


Jan 2nd 2014, 17:43:29

Originally posted by tulosba:
This year long saga is like the Bold and the Beautiful.
Ridge goes after Brooke then Taylor and they have kids and greatgrandkids and they still switch between each other every season and.. WTF??

omg, is that storyline still going? I stopped watching it years ago and figured they would have settled this long ago, and quit jumping from wife to wife, lol

SoF likes to war, that much we all know. I like to war as well .... but getting hit every damn reset by SoF got old, and MD got smart. There is always a price to pay, and you are paying it now.

Enjoy your war, its what you wanted, isnt it?

Edited By: Ruthie on Jan 3rd 2014, 1:32:13
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