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Yeah if icd were actually policing a war, market breaking pact and solo tags jumping in the war would be policed. I've explained this to sherita and I still don't think I'm wrong.
Loc restarts have been killed before they even hit because they are loc restarts. Icd in effect is only policing for imp and doing it very thoroughly. Anything I've asked to get policed hasn't been.
Market broke pact. If icd is truly policing as a tag unpacted to market they're obligated to hit them. I can say confidently that if market had broken pact with imp, icd would be acting much different. Nice try but that moral high ground is just as shady as the war tactics themselves.
Our policing terms, were ours to choose...DID I go to far outside the box for you?! I dont think so. This is a different era of FFA...has been for sometime now. I recall sets on end of endless suiciders for example: xTPx/BlueLine/JAM among others...this is a pattern. War/suiciders every single time after victory of war. It gets old quickly. You never once passed untagged numbers to me. I gave everyone fair warning..and chased leaders about to make sure whos belong to what tag.
We have been killing a 4th generation restarts since the onset of this war, that string was grape aped today. Onto todays list of untaggs which happen to be the untaged that hit market..check our news for verification. Broken pacts mean nothing to me at this point..only that all involved are tagged and declaring their side. Yet you slight me for that and accuse me of bias?? Really??
Moral ground, why yes...As a leader I have to make choices...and I chose to look out for ICD...and I always will. If thats bias/slanted etc...then so be it. As Crip said we have NO political involvement here..just trying to police some of the bullfluff I saw/heard before this set even started.
*no skittles for you Derrick!!!