Feb 2nd 2011, 7:54:52
Our Articles of Justice says it pretty well...
"9. Self Farming: This is a simple rule. It is not allowed. You can explore or Lg countries to build you land. Self Farming is a cheap method to earn land. This is a war game and if people do not like it, tough. The game loses its meaning if people want to win cheaply."
Swords official stance is posted in our Retal Policy. We will not pact clans that Self Farm.
The best times in my FFA career were when SS/PSing into other tags happened each and every day. When keeping up with all the retals united a clan and helped forge friendships. When clans had FA's that actually had to do just that, FA.
All that changed the day clans 1st started Self Farming. Now I can sit back and watch our news, and I'd be suprised to see more than 10 hits into our tag within a 24hr period.
If you eliminate Self Farming, you encourage hits between tags. You encourage members in your tag to be more active, you work together to create a clan that other clans don't want to hit. Because you always make your retals. Clans that are not active, it will show by how well they are able to retal hits into there tag.
Self Farming is just a way for lazy players to do there turns, be done with it, and still be on top. Because they don't want to actually work at something to be the best.
Go ahead, Self Farm if you want. Self Farming is slowly disappearing. To my knowledge only 4 clans left that do it. KA, PANLV, FoCuS and TKO.
We had a long discussion in another thread regarding this. TKO and PANLV both said, if the rest of the server stopped Self Farming. They would as well.
But unfortunatly some KA members didn't want to loose there only known playing style, and didn't want to learn how to net legitely.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay