
de1i Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:26:43

This is not a declaration of war but merely one of intent.

As we already know placing an alliance on War DNH is one of many unspoken rules of the game. Another unspoken rule of the game is that no policing acts will be done without prior contact being made. Tan and Clear with prior knowledge of an impending FS on MD tried to take advantage of these rules. This brings us to a more important unwritten dynamic of this game that RD can not take advantage of, friendship.

Tan and Clear may have technically be in the right to escape policing actions for their farming but their actions are unarguably wrong due to their intent. Which is why I, Mr. Diamond have authorized the killing of their countries for our friends MD.


hawkeyee Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:28:11

The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

Cougar Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:28:49

Good. Now hopefully RD fires back =)

wunderbar Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:30:12

double confirmed.
An Omega dude

matti Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:32:17

SoF Henchman

Boltar Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:33:05

fireback RD do it!!

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:38:28

De1i, this would be a lot less gay if it came from anyone else.

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Helmet Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:41:51


Devestation Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:46:55

I love this so effin much

RandyMD Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:55:43

+1 Omega
Skype: randybumd

Nasjym Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 23:57:29

Interesting road to go down, de1i.. not impressed.

Cougar Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:00:31

I'd like someone to tell me with a straight face that the RD countries didn't have it coming.

de1i Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:05:51

I'm merely a member in Omega, the decision was not mine to make. RD is welcome to be mad at me all they want, but it was their leaders not mine that made the selfish decision to farm MD right before SoF FSed them and do it in and brag about in IRC. If the other leaders and members of RD want to redirect their anger at Tan/Clear for doing it without their endorsement towards me then that is their own shortcoming not mine.

(17:50:34) (MrTan) okay, I am going to start the land raping of MD
(17:50:45) (damatt) commencing now!
(17:50:46) (MrTan) I assume your warchat is in 10 minutes?
(17:50:50) (Guldfisken) wc in 5 min?
(17:50:51) (Guldfisken) 10*
(17:51:00) (Ruthie) nice
(17:51:12) (MrTan) going in
(17:51:29) -› Join: Son_Goku ()
(17:51:29) -› ChanServ (+o) Son_Goku
(17:51:37) (@Flamey) oh come on
(17:51:46) (@Flamey) you could have waited until we hit lol
(17:52:03) (@cypress[home]) ..
(17:52:03) (@Flamey) I wanted to surprise highrock with the first kill

Vic Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:06:18

Didn't have it coming? Not by Omega we didn't.

and just spoke with Ronald Rutten. should be fun to watch ronnie return

Nasjym Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:08:26

"Which is why I, Mr. Diamond have authorized the killing of their countries for our friends MD."

As I said.. not impressed.

Cougar Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:11:29

Originally posted by Vic:
Didn't have it coming? Not by Omega we didn't.

and just spoke with Ronald Rutten. should be fun to watch ronnie return

1. MD is a major alliance
2. Major alliances have police during wars
3. Tan and Clear had to expect MD's eventual police would get even with them
4. Omega were announced as MD's police
5. Omega got even

Seems perfectly legitimate to me.

de1i Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:16:05

Their argument will be that the hits were done prior to the FS on MD and the policing being announced.

Silver brought up a valid point saying he always wondered why alliances should honor War DNHs with people they are not pacted to. Not only could this be one reason why, but also brings up the question why alliances can't police hits done prior to the announcement.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:18:59

It's policy jibber jabber.
Omega has no right to retal.
RD has no right to benefit from pre-warchat acres without retaliation
Loop holes, flim flams, shenanigans

What's done is done.

I would like to reiterate Nasjyms post.
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Vic Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:19:46

Not only that - we were working out extraordinarily favorable reps, in good faith.

Nasjym Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:19:48

I'm not looking for justification on Omega's response, I've long since stopped caring about alliance politics.

You know where my problem with this lies.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:20:32

I just said that Nas. Jesus man.

edit - Do you ever get my random Xbox messages?
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Nasjym Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:22:18

I do! It disturbs my netflixin all the time!

Nasjym Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:22:55

And you need to stop repeating me! My overzealous multi.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2012, 0:22:58

Tan isn't going to be happy about this.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:24:20

I just talked to Tan.

He said he doesnt have a home computer and is playing on his phone, but he is currently getting his nails done.

When Ho Minh begins his pedicure he will be able to type out his anger for you.
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:24:53

Originally posted by Nasjym:
I do! It disturbs my netflixin all the time!

Respond then you asshole. Come play COD with the rest of us!
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2012, 0:25:30

Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
but he is currently getting his nails done.

That's cute :p

Nasjym Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:27:54

COD?! Really? yeah maybe.. after the 6th I should have some good gaming time.. when's your next trip to the gta area?

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:31:45

I think we're playing the Skydome invitational tourney this year so I'll be spending 2 nights at the skydone playing ball in January?
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Nasjym Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:32:24

sounds like a perfect excuse for a drink

archaic Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:38:43

Ho Minh does great work, the shine is unreal - makes your lil piggies look like diamonds

glad tidings to all
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Pride Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:50:45

Thank you Omega.

Is it a bit disturbing a head in Sof had knowledge of this? Pretty despicable Flamey.

de1i Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 0:50:59

Oh I forgot the most important part,

Happy Birthday Mr. Crimson!

TAN Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:05:48

SoF... Why would you do this?? What fluffing business is it of RD that you would let them know your FS in the first place??

Anyway, I agree with Omega's stance. Good luck guys.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:05:55

Originally posted by archaic:
Ho Minh does great work, the shine is unreal - makes your lil piggies look like diamonds

glad tidings to all

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

braden Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:10:26

and in a shocking turn of events, tan sides against rd. didn't see that coming.

on crimsons birthday? really, diamond? charlie uncle november tango. i'll let you do the math.


Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:24:31

Originally posted by braden:
on crimsons birthday? really, diamond? charlie uncle november tango. i'll let you do the math.


Charlie = 26
Uncle ? You mean Uniform? - 11
November - 2
Tango - 17

If you carry the 5,
Duck Duck Duck Goose
One Fish Two Fish
Red Fish Blue Fish
knick knack Patty (Hi Patty) whack
Give the Dog a bone

Answer = 11
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

locket Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:26:23

No more against rules that any alliance has in place than land trading. So should land traders be killed because they take advantage of information and rules to get easy networth?

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:27:37

Locket, take your serious discussion crap elsewhere.
It's Crimson's birthday
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Pride Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:28:36

Yes locket lets catch them all. Pokemon. :p

locket Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:29:41

I will join in the killing of landtraders with you Pride. Time and place can be sent to my secretary. Still anti-killing Tan :P

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:29:46

Good luck finding ME pride. To figure out my country you have to decipher a series of clues.

The first.....

If If's and But's were candy and nuts, what tag would I play under?
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

braden Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:35:35

uncle was wwii, it is uniform now you are right (i know it as uncle)

i read it in killing lincoln but had trouble remembering nan, so i used november. i had to look for what t was in wwii, i didn't know off hand, but it was tare which i won't remember, so tango it is :)

and by math i meant figuring out exactly what name i was calling him :P

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:38:33


1) I did not know the WWII facts. I use it for work so it's become second nature. I was not aware it had changed. I do appreciate the history lesson and I will be looking that up in my spare time. (Seriously, I enjoy that sort of thing)

2) My math is right. Don't you ever question my motherfluffin math skills BIATCH.

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

de1i Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:39:06

I think you were calling me a King, which must mean you have a sister you want to introduce me to.

Flamey Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:42:59

Dear thread,

Yes, I'm despicable. I'm so despicable that RD made a unilateral decision to farm MD. So despicable that loose lips and leaks meant that MD knew that RD was going to do this before we did ourselves.

It was an evil masterstroke pulled off all by me... I made RD leak that we were FSing that night. I encouraged RD to then makes grabs minutes before a FS I planned for 6 hours so my target list would all be alerted to log on. And yes I asked RD to grab easy land that would have benefitted SoF countries.

But most fiendishly... most of our FDPs who bother talking to us on a regular basis actually knew that that we were FSing MD... and those with site access actually saw the FS time! I have outfoxed you again server.

Regarding the whole Omega vs RD. This is the kind of conflict I've been talking up for a year. Alliances shouldn't be bound by WarDNHs with alliances they don't like and Policing alliances should go the extra mile to defend their ally. As long as no pacts have been broken.

And... What’s with Omega wikileaking me... At least it wasn't my own co-Head this time. I do like how you portrayed the context though :)

Love Flamey.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:49:19

Flamey, Ive got something you can "masterstroke" ;-)

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

braden Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:51:02

i enjoyed the read, myself, while checking to see what jfk had used for t, which i didn't remember then but who knows, maybe i will now :P

and de1i, close, i know you'll get it eventually- keep at it ;)

matti Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:51:11

Its all Flameys fault! Hes secretly behind all the powerplays on the server!
SoF Henchman

braden Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 1:52:47

ps, don't look at the link de1i, it'll be far more rewarding when you reach it on your own

(oddly enough that is also nasgyms logic on sex.. oh no he di'int)