
Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 10:56:32

Originally posted by Drinks:
Sof: Isnt it boring warring NA. Its like playing a game on Very easy.

Or for those who play sport.Its like being in the top division and versing the 5th division in a practice match. Its boring as fluff for both sides lol.

Yes, it's very boring. Just like last time. Nobody thought it would be the best war ever. :(

Drinks Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 12:05:45

Originally posted by Helmet:

Yes, it's very boring. :(

^ agreed!

Now got another month of doing pretty much nothing :P
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

Lord Slayer Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 12:53:51

When it comes to EE, Netting is a 2 way street. Just because you say or actually were netting, when the wars start comming out, and there are FDP's getting hit, it doesn't matter if your netting or not, because a netting set can change over night, as NA probally found out:)

Marco Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 13:12:08

Llaar says you guys were netting Ford.
Who advised a mon/farmer/indy during a netting set?
I prefer rainbows for netting personally.



Jun 21st 2011, 13:39:16

Originally posted by Marco:
Llaar says you guys were netting Ford.
Who advised a mon/farmer/indy during a netting set?
I prefer rainbows for netting personally.

good point. judging by your ops you have a bunch of rep indies too. I love the way you paint your story though cool stuff
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 21st 2011, 13:54:42

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Drinks:
Sof: Isnt it boring warring NA. Its like playing a game on Very easy.

Or for those who play sport.Its like being in the top division and versing the 5th division in a practice match. Its boring as fluff for both sides lol.

Yes, it's very boring. Just like last time. Nobody thought it would be the best war ever. :(

I thought it would be the best war ever. Thanks for disappointing me, jerks.

good luck to both sides! (don't think I said good luck yet :p)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Nekked Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 15:25:09

Pies NA...Splat!

Reckless Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 17:36:51

Originally posted by Lord Slayer:
When it comes to EE, Netting is a 2 way street. Just because you say or actually were netting, when the wars start comming out, and there are FDP's getting hit, it doesn't matter if your netting or not, because a netting set can change over night, as NA probally found out:)


Sorry I love caps =)

Lord Slayer Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 18:12:11

And Is someone to take anothers word? Ohh you can tell by strat?

Sorry, but when it comes to that stuff, Words are ment to be broken, and strats can be changed within 2 days(maybe 3).

Maybe SoF just thought NA were better allies to SOL then they really are?

llaar Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 18:15:32

SOL helped us net

we like that

we sorta like netting

i don't see how that equates to wanting to war SOF ?? at all...

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 1:55:29

We get it. You guys are pissed.

The fact is though, it's not a fact that you guys weren't going to enter this mess. Nobody knows for sure going in to any round how it's going to shake out. Unfortunately there isn't a "I will netgain all round" button you can press to prove it.

Reckless Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 2:04:18

Yes. It was fact. Cause we were netgaining.

Im pretty sure 3 alliance nailing 2 would certainly get the job done. You wanted to hit someone so you hit. Lets just cut the fluff and call it for what it is.

You guys wanted SOL taken out.

ocmatrix Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 6:04:34

so many tears...

and bonus posts

Jiman Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 7:08:52

AT is funny because there is so many funny things not being mentioned.

Anyone have any popcorn?

locket Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 8:11:47

Originally posted by Helmet:
We get it. You guys are pissed.

The fact is though, it's not a fact that you guys weren't going to enter this mess. Nobody knows for sure going in to any round how it's going to shake out. Unfortunately there isn't a "I will netgain all round" button you can press to prove it.

I remember a set laf pacted everyone :P Not much chance of not netting there... thats kinda a button we pushed eh? haha

tsouns Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 9:44:01

Everyone should die.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 10:49:25

Originally posted by Reckless:
Yes. It was fact. Cause we were netgaining.

Im pretty sure 3 alliance nailing 2 would certainly get the job done. You wanted to hit someone so you hit. Lets just cut the fluff and call it for what it is.

You guys wanted SOL taken out.

"Were" and "would have all round" are two totally different things and the second one is only your word.

You can believe whatever you want. I don't waste my time arguing on the AT because it won't accomplish anything. I'm probably one of the least political people in the game.

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 14:10:29

Helmet, you guys fsing us shows otherwise. If that were true you'd have pacted me when I asked for it and don't now I would be teching and stocking.
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Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 15:16:37

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
Helmet, you guys fsing us shows otherwise. If that were true you'd have pacted me when I asked for it and don't now I would be teching and stocking.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. How/what does it "show otherwise".

When you asked for a pact we were already planning to hit you and had already made commitments based on the rumors of a coalition forming and your relationship with Sol.

You can talk about what might have been all day, but the facts are that sol didn't renew our FDP, RD was gunning for us, rumors were flying about a coalition against us and you have an FDP with Sol this round. Those are the facts on my end. The moves RD and SOL made polarized the server and you were on the receiving end for this round because of your choice of pacts. If anything in this paragraph is not true feel free to explain otherwise.

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 15:35:03

What I meant was that your actions belie your statement that you are non political. Hitting is based on our allies is as political as it gets. As I explained to you and many other, my personal issues with my ability to be online for an extended stretch of time led to my late pacting. I specifically addressed the coalition rumors as they pertained to na when we spoke, and made our plans clear. You obviously knew how md factored in, Intel I didn't have, so you also knew we were being sold out by laf, more info I didn't have. You decided that it was still better for sof to hit is within 24 hours of our allies getting hit, even though we wouldn't have been enough to turn the tide of the "other" war had we been called in, and obviously couldn't coordinate a "coalition" strike against sof with the other alleged coalition members already wiped out. That is all VERY political. Please don't pretend otherwise.
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Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 16:52:44

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
What I meant was that your actions belie your statement that you are non political. Hitting is based on our allies is as political as it gets. As I explained to you and many other, my personal issues with my ability to be online for an extended stretch of time led to my late pacting. I specifically addressed the coalition rumors as they pertained to na when we spoke, and made our plans clear. You obviously knew how md factored in, Intel I didn't have, so you also knew we were being sold out by laf, more info I didn't have. You decided that it was still better for sof to hit is within 24 hours of our allies getting hit, even though we wouldn't have been enough to turn the tide of the "other" war had we been called in, and obviously couldn't coordinate a "coalition" strike against sof with the other alleged coalition members already wiped out. That is all VERY political. Please don't pretend otherwise.

I win.

Edited By: Helmet on Jun 22nd 2011, 17:24:46
See Original Post



Jun 22nd 2011, 16:55:26

but you did respond Helmie, lol
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 16:57:00

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
What I meant was that your actions belie your statement that you are non political. Hitting is based on our allies is as political as it gets. As I explained to you and many other, my personal issues with my ability to be online for an extended stretch of time led to my late pacting. I specifically addressed the coalition rumors as they pertained to na when we spoke, and made our plans clear. You obviously knew how md factored in, Intel I didn't have, so you also knew we were being sold out by laf, more info I didn't have. You decided that it was still better for sof to hit is within 24 hours of our allies getting hit, even though we wouldn't have been enough to turn the tide of the "other" war had we been called in, and obviously couldn't coordinate a "coalition" strike against sof with the other alleged coalition members already wiped out. That is all VERY political. Please don't pretend otherwise.

That's so full of nonsense that I'm not even going to waste my time responding to it.

Except that you did - and you got nothin'. Shocking.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 16:59:04

NA grabbed me once or a dozen times, so i guess you're at war because you're a bunch of noobs.
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Elvis has left the building.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:18:17

Originally posted by Ruthie:
but you did respond Helmie, lol

Not really. Responding would have been having a pointless argument about something I wasn't even talking about. His response had basically nothing to do with my previous statement that I'm not interested in AT politics.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:20:00

meh, you did respond. suck it up and come up with a better response next time.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:23:19

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:

That's so full of nonsense that I'm not even going to waste my time responding to it.

Except that you did - and you got nothin'. Shocking. [/quote]

Nope, I have nothing for you here. Do you want some more in game? That's where I do my talking.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:25:09

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
meh, you did respond. suck it up and come up with a better response next time.

problem solved.

Reckless Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:31:51

SOL didn't renew your FDP. Your leadership felt RD was gunning for you. So, your strategy was to get MD-LaF-LCN to hit them for you?

You felt there was a "coalition against SoF" so you decided to make a coalition on SOL? That seems political. Wether or not its on AT is just preference.

I'm not looking for an argument. Just a straight answer.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:37:29

Originally posted by Reckless:
SOL didn't renew your FDP. Your leadership felt RD was gunning for you. So, your strategy was to get MD-LaF-LCN to hit them for you?

You felt there was a "coalition against SoF" so you decided to make a coalition on SOL? That seems political. Wether or not its on AT is just preference.

I'm not looking for an argument. Just a straight answer.

SoF is political, I am not. This is alliance server. That's why I was laughing at Vic's stupid remarks. This is a political game, but I am not political myself. Search my points and you won't find me arguing about game politics very often, if ever.

Come on. You really think we asked people to hit Sol? I was stating what I saw from my perspective and how the server became polarized. We certainly didn't ask people to hit Sol. There was talks on both sides and rumors flying which brought us to where we are today. You picked a side and so did we.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:49:51

Also, the relevance of sol not renewing the pact with us was that it gave more much substance to the rumors.

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:51:32

We didn't hit anyone. You picked our side for us. You are sof's head. If they are political, that makesvyou political. This isn't rocket science.
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Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 17:54:31

Yes, and I can also do artillery barrages and shoot lightning bolts out of my ass.


Anything else we need to cover?

Reckless Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 18:02:34

If your leadership felt SoF was in danger why did you not hit SOL?

hanlong Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 18:05:23

maybe this is a little off topic to your argument with Helmet atm, but here's my take: if you want to netgain, look at monsters as an example. uNAP the world, don't FDP anyone.

either that or FDP people who aren't actively plotting for war. your FDP with Evo doesn't get you into much wars because Evo doesn't plot much wars for instance. but some of your other FDP allies aren't really in that same boat.

unless your FDP allies didn't tell you their plans for the reset and you thought they were netting also..

Edited By: hanlong on Jun 22nd 2011, 18:08:09
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 18:11:52

Reckless: I never said we felt in danger. I think you're under the false impression that we formed a coalition to attack sol.

Sometimes an event, war, rumor, grudge, etc. will start things in motion that polarizes the server and alliances pick sides. That's what I'm saying happened here. We didn't orchestrate it and I doubt you can even point a finger at anyone. I'm just saying everyone was talking about it and everyone was positioning on both sides. This is where it ended up.

Reckless Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 18:17:27

I respect your opinion hanlong. It just doesn't fit this situation....or maybe it does...

We aren't going to go DPless in a game where wars are made for no reason. It seems to me SoF felt they were going to be hit. Wether or not they really did this heart of heart, back and forth, not to hit us is based on there word. Helmets a good dude and I have played this game just as long as he has. I have no reason, from seeing how he has conducted himself over that time, to think otherwise.

However, to hit a DP of an alliance you feel is going to hit you, and you yourself aren't the attacking alliance on that foe tells me that YOU guys did more planning than this "coalition".

..not to mention point DOES hold weight...seeing as we went to SoF to pact..

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 18:23:46

maybe if i spelled it as "nubs" they'd be able to understand it...
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Elvis has left the building.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 22nd 2011, 18:26:25

Actually I blame PDM for all the current events.

I really think they started it.

and PS, just getting the word out, Monsters are dropping pacts next reset.

Not looking to get into any wars,
but maybe be more like Evo and have more grabbing involved:)
Z is #1

hanlong Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 18:46:03

hey reckless

i like you guys and i have said that many times already =)

i also agreed that you should've netted this reset to grow your alliance and train the new recruits you got.

i'm just trying to say from a fellow leader in a netting alliance what i would do if i wanted to do net.

i'm sure if you offered SoF to not sign the FDPs that were potentially plotting to hit them SoF would've focused their attention elsewhere, again that's my speculation. and you should've talked to your enemies first instead of your friends if you wanted to net, since knowing your enemies intent is more important than your friend's intent if you wanted to net.

plus if things really aren't going to go your way, you can't just bury your head in the sand and try to net it through anyways. that's an even worse way to do it.

if you cleanse your hands from your FDPs the worst case is you might get screwed for a reset or two by going "DPless" but you would cleanse yourself for the long run out of any politics.

if that is your true intent that is as you claim (to get out of politics so you can net).

i'm not sure you aren't showing the actions that would reflect your words on purpose with another intent and just claiming ignorance right now, or you actually don't know the steps to isolate yourself so you can net peacefully.

Edited By: hanlong on Jun 22nd 2011, 18:50:20
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 20:29:44

Hanlong, are you suggesting that we should've known md was, for a intents and purposes, our enemy? When I didn't hear back from 4 different people I messaged about pacting I figured they were done pacting (again, I was late on pacting this set) and were just too lazy to get back to me. I have already stated, publicly, that was stupid on my part. Without you and md plotting this out, sof isn't hitting us. Period. You are supposed to be our friends too.

As far as not signing dps, you mouth have noticed that we haven't yet had an incident free netting set on ee. We can't go without dps because, for whatever reason, we are frequent targets.

Finally, regarding monsters, we don't just want to be left alone to do ok. We want to go after tnw crowns. We want to put people into the t10. To do those things you have to allow your best players some targets. You can't unap everyone.
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Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 20:30:57

*may have noticed, not mouth have noticed. Auto correct is a little different sometimes lol.
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hanlong Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 21:03:08

i don't think LaF is your enemy, if that's what you think. if you think we are our enemy then i'm pretty sad that you would think that of me, because i don't see NA that way.

why do you think LaF plotted anything out. like what helmet said there was no "mastermind" to anything contrary to whatever anyone has been telling you. things just happened to shake out this way because of the events that happened. if you want to talk to me about it, you know where to find me (on irc/icq/etc.).

no one is out to get NA, if that's what you think.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

llaar Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 21:08:39

ok, so i think i get this now

so its cool to hit netting clans

if: they are an FDP of a clan your allies are slaughtering, even though they didn't come in, are netting, and asked you for a pact


hanlong Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 21:10:33

llaar: we didn't hit a netting clan.

you HIT us this reset :P that was the only reason why LaF is hitting NA.

i don't control SoF. that's your own problem you have to deal with SoF about.

these wars weren't even related in any way until you came in and hit LaF and connected them.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

llaar Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 21:11:43

Originally posted by hanlong:
no one is out to get NA, if that's what you think.

it sure seems like everyones out to get us

why you want a clause that voids pact, when you were planning on hitting our FDP? we didn't want to war you. apparently you wanted us to come in after you?

i really don't understand why after years of being our ally, LAF, would suddenly force a clause that they then trigger to make us not allies anymore

we didn't do that... you all did! if you wanted us out of the war, just pact us ya bunch of nutcases!

llaar Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 21:13:14

and we had no idea you guys were warring

i actually thought you all would be netting, so didn't think that clause would be a problem

but you guys had this plan of yours it seems

hanlong Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 21:13:52

llaar: that's why i said i respect your decision when you hit us.

we put them in because we treat our FDP allies as friends. it got us into a war we didn't want (aka LaF vs NA) but i accept that as a consequence of keeping your friends happy. it does not mean we were going to hit NA or "going after them".

and i do understand you are in the same boat in NA. that's why i suggested if you really wanted to stay out you shouldn't have these FDP allies then. either that or you become really crappy ones and don't help your allies out ever.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

NOW3P Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 21:16:54

llaar - don't waste your time, it's beyond them. If they haven't figured it out after all these years, they likely never will. NA is like one of those idiot test business cards for SoF - they'll just keep turning it over again and again, always wondering what they're missing.

hanlong Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 21:17:51

and i wanted to net also of course. LaF is a netting alliance ;P we only fight for our friends or because we are backed into a corner.

i made the decision to back up our allies because i was asked. i didn't know it was a crime to help your allies. and again, that's why i never said it was wrong for you to back your FDP allies against us no matter how crappy it is to get hit by our long time uNAP ally in NA.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia