdogs - but as far as sheer skill in playing the game, it should definitely go to Kim.

I'd still like to see those four fluffes out on their arses though. Make that five - Alicia has GOT to go. She's the whole Trifecta of Obnoxiousness in one tiny package... Bullying, Arrogant, and Annoying.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 18:06:34

Survivor seasons are boring when there aren't counterbalancing forces fighting for control aka Russell's first season, Rob's most recent season.
Smarter than your average bear.

locket Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 20:05:17

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Survivor seasons are boring when there aren't counterbalancing forces fighting for control aka Russell's first season, Rob's most recent season.

Russell's season was awesome though simply because of him. Him vs Rob was also awesome. But yah this season has been pretty bad although last episode was my favorite one of the year watching Troyzan fight against the whole group and win. Hope he keeps it up. It's a shame that no one listened to him and no one will next episode either. These people aren't smart enough.


EE Patron

Apr 20th 2012, 20:22:56

The men all deserve to lose for giving away tribal immunity.

As for flipping, there's not much in it for Alicia and Christina. They'd move up like one spot in pecking order only, and they'd have to arrange all the votes beforehand, feel safe, avoid Kim's idol, etc. It's just so much easier to be passive and not make a move. And remember all the hate Cochran got for jumping sides?

As for Tarzan, he's probably just crazy. Maybe he's hoping to be dragged to the end as a goat, maybe he sees the men are on their way out and wants to be the last one, or maybe he really thinks he has an alliance with the women. Who knows?

Kim is dominating this thing but sometimes domination isn't that exciting. I'd be happy to see her win but I'm hoping for it to get a little less predictable soon.

Edited By: blid on Apr 20th 2012, 20:24:56
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

locket Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 22:22:33

Originally posted by blid:
The men all deserve to lose for giving away tribal immunity.

As for flipping, there's not much in it for Alicia and Christina. They'd move up like one spot in pecking order only, and they'd have to arrange all the votes beforehand, feel safe, avoid Kim's idol, etc. It's just so much easier to be passive and not make a move. And remember all the hate Cochran got for jumping sides?

As for Tarzan, he's probably just crazy. Maybe he's hoping to be dragged to the end as a goat, maybe he sees the men are on their way out and wants to be the last one, or maybe he really thinks he has an alliance with the women. Who knows?

Kim is dominating this thing but sometimes domination isn't that exciting. I'd be happy to see her win but I'm hoping for it to get a little less predictable soon.

I doubt Troyzan had a ton of loyalty to the men in question during the last vote personally.

Gazza Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 22:44:30

the girls are fluffes...
i really hate them...
Im farmer fluff and this is my fluff