
theannonymousone Game profile


Feb 22nd 2013, 22:03:36

Message from Fiscal Cliff (#29) sent on Feb 22, 18:10
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I hope you learn a lot from the ass kicking I'm giving you

LOL bobby thinks a war is won in 2 days. He has no idea how war works huh. I'm a tyrrany, I can rebuild and generate as many hits/day, if not more, as he can each day. Sure bobby, your spies are bombing my bldgs/jets, but you're doing me a favor.. my negative cashflow is turning positive, and soon as I can drop some of these empty acres my spal will be better than yours then what will you do?

I produce more food than you, I produce more spies than you, I have SDI/warfare tech, I have more tanks. Not to mention I have a lot more military/tech to sell off than you, who do you think will last longer?

Edited By: theannonymousone on Feb 22nd 2013, 22:05:44
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