
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 20th 2020, 18:37:06

Originally posted by Bug:
COVID-19 Has a death rate of about 3% if 100,000 people get it then 3% are going to die, almost no matter what you do sick/elderly etc. BUT its the 15% of them that will need hospitalization that is the issue, if you keep them home then they add to the mortality numbers, which is bad. so 15% of 100k is 15,000 people all needing an isolated hospital bed with 1:1 nursing staff..

If you look at Korea they got like 1% Case fatality ratio(CFR). They still have a dark figure of people with very mild symtoms who didn't get tested. So the infection fatality ratio(IFR) is probably well lower than this on a population basis with good modern health care.

That said you are completely right that patients who need it wont all have access to good health care if everyone gets sick at the same time.

Your assessment that 15% need hospitalisation is huge overestimation. Imperial College made a very nice table that outlined the needs for hospitalisation, critical care and the IFR based on age groups that they have used as assumptions for their models. They say they are outlining a pessimistic scenario. And the IFR they have used on a population level is 0.95%, 4.4% will be hospitalised for some time and 1.3% requiring critical care for some time.

These estimates were corrected for non-uniform attack rates by age and when applied to the GB population result in an IFR of 0.9% with 4.4% of infections hospitalised (Table 1). We assume that 30% of those that are hospitalised will require critical care (invasive mechanical ventilation or ECMO) based on early reports from COVID-19 cases in the UK, China and Italy (Professor Nicholas Hart, personal communication). Based on expert clinical opinion, we assume that 50% of those in critical care will die and an age-dependent proportion of those that do not require critical care die (calculated to match the overall IFR). We calculate bed demand numbers assuming a total duration of stay in hospital of 8 days if critical care is not required and 16 days (with 10 days in ICU) if critical care is required. With 30% of hospitalised cases requiring critical care, we obtain an overall mean duration of hospitalisation of 10.4 days, slightly shorter than the duration from hospital admission to discharge observed for COVID-19 cases internationally

Table 1 is very nice for those who can read.

Trife Game profile


Mar 20th 2020, 18:46:23

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Not to a fluff, but if anyone deserves to get it, it'd be political scums.

esp. those who used inside info and sold their stocks before market crashed.

I hope you have basis for this claim...

Richard Burr
Kelly Loeffler

One was one of the three senators that voted against the STOCK Act of 2012, and the other is the wife of the chairman of the NYSE. I'll let you do the googlizing of articles. Enjoy!

Diane Feinstein too, why did you leave her out?, lock them all up if they committed crimes!

She wasn't one of the names I had heard about last night. Today I've been too busy with taxes to check for updates. Regardless of the the letter by their names, if any politician engages in insider trading, they need to be charged and jailed for it. If Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading, the politicians need to as well.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 20th 2020, 19:14:32

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

4 reportedly sold stock before the market chaos.

There you go, Trife, and I agree with you, lock them up if they indeed broke the law :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 20th 2020, 20:00:40

Well isnt that nice
I financially support this game; what do you do?

sinistril Game profile


Mar 21st 2020, 0:50:09

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Bug:
COVID-19 Has a death rate of about 3% if 100,000 people get it then 3% are going to die, almost no matter what you do sick/elderly etc. BUT its the 15% of them that will need hospitalization that is the issue, if you keep them home then they add to the mortality numbers, which is bad. so 15% of 100k is 15,000 people all needing an isolated hospital bed with 1:1 nursing staff..

If you look at Korea they got like 1% Case fatality ratio(CFR). They still have a dark figure of people with very mild symtoms who didn't get tested. So the infection fatality ratio(IFR) is probably well lower than this on a population basis with good modern health care.

That said you are completely right that patients who need it wont all have access to good health care if everyone gets sick at the same time.

Your assessment that 15% need hospitalisation is huge overestimation. Imperial College made a very nice table that outlined the needs for hospitalisation, critical care and the IFR based on age groups that they have used as assumptions for their models. They say they are outlining a pessimistic scenario. And the IFR they have used on a population level is 0.95%, 4.4% will be hospitalised for some time and 1.3% requiring critical care for some time.

These estimates were corrected for non-uniform attack rates by age and when applied to the GB population result in an IFR of 0.9% with 4.4% of infections hospitalised (Table 1). We assume that 30% of those that are hospitalised will require critical care (invasive mechanical ventilation or ECMO) based on early reports from COVID-19 cases in the UK, China and Italy (Professor Nicholas Hart, personal communication). Based on expert clinical opinion, we assume that 50% of those in critical care will die and an age-dependent proportion of those that do not require critical care die (calculated to match the overall IFR). We calculate bed demand numbers assuming a total duration of stay in hospital of 8 days if critical care is not required and 16 days (with 10 days in ICU) if critical care is required. With 30% of hospitalised cases requiring critical care, we obtain an overall mean duration of hospitalisation of 10.4 days, slightly shorter than the duration from hospital admission to discharge observed for COVID-19 cases internationally

Table 1 is very nice for those who can read.

Treating the virus with respect and not batfluff crazy panic? Pffffft!

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

farmer Game profile


Mar 21st 2020, 3:14:02

gas prices are cheap that is the only positive i can think of. Gas at London Ky was 99 cents it is 1.80 in southern Indiana

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 21st 2020, 3:20:34

Still over $3 in Southern California LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 21st 2020, 11:28:31

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Bug:


Treating the virus with respect and not batfluff crazy panic? Pffffft!

To be fair the report I linked is predicting a very grim future with draconian shutdowns lasting 5 months not being enough because the amount of uninfected people are enough to create another massive peak in november december.

Hopefully the serology tests will give more information about how well the virus has spread so far. For instance in Sweden some say we have 0.1% of the population infected right now and others say 1%. If it turns out that the ones who say we got 1% infected are right it means we can pretty much let it rip through the broad population while protecting the elderly and other risk groups for a few weeks, as it means we have vastly overestimated the likelyhood of fatality or hospitalisation being required per infected person. If the 0.1%-hypothesis is true it may be easier to contain but we will have to fight this with social distancing and periodical shutdowns of sports, universities, bars, restaurants etc up until we have a working, safe and mass produced vaccine in 1-2 years.



Mar 22nd 2020, 15:53:19

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
My son passed at 34 from Influenza January 2018.

So sorry Hempman

Ok, what kills me the most and I saw this coming was the fact that so many times they have told folks to be prepared in situations like this and disasters. Emergency Supplies, Emergency Funds etc. But folks just tended to ignore it. If you go to they have had a list of what to get for years. I am just annoyed folks ignored an emergency plan. I hope they learn from this.

When I first saw what was happening in China, I started buying what I thought we would need: over the counter meds, paper products, shelf stable milk, cleaning products, etc. and I didnt buy out the entire stock like some people are doing. The timing for my insulin delivery was march 1 for 3 months so that worked for me. I stocked up formula for my daughters baby should she need it.

I am now working from home, but getting 40 hours is going to be tough.
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 23rd 2020, 2:40:29

Yeah good call Ruthie, I too started taking preemptive measures refilling my food pantry and advising all my close relatives and friends to do so as well and save money, as much as possible, little did I know it was going to get this bad :-/
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!