
Lobo Game profile


Mar 1st 2013, 21:17:22

Name a famous person you think of as a typical American? What characteristics of this individual make him/her typical?

There are no wrong answer just dumb ones.... ;)
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. ~Albert Camus

Original SANCT...

Klown Game profile


Mar 1st 2013, 21:23:10

Kim Kardashian.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 1st 2013, 21:25:27

How can someone be "typical" and "famous"? Being famous in-and-of-itself makes someone an archetypically atypical person.

(Also, if your point is that it's hard to define a "typical" American, can you do so for any culture?)

Guy with no clue.

Trife Game profile


Mar 1st 2013, 21:37:21

Angryjesus Game profile


Mar 1st 2013, 21:51:18


Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 1st 2013, 23:19:35

Honey Boo Boo.
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Detmer Game profile


Mar 2nd 2013, 1:27:37

Ted Nugent because he is a moronic, hypocritical, cowardly asshole.

People who crap their pants to dodge the draft should not be American icons. People who wave flags about how patriotic they are while not doing a damn thing themselves are pretty typical though.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 2nd 2013, 1:49:55

Ronald Reagan.

Actor, became president of USA
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 2nd 2013, 2:29:07

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Ronald Reagan.

Actor, became president of USA

Dear Brother. Don't knock President Reagan. He was the quintessential "best" leader of his time. Consider the administrations that preceded and followed his.

Jimmy Carter was president during the Iranian Hostage crisis. I'm not sure how many of you young'uns will remember back to that prehistoric age filled with Disco Balls and BeeGee's, which is australion for Balls Gone, and suffered the ignomy of presiding over the largest military fiasco since the Vietnam War. For thse of you that remember back that far, times were tough, there was a recession on too. America was viewed as "weak" because everyone thinks that American "leaders" weren't really leaders, they were politicians. There is a universe of difference between the two, Reagan brought a good measure of resolve and dedication to a particular creedo which most Americans are supposed to share. He believed in the genuine goodness of the People and the rightness of the constitution.

Reagan said in a speech at some point during his campaign that "American Foreigh Policy was based of being liked, it would be better if it were respected"

I atribute that as a paraphrase of a quote from one of Reagans Stump Speeches. I'm not feeling up to lookinj up the direct quote, but I've given you enough to find it if you're enthusiastic enough about it.

Reagan was image superior to every other head of state. For as old as he was, he was a vital old guy, and everyone knew it. He understood that the idea of liberty would allow people to have the cream rise to the top and be able to succeed in huge numbers because work would pay off. The economy started it's long slow march back to sustainable. That lasted for a while, died a slow, delayed horrible death under the Clinto administration, who's policies encouraged America's industry to relocate their factories overseas to increase their profit, and decrease the taxable income in the United States. Thus ever more Americans were tossed out of work, the factory packed up and shipped off, lock, stock and barrel. Now Americans fill a variety of low level positions mostly to do with a retail or maintenace operation somewhere. We manufacture next to nothing. If it wasn't for the Asians, an American couldn't buy their underwear, let alone a piece of electronics, or a nice 200 dollar pair of sneakers made by a 12 year old.


Then there were the Bush years, Dad and Boy. Oh, Boy. Worst president of his Generatio that GW. No arguments from anyone there, I'm sure.

And now we have Obama. He's spent a lot of OUR money, just like Democrats like to do and that may not be a bad idea, however the funds were hijacked into banks instead of to the People which would have applied that money directly to the economy instead of putting it down on a ledger somewhere and figure out a legal technicality to hold on to it as long as possible until you can claim all or most of it. Thus, the American people were cheated out of that money by the banks "too big to fail", which is really, really stupid as an idea. Nothing and nobody is too big to fail. No matter what, the infrastructure of the company will always be there, the only true cost is the paper associated with the "debt" and the constitution provides for this thing called "bankruptcy" It's a legal process to divest debt. Your paper isn't worth anything anymore, there's nothing to be done about it, so just pick up the material pieces and go on. Companies do this all the time. Why would it be any different with any business who's primary occupation is to buy, sell and trade "paper" which is inherently worth very little, to a physical good, or plant, or property, farm is worth to someone who wants to work it. And you start over with new management, perhaps, which is something we should do to our government. Out with the ones who are deliberately gaming the system to line their own pockets, it's not like they are "hiding" anywhere. All you hAve to do is keep your eyes on the "money" and you find out who the morally ethical vs the situationally ethical are.

No one is too big to fail. What is that banker holding that note going to do when ther is nothing left for him? He can't operate a farm. All he can do is replace the management system.

I'm sick of ranting already. LOL Aren't you all very pleased about that.

Edited By: Cerberus on Mar 2nd 2013, 2:43:26
See Original Post
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Xinhuan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2013, 5:16:07

Originally posted by Lobo:
Name a famous person you think of as a typical American? What characteristics of this individual make him/her typical?

There are no wrong answer just dumb ones.... ;)

Lobo. Nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary - Typical. :)

Purposeful1 Game profile


Mar 2nd 2013, 9:17:57

Nick Offerman, a.k.a. Ron Swanson of Parks & Rec

Lobo Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 5:13:20

Cerberus... you get point for 150+ words. LOL... yeah, kinda wish more of us were like Ronnie.

Xinhuan.... I am infamous not famous ;) So you cant vote for me.

Love the Honey Boo Boo and Nick Offerman ones.

Sadly the answers in the class were Bart Simpson, Ted Bundy, Peter Griffin and some politician I have already forgot.
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. ~Albert Camus

Original SANCT...

SakitSaPuwit Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 5:21:06

Ya'all look alike.
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

iScode Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 5:50:34

God of War


Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 10:52:07

my mental health suffers when i think of typical Americans. plus it's probably not good that I've actually heard of Honey Boo Boo.
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mdevol Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 11:45:52

As much as this will get blasted and not be popular...

Sarah Palin.

Rural, Middle of the road education, from a middle of the road school. Before her jump into VP race, even as Governor they were modestly living. Relates to everyday Americans much more than most celebrities. Maybe not ideologically, but as far as typical traits and lifestyles go, yep.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Vic Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 12:18:07

what a bunch of bozos!
this is 2013!
the typical American is now short, asian or indian, and has lived here for less than 20 years.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 18:50:00

that's the next generation of Americans. guess I'll have to recant Honey Boo Boo. i saw a recent picture of Clint Eastwood in a bathing suit a while back, he might be a better example.
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PBT Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 21:09:13


I'm back.

MArs47 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 21:40:48

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Ronald Reagan.

Actor, became president of USA

Dear Brother. Don't knock President Reagan. He was the quintessential "best" leader of his time. Consider the administrations that preceded and followed his.

I doesnt sound like KO was knocking Reagan at all; sounds like a real answer to me. Unlike your ranting which, to be honest, after taking that shot at KO I skimmed through.
Your post in a nutshell(From skimming its long content that I could give two fluffs for): "Reagan was good, both Bushs sucked, Obama spends our money, but is trying." Which is all cool from your personal fluffing opinion, but I believe the OP was trying to get across the question of "Name a famous person you think of as a typical American? What characteristics of this individual make him/her typical?" Unless in your mind the president is the typical American. If it is then I've got a poor standard of living.

TL;DR - Lay off KO for equally not paying attention to detail and not reading the question.

My opinion as far as the typical American would be anybody from the middle class; my dad, me, anyone who works for a living and has a decent life to show for it. As much as republicans and democrats can't agree with who should get tax breaks its the middle class that make the country run. Albeit my opinion as to why the middle class is the most typical, they're the ones who are working for their days pay, and then putting that money back into the hands of the economy. (Once again, my opinion) The poor class; collects welfare and puts that money back into the hands of the economy. The high class collects a fluffton of money from doing little and spends that money back into the hands of the economy. This is where Dems and Reps differ; who should get a tax break...when its really the middle class who runs the country. Sadly, the middle class is dying out; either becoming part of the high or poor class; creating a sort of communist society. (think about it; when the government controls the pay/housing then what is it?) Now, I might be wrong. Yes. I admit that. But from what I've seen in my life the poor suck the life out of the government and do nothing, while the rich sit on their ass and do nothing, but the middle class; work their ass off trying to get ahead only to have something happen that puts them right back where they started. Until they die. I could offer my own opinion about how we fix this issue, but that wasnt the question, and I've already gone off on a little tangent of my own.

TL;DR - Anyone from Middle Class - Reason: they are the typical, or "average" American. Work all day; spend their money on the weekend; what they save they spend on higher priced goods.

What do I know, I'm just a fluffing vet whos going back to school to be a paralegal.

PaceBooM Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 23:10:10

Charles Bukowski.

Wrote about his crappy, drunk but adventourous life.

archaic Game profile


Mar 4th 2013, 0:44:08

George Lopez
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Mar 4th 2013, 3:43:28