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Syko, chill out bro.
Donny, and the rest of CC.
LoC was not looking for anything from you, Wizard is accurate that you have shown no mercy in our past. What would you expect from an LG other than a retal. Does it really fluffing matter if it was a typo. Does the EE community really accept that as a "A-OK" to make any LGs you want, just message oops TYPO forgive me, guess that's a freebie. Give yourself a break, any reputable clan would retal that attack, you are standing on thin ice.
Oh Im on thin ice?
we are allied but LOC but apparently loc doesn't comprehend what allies do.
I PMd the country that was typo’d for 200 acres 1 month into a reset. offering monetary reps with no response.
on a side note- 0 mil untagged are hitting for 700acres @40%
I offered reps. no response no conversation. I could have organized comparable reps or land if felt needed. but no, instead of do what allys do they pick the route that is the least diplomatic hitting the country i have the most land in. for 10,000.
i could give a fluff about the 10k land. its how it was handled. beg us for pacts then do exactly what is needed to piss me off. makes sense.
Example of what real allies do;
Me: hey crip i typo'd you please let me know what i can offer for reps
Crip: don't worry about it i got it back from some where else, next time we do 200% L:L
Me: Deal
(conversation not 100%) but its close enough , i don't feel like copy/pasting exact
- done -
same reason if they were to accidentally hit me,
99% sure id say - don't even worry about it.