
Kalick Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 23:18:38

Originally posted by Atryn:
Great start on repairing relations...

MDswallowedmyjizz (#556)
MDSOL worthless penny stocks (#396)
Mdevol Lied His FFA Clan Died (#87)

Also, I have a feeling this one is directed at our side but no solid proof:

SUCK IT (#274)


Stay classy, SoF.

Alin Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 23:31:29

Sof is full of rednecks ... nothing new there.

Edited By: Alin on Feb 7th 2014, 23:39:25

BattleKJ Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 0:57:54

Originally posted by Red X:
Lol you all should get kj back and make him a fa. Lolz

I'm available..

Taveren Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 1:27:28

@justtaint - It was largely a LaF sentiment that called for Arsenal to step down. Sov did make some strong statements regarding Pride's Presidency but hasn't said anything since I've been President.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Atryn Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 1:43:17

Ahhhh, the old silent treatment then? ;)

(j/k for the oblivious)

Taveren Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 3:09:14

Originally posted by aponic:
I would also like to say that I think enough time has passed and that circumstances have changed considerably to the point that it is time for LCN, MD, and SOL to begin thinking about pacting SOF and moving away from the block pacting they have been pursing over the previous several sets. The game is at a stand still politically and you have been sitting in the power position for 2 resets now. The ball is unquestionably in your court.

Is this a fluffing joke?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

aponic Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 16:12:54

No, it isn't a joke. It's time to start a dialogue. A continuation of gangbang politics that in recent terms began as a sof initiative is bad for the game. Everyone recognizes this. You are in a position to force change. I am just asking you to begin forcing that change in a new way. Attrition is not a tactic that benefits the game.

macmd Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 17:12:13

Originally posted by aponic:
No, it isn't a joke. It's time to start a dialogue. A continuation of gangbang politics that in recent terms began as a sof initiative is bad for the game. Everyone recognizes this. You are in a position to force change. I am just asking you to begin forcing that change in a new way. Attrition is not a tactic that benefits the game.

After spending numerous sets being subject to the attrition tactic, we're acutely aware that it doesn't benefit the game. aponic, I don't doubt that you've got good intentions here, but we're also mindful that SoF hasn't hesitated to use that tactic to an extreme. You mentioned earlier that MD/SoL/LCN have nothing to lose, but I disagree. Why wouldn't SoF do the exact same thing to us again if given the opportunity?

MauricXe Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 19:52:40

SoF tried to rebuild SoL recently so your contention that SoF is using 'attrition tactics' is false.

Taveren Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 0:25:23

Originally posted by MauricXe:

i wonder if he will own up to it...

as much as Sov is attacked for (allegedly) lying, spinning, etc. I've never seen him shut down once the facts/logs/etc. are laid down. Usually his detractors will drop their points or vanish. This has happened twice in the current thread.

Several of the people posting on this thread are former MD leaders who have conversed with Sov over the course of the past 18 months. We all have facts/logs/etc that were given under the pretense of privacy. None of them are douchey enough to throw them all over AT for the sake of winning a pissing match. Too bad.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Fatty Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 2:57:47

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Originally posted by aponic:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Oh, that's nice.

Do you mean the same ultimatum that Sov has issued to MD on numerous occassions? "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Arsenal is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Pride is President", "SoF will tagkill MD as long as Taveren is President".

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you suddenly don't like the crap that you've been force feeding down everyone else's throats?

Sov issued those decrees multiple times. Sov put you in this mess, and SoF has only faced the music for 3 months now. Keep on shoveling that tripe that SOL/MD are bringing down this game with our "politics".

I am sure that what you are saying is legitimate. I was not active for those periods and will not comment on them for that reason.

For the record, I have not said that SOL/MD are bringing down the game. What I have said is that they are in the position to open up relations. It appears from your posts that we are in agreement on this point.

Do you actually have something that you want to discuss here or did you just want to vent?

I don't need to vent on AT.
I do need to remind some people with short memories the actions of SoF's President. Some people tend to spin the past to suit their goals.

You want to open up a discussion that doesn't end in SoF getting gangbanged into the ground. As an FA for SoF that makes a ton of sense. What you're trying to gloss over is, your President's actions have brought the past two resets turn of events. It's not like SoF can play the "Whoa is me" victim card. Take your beatings like a man and try to right the wrongs that Sov has wrought against most of the server. Get your PR machine to stop trying to spin this as SOL/MD/LCN is forcing pacts on alliances, commanding the server to do it's will.

I'm not in MD leadership, and therefore we have nothing truly to discuss, but if you'd like to talk I'm not difficult to reach. I had fun during my reset in SoF, and I've had amiable conversations with current SoFers. I've spent 90% of my earth career in a Moral Decay that was FDP'ed to SoF and would really like to go back to that era. Unfortunately I don't see that happening with Sov at the helm (regardless of your attempt to marginalize his role in SoF with your explanation of the current hierarchy).

Dude are you serious? Sov is to blame for you guys trying to fluff em over when half of sof wanted to net (not to mention MD blatantly lieing to its allies at the time and then fluffing them over...)

You sit there as if the position the politics of this game is in is all sof's fault, not only that its all sovs fault.

Get off your high hoarse you delusional fluff tard. I wont deny Sof played a part in it, as I disagreed with a few choices, but MD is the absoulte main contributing factor to the politics of this game.

Simply put, MD lies (and we now see that rubbing off on there new temporary allies, i say temporary cause MD always ends up fluffing over there allies somehow.) You first tried to fluff over LaF who was an FDP, then you fluffed over and lied to both SoL and Imag, both FDP's at the time, not to mention Omega's leadership.

Then when you are getting beaten you go on this holy crusade about wanting to change the politics of the game and being against gangbangs and bla bla bla, you manage to convince laf to pact you guys because of this whole new attitude, you then lie to laf when you joined in on the war this set, creating a gangbang in what was an even war.

MD is responsible for the cesspool politics on this server, you lie and manipulate more than servant, and that says a lot...

So dont fluffing come in here preaching you piece of fluff.

God I love Scode sometimes.



Farming alliances since 2002.

Zahc Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 8:44:16

Originally posted by oats:
why is alin allowed to post here?

interesting that switching alin's l with v leads to ivan

the na'vi are a volvogram of ivan

ivan is from the land of volvos

volvos backwards is sovlov

sov loves alin

now the circle is complete. the circle of life. and it moves us all. through despair and hope. through faith and love. unill we find our place. n the path unwinding

My mind is blown
llort orp s`fos

Zahc Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 8:55:28

On a more serious note, i am a looong time SoFer and all the BS that was going on there a year or two was enough to get me to switch sides. Ive known aponic for quite some time and he had nothing to do with any of the BS that happened in SoF. Hes a true SoFtie and I really hope you leader types can work this grudge crap out so we can try having some fun again. This server is in a downward spiral tthat aponic is trying to fix, not sure if its possible but theirs no chance it will if both sides cant work things out
llort orp s`fos

Makinso Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 15:02:18

I think the issue is a lack of trust. SoF pushed the line on these attrition wars and did that purposely. There was no form of conversation. Despite the fact that we've managed to keep SOL up in decent numbers I've seen numerous of our allies fall largely in numbers due to that issue.

I can only understand the fact that they fear letting SoF regain position will lead to the same damage.

I for one along with tav have been preaching what aponic is now saying out loud for quite some time. So forgive us if we seem a little cautious and on our tippy toes when SoF after taking 1 or 2 losses suddenly starts preaching massive changes in play style and attitude for all of us because it's better for us all.

aponic Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 15:27:27

It is going to be a slow road but it is nice to see everyone, and I mean everyone, trying to move towards a better game experience. Thanks for the nice words Chaz.

Boltar Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 15:52:19

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."

George Bernard Shaw

iScode Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 19:22:51

Originally posted by Makinso:
I think the issue is a lack of trust. SoF pushed the line on these attrition wars and did that purposely. There was no form of conversation. Despite the fact that we've managed to keep SOL up in decent numbers I've seen numerous of our allies fall largely in numbers due to that issue.

I can only understand the fact that they fear letting SoF regain position will lead to the same damage.

I for one along with tav have been preaching what aponic is now saying out loud for quite some time. So forgive us if we seem a little cautious and on our tippy toes when SoF after taking 1 or 2 losses suddenly starts preaching massive changes in play style and attitude for all of us because it's better for us all.

fluff your hilarious...
God of War


MauricXe Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 23:18:40

Originally posted by Taveren:

Several of the people posting on this thread are former MD leaders who have conversed with Sov over the course of the past 18 months. We all have facts/logs/etc that were given under the pretense of privacy. None of them are douchey enough to throw them all over AT for the sake of winning a pissing match. Too bad.

I guess that says a lot about your ally mdevol?

On the point of logs, you can argue those should remain secret....but that doesn't answer for everything else (and sometimes Sov does ask for logs....but they magically never appear). However, I have seen more than enough arguments between Sov and his 'fan club' to know how their arguments will end.

Anti-Sov: "SoF and/or Sov are liars because ______"

Sov: *posts long message detailing his and SoF's position and ask for any factual logs, links, etc. to be produced*

Anti-Sov: "Well....Sov just lies to AT. Good thing his members believe it."

Tokyousr Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 23:55:00


aponic Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 1:41:14

Originally posted by Tokyousr:

Thread thief!

mdevol Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 4:58:24

Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by Taveren:

Several of the people posting on this thread are former MD leaders who have conversed with Sov over the course of the past 18 months. We all have facts/logs/etc that were given under the pretense of privacy. None of them are douchey enough to throw them all over AT for the sake of winning a pissing match. Too bad.

I guess that says a lot about your ally mdevol?

The logs I produced proved your leaders were, in fact, telling a lie, as they were denying it publicly. Lying either to us, to get a pact, or to the rest of the server for some political reason. Either way, it was a lie.

Edited By: mdevol on Feb 10th 2014, 7:29:30
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

tellarion Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 6:58:49

Well, I can't speak for md, but as I mentioned earlier, I've been told that our pact was contingent in whether kj was in evo or not....

locket Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 9:38:22

Originally posted by Makinso:
I think the issue is a lack of trust. SoF pushed the line on these attrition wars and did that purposely. There was no form of conversation. Despite the fact that we've managed to keep SOL up in decent numbers I've seen numerous of our allies fall largely in numbers due to that issue.

I can only understand the fact that they fear letting SoF regain position will lead to the same damage.

I for one along with tav have been preaching what aponic is now saying out loud for quite some time. So forgive us if we seem a little cautious and on our tippy toes when SoF after taking 1 or 2 losses suddenly starts preaching massive changes in play style and attitude for all of us because it's better for us all.

Not sure where Sol or even MD is to be trusted either. Both sides have that same issue and both sides started wars that probably never had to happen because of that.

@Tella they did you a favor man! :P

Rediculan Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 16:06:06

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Bikerman:
Originally posted by Rediculan:
I realize that there is a lot of hurt feeling floating around here, but I wonder if the current holders of power want the circle to continue?

It is, as aponic said in his first post, the ball is in the SoLMD-block's court, it is up to you to decide how the politics of the next few years play out.

Well, probably not years :)

Unfortunately, the "ball" always needs to be in one court or the other. I don't see much sharing here. And given how SoF treated us (collectively) when the "ball" was in THEIR court, I'd say the focus right now is on making sure it doesn't get there again.

I am not dumb... I know how you probably feel. However, SoF seems like they want to make amends, should we all prevent them from this?
Are the anti-SoF prepared to risk the alliance server to stagnate over some hurt feelings?

On a side note, what is the risk involved in opening up talks between these enemies. In the worst case scenario; SoF backstabs SoLMD, SoLMD will get the rest of the server with them and could easily destroy SoF for the forseeable future.

MauricXe Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 16:06:19

We have already been through this mdevol. There is no inconsistency.

iScode Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 19:32:30

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by Taveren:

Several of the people posting on this thread are former MD leaders who have conversed with Sov over the course of the past 18 months. We all have facts/logs/etc that were given under the pretense of privacy. None of them are douchey enough to throw them all over AT for the sake of winning a pissing match. Too bad.

I guess that says a lot about your ally mdevol?

The logs I produced proved your leaders were, in fact, telling a lie, as they were denying it publicly. Lying either to us, to get a pact, or to the rest of the server for some political reason. Either way, it was a lie.

HAHA, if you are talking about your claims sof was gonna fs laf last set, Xyle proved you 100% completely wrong regarding that, then suddenly you stopped posting in the thread, Sof was already pacted to Laf before aponic even started to talk to sol...

And anyway who are you to call people out on lieing. You make agreements and give your word as an alliance leader, making unbreakable agreements and then you go and break that unbreakable agreement.

You can not call out people for lieing, not to mention your wrong, when you yourself are worse than a liar.
God of War


mdevol Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 21:35:35

Whatever their plan was, if it was or wasnt to hit LaF, they told us that it was, in an attempt to get us to pact. It turns out that was a lie. OR Sov pacted LaF without telling Aponic.

Either way, Aponic either knowingly lied to us to get a pact, or Sov went behind his back and pacted without telling him. Now you are demanding we let that go, along with the past 2 years of fluffing us and our allies over repeatedly? Claiming that because he wasn't here, he cant speak to it, but knows it was somewhat wrong.

Knowing Aponic and Sov's track records, I would bet that Aponic didn't know that LaF was pacted, as he is a pretty standup guy. Sov on the other hand, this fits right in with his history...

No inconsistencies there. Just SoF being SoF, you are right.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis



Feb 10th 2014, 21:39:28

Originally posted by aponic:
I would also like to say that I think enough time has passed and that circumstances have changed considerably to the point that it is time for LCN, MD, and SOL to begin thinking about pacting SOF and moving away from the block pacting they have been pursing over the previous several sets. The game is at a stand still politically and you have been sitting in the power position for 2 resets now. The ball is unquestionably in your court.

Although I am open to a dialogue covering many topics, I will not be humoring discussions of forcing out parts of our internal leadership as has been brought up repeatedly by LCN in particular and SOL previously. I want to point out that this has been a prior set talking point that in my opinion goes beyond foreign affairs relations and into the realms of controlling other alliances.

I will make some attempts to respond to questions posted on this thread but that I am also very busy like many of you and will not have the ability to check on this thread with great frequency. That being said, you can also push questions to my inbox if I fail to address them here.

Lol, this is the most hilarious thing I've seen in quiet some time. Are you seriously posting a plea on AT asking for this? You do realise you did exactly the same thing the other way around for over a year? Shoe on other foot huh?



Feb 10th 2014, 22:02:56

Sorry posted the above reply before I read the thread and realised virtually every post was slating you on the same point I was making.

A couple of points in general:

- It was LaF (TC, Hanlong) who wants me out of MD leadership
- The whole LaF/SoF bloc wanted Pride out
- No external alliance influences MD leaders or Presidential choices. Unlike almost all other alliances Presidents are decided by an open vote of the Veterans and therefore unless you have influence over the MD vets core you have no way of influencing the leadership choices
- On that note, neither I nor Pride were ever pushed out of MD leadership
- I only left leadership after the first round of hacking was revealed (I was vindicated)

On SoF specifically:

- Ask Ivan and Helmet, I was very pro-SoF and anti LaF to begin with
- I often asked SoF to side with MD over LaF
- We maintained an FDP virtually throughout my entire presidency, except once they sided with LaF post cheating scandal. To Helmets credit our correspondence at that time remain private
- Flamey is a confirmed cheat (he was the SoF head with DIRECT knowledge that LaF's "sources" were from hacking boxcar)
- Sov is RD

Sov is less of an issue for me personally than Flamey, who imho cannot be trusted on the same level as TC or Hanlong.


Kalick Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 0:40:21

That Flamey is still in SoF leadership is mind boggling =(

MauricXe Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 1:46:02

Originally posted by mdevol:

Knowing Aponic and Sov's track records, I would bet that Aponic didn't know that LaF was pacted, as he is a pretty standup guy. Sov on the other hand, this fits right in with his history...

So all you have is that there was miscommunication between aponic and Sov? Yea...that's pretty damming....not.

Your original argument is supported by your mistaken perceptions of aponic's and SoF's intentions, and one of our country names. You are making too many assumptions about the inner workings of SoF. The answers you wanted were posted in the previous thread. However, just as iScode said, your disappearance was surprising....but expected. Go back there and address what was posted instead of dragging us through this conversation again.

ofc, the irony of what you are complaining about (signing secret pacts and general dishonesty) is exactly what you benefited from the past two sets. As a hint, refer to "my" country name last set.

You can have the last word.

aponic Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 3:19:24

Originally posted by mdevol:
Whatever their plan was, if it was or wasnt to hit LaF, they told us that it was, in an attempt to get us to pact. It turns out that was a lie. OR Sov pacted LaF without telling Aponic.

Either way, Aponic either knowingly lied to us to get a pact, or Sov went behind his back and pacted without telling him. Now you are demanding we let that go, along with the past 2 years of fluffing us and our allies over repeatedly? Claiming that because he wasn't here, he cant speak to it, but knows it was somewhat wrong.

Knowing Aponic and Sov's track records, I would bet that Aponic didn't know that LaF was pacted, as he is a pretty standup guy. Sov on the other hand, this fits right in with his history...

No inconsistencies there. Just SoF being SoF, you are right.

I haven't looked at the logs but I don't think anyone lied. I approached Maki about a pact about a week or two before the log that came out happened. So two weeks later, I told Maki that we would have considered hitting LAF had we not been open to getting hit by half the server (which basically happened as we were stomped).

Xyle had no intention of doing anything to damage SOF's relationship with LAF, however, I was a little butthurt about getting stomped for a whole reset prior and felt a little left out to dry by LAF. As the FA I voiced my feelings to Maki after we had signed with LAF saying something along the lines of, "you know we would have talked about hitting LAF if you had at least tried to talk with me". Meaning I would have brought it up as a talking point on the heads board.

I didn't think it mattered at that point to share my feelings. Of course, it came back to bite me in the ass as Maki passed the logs on to the entire server. I don't really regret having considered hitting my ally. I felt wronged based on the limited knowledge I had returning that set. I don't even regret telling Maki. I'm playing the game the right way and making decisions for the right reasons.

You could talk to LAF regarding how they feel about what I just said but I told Eugene the same a few weeks ago when I had time to catch up with him. I think he was understanding of my frustration and also saw that the logs took place after we had renewed. Hell, it wasn't a secret that there was some frustration between SOF and LAF over the disintegration of the SOF/LAF,Rival,RD block.

I would like to reiterate that most of the talk on AT is regular stuff spun out of control. No one lied in or about the logs that were passed around.

Now just to backtrack, I don't want to come off like mdevol is intentionally spinning things here. I don't think that is his intention at all. I just think that the standard here on AT has become 'he said she said'. There is a general distrustful attitude circulating amongst the remaining leadership of the game and it's really tragic.


aponic Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 3:26:55

Arsenal: I like your straight forward points. I would welcome hearing more about SOF leadership if you had the time and wanted to send me a PM. You could also reach me by email -- but I would prefer to provide that to you via PM instead of putting it all over AT.

Taveren Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 4:54:21

Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by Taveren:

Several of the people posting on this thread are former MD leaders who have conversed with Sov over the course of the past 18 months. We all have facts/logs/etc that were given under the pretense of privacy. None of them are douchey enough to throw them all over AT for the sake of winning a pissing match. Too bad.

I guess that says a lot about your ally mdevol?

Can confirm. Mdevol is a douche. He randomly announces himself alpha male and then attacks without declaring war. Leaving his team mates to fight me solo is also a pretty heartless move.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

mdevol Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 5:09:05

Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by Taveren:

Several of the people posting on this thread are former MD leaders who have conversed with Sov over the course of the past 18 months. We all have facts/logs/etc that were given under the pretense of privacy. None of them are douchey enough to throw them all over AT for the sake of winning a pissing match. Too bad.

I guess that says a lot about your ally mdevol?

Can confirm. Mdevol is a douche. He randomly announces himself alpha male and then attacks without declaring war. Leaving his team mates to fight me solo is also a pretty heartless move.

You were the only player on my team in that game and we won.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

tellarion Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 5:11:29

Aponic, speaking as someone who's seen the logs and talked with you several times, I think you might need to be more careful with how you present things. Every person who saw those logs interpreted what you said as 'Sof was going to hit Laf, but Sol wouldn't sign, so we had to sign a pact'. That may not be what you meant to say, but that's what it sounded like. And just like the debacle with neo and candy last set, when it's the HFA saying such things, most people accept it as legitimate. I'm sure you can easily see how MD/Sol, and everyone else for that matter, interpreted your words as Sof's official stance.

Not to mention Sof's approach at the start of last set was that you were taking over the FA reigns and Sov was stepping back and not as involved anymore. So that makes you the most senior person as far as signing pacts last set.

But you're right, there is a lot of he-said, she-said, and various interpretations floating around. If over half the leadership of this server came to the same conclusion about something, and you didn't mean it that way, you need to re-evaluate your approach :/

Boltar Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 5:26:01

Originally posted by Arsenal:

Sov is less of an issue for me personally than Flamey, who imho cannot be trusted on the same level as TC or Hanlong.


couldnt agree more

Taveren Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 5:52:27

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by Taveren:

Several of the people posting on this thread are former MD leaders who have conversed with Sov over the course of the past 18 months. We all have facts/logs/etc that were given under the pretense of privacy. None of them are douchey enough to throw them all over AT for the sake of winning a pissing match. Too bad.

I guess that says a lot about your ally mdevol?

Can confirm. Mdevol is a douche. He randomly announces himself alpha male and then attacks without declaring war. Leaving his team mates to fight me solo is also a pretty heartless move.

You were the only player on my team in that game and we won.

There are multiple other instances where you abandoned your team mates to get wrecked by me.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

mdevol Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 5:57:13

Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by Taveren:

Several of the people posting on this thread are former MD leaders who have conversed with Sov over the course of the past 18 months. We all have facts/logs/etc that were given under the pretense of privacy. None of them are douchey enough to throw them all over AT for the sake of winning a pissing match. Too bad.

I guess that says a lot about your ally mdevol?

Can confirm. Mdevol is a douche. He randomly announces himself alpha male and then attacks without declaring war. Leaving his team mates to fight me solo is also a pretty heartless move.

You were the only player on my team in that game and we won.

There are multiple other instances where you abandoned your team mates to get wrecked by me.

haha, they mostly get wrecked by Randy and I don't abandon them, I just get wrecked by you right out of the gates, because I follow the policy of attacking the first person I see and see you first.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Alin Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 11:29:04

There is a general distrustful attitude circulating amongst the remaining leadership of the game and it's really tragic.

Lol. One day you are talking with each-other and the next day you just throw logs on AT or in other places. And i`ve seen both sides doing it so no wonder no one trust no one ...

MauricXe Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 15:17:43

aponic- you give those guys, especially mdevol, too much credit. Instead of responding to your post, after you laid out the facts and curtailed the spin, he moves on instead of publicly reflecting on your 'revelations'. ofc he doesn't save his words when he thinks he 'got' SoF. That should tell you all you need to know.

Tav- lol

iScode Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 19:23:30

no one should really listen to mdevol, he is a self admitted liar.
God of War


mdevol Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 22:40:01

Originally posted by iScode:
no one should really listen to mdevol, he is a self admitted liar.

Have you ever broken a promise in your life outside of this server Scode?

I was man enough to own up to my broken promise and admit that it was a mistake and learn from it. You didn't ever see me run from it or attempt to justify it. I am the only member of that tag that tagged up again and stuck to my word, fully expecting what was to didnt make countires to deal with it because you dont even play that server, you just troll and hope that it sticks. The clan that scott is a head in pacted me, so at least he trusts my word, despite his trolling. What else do you have?

If you want to have your agenda heard perhaps you can rejoin leadership of SoF. Despite your trolling, your leadership is still publicly reaching out to us for a pact.

Edited By: mdevol on Feb 11th 2014, 23:55:40
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis



Feb 12th 2014, 2:08:50

Aponic - I'm not an MD leader anymore and haven't been for some years. I can speak accurately about historical events I was involved in, but I don't know too much about all this current stuff, e.g. the he said she said that tella is talking about.

aponic Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 2:53:41

Originally posted by tellarion:
Aponic, speaking as someone who's seen the logs and talked with you several times, I think you might need to be more careful with how you present things. Every person who saw those logs interpreted what you said as 'Sof was going to hit Laf, but Sol wouldn't sign, so we had to sign a pact'. That may not be what you meant to say, but that's what it sounded like. And just like the debacle with neo and candy last set, when it's the HFA saying such things, most people accept it as legitimate. I'm sure you can easily see how MD/Sol, and everyone else for that matter, interpreted your words as Sof's official stance.

Not to mention Sof's approach at the start of last set was that you were taking over the FA reigns and Sov was stepping back and not as involved anymore. So that makes you the most senior person as far as signing pacts last set.

But you're right, there is a lot of he-said, she-said, and various interpretations floating around. If over half the leadership of this server came to the same conclusion about something, and you didn't mean it that way, you need to re-evaluate your approach :/

I think there is certainly truth to your point but I want to say straight out that those logs were only little snippits of a discussion that took place over two weeks (mainly two weeks prior and then on that evening). It's not really worth going into further though -- dwelling on it isn't going to help me.

bertz Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 3:00:14

Was it taken out of context?



Feb 12th 2014, 3:05:39

Originally posted by aponic:
I think there is certainly truth to your point but I want to say straight out that those logs were only little snippits of a discussion that took place over two weeks (mainly two weeks prior and then on that evening). It's not really worth going into further though -- dwelling on it isn't going to help me.

Nice post, but bad choice of word at the end.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

iScode Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 5:05:17

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by iScode:
no one should really listen to mdevol, he is a self admitted liar.

Have you ever broken a promise in your life outside of this server Scode?

I was man enough to own up to my broken promise and admit that it was a mistake and learn from it. You didn't ever see me run from it or attempt to justify it. I am the only member of that tag that tagged up again and stuck to my word, fully expecting what was to didnt make countires to deal with it because you dont even play that server, you just troll and hope that it sticks. The clan that scott is a head in pacted me, so at least he trusts my word, despite his trolling. What else do you have?

If you want to have your agenda heard perhaps you can rejoin leadership of SoF. Despite your trolling, your leadership is still publicly reaching out to us for a pact.

I dont understand your response, all you had to say is 'yes, iScode is right, I am a self admitted liar.'

None of that other nonsense...
God of War


MauricXe Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 6:06:32

Originally posted by iScode:

I dont understand your response, all you had to say is 'yes, iScode is right, I am a self admitted liar.'

None of that other nonsense...

You forgot the other part:

"I don't have a response to aponic's facts. Darn it...why did he have to go and break my spin machine?!"


bertz: he's already explained the logs.

tellarion Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 7:06:00

Aponic, there were several cases when that impression was given. I'm not referencing a specific log, but multiple, including a conversation you and I had. So yes, over the course of several conversations with different people over the span of a few weeks, you unintentionally managed to convince over half the leaders of the server that sof had planned to hit laf. That may not have been what you and/or sof wanted, but that's what happened.