
sfbob Game profile


May 29th 2022, 16:53:36

So whenever Ratski decides to mess me around by stealing money, food and oil he always invites a buddy of his along to steal too. If they were attacking using military units it would he coordination / collusion and they could get purpled for it. Is spy coordination a thing? Can mods see spy ops and deal with it or does the hidden nature of spy ops make it impossible to police?

g0nz0 Game profile


May 29th 2022, 17:10:59

Originally posted by sfbob:
So whenever Ratski decides to mess me around by stealing money, food and oil he always invites a buddy of his along to steal too. If they were attacking using military units it would he coordination / collusion and they could get purpled for it. Is spy coordination a thing? Can mods see spy ops and deal with it or does the hidden nature of spy ops make it impossible to police?

If the mods™ check in time to identify the other player as a member of Stones. Otherwise it's merely coincidence.

sfbob Game profile


May 29th 2022, 17:19:33

It's such a fluffing lame way to play and a waste of turns for the players who are stealing. Oh no you stole 100k bushels what am I going to do? It's not like I don't make several times more bushels than that every turn. Oh no you stole a million dollars - FFS if anyone is not making several times a million per turn either in cash, food, oil or whatever on Sunday in express then they are a fluff player.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 29th 2022, 17:25:17

Originally posted by sfbob:
It's such a fluffing lame way to play and a waste of turns for the players who are stealing. Oh no you stole 100k bushels what am I going to do? It's not like I don't make several times more bushels than that every turn. Oh no you stole a million dollars - FFS if anyone is not making several times a million per turn either in cash, food, oil or whatever on Sunday in express then they are a fluff player.

You can steal $9 million from bots per op. Food and oil is another matter. Expect an excuse of "just hampering the competition", kind of like the players who double tap land then 10-15 ab because "I expected a retal".

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 29th 2022, 19:01:36

Originally posted by sfbob:
So whenever Ratski decides to mess me around by stealing money, food and oil he always invites a buddy of his along to steal too. If they were attacking using military units it would he coordination / collusion and they could get purpled for it. Is spy coordination a thing? Can mods see spy ops and deal with it or does the hidden nature of spy ops make it impossible to police?

Collusion is collusion, report, i think they can see it.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

AndrewMose Game profile


May 29th 2022, 20:21:05

Ratski stole a bunch from me too around 7M per op... I didn't even bother to total it

Cathankins Game profile


May 29th 2022, 21:27:26

Ratski is the GOAT

SuperFly Game profile


May 29th 2022, 22:18:05

Next set farm ratski. Problem solved

g0nz0 Game profile


May 29th 2022, 22:39:05

Any response from mod™? Round is pretty much over but maybe there is some form of spy sanctions or stern warnings against collusion. Did you try the 1-800#?

sfbob Game profile


May 29th 2022, 22:57:11

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Any response from mod™? Round is pretty much over but maybe there is some form of spy sanctions or stern warnings against collusion. Did you try the 1-800#?

I actually didn't have any evidence and the other guy was at 20 million plus NW at the time so I thought is this really Ratskis buddy or just a coincidence? I should have tried harder to get a spy op on him as his friends are always rainbows.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 29th 2022, 23:15:24

Please don't report stuff here without reporting it ingame. This can get missed for days.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 29th 2022, 23:19:22

Beyond that, even if mods do see this, you might not have given enough information here about which countries that actually participated and who was the victim that a mod could even put it together from this. A report ingame does all this.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 29th 2022, 23:31:26

Please note. This will rarely work. If you don't report in game, cheaters will walk free all the time. It's not because the mods don't do their jobs, it's because what makes it possible to do their jobs is your report, much of the time.

Thanks for keeping the game clean. Have a good endgame!

SuperFly Game profile


May 29th 2022, 23:44:01

#2 was deleted! Was that Ratski?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 29th 2022, 23:45:55

I have no idea. But we can see after the round ends.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 29th 2022, 23:46:20

Originally posted by SuperFly:
#2 was deleted! Was that Ratski?

RatZilla (#8)
Rank: 68
Networth: 8,930,123
Land: 21015
Successful Attack Percentage: 85.06%
Successful Defense Percentage: 0%
GDI Member

Wicked Willow (#2)
Rank: 13
Networth: 21,399,846
Land: 24644
Successful Attack Percentage: 94.57%
GDI Member

Edited By: g0nz0 on May 29th 2022, 23:48:31

SuperFly Game profile


May 29th 2022, 23:58:58

Ahhh i couldn’t see him as purple on my scores list.

Ratski Game profile


May 30th 2022, 1:16:22

When you fascism clowns trying selling oil @ 999 a barrel I will just steal it ! Same for your bushels and cash I will take what the game gives per turn. Don't like too bad ! Butter build spy's and CYA. Their is no proof of collusion and yet I because my record, I get deleted, I have no control what other players do with their spies,it's Non of my business, I just kill their spies, when they come knocking on my door. How many spies, and turns did you lose trying to look at my country SF Bob? I don't know how #93 got a spy op, on me when he only had 140.000 spires to my 1.200.000 spies, I got them I use them. I like spy weak fat targets, Its part of the game. So when I do something you don't like, you go whine to admin crying collusion! I discovered there is no difference between bots and live players, when it comes to taking bushel's cash, or oil. you have a low spy count, I will tax you ! As for today deletion. It didn't matter , its Free fall Sunday. How my country takes a nose dive every Sunday, even when I have 23000 acres of land, making three million a turn cashing! and losing 12.000 bushels a turn, and I drop from 12 place to 72nd in the last 4hrs of the set. Someone put the hex on my countries or what? Or its a big club and I ain't in it. You think spy attacks are dirty ? Its part of the game, remember its a war game there is no dirty in war!

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 30th 2022, 1:38:22

Both accounts are disabled from playing any game server until further notice. I've warned repeatedly this would happen. Plus, I'm not totally convinced yet the accounts arent being run by the same person. Play by the rules or lose the ability to play at all.

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2022, 1:40:36

When I hit 43 million as a casher on express I was cashing 25 million per turn. You need higher tech levels. Try a tech start. You need to make a proper country, and probally need to learn to stockpile. Based on your reputation here though you don’t listen to advice and continue to run your country improperly despite very good players telling you how to do better.

Get to making 20 million per turn by turn 1200 and then cash all of your turns out if you want to make top ten

g0nz0 Game profile


May 30th 2022, 2:51:54

Originally posted by Primeval:
Both accounts are disabled from playing any game server until further notice. I've warned repeatedly this would happen. Plus, I'm not totally convinced yet the accounts arent being run by the same person. Play by the rules or lose the ability to play at all.

You think Ratski was playing a country with 21 mil networth? I would think congratulations was in order. We did it guys!! He finally figured it out! Maybe sanctions, but this is a big moment for all of us prime. Keep in mind, you and gal thought I was some random Severus banned player for like *checks watch* a year+ today.

Ratski Game profile


May 30th 2022, 2:58:59

Originally posted by Primeval:
Both accounts are disabled from playing any game server until further notice. I've warned repeatedly this would happen. Plus, I'm not totally convinced yet the accounts aren't being run by the same person. Play by the rules or lose the ability to play at all.

Prime so you have no proof of collusion, and again you have it out for me when I play the game and other players don't like it so you take out my account? I am seeing a personal byes here by you. Deleting me because you suspect collusion? That's BS if you have no proof ! And Spy attacks are part of the game, there is no rule violation, that's posted. And with out proof of collusion., you proving exactly what I said It's a Big club and I ain't in it, so you screw me every time someone whines about my play ! In any case you have it out for me you never even talk to me about what I am doing , you just delete that it ? Seems like your making it personal to me.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 30th 2022, 3:04:08

Originally posted by Ratski:
Originally posted by Primeval:
Both accounts are disabled from playing any game server until further notice. I've warned repeatedly this would happen. Plus, I'm not totally convinced yet the accounts aren't being run by the same person. Play by the rules or lose the ability to play at all.

Prime so you have no proof of collusion, and again you have it out for me when I play the game and other players don't like it so you take out my account? I am seeing a personal byes here by you. Deleting me because you suspect collusion? That's BS if you have no proof ! And Spy attacks are part of the game, there is no rule violation, that's posted. And with out proof of collusion., you proving exactly what I said It's a Big club and I ain't in it, so you screw me every time someone whines about my play ! In any case you have it out for me you never even talk to me about what I am doing , you just delete that it ? Seems like your making it personal to me.

There is proof of collusion.
There is no "suspect" of it.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Ratski Game profile


May 30th 2022, 3:23:13

See what I am talking about Prime took out all my country's, in Alliances, and Tournament B, that's not evolved in Express politics that's just not justified. especially with out proof. Can't believe your being such a jerk and not even will to listen to me.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2022, 3:29:05

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

maj1 Game profile


May 30th 2022, 3:50:25

I'm not Ratski I'm Maj1 and Ratski could never hit 21 mil in express. If you look back I've been playing this game years before I enterduced him to this game. You fluffs deleting my game in express and my tournament A is only a set back for the game. You all take this game so serious cry to each other bad mouth other players you don't even know over a game that has no cash value other than the cash we pay sponsors to keep this game going. You mods that are new and some that are old have lost all aspects of this game changing it to accommodate the cry babies you now have playing. How much more money do we have to pay not to get deleted.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 30th 2022, 4:00:16

My decision was not based on speculation. Troll somewhere worth trolling, g0nz0

g0nz0 Game profile


May 30th 2022, 4:07:47

Originally posted by maj1:
I'm not Ratski I'm Maj1 and Ratski could never hit 21 mil in express. If you look back I've been playing this game years before I enterduced him to this game. You fluffs deleting my game in express and my tournament A is only a set back for the game. You all take this game so serious cry to each other bad mouth other players you don't even know over a game that has no cash value other than the cash we pay sponsors to keep this game going. You mods that are new and some that are old have lost all aspects of this game changing it to accommodate the cry babies you now have playing. How much more money do we have to pay not to get deleted.

Well, for starters don't admit to being friends with the player you are accused of colluding with, like Bayrock and jiklo. Second you can easily get more $$ with less stress and drama by attacking bot banks. I get $7-9 mil per op and rarely need more than 300k spies. Rotate your targets to avoid spy DR and it's that easy. Bots don't retal or cry in the forums. Using spies to steal oil is something I've never tried mostly because I build rigs early for when the market is skimpy. The oil market eventually opens up, and standing orders are always met. I get ratski doing these ops but for someone who can hit 21 mil NW should know that harmful ops against a human player, when there are bots who give same results, is going to mean trouble. In-game would be my preference (missile dump), but some Karen's prefer talking to the manager. To each their own.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 30th 2022, 4:13:35

Originally posted by Primeval:
My decision was not based on speculation. Troll somewhere worth trolling, g0nz0

Your speculation is that ratski, after all this time in the forums seeking help and failing, was secretly capable this whole time of playing 2 countries, one of which he can hit 21+ million? It's not trolling, just you making a non sensical and obviously false statement. How long will you speculate that's a full of fluff notion? Don't hate the messenger, just stick to the facts.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 30th 2022, 5:10:00

The facts are they've both been deleted more times than I care to count and I warned that the next time it happens, he would lose the ability to play the game.

Go sell your crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 30th 2022, 6:01:57

Originally posted by Primeval:
Both accounts are disabled from playing any game server until further notice. I've warned repeatedly this would happen. Plus, I'm not totally convinced yet the accounts arent being run by the same person. Play by the rules or lose the ability to play at all.

You're not totally convinced (speculating), that ratski and maj1 arent the same player. So you think Ratski or maj1 are the same person playing two countries. Or two players sharing an account? or 1 player who created 2 accounts years apart? Or that ratski builds rainbows and prostrates himself in the forums subjecting himself to ridicule and mockery, while simultaneously his maj1 split personality builds countries efficient enough to place top 10 and doesn't post anything outside bonus threads?

Originally posted by Primeval:
The facts are they've both been deleted more times than I care to count and I warned that the next time it happens, he would lose the ability to play the game.

Go sell your crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.

They've "both" (plural) been deleted... "He"(singular) would lose the ability to play the game. Shelves are stocked, that's for sure. Have you ever watched Fight Club? We meet on Saturdays and you're always welcome, both of you.

sfbob Game profile


May 30th 2022, 6:03:19

Originally posted by Ratski:
... Butter build spy's and CYA....How many spies, and turns did you lose trying to look at my country SF Bob? I don't know how #93 got a spy op, on me when he only had 140.000 spires to my 1.200.000 spies, I got them I use them.... I like spy weak fat targets, Its part of the game. So when I do something you don't like, you go whine to admin crying collusion! ... As for today deletion. It didn't matter , its Free fall Sunday. How my country takes a nose dive every Sunday, even when I have 23000 acres of land, making three million a turn cashing! and losing 12.000 bushels a turn, and I drop from 12 place to 72nd in the last 4hrs of the set. Someone put the hex on my countries or what? Or its a big club and I ain't in it. You think spy attacks are dirty ? Its part of the game, remember its a war game there is no dirty in war!

It took me about 20 spy ops. But so what I got to do this after which you stopped spy opping me (and your friend and mentor Maj1)

PS Army Hamsters (#96) RatZilla (#8) 2347A (3351A)

So much for weak, fat target, this 'weak, fat target' hasn't even played express for months but still finished 3rd and you play every week and can't even beat the bots or get in the top 20.

I wasn't even playing properly, just stocked cash all set (hence why you could steal it), I think this was my first game since the express rules changed like 32 bushels and starting with a bunch of turns.

Ratski I don't mean to sound cruel but face facts you simply will never understand this game, its a waste of time you being here, you're just a nuisance to people who can actually play the game and you waste so much of people's time, a lot of that is people actually trying to help you.

Use your ban to go play something more on your intellectual level there is this cool game called snakes and ladders I suggest you check that out.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2022, 18:26:46

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Primeval:
My decision was not based on speculation. Troll somewhere worth trolling, g0nz0

Your speculation is that ratski, after all this time in the forums seeking help and failing, was secretly capable this whole time of playing 2 countries, one of which he can hit 21+ million? It's not trolling, just you making a non sensical and obviously false statement. How long will you speculate that's a full of fluff notion? Don't hate the messenger, just stick to the facts.

Dude, this isn't the first time, Ratski/maj1 have been doing these shenanigans for years, long before you came, stop being weird.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

farmer Game profile


Jun 8th 2022, 23:35:00

Not hard to understand why membership in this game is at an all time low. Step on the wrong toes and out you go. I am not sure where it is written you have to be a top player to play this game or you have to hit the road.

BaDonkaDonks Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 11:07:48

same argument but you are just talking to arrogant mods / admins. It's just a hobby for them, they are not trying to grow this.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 11:46:25

Originally posted by farmer:
Not hard to understand why membership in this game is at an all time low. Step on the wrong toes and out you go. I am not sure where it is written you have to be a top player to play this game or you have to hit the road.

Maybe people should just follow their orders since they are running the show. They told me to stfu and banned me for 3 days and so I did. That’s fair enough. Seems like they aren’t overly trigger happy but keeping peace and order is often a choice between a bad solution and a worse solution. You always end up with someone upset over it.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 11:54:51

Originally posted by BaDonkaDonks:
same argument but you are just talking to arrogant mods / admins. It's just a hobby for them, they are not trying to grow this.

To be fair the players here are very antagonistic to the mods from what I have observed since I have returned. They are only human and people are going to get defensive and standoffish if you come at them like that. It creates a self feeding cycle where both sides assume the other is on some bs and just trying to attack them. Not a productive way to engage with a person if you really want them to respond in a positive manner.

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 14:21:15

Originally posted by Cathankins:

To be fair the players here are very antagonistic to the mods from what I have observed since I have returned. They are only human and people are going to get defensive and standoffish if you come at them like that. It creates a self feeding cycle where both sides assume the other is on some bs and just trying to attack them. Not a productive way to engage with a person if you really want them to respond in a positive manner.

Players here are antagonistic to each other. If you don’t play by the players made up fantasy rules they get pissed at you.

For example last last 2 express rounds I made a few single taps which resulted in people getting their panties in a twist and also i farmed one guy each set who I warred with the rest of the round.

Well anyways guess what players; your made up rules about not wanting to be LGed and so called “griefer” chants and calls for sanctions are over.

Funny how not one single guy who was all over calling me a griefer and up my ass a few months ago had the desire to go and give their 2 cents on the announcement post….

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 9th 2022, 14:51:28

Game: This is an MMORPG, we provide you a war room in which you can interact with other players.

A Random Player: Don't use the war room on me! Attack the bots.

A Player in primary: Don't attack me I am in the top 10, farm the crap out of all the noob rainbows!

A saucy Game Dev: Let me add this new sanctioning tool so that I can (un)objectively shadow ban people I don't like.

A Real Game Dev: What was added? I don't like that.

The Boss Mod: Uhh guys, we are going to pull it back because it is an utter failure.
- Premium Patron Member

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 17:39:45

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by BaDonkaDonks:
same argument but you are just talking to arrogant mods / admins. It's just a hobby for them, they are not trying to grow this.

To be fair the players here are very antagonistic to the mods from what I have observed since I have returned. They are only human and people are going to get defensive and standoffish if you come at them like that. It creates a self feeding cycle where both sides assume the other is on some bs and just trying to attack them. Not a productive way to engage with a person if you really want them to respond in a positive manner.

Some of the players are antagonistic towards the mods because they are given charge of a game server to monitor closely to be sure it runs smoothly, by the rules and assures that all players have an enjoyable experience based on playing said server according to set rules. When these mods ignore or can't be bothered to perform their duties regarding playability of the server they are assigned, then some or all of the players participating tend to suffer. When players spend days, sometimes week's worth of effort and serious issues rise, with no response from the assigned mods, or dismissive™ passive aggressive posts, this tends to foster antagonistic sentiments.

Players: We've got a griefer trashing the server and chasing away players.
(3 months elapse)
Mod1: *rolls eyes*. Seriously y'all need to chill out. NMP™.
Mod2: I concur with mod 1
Mod3: Sanctions
Mod1+2: Cool. Now will you losers stfu? How bout an ass kiss/TY?

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 17:53:19

You are wrong gonzo boy. The player is not a griefer. That is just a made up term by some butt hurt noob who wants to play with 0 defence to keep his expenses per turn low.

There is no sanctions. The owner of the game and his enforcers have spoken.

Now buy turrets you noob and protect your bot farmed land from pvp

NitelL Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 18:27:43

There is unfortunately, no protection from a 10m jets, 0 turret country, looking to quit or get killed right after hitting you. lol

Tmac Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 18:40:42

All words were made up at some point SF. I think the term "griefer," started with online gaming. I played madden when I was younger and sometimes when I had the game in the bag they would start just taking false starts. He just leaves it on laughing just to rob you of the win. That's obviously not how the game was intended to be played.

You can absolutely grief here. It's just a matter of whether you admit it or not. A dozen or so sets of your strategy being to grab every human you could resulted in you being dead or at the bottom of the scores. Obviously that wasn't a good strategy for you so most draw the conclusion it's done just to "grief." Whether sanctions are here or not doesn't change that. I didn't help make that tool.

I know you and req are just trolling me, and it's cool. Obviously I'm not holding some grudge against either of you sense I let you both play in evo after both of you griefed me. You guys can be manipulative though so I gave my opinion.

Collusion was the topic here though. That's clearly not allowed on solo servers. Imagine if laf was able to bring their whole clan to any solo server, lol.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 9th 2022, 18:54:25

Correct, Tmac!

This is not about PvP vs non-PvP, it's about sharing targets and being deleted for it a few dozen times never learning not to.

This is stellar work by the mods, and if you wish to provide helpful criticism or applause that is fine. But nonsense can stay out of here.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 9th 2022, 19:36:02

If we are just on the topic of collusion I agree with you Tmac.
- Premium Patron Member

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 9th 2022, 19:40:48

I despise rainbows, to me they're the first sign of ineptitud..


Wrong thread.

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 19:46:30

Yes collusion no bueno senor.

Myself I had 4 turrets for every jet and I tried defending my land. However I can’t defend 40-60 missiles with low SDI lol

For anyone who has been following my last 4 rounds I have been making single taps on a lot of people cuz them damn bot always in DR. Wish the game developer would just assign each human 15 exclusive farm targets…

Edited By: SuperFly on Jun 9th 2022, 19:48:48

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 9th 2022, 19:51:40

Originally posted by Requiem:
If we are just on the topic of collusion I agree with you Tmac.

It's in the first post and the topic and more or less every post of value in this thread. You're welcome.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 9th 2022, 20:03:25

It's SuperFlys fault I got off topic...
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 9th 2022, 21:50:03

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by BaDonkaDonks:
same argument but you are just talking to arrogant mods / admins. It's just a hobby for them, they are not trying to grow this.

To be fair the players here are very antagonistic to the mods from what I have observed since I have returned. They are only human and people are going to get defensive and standoffish if you come at them like that. It creates a self feeding cycle where both sides assume the other is on some bs and just trying to attack them. Not a productive way to engage with a person if you really want them to respond in a positive manner.

Some of the players are antagonistic towards the mods because they are given charge of a game server to monitor closely to be sure it runs smoothly, by the rules and assures that all players have an enjoyable experience based on playing said server according to set rules. When these mods ignore or can't be bothered to perform their duties regarding playability of the server they are assigned, then some or all of the players participating tend to suffer. When players spend days, sometimes week's worth of effort and serious issues rise, with no response from the assigned mods, or dismissive™ passive aggressive posts, this tends to foster antagonistic sentiments.

Players: We've got a griefer trashing the server and chasing away players.
(3 months elapse)
Mod1: *rolls eyes*. Seriously y'all need to chill out. NMP™.
Mod2: I concur with mod 1
Mod3: Sanctions
Mod1+2: Cool. Now will you losers stfu? How bout an ass kiss/TY?

That’s sounds like you all have cabin fever. That’s normal and happens in relationships. Maybe both sides are to blame.

Sounds like you all need to go to the desert and eat a cacti and cry and tell each other how sorry you are and how deep down inside you actually all love each other. I think I saw that on tv once. May work or you may all try and attack each other in the desert. Sounds like an adventure either way.

*disclaimer do not go to the desert and eat cacti