
Cathankins Game profile


Oct 15th 2024, 13:23:24

But then you cry and ask that the person you are attacking be banned when they respond. If you are going to attack others then why on earth would you play the victim when they respond. If you can dish it out then at least be a big boy and take it just as well.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Oct 15th 2024, 17:01:52

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I agree to stop if you can get SF to quit taunting others. I think every human should have a right to defend themselves from attacks. If that’s not ok then attacking others shouldn’t be either and it should be curbed at the source. I have nothing left to say at this point.

My comment was aimed at everyone reading and posting on the thread. I only ended up deleting one post and it wasn't one of yours. Also, you agreeing to the request is not a requisite.

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I only taunt people when they come after me for no reason and make themselves a consistent pain in my side.

For example NiN is only after me cuz of my country names not because I have personally wronged him….

If you are going to come and hamper my game play experience; do not be mad if I make public observations or guesses on the type of person you are. Cuz when you obsess over someone you will never meet in your life I will say that you issues and I will
Clown you.

Don’t want me to clown on you? Don’t come for my game play experience…

Keep it at least somewhat game related and away from personal lives.

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 15th 2024, 23:24:11

Originally posted by Primeval:

Keep it at least somewhat game related and away from personal lives.

Sounds like a plan.

Cath and NiN make the worst primary countries ever! Comparable to Ratski!

Cumorah Game profile


Oct 17th 2024, 10:11:50

This set is lacking a decent war……….

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 17th 2024, 12:09:03

Originally posted by Cumorah:
This set is lacking a decent war……….

Go start one!

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 17th 2024, 12:35:43

*starts ww3 in the holy land*

LightBringer Game profile


Oct 17th 2024, 12:39:25

Originally posted by Cumorah:
This set is lacking a decent war……….

I'm actually disappointed you got into a war. You were sitting at no.1 and I was hoping I was going to see Cumorahs first win this set!

Cumorah Game profile


Oct 17th 2024, 20:34:36

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Originally posted by Cumorah:
This set is lacking a decent war……….

I'm actually disappointed you got into a war. You were sitting at no.1 and I was hoping I was going to see Cumorahs first win this set!

Maybe one day… but not this set.

LightBringer Game profile


Oct 21st 2024, 4:11:05

So I guess this is just the new normal now, super expensive bushels every set?

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 1:43:04

The Five biggest countries are all CI

Next largest is a Rep

The server is in need of a good player to play FFO and pump out a ton of bushels and oil

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 5:06:49

I normally supply a lot of food and oil but been stuck in a war over hurt feelings

LightBringer Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 6:30:59

But most of the time it seems like there is more then enough to supply the server, like now, its just super expensive. Or have I got that wrong?

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 8:16:25

Originally posted by LightBringer:
But most of the time it seems like there is more then enough to supply the server, like now, its just super expensive. Or have I got that wrong?

There is no fascist farmer that can make substantial contributions to the food market this round. Typically you have myself and one or two other fascist farmers but not this time.

You can thank now I am nothing for wrecking the food market.

Cumorah Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 10:09:28

Originally posted by LightBringer:
So I guess this is just the new normal now, super expensive bushels every set?

How about next set you play farmer… for the good of the game 😊

LightBringer Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 12:52:57

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
So I guess this is just the new normal now, super expensive bushels every set?

How about next set you play farmer… for the good of the game 😊

You first Cumorah 😉

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 22nd 2024, 13:12:20

For a number of sets it was just me and SF running farmers. I wanted to switch it up for the last two sets, and since then prices have been higher (with only SF and a few smaller random people each set). This set, SF is effectively out, so it's down to the randoms.

I'm honestly surprised more people aren't interested in farmer - historically wins have been cashers and commies, but in this higher priced food market, there was a recent farmer win. I tried to get a few people to take over farmer for me, but no dice. I'm sure next set we'll have five.

NitelL Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 14:09:16

Am I a random?!


cordycsw Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 14:25:30

Originally posted by NitelL:
Am I a random?!


small random low land farmer HAHAHA

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 14:35:40

Originally posted by NitelL:
Am I a random?!


Random in scores list but #1 in our hearts :)

Are you demo farmer usually? I started as fascist and then went Demo last few sets

DeLpHiNuS Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 14:43:19

Originally posted by Tertius:
For a number of sets it was just me and SF running farmers. I wanted to switch it up for the last two sets, and since then prices have been higher (with only SF and a few smaller random people each set). This set, SF is effectively out, so it's down to the randoms.

I'm honestly surprised more people aren't interested in farmer - historically wins have been cashers and commies, but in this higher priced food market, there was a recent farmer win. I tried to get a few people to take over farmer for me, but no dice. I'm sure next set we'll have five.

Some time ago, I was a farmer for many rounds.. but I kinda like casher now since it is more predictable on the income side.. if anyone gets too tired of it, I can switch to farmer next round

NitelL Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 14:53:26

Originally posted by SuperFly:

Random in scores list but #1 in our hearts :)

Are you demo farmer usually? I started as fascist and then went Demo last few sets

When I go farmer in Primary, I prefer Demo to Fasc!

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 16:01:12

Originally posted by NitelL:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

Random in scores list but #1 in our hearts :)

Are you demo farmer usually? I started as fascist and then went Demo last few sets

When I go farmer in Primary, I prefer Demo to Fasc!

Same here I think the no commission is nicer than food or oil boost but I am not a pro so not sure If it is indeed a better trade

NitelL Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 16:29:14

I think Fasc does have the flexibility of doing an oil destock, which guarantees your endgame somewhat.

Given we do less grabs in primary, the 3 bonus penalty on demo is less painful, and the tech bonus on mstrat/weaps is especially useful. 0% commissions are great for the small discount they are, but rarely does one get good reselling opportunities in primary!

iirc Delphinus went dict farmer many sets in a row at one point?

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 22nd 2024, 18:56:44

well I'm never going to tech again so I can play a farmer. I played a farmer/oiler to around 100M a couple years ago. The tech demand at this point in the set can only support 60k acres of techers. With tech prices under 2k and food above 50 there is no chance for a techer to stock and win.

LightBringer Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 2:09:53

Yeah this is the cheapest tech I’ve seen in years. And with relatively cheap mil, great set for farmer, or casher.
The one set I played farmer there was a glut of bushels and I sold on private half the time so my finish was awful. Maybe my 50k farmer was just too good 😜

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 12:24:21

To play a successful FFO, I think you need to stockpile and then do a Theo switch when you destock and jump, and that is a skill that I don’t have

NitelL Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 13:32:52

Originally posted by Hessman123:
To play a successful FFO, I think you need to stockpile and then do a Theo switch when you destock and jump, and that is a skill that I don’t have

FFO in Primary definitely does the land drop theo MB destock, while Demo farmer tends to destock like a Rep casher.

Well if I survive the next few days I should be able to feed the server. lol

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 13:43:50

Well don’t count on me for farmer next set either with that tool of NIN declaring his holy jihad on me over my country name lol

DeLpHiNuS Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 14:23:04

Originally posted by NitelL:
I think Fasc does have the flexibility of doing an oil destock, which guarantees your endgame somewhat.

Given we do less grabs in primary, the 3 bonus penalty on demo is less painful, and the tech bonus on mstrat/weaps is especially useful. 0% commissions are great for the small discount they are, but rarely does one get good reselling opportunities in primary!

iirc Delphinus went dict farmer many sets in a row at one point?

Yea I did dict farmer prior.. I can't remember why I did so.. probably cos of the military strength I can get with dict.. not many ppl will want to grab a dict

DeLpHiNuS Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 14:25:34

I can play casher, commie and farmer.. only strat I nv play before is techer.. so if needed, I can adjust to the server demand next round

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 20:39:34

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Well don’t count on me for farmer next set either with that tool of NIN declaring his holy jihad on me over my country name lol

Yes superfly I talked with my doctor today, I have a bad case of superfly. He will be putting me off work to invest even MORE Time for my one true passion. Superfly.

And of course, as you stated in here somewhere, you are playing to keep players like me and cath in check.

I am looking forward to it :)
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

Aturan Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 23rd 2024, 21:52:23

Originally posted by now im nothing:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Well don’t count on me for farmer next set either with that tool of NIN declaring his holy jihad on me over my country name lol

Yes superfly I talked with my doctor today, I have a bad case of superfly. He will be putting me off work to invest even MORE Time for my one true passion. Superfly.

And of course, as you stated in here somewhere, you are playing to keep players like me and cath in check.

I am looking forward to it :)

Don't make me ban your account again.

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 22:10:48

That was pretty funny. Aturan handed the almighty mod powers.

Hey, I've even thought of that. Am I crossing some line? Generally speaking I like to play in tune with the rules. I even reported that guy trying to message everyone and get Mose gang banged with even the exact break.

I've been purpled once in 2003. Got out of the hospital in September and my friend had this crazy idea we would run several countries. Honestly it was hilarious at the time and fun but became blatantly obvious 🤣 especially with the little stars showing who was online.

That said I think it is fair game especially to target a specific name on the scoreboard when it is very easy to change that name. I'll take the risk. I've got no shame.

Edited By: now im nothing on Oct 23rd 2024, 22:29:38
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 24th 2024, 4:00:55

So that means we should invest in popcorn for next set...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 25th 2024, 2:23:14

Originally posted by now im nothing:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Well don’t count on me for farmer next set either with that tool of NIN declaring his holy jihad on me over my country name lol

Yes superfly I talked with my doctor today, I have a bad case of superfly. He will be putting me off work to invest even MORE Time for my one true passion. Superfly.

And of course, as you stated in here somewhere, you are playing to keep players like me and cath in check.

I am looking forward to it :)

get your doctor to check you for dementia next time. I do not play to keep anyone in check or to screw with anyone. That is something that you and something that Cath did but he has now moved on it seems to better things in life. I play for myself only to have fun and like I said to you many times this round you literally mean nothing to me and I spend no time thinking about you. Unlike you spends all day thinking about me and logging in 5-7 times per day to hit me when I am not even a threat that requires you to login multiple times per day.

Its funny to me that I consume so much of your head space but makes me feel sad for you at the same time......

Cumorah Game profile


Oct 25th 2024, 3:00:10

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
I can play casher, commie and farmer.. only strat I nv play before is techer.. so if needed, I can adjust to the server demand next round

A true gentleman. Please grow some food next set.

Cumorah Game profile


Oct 25th 2024, 3:01:09

Originally posted by Hessman123:
To play a successful FFO, I think you need to stockpile and then do a Theo switch when you destock and jump, and that is a skill that I don’t have

“That’s a skill I don’t have”. - Hess, I don’t believe you.

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 26th 2024, 2:29:42

The Theo switch and jump is just tedious and time consuming and also fairly easy for me to screw it up :)

The hard part is trying to grab enough land to position yourself with a chance to win and then stop growing your networth for a few weeks to stockpile without getting wrecked in the process

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 26th 2024, 14:16:41

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by now im nothing:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Well don’t count on me for farmer next set either with that tool of NIN declaring his holy jihad on me over my country name lol

Yes superfly I talked with my doctor today, I have a bad case of superfly. He will be putting me off work to invest even MORE Time for my one true passion. Superfly.

And of course, as you stated in here somewhere, you are playing to keep players like me and cath in check.

I am looking forward to it :)

get your doctor to check you for dementia next time. I do not play to keep anyone in check or to screw with anyone. That is something that you and something that Cath did but he has now moved on it seems to better things in life. I play for myself only to have fun and like I said to you many times this round you literally mean nothing to me and I spend no time thinking about you. Unlike you spends all day thinking about me and logging in 5-7 times per day to hit me when I am not even a threat that requires you to login multiple times per day.

Its funny to me that I consume so much of your head space but makes me feel sad for you at the same time......

Gets into fight with everyone. Blames everyone else. Clearly everyone on earth has a mental illness. That makes a lot more sense than you being a ****. If anyone has anything condition it’s you suffering from mental retardation. Quit mentioning my name you idiot.

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 26th 2024, 14:40:04

It is light and easy. Nothing heavy or intense. But on superfly all my turns will be spent.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 27th 2024, 0:56:10

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by now im nothing:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Well don’t count on me for farmer next set either with that tool of NIN declaring his holy jihad on me over my country name lol

Yes superfly I talked with my doctor today, I have a bad case of superfly. He will be putting me off work to invest even MORE Time for my one true passion. Superfly.

And of course, as you stated in here somewhere, you are playing to keep players like me and cath in check.

I am looking forward to it :)

get your doctor to check you for dementia next time. I do not play to keep anyone in check or to screw with anyone. That is something that you and something that Cath did but he has now moved on it seems to better things in life. I play for myself only to have fun and like I said to you many times this round you literally mean nothing to me and I spend no time thinking about you. Unlike you spends all day thinking about me and logging in 5-7 times per day to hit me when I am not even a threat that requires you to login multiple times per day.

Its funny to me that I consume so much of your head space but makes me feel sad for you at the same time......

Gets into fight with everyone. Blames everyone else. Clearly everyone on earth has a mental illness. That makes a lot more sense than you being a ****. If anyone has anything condition it’s you suffering from mental retardation. Quit mentioning my name you idiot.

Dude you are retarded and I am glad you moved on. Have a good life. But you did play for almost a year to take people aka Evo down.

Go back to grape drank and family bbq homie.

Originally posted by now im nothing:
It is light and easy. Nothing heavy or intense. But on superfly all my turns will be spent.

You just keep thinking about me all day long. I know the mods don’t want personal insults but you are obsessed with me and that a fact….

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 27th 2024, 2:16:13

Superfly once again with his facts.... lol.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 27th 2024, 2:30:17

You crack me up dude :) I really enjoy reading over your posts, logics, and course, facts... lol And yes I made a little error on what you said about me and cath. As I did go back and check. :) See you next set
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 27th 2024, 2:39:49

I could honestly tell you I have not change really how much I log into the game, at all. But you make an assumption of it. Your next very typical move is to call someone a loser get a life yada yadaq etc if they log in so much. Like I said at the VERY start of this my hey it is me not cath. It is ok, you can call me names. I do not do the name calling too too much :) I do find your tone, and constant attacks interesting though. like I told you in game. It was a little weird you were so called to be like dude get a life you attacked me 8 times in 18 hours... lol. And whatever if that quote is not perfect. Why worry about that. Really. People do what they want to do. But for you that equates to usually a lot of things it is not (your facts) like me rage quitting my last set. Or your name calling etc. \o/ I am just having fun. I think I have said this a lot. I do not care what you or anyone in this game thinks. See you next set ;)

Edited By: now im nothing on Oct 27th 2024, 3:01:53
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 27th 2024, 3:07:11

See you next set dude. Just a one question for you; you gonna grow a set of balls and identify your country or will be you be a little coward and hide until you hit from Behind?

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 27th 2024, 13:07:31

Superfly. You have brought this up several times. As well as calling others out as cowards with changing names (previous to this round).

And, if you look back - you can see in game and here I clearly let you know, I have no intention of changing how I have always played which is changing my name most set in and set out since 1998.

I just hope you grow a better country and do like I did do you in tourney when you farmed me, and that is stop it much faster and have me end up below you. Like you ended below me when you tried this.


PS - This has to be the saddest thread I have ever read through. And not just on my end... lol :)

Edited By: now im nothing on Oct 27th 2024, 13:21:07
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 27th 2024, 15:13:15

So coward who hits from behind. I agree you are the saddest person in this thread.

I am not saying that you shouldnt change your name. I am saying that you should identify yourself. As in post who you are next round and don’t wait to sneak attack from behind.

But alas I guess you are sad and pathetic so you need that attack from behind to be successful.

Oh well I guess will let you have it as “beating” me is likely the only thing you have going on in your life….

Edited By: SuperFly on Oct 27th 2024, 15:16:28

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 0:23:41

This was a total joke. LOL.

Edited By: now im nothing on Oct 30th 2024, 0:46:05
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 0:39:14

I was never out to beat you, per say. Just smash you (your mouth mostly as like i say I was just reading some of your posts and I said hey, I think I will have some fun with superfly and why not after your little tiffy my last set you could not take your retal and did not really get much of me and yes I was glad to break GDI back and I got most of your missles and yah.... just that mouth of yours.... ) so I did best I could with some serious ROR. I wanted to farm you, and I did, so far for like a month +. I already told you I think you are an alright player. Obviously I was open to any possibility. Any and all possibilities were not that relevant to me. I know you love to point out/claim a lot of things. And I can only think that perhaps may even tie into what you seen coming/see coming. I wil not grab a quote but even messaging me pointing out I had logged in X amount of times to attack you get a life or whatever... I mean seems more relevent to something stirring you vs what I am doing. Even declaring for cat to be deleted! Which even if it was him I do not think there is much rules against being a fluff. I have not done enough fluffery in my days to truly know though, but by your purples I am guessing you have a better idea and lots of things to point out and claim. But very interesting you did not just say yes this is def cat LETS DO IT! Instead of DELETE HIM!!!! And you will notice I do not really lean direct. I say interesting, may, seems etc. As unlike you I do not have this great psychic ability of creating facts with nothing to actually go on with them. Like my :rage" quitting :) At first I thoguht you were fooling around but It seemed you truly believed that and a lot of stuff.

Edited By: now im nothing on Oct 30th 2024, 1:30:30
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 6:27:09

you flap your gums a lot about farming me. Yet you have lost almost 8000a to me which is more land then you have farmed me for.

The other pathetic thing is that despite you farming me, I have been able to BR you and AB u lol

if you were to add up all the damages (seeing how you have so much free time to play 6 times a day) you would notice that you arent even ahead of me by much overall on the buildings, Civ and land loss.....

lets go again next set if you want but dont be a coward ass tell us your country next set cuz i sure as heck wont be hiding like a spineless nooblet....

Edited By: SuperFly on Oct 30th 2024, 6:29:25