Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 176

Game Profile for sfbob on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: First

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10069#146
Top 1032#56
Best 3$43,970,387#65
Attack Success94.21%#382

Countries on this server

755 5 Scream Thy Last Scream (#91) 34,272$42,123,133 HG
754 75 Chicken Garlic Chilli Balti (#92) 19,448$4,362,388 FG
753 84 45rpm (#95) 13,719$2,576,476 TG
752 81 LS8 (#91) 11,944$3,149,939 FG
744 5 World of Hamsters (#72) 20,100$40,112,249 FG
743 6 Spk (#75) 29,493$27,933,337 FG
725 99 World of Hamsters (#72) 5737$309,385 TG
723 86 Lie Dream Of A Casino Soul (#85) 14,071$2,678,337 FG
722 6 Zentropa (#90) 20,341$30,000,829 DG
689 91 mekanik destruktiw kommandoh (#51) 9032$1,127,629 TG
666 87 Test (#94) 100$17,538 HG
654 102 Test (#102) 100$4717 MG
652 3 Army Hamsters (#96) 34,979$38,894,846 FG
608 98 Owsla (#95) 452$32,916 CG
595 86 I Reach For My Luger (#93) 6592$1,914,017 DG
592 97 0 (#91) 409$44,929 CG
591 92 Mr Farmer (#61) 140$6987 M
587 84 0 0 0 0 0 (#87) 4699$1,461,064 TG
586 75 Eternity Isle (#93) 8597$3,284,556 TG
585 99 HMS Warspite (#97) 100$4717 M
575 3 2010 is three and 40 years away (#84) 30,031$44,591,135 CG
559 8 HMS Rodney (#94) 17,917$21,228,176 FG
558 76 5 0 0 0 0 (#69) 9950$3,087,700 FG
557 7 0 0 0 0 0 (#103) 22,082$26,535,302 DG
551 120 Test (#109) 10$998 M
549 4 Maybe (#94) 26,558$34,439,865 CG
548 4 Eternity Isle (#59) 24,276$32,934,272 CG
546 129 May Blitz (#52) 294$18,501 C
544 125 1977 (#137) 2824$407,393 C
540 122 Test (#127) 100$4717 H
540 Wait For The Blackout (#78) 0$17,747 C
537 105 0 0 0 0 0 (#103) 2908$291,537 CG
533 52 Zentropa (#72) 16,296$5,948,842 C
528 100 Farming for Fun (#92) 8868$1,115,458 FG
523 106 Baron Von Botstein (#88) 2067$449,771 C
522 106 Bot Crusher (#73) 1094$125,141 C
521 5 Skeleton and the Roundabout (#39) 24,641$22,829,802 CG
520 107 The Manhattan Project (#113) 4746$695,316 C
519 111 Hit a bot instead (#82) 3109$674,142 F
518 2 Ace Degenerate (#63) 28,753$38,893,877 CG
517 97 Making Time (#97) 6358$1,991,683 FG
516 3 Twenty Deadly Diseases (#106) 28,419$39,913,071 CG
515 109 Rebelstar Raiders (#102) 1800$264,663 TG
513 107 Here we go round the lemon tree (#86) 2777$690,650 IG
512 3 Music from the Death Factory (#76) 25,293$37,250,386 CG
509 66 map ref 41n 93w (#57) 10,781$4,903,647 T
508 1 Skeleton and the Roundabout (#90) 23,815$33,740,862 CG
507 1 Solar (#120) 26,942$43,345,848 CG
503 113 Vacuum Cleaner (#109) 569$49,274 C
501 9 I Predict A Retal (#97) 18,474$20,457,321 FG
500 12 An Endless Holiday in Uchronia (#92) 17,917$17,387,427 FG
496 124 Death In June (#93) 180$8317 M
495 8 Ex degenerate (#112) 20,324$18,733,116 CG
493 31 May Blitz (#109) 20,922$7,516,954 C
492 105 Humanitarian Defence Force (#112) 521$40,167 F
490 104 Ex degenerate (#90) 2569$320,410 CG
488 103 JC4PM (#95) 1337$161,461 C
487 2 Lasterday I Was Been Bad (#71) 25,360$40,680,561 CG
486 10 Puppygristle (#66) 13,803$23,339,926 CG
485 91 Twenty Deadly Diseases (#102) 7885$1,403,509 C
484 1 An Endless Holiday in Uchronia (#100) 26,065$29,976,142 CG
482 2 An Endless Holiday in Uchronia (#90) 25,048$34,622,522 CG
481 4 sfbob23 (#34) 25,326$30,015,171 CG
480 5 Positively sfbob (#50) 23,406$30,954,700 CG
479 77 Humanitarian Defence Force (#104) 10,675$3,766,676 FG
478 6 map ref 41n 93w (#76) 24,171$30,190,714 CG
477 9 cant net wont net (#48) 19,648$19,792,394 CG
476 8 Twenty Deadly Diseases (#46) 22,173$25,290,136 CG
475 20 LS8 (#93) 19,344$11,238,162 CG
474 42 Humanitarian Defence Force (#95) 9320$5,981,044 FG
473 7 An Endless Holiday in Uchronia (#76) 22,813$33,576,098 CG
472 4 About to enter the sting zone (#53) 23,434$32,644,885 CG
471 88 Twenty Deadly Diseases (#74) 8878$2,344,934 T
470 9 All I Want For Xmas Is Jets (#34) 21,004$22,679,944 CG
469 9 Vacuum Cleaner (#86) 21,149$22,178,088 CG
468 10 Eastworld (#54) 20,042$23,777,835 CG
467 20 Too Dark Park (#39) 17,215$11,276,831 FG
466 46 99 Death Eaters (#29) 16,525$6,453,669 F
465 15 Abyss In B Minor (#30) 14,569$12,692,615 FG
464 22 Forever Changes (#49) 13,808$8,373,067 CG
463 28 We Drive East (#28) 18,616$9,096,536 FG
462 14 Abyss In B Minor (#33) 19,054$14,840,700 C
461 51 She Said Destroy (#42) 11,438$5,931,289 CG
460 36 Death Of An Electric Citizen (#69) 13,170$6,441,475 CG
459 53 LS8 (#29) 14,019$5,142,196 CG
458 35 LS8 (#49) 15,597$8,183,755 C
457 21 LS8 (#108) 17,536$11,778,529 CG

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism