
Sauron NBK Game profile


Feb 12th 2011, 22:48:00

pain your stupidity amazes me. Crippler was spouting the same crap to me on irc the other night. This has been explained alread to you several times in this thread yet you still claim that we use a script like a stubborn child.

we do not use any script or macro, and its not on firefox. most of us have multiple tabs open in internet explorer and set them up to hit before hand. I usually only do three one to break one to mid break and one to finish, takes about 30 seconds to run all. you see the attacks are pre set up, once we are done hitting with one (incase you dont know we hit so fast by mashin the enter buttin in ee doeent worf for ff) we go to the next tab and start hitting with that one.

Figured maybe if we spelt it out for them word by word they'd get it? I doubt it.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on Feb 12th 2011, 22:51:20
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