Originally posted by qzjul:
it's 25% of their forces, to a maximum of double your offence power =/
that's as simple as it gets.
and yes, it is that simple. in practice, you have to understand the difference between 'forces' and 'power'.
Qz says that it's 25% of allied forces, not power. so it's very simple to calc allied help.. exactly 25% of their offensive forces calc'd as jets(so troops*.5, tanks*2)
and then he says tha the 25% can't more than double the attacker's offensive power. power is a whole new ball game.
say the attacker has 100k jets only, but 150% weapons(non-dict/rep). that makes the attacker's power 150k jets. so, if your allies have over 600k jets combined, they will send out 150k jets with your 100k(at 150% weaps tech) to make your total offensive power 300k.