
ZDH Game profile


Mar 30th 2011, 18:55:04

Originally posted by qzjul:

Canada is the opposite of over-crowded ;)

Thats because no one wants to live there. I said the northern STATES :-P.

Originally posted by AoS:
Up here, "the south" is just another way to say stupid. :P

What makes you say that because we talk a little slower and not through our nose lol? Is there any fact behind that?

I don't like fried chicken really...But no one cooks BBQ like in Texas thats a fact :-P. Also real Mexican food is off the mother fluffin chain! Can't get that in Canada ;-). Theres Southern hospitality can't get it in the big cities as much but in the small ones it's still around. Can't get that up north i've heard everyone is an asshole by people that lived there and moved down here and by people I know that have traveled north. When I say north I mean northern states not Canada I don't know anyone that ever had a reason or wanted to go to Canada for anything LOL.

Edited By: ZDH on Mar 30th 2011, 18:58:37
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