
aponic Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 18:25:56

If you would like a pact, please contact me via a private message here on the forums.

aponic Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 19:00:11

I would also like to say that I think enough time has passed and that circumstances have changed considerably to the point that it is time for LCN, MD, and SOL to begin thinking about pacting SOF and moving away from the block pacting they have been pursing over the previous several sets. The game is at a stand still politically and you have been sitting in the power position for 2 resets now. The ball is unquestionably in your court.

Although I am open to a dialogue covering many topics, I will not be humoring discussions of forcing out parts of our internal leadership as has been brought up repeatedly by LCN in particular and SOL previously. I want to point out that this has been a prior set talking point that in my opinion goes beyond foreign affairs relations and into the realms of controlling other alliances.

I will make some attempts to respond to questions posted on this thread but that I am also very busy like many of you and will not have the ability to check on this thread with great frequency. That being said, you can also push questions to my inbox if I fail to address them here.

Trife Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 20:09:52


Marshal Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 20:15:17

go where?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Trife Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 20:17:02

Originally posted by Marshal:
go where?

preferably in a bathroom.

Marshal Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 20:39:55

i would suggest shower but your call.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Feb 1st 2014, 20:50:27

Oh, the irony, Aponic. I don't think you understand it yet, but one day you will.
Keep on trying to spin though.
Spin Aponic, Spin.

Seriously though, I thought you were above this. I always had a ton of respect for you.
This is behavior I'd expect out of Sov.

iScode Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 21:10:00

haha shame servant, you fluffing moron, you aint pushing sov out of leadership loser.

God of War


spitz Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 21:14:24

SOF wants to play nice now

Could you please post who is running SOF?

Marshal Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 21:17:34

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

aponic Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 21:35:54

justtaint: It isn't my intention to spin things. It is my intention to make some progress in the areas that I set out to when stepping back into leadership. That is reducing stagnation in the flow of politics on the server and improving relations for SOF across the board. Those are both very broad goals. In terms of the alliances listed in my second post on this thread, I have reached an end point largely in that there is no discussion. The discussion has stopped because there is a constant ultimatum being issued for us to remove parts of leadership. In terms of MD, who is separate from issuing that ultimatum, discussion has stagnated due to an inability for us to contact one another, either due to my limited availability or the limited availability of MD leadership.

If I am missing your point here, please try to spell it out for me so it can be addressed.

Scorba Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 21:43:18

lets all net a set and hope the horrible game changes get reversed

aponic Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 21:45:47

spitz: I don't think that SOF does want to play nice. As Pang said in a random thread this set, "SOF plays a leadership shell game" ~ paraphrased. That is somewhat true. We have moved in the past from times with an active president to those where we have had a council leadership. Currently, we have a council leadership. That is not to say that Xyle, who is the active President, is inactive -- he is infact active. Rather, Xyle has moved to restructure the leadership to a council of 5 heads. He did this as the result of an internal discussion with all leadership in an effort to reestablish the alliance following the dissolution of the alliance block we had been part of for several sets prior (LAF, SOF, Rival, RD).

To answer your question more directly, we have an acting President with a council which in total consists of 5 heads. We all act with authority in respect to our designated roles. For example, I have the responsibility to give and attain pacts each reset and to negotiate pact terms. Xyle focuses on creating and maintaining overall activity and takes broader responsibility over our commitments during the reset. There is also three IA heads with different and overlapping responsibilities. We use a central heads forum to discuss relevant topics and if there is a large discrepancy any of us can put it to a vote. In most cases we will vote on the broader leadership board for transparency with membership. We had hoped to post votes on the members forum but there are considerable leaks there with other alliances. I should mention on a side note that I think most people left playing this game have played in multiple alliances and that information posted on most alliance member talks would be subject to the same 'leakiness'.

Please let me know if that does not clear things up for you -- name specifics and I will attempt to address them.

iScode Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 21:50:33

Originally posted by Scorba:
lets all net a set and hope the horrible game changes get reversed

I thought i knew you???
God of War



New Member

Feb 1st 2014, 21:52:22

Originally posted by aponic:
justtaint: It isn't my intention to spin things. It is my intention to make some progress in the areas that I set out to when stepping back into leadership. That is reducing stagnation in the flow of politics on the server and improving relations for SOF across the board. Those are both very broad goals. In terms of the alliances listed in my second post on this thread, I have reached an end point largely in that there is no discussion. The discussion has stopped because there is a constant ultimatum being issued for us to remove parts of leadership. In terms of MD, who is separate from issuing that ultimatum, discussion has stagnated due to an inability for us to contact one another, either due to my limited availability or the limited availability of MD leadership.

If I am missing your point here, please try to spell it out for me so it can be addressed.

Sof dictated server wide policies and imposed their will on any alliance that they perceived to be breaching their rules. In a sense Sof did exactly what they are complaining about they tried to run the other alliances.

For Sof now, to come out and request discussion but also want to dictate what is required for pacts, is remarkbly ignorant of the minimal political clout Sof have. Aknowledge that you have lost and be gracious about it, you no longer have the numbers to back up the arrogance that your members continue to exhibit.

Finally if you can't agree, fight. Sof is supposed to be a war alliance after all.



Feb 1st 2014, 22:21:26

Oh, that's nice.

Do you mean the same ultimatum that Sov has issued to MD on numerous occassions? "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Arsenal is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Pride is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Taveren is President".

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you suddenly don't like the crap that you've been force feeding down everyone else's throats?

Sov issued those decrees multiple times. Sov put you in this mess, and SoF has only faced the music for 3 months now. Keep on shoveling that tripe that SOL/MD are bringing down this game with our "politics".

aponic Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 22:26:03

Originally posted by PRO TIP:
Originally posted by aponic:
justtaint: It isn't my intention to spin things. It is my intention to make some progress in the areas that I set out to when stepping back into leadership. That is reducing stagnation in the flow of politics on the server and improving relations for SOF across the board. Those are both very broad goals. In terms of the alliances listed in my second post on this thread, I have reached an end point largely in that there is no discussion. The discussion has stopped because there is a constant ultimatum being issued for us to remove parts of leadership. In terms of MD, who is separate from issuing that ultimatum, discussion has stagnated due to an inability for us to contact one another, either due to my limited availability or the limited availability of MD leadership.

If I am missing your point here, please try to spell it out for me so it can be addressed.

Sof dictated server wide policies and imposed their will on any alliance that they perceived to be breaching their rules. In a sense Sof did exactly what they are complaining about they tried to run the other alliances.

For Sof now, to come out and request discussion but also want to dictate what is required for pacts, is remarkbly ignorant of the minimal political clout Sof have. Aknowledge that you have lost and be gracious about it, you no longer have the numbers to back up the arrogance that your members continue to exhibit.

Finally if you can't agree, fight. Sof is supposed to be a war alliance after all.

No one has denied that SOF was previously in a position to dictate politics on the server and that it did. The fact is that we are not now. It is our position now to lobby for change. That is self evident and I think you are demonizing my actions here because of my circumstance and not because of my intent. You are being arrogant here by trying to read between the lines when there is nothing to read.

You also imply that I am not being gracious enough or should be gracious here. I am not very clear on how you define gracious, but I think I have been to the point about our position and the position I view other to be in around the server.

Finally, we have fought. I won't recap all of this resets political discussions, but we were upfront with MD, SOL, LCN, and others around the server that we would recover from the prior set loss and loss of moral by war prep'ing and that we would try to challenge SOL SOL was clear on their intentions that they did not want to war us. In the light of letting our ally Rival be hit by LCN when they were also struggling, having come off the same prior reset long massacre, we decided to jump in and declare on SOL. SOL rightfully called in their ally which, in the end, created a lopsided war. We have now taken two very long outnumbered losses and have made attempts to establish new relations. My point here on this thread is to push that continuation.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2014, 22:35:45

My head hurts, but I gather that sof is having difficulty making friends...

Good luck!
EE Developer

FailDiegoFail Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 23:03:48

hey man lets all be friends

aponic Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 23:21:20

Originally posted by justtaint:
Oh, that's nice.

Do you mean the same ultimatum that Sov has issued to MD on numerous occassions? "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Arsenal is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Pride is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Taveren is President".

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you suddenly don't like the crap that you've been force feeding down everyone else's throats?

Sov issued those decrees multiple times. Sov put you in this mess, and SoF has only faced the music for 3 months now. Keep on shoveling that tripe that SOL/MD are bringing down this game with our "politics".

I am sure that what you are saying is legitimate. I was not active for those periods and will not comment on them for that reason.

For the record, I have not said that SOL/MD are bringing down the game. What I have said is that they are in the position to open up relations. It appears from your posts that we are in agreement on this point.

Do you actually have something that you want to discuss here or did you just want to vent?

aponic Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 23:22:36

Originally posted by FailDiegoFail:
hey man lets all be friends

Or at least enjoy an online text game that we all seem destitute to keep playing.

MauricXe Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 23:46:18

Nice postings by aponic.

Alin Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 0:30:02

Well for god damn sure nobody is missing those big mouths Sof had 3 resets ago.

At least we got AT silence and sort of different approach :
From "fluff off, we don`t care, we gangbang whomever we want just because we have a better block" -> "please dissolve your block"

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 0:52:10

As always, I will try my best. My posts are not as eloquent as aponic's... but hopefully we can drive this to a mutually beneficial agreement.

Originally posted by aponic:
Or at least enjoy an online text game that we all seem destitute to keep playing.

LOL @ that :)
Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

mdevol Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 4:28:38

May i ask who is on this leadership coucil?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis



Feb 2nd 2014, 4:37:59

Originally posted by aponic:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Oh, that's nice.

Do you mean the same ultimatum that Sov has issued to MD on numerous occassions? "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Arsenal is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Pride is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Taveren is President".

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you suddenly don't like the crap that you've been force feeding down everyone else's throats?

Sov issued those decrees multiple times. Sov put you in this mess, and SoF has only faced the music for 3 months now. Keep on shoveling that tripe that SOL/MD are bringing down this game with our "politics".

I am sure that what you are saying is legitimate. I was not active for those periods and will not comment on them for that reason.

For the record, I have not said that SOL/MD are bringing down the game. What I have said is that they are in the position to open up relations. It appears from your posts that we are in agreement on this point.

Do you actually have something that you want to discuss here or did you just want to vent?

I don't need to vent on AT.
I do need to remind some people with short memories the actions of SoF's President. Some people tend to spin the past to suit their goals.

You want to open up a discussion that doesn't end in SoF getting gangbanged into the ground. As an FA for SoF that makes a ton of sense. What you're trying to gloss over is, your President's actions have brought the past two resets turn of events. It's not like SoF can play the "Whoa is me" victim card. Take your beatings like a man and try to right the wrongs that Sov has wrought against most of the server. Get your PR machine to stop trying to spin this as SOL/MD/LCN is forcing pacts on alliances, commanding the server to do it's will.

I'm not in MD leadership, and therefore we have nothing truly to discuss, but if you'd like to talk I'm not difficult to reach. I had fun during my reset in SoF, and I've had amiable conversations with current SoFers. I've spent 90% of my earth career in a Moral Decay that was FDP'ed to SoF and would really like to go back to that era. Unfortunately I don't see that happening with Sov at the helm (regardless of your attempt to marginalize his role in SoF with your explanation of the current hierarchy).



Feb 2nd 2014, 4:43:16

Originally posted by mdevol:
May i ask who is on this leadership coucil?

Why mdevol? Do you want to make some pacts and then break them?

iScode Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 5:45:47

Originally posted by mdevol:
May i ask who is on this leadership coucil?

I didnt think you were in foriegn affairs for sol so why does it matter to you?

Genuine question since that was your defense to your pact break in FFA, that you were not involved in FA here, so why would you get involved in politics?

God of War


iScode Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 5:52:28

Originally posted by justtaint:
Originally posted by aponic:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Oh, that's nice.

Do you mean the same ultimatum that Sov has issued to MD on numerous occassions? "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Arsenal is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Pride is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Taveren is President".

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you suddenly don't like the crap that you've been force feeding down everyone else's throats?

Sov issued those decrees multiple times. Sov put you in this mess, and SoF has only faced the music for 3 months now. Keep on shoveling that tripe that SOL/MD are bringing down this game with our "politics".

I am sure that what you are saying is legitimate. I was not active for those periods and will not comment on them for that reason.

For the record, I have not said that SOL/MD are bringing down the game. What I have said is that they are in the position to open up relations. It appears from your posts that we are in agreement on this point.

Do you actually have something that you want to discuss here or did you just want to vent?

I don't need to vent on AT.
I do need to remind some people with short memories the actions of SoF's President. Some people tend to spin the past to suit their goals.

You want to open up a discussion that doesn't end in SoF getting gangbanged into the ground. As an FA for SoF that makes a ton of sense. What you're trying to gloss over is, your President's actions have brought the past two resets turn of events. It's not like SoF can play the "Whoa is me" victim card. Take your beatings like a man and try to right the wrongs that Sov has wrought against most of the server. Get your PR machine to stop trying to spin this as SOL/MD/LCN is forcing pacts on alliances, commanding the server to do it's will.

I'm not in MD leadership, and therefore we have nothing truly to discuss, but if you'd like to talk I'm not difficult to reach. I had fun during my reset in SoF, and I've had amiable conversations with current SoFers. I've spent 90% of my earth career in a Moral Decay that was FDP'ed to SoF and would really like to go back to that era. Unfortunately I don't see that happening with Sov at the helm (regardless of your attempt to marginalize his role in SoF with your explanation of the current hierarchy).

Dude are you serious? Sov is to blame for you guys trying to fluff em over when half of sof wanted to net (not to mention MD blatantly lieing to its allies at the time and then fluffing them over...)

You sit there as if the position the politics of this game is in is all sof's fault, not only that its all sovs fault.

Get off your high hoarse you delusional fluff tard. I wont deny Sof played a part in it, as I disagreed with a few choices, but MD is the absoulte main contributing factor to the politics of this game.

Simply put, MD lies (and we now see that rubbing off on there new temporary allies, i say temporary cause MD always ends up fluffing over there allies somehow.) You first tried to fluff over LaF who was an FDP, then you fluffed over and lied to both SoL and Imag, both FDP's at the time, not to mention Omega's leadership.

Then when you are getting beaten you go on this holy crusade about wanting to change the politics of the game and being against gangbangs and bla bla bla, you manage to convince laf to pact you guys because of this whole new attitude, you then lie to laf when you joined in on the war this set, creating a gangbang in what was an even war.

MD is responsible for the cesspool politics on this server, you lie and manipulate more than servant, and that says a lot...

So dont fluffing come in here preaching you piece of fluff.
God of War


iScode Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 5:53:09

on a side note im not a leader of sof, these are my own personal views based on my experience of being personally fluffed over by MD, specifically pride and tav...
God of War




Feb 2nd 2014, 6:05:18

Originally posted by iScode:
on a side note im not a leader of sof, these are my own personal views based on my experience of being personally fluffed over by MD, specifically pride and tav...


flgatorboy89 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 8:37:40

Iscode.... is there anyone you like?

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

iScode Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 9:13:23

sure, there are plenty!
God of War


flgatorboy89 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 9:16:02

I'm not so sure about that...... seems everyday you hate someone new!

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

iScode Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 9:18:42

some people i use to hate and are now friends, its just there is so much scum in this game, wish people could just play straight or at least own up when they fluff up rather than trying to manipulate fluff.

But that is well over your tiny little brain, you wouldnt have a clue what i am talking about.
God of War


Fuji Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 11:09:52

Scode, you're such a clueless fluffing moron that it's painful to read. Most of the time I ignore it because I know how retarded you are and I, along with a huge portion of the earth community, feel bad for you. But fluff off already.

Originally posted by iScode:
Dude are you serious? Sov is to blame for you guys trying to fluff em over when half of sof wanted to net (not to mention MD blatantly lieing to its allies at the time and then fluffing them over...)

We thought we had a legitimate reason to fight RD. It was a much more legit reason then the one you picked to fight RD that very set and was a way, way, way more legit than any reason we had to kill Rival (like you wanted us to). SoF happily stood between MD and RD and had blatantly lied to us the set before so we decided we would fight the massive uphill battle of fighting SoF. They called in allies like we thought they may, we died and laughed.

Who the hell are you to say we fluffed over our allies when you were the one who put out of context and damaging logs on AT from the meeting you called for and hosted? Not to mention the entire point of that meeting was to undermine the very alliance you're playing in now? MD leaked nothing from that meeting, and news flash you idiot, we never agreed to anything at it. Here's a quote for your hypocritical dumb ass...

13:01 Taveren Lets call it a week from today for now and we can move it up if people are available and get what they need?
13:02 galleri sounds good
13:02 iScode sounds good, pride/randy/prae?
13:02 PrideMD Anyways we all know this information can NOT be leaked. I trust everyone here will keep hush hush
13:02 iScode 100%

Originally posted by iScode:
Get off your high hoarse you delusional fluff tard. I wont deny Sof played a part in it, as I disagreed with a few choices, but MD is the absoulte main contributing factor to the politics of this game.

When I became a head in MD we had the least political clout in the game and SoF had the most. In that time, SoL, MD, DK, LCN, Evo, PDM, TIE and MONSTERS all died. Suddenly, these small tags aren't being targeted by an alliance of self professed "ruthless killers who want the world to burn". Seriously, you guys tried to gang bang the ENTIRE SERVER last set. I take it as a compliment that we're now a main contributing factor to the politics of this game.

Originally posted by iScode:
Simply put, MD lies (and we now see that rubbing off on there new temporary allies, i say temporary cause MD always ends up fluffing over there allies somehow.) You first tried to fluff over LaF who was an FDP, then you fluffed over and lied to both SoL and Imag, both FDP's at the time, not to mention Omega's leadership.

I already addressed the allegation of lying above. We didn't agree to anything and made that fluff very clear in our meeting. Every other alliance there knew that as well, it was only your dumb ass that never got the memo despite you acknowledging it. And you're now part of an alliance who literally fluffed over SoL for 2 straight resets while they were your FDP. Letting them get gang banged by Rival and RD because you couldn't live up to your agreement with a pact with MD. And sent out Facebook messages saying you were going to attack SoL the next set while you were still DPs. (You then cried the next set when they attacked you OOP).

Originally posted by iScode:
Then when you are getting beaten you go on this holy crusade about wanting to change the politics of the game and being against gangbangs and bla bla bla, you manage to convince laf to pact you guys because of this whole new attitude, you then lie to laf when you joined in on the war this set, creating a gangbang in what was an even war.

Thanks for letting anyone who has a clue know how truly stupid you are with this post. Bravo.

Originally posted by iScode:
So dont fluffing come in here preaching you piece of fluff.

Why is it the people who are incapable of taking advice always the ones to offer it? fluff off already. You weren't even loyal to the alliance you ran into the ground, yet you run around AT on your high horse. Maybe you should look into becoming an Italian Cruise Ship Captain, it suits you. Oh and when are you going to drop the "i" in your name you pathetic piece of fluff? Every time I read your name I laugh a little inside at how blind you are to your own hypocritical bullfluff. It may also help the number of players we attract to this game, because god knows that when I'm done reading your posts my head hurts. I couldn't imagine coming across another 4,000 of them.

Edited By: Fuji on Feb 2nd 2014, 11:12:13

iScode Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 11:25:31

ill enjoying unraveling your spin tomorrow when I have more time Fuji, it will be enjoyable.
God of War


Sov Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 14:00:21

Originally posted by justtaint:
Do you mean the same ultimatum that Sov has issued to MD on numerous occassions? "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Arsenal is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Pride is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Taveren is President".

That's a pretty big claim you have made there Slash, now I challenge you to present evidence to back it up.

I dare say either you are lying or your leadership is lying to you because I have never made such assertions. When Arsenal was President I had no bad will towards him (I did later when he was not President). Pride screwed me and SoF over pretty badly but I never said SoF would tagkill MD till he quits, in fact I was surprised when he stood down. I have never said anything of the sort about Taveren.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Feb 2nd 2014, 14:14:16

Why the hell does a pacting thread need to be hijacked?
SMH, you all just like me to have read through long things :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

aponic Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 15:20:30

Originally posted by mdevol:
May i ask who is on this leadership coucil?


aponic Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 15:45:19

The thread is getting a bit ugly at this point but I want to reiterate that I invited everyone to post comments and questions that I would do my best to address. Perhaps some SOF members posting on this thread could do their best to let people vent their opinions so we can maintain the focus of the thread.

tellarion Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 15:54:05

I seem to remember being told what would happen if KJ was found playing in Evo at one point...

Red X Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 15:55:22

Originally posted by tellarion:
I seem to remember being told what would happen if KJ was found playing in Evo at one point...

I remember that too... it was all over at if I remember right.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

tellarion Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 16:00:16

To be fair, it wasn't just Sof, but it's worth mentioning that Evo was being forced to do something by another alliance under similar circumstances. And we STILL get fluff about KJ being in Evo, despite that being well over a year and a half ago....

Red X Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 16:09:36

Lol you all should get kj back and make him a fa. Lolz
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

tellarion Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 16:29:58

I never liked netting anyway...

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Feb 2nd 2014, 17:22:34

I want to play spider on the wall.... best kj irc game

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Red X Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 17:25:09

With my sword and fluff.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin



Feb 2nd 2014, 19:18:32

Not in leadership anymore. (Sov apparently never wanted me out and I'm the one gone, lol)

But I will say this. MD, SOL, LCN, etc. We've been fluffing about the politics of this game for a long ass time and now we do have a chance to affect positive change. I for one did not think I was fighting this last year and a half or so just to get revenge.

In this game, power ebbs and flows and perhaps if we throw SoF a bone here (In my heart I hate that idea but my heads says its the right thing long term) when they are back on top perhaps this perpetual gangbang war trend we're on might finally be snapped.

Might this come back to bite us in the ass, hell yea. But we're trying to portray ourselves as "the good guys" and if we want that title we, by definition, have to take that risk.

And with that, I think I just crushed any chance I would have of getting back the Presidency once I finish grad school. :/



Feb 2nd 2014, 19:41:44

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Do you mean the same ultimatum that Sov has issued to MD on numerous occassions? "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Arsenal is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Pride is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Taveren is President".

That's a pretty big claim you have made there Slash, now I challenge you to present evidence to back it up.

I dare say either you are lying or your leadership is lying to you because I have never made such assertions. When Arsenal was President I had no bad will towards him (I did later when he was not President). Pride screwed me and SoF over pretty badly but I never said SoF would tagkill MD till he quits, in fact I was surprised when he stood down. I have never said anything of the sort about Taveren.

I was a part of leadership during Arsenal's and Pride/Havoc's presidencies, so leadership wasn't lying to me. I don't keep logs of discussions that I'm not a part of. I'd bet you have it though. Wasn't HLW passing you our boxcar posts?