
galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 21st 2014, 5:36:22

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Marshal:
xyle sov's or soviet sov's?

Soviet was a honorable player and alliance leader. You can`t never compare Soviet with Sov. Is like comparing China`s economy with Cuba`s.

I am going to need the forum siggys to be fixed soon.... I need to keep this one.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

cypress Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 6:37:12

Woah woah woah, looks like I'm missing out on some fun here.

Just stopping by, hi everyone!

Is it purely coincidental that I've just come back from Cuba & Mexico and someone on this thread mentioned Cuba? I THINK NOT!

mdevol Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 7:36:41

Originally posted by aponic:
Originally posted by mdevol:
You are so far from wrong on that aponic. You may think you are right, but you are not. If you paid attention, SOL spent a ton of turn hitting LaF, before hitting SoF. But that wouldn't fit your narrative would it?

and yes, I do have a social disorder, asshole.

are you perfect in every way?

I believe you dude. READ what I wrote. I didn't say anything about SOL. I commented about MD and your over commenting. Back up, take a deep breathe, try to read what people write.


"Uhm? Looks like SOL hit and it would make sense that MD was saving some turns to boost the SOL attack on SOF.

Why are you always weaseling around what is just straight up happening. You don't need to remark on every comment people make.

Do you have some terrible social disorder?"

your entire post was an attempt at justifying your point in that MD was saving turns for SoL joining the war...which was wrong on multiple fronts, as there was no plan for that until literally hours before it actually happened. You directly talked about SoL, and SoL was directly relevant to your overall point that MD was turn saving in effort to "boost SOL attack on SOF"

I read it. It just didn't make sense because that wasn't how it was "just straight up happening", so I figured I would correct you on it.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Alin Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 12:51:23

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Alin:
You were Sov`s mole ( starting years ago - and ending with last reset suciding) . No one sane on the head trusts Sov, so figure yourself what they will think/tell to his mole.

If you were someone that people respected not to mention actually spoke coherently and had any credibility I might consider arguing with you over this, but alas everyone knows you are a retard so there is no need.


fluff of scum ?
You think i care what an idiot like you thinks?
An idiot that spends hours daily in order to convince/influence Laf to help you solving, your personal, over 2 years old grudges ? In a game of 500 players ?

Sov Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 13:02:46

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Alin:
You were Sov`s mole ( starting years ago - and ending with last reset suciding) . No one sane on the head trusts Sov, so figure yourself what they will think/tell to his mole.

If you were someone that people respected not to mention actually spoke coherently and had any credibility I might consider arguing with you over this, but alas everyone knows you are a retard so there is no need.


fluff of scum ?
You think i care what an idiot like you thinks?
An idiot that spends hours daily in order to convince/influence Laf to help you solving, your personal, over 2 years old grudges ? In a game of 500 players ?

You clearly have an unhealthy obsession over me. Do you dream about me as well?

Alin Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 13:23:00

i can`t have an obsession for a sick scum.

You speak of healthy ? Pal you are a married ( so they say ) folk that wastes his free time chasing 2 years grudges in a game of 500 players. I am posting 15 times in 2 months on a forum - against that.

Reevaluate your health - see a doctor too ...

Edited By: Alin on Jun 21st 2014, 13:26:08

Alin Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 14:12:07

Originally posted by cypress:
Woah woah woah, looks like I'm missing out on some fun here.

Just stopping by, hi everyone!

Is it purely coincidental that I've just come back from Cuba & Mexico and someone on this thread mentioned Cuba? I THINK NOT!

Ah i missed this.

You are insinuating something and i am a sane person. Maybe a little angry sometimes but still sane when it comes to this game.

I am not that type, the one obsessed to spy and mole info. You should look for that type of players in your side, there are plenty.

The only co-relation i made was that Cuba`s economy is based on "tourism". That mainly means cheaper whores, drugs and alcohol for rich people in the area ( you see, here is where i place Sov ). While China is outproducing all the economies in the world - and soon everyone else will be in their debt ...

Edited By: Alin on Jun 21st 2014, 14:19:24



Jun 21st 2014, 14:42:23


tellarion Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 16:11:35

I can confirm that Sol hitting Sof wasn't decided until mere hours before it happened. It was being thrown around as a possibility less than 24 hours before they jumped in on Sof. MD wasn't turn saving, they were just not showing up to chats :P

Atryn Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 16:22:06

Originally posted by tellarion:
I can confirm that Sol hitting Sof wasn't decided until mere hours before it happened. It was being thrown around as a possibility less than 24 hours before they jumped in on Sof. MD wasn't turn saving, they were just not showing up to chats :P

And I can confirm that many of our folks still aren't showing up to chats!

Alin Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 16:56:49

I can confirm i am dead because i spend 9 hours / day at the swimming pool enjoying world cup.

Boltar Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 22:52:38

im saddened im not part of any of this.. in any of the 3 out of 4 tags

Alin Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 22:58:24

you wouldn't want to be in my side eh ?

Boltar Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 23:26:33

3 our of 4 tags.. theres 2 on 1 side i would play in.. 1 on the other i would play in.. its a 50/50 chance id be on ur side.. but a 25% chance id be in the same tag. or 0% chance if ur in the 1 tag i wouldnt play in

Alin Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 23:52:11

you should write some police books.

I enjoyed your presence in the past, in my side. Maybe it will happen again....

Boltar Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 23:54:00

perhaps u never know

tellarion Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 0:06:16

Do you think love can bloom, even on the battlefield?

Boltar is Snake, Alin is Otacon

iScode Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 0:25:45

haha i like how Alin trolls, he gets proved wrong and just moves on to someone else rather than admitting it and apologizing.

At least when I troll and I get proved wrong I admit it.

Poor little gypsy.
God of War


Alin Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 0:29:26

you must be Meryl ... ( addresed to tella )

iScode the only time i have been proofed wrong by you was when we talked about the ties on the podium. And i remember at least 2-3 times when i`ve proofed you wrong and you vanished from the forums. I don`t freaking see where you proofed me wrong - i told you numerous times that i see you as Sovs mole. And you can never proof otherwise ... because that`s what you are/were you sheepfluffer.

Edited By: Alin on Jun 22nd 2014, 0:33:31

Gongshow09 Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 0:50:17

Originally posted by Sov:
If you were someone that people respected not to mention actually spoke coherently and had any credibility I might consider arguing with you over this, but alas everyone knows you are a retard so there is no need.

Sums it up quite nicely :)

Taveren Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 2:02:05

I like how iScode is still salty over events a year and a half old and conveniently excludes his part and failures in the Dec/Jan 2013 set. Just post the logs you keep referring to. Post the logs to the follow up meeting that you allegedly showed up to as well. Everything else is fabulous here say.

The details of your mad rhetoric are a bit fuzzy to me. Let me make sure I have it right. MD agreed to go along with your plan to hit Rival and RD (who needed to be taken down a peg). MD agreed but remained concerned that it might be left hanging out to dry. These concerns were a result of our previous war with TIE against SoF. According to later conversations with Xyle, MD was made a target in that war because a trusted TIE leader claimed he had MD wrapped around his finger. Ultimately, MD was a little shy when it came to putting it's life in an ally's hands.

Our concerns over the plan (your plan) for the Dec/Jan 2013 set were validated when SOL (who was supposed to be in on the plan) prearranged with Rival, and imag (you) stopped talking. In fact most of those involved stopped talking. Your first communication with MD in some time was made via AT and it came as an accusation and a warning. Maybe it shouldn't have made rainy-day-if-the-worst-should-happen plans. Maybe MD should have trusted it's allies more, but you sure as hell didn't trust us either. You sure as hell didn't keep us informed. In fact you even accused us of leaking your plan, something you later found out we didn't do.

I've lied before but the remarks, plans and decisions for Dec/Jan 2013 wasn't one of them. Want to keep accusing me and MD of being liars? Pony up some proof. That's your burden cowboy. could keep rambling on with personal anecdotes from your fantasy world but it should be abundantly clear that anything you have to say is colored by your personal vendetta.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

iScode Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 2:15:06

Originally posted by Taveren:
I like how iScode is still salty over events a year and a half old and conveniently excludes his part and failures in the Dec/Jan 2013 set. Just post the logs you keep referring to. Post the logs to the follow up meeting that you allegedly showed up to as well. Everything else is fabulous here say.

The details of your mad rhetoric are a bit fuzzy to me. Let me make sure I have it right. MD agreed to go along with your plan to hit Rival and RD (who needed to be taken down a peg). MD agreed but remained concerned that it might be left hanging out to dry. These concerns were a result of our previous war with TIE against SoF. According to later conversations with Xyle, MD was made a target in that war because a trusted TIE leader claimed he had MD wrapped around his finger. Ultimately, MD was a little shy when it came to putting it's life in an ally's hands.

Our concerns over the plan (your plan) for the Dec/Jan 2013 set were validated when SOL (who was supposed to be in on the plan) prearranged with Rival, and imag (you) stopped talking. In fact most of those involved stopped talking. Your first communication with MD in some time was made via AT and it came as an accusation and a warning. Maybe it shouldn't have made rainy-day-if-the-worst-should-happen plans. Maybe MD should have trusted it's allies more, but you sure as hell didn't trust us either. You sure as hell didn't keep us informed. In fact you even accused us of leaking your plan, something you later found out we didn't do.

I've lied before but the remarks, plans and decisions for Dec/Jan 2013 wasn't one of them. Want to keep accusing me and MD of being liars? Pony up some proof. That's your burden cowboy. could keep rambling on with personal anecdotes from your fantasy world but it should be abundantly clear that anything you have to say is colored by your personal vendetta.

" MD agreed but remained concerned that it might be left hanging out to dry."

None of these concerns were put to me. The fact remains, at the same time that you committed to an agreement with me, you were making plans of your own and never had any intention of following up on our agreement.

"SOL (who was supposed to be in on the plan) prearranged with Rival,"

You had already changed your plans before this, which had been leaked to SoF, so that, right there is a lie. SOL only organised the prearranged war with rival because you changed your plans (though that is according to sol).

" In fact most of those involved stopped talking. "

I stopped talking when I found out, you made an agreement which you never had any intention of following up on because you were making other agreements at the same time.

And yes, yes I am still salty over events a year and a half ago. I dont forgive people who agree to something but never had any plans to stick to it. These same people then accused me of doing things that I never did, which is also something i dont forgive lightly.

If you want me to forgive and forget, apologise for fluffing imag over, admit i didnt leak the plans or betray you and admit you never had any intention of going through with my plan.

once that is done ill forgive you.
God of War


Suncrusher Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 2:25:37

I think everyone can agree that scode fluffed over imag way more than anyone else ever could or did...

Alin Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 2:26:32

as a 1 and a half sets in imag i second that.

iScode Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 2:40:36

Originally posted by Suncrusher:
I think everyone can agree that scode fluffed over imag way more than anyone else ever could or did...

Well i played the leading role, I wasnt the only person involved in what happened to imag

And lets be honest here, if one person leaving the alliance kills it, then the alliance was fluffed before I took over...
God of War


Taveren Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 2:50:37

Originally posted by iScode:

If you want me to forgive and forget, apologise for fluffing imag over, admit i didnt leak the plans or betray you and admit you never had any intention of going through with my plan.

once that is done ill forgive you.

You don't have any proof that MD never intended to go through with your plan because it doesn't exist. Your only argument is your personal narrative that, by your own admission, is tainted by your negative bias. I honestly have no expectation of forgiveness from you. You're a little ball of bitterness, so driven by your own petty anger that you camped in an alliance and suicided on her allies in an effort to kill it's relationships. Pony up the proof, cowboy. Your hate speech is exactly that.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

mdevol Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 5:04:28


true or false: you tagged SoF this reset, despite your "one reset ban"

I have it on, what I believe to be good intel, that you did tag, and that you have already been killed without walling.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 5:25:08

Originally posted by mdevol:

true or false: you tagged SoF this reset, despite your "one reset ban"

I have it on, what I believe to be good intel, that you did tag, and that you have already been killed without walling.

Every country in SoF is claimed by a member and iScode is not listed as a member of SoF nor is there a country assigned to him. We have no new recruits this set other than returning SoFers and returning IXers. If you have information to the contrary then please inform Wargodess or Gutty our IAs.

iScode's ban is consistent with punishments leveled against other SoF members such as Chaz for suiciding our FDP RD while tagged SoF and oats for suiciding Evo while tagged SoF.

Quite frankly I'm sick of hearing of this issue and your attempts to politicize it. You can yell and scream all you want about it. Bring it i say.

iScode Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 6:18:16

Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by iScode:

If you want me to forgive and forget, apologise for fluffing imag over, admit i didnt leak the plans or betray you and admit you never had any intention of going through with my plan.

once that is done ill forgive you.

You don't have any proof that MD never intended to go through with your plan because it doesn't exist. Your only argument is your personal narrative that, by your own admission, is tainted by your negative bias. I honestly have no expectation of forgiveness from you. You're a little ball of bitterness, so driven by your own petty anger that you camped in an alliance and suicided on her allies in an effort to kill it's relationships. Pony up the proof, cowboy. Your hate speech is exactly that.

The proof is the info that tella leaked to sof about your plans, they were similar but not the same as what we planned and you still planned to hit sof, this was all the day after the chat.

Sov came to me and asked why I was plotting against sof, I said I wasnt, i told him i couldnt say who imag was going to hit, but i could confirm it was one of his allies and I requested he stayed out because I felt they needed to be brought down a peg or to. Thats when he showed me the logs of what tella told him.

You never planned to go ahead with my plan, you always planned on hitting sof for there reunion set because you know half of them were netting. ether that or you were lying to your other allies and not me. Ether way you were lying...

lol mdevol and what good intel is that? I would love to hear how you dreamt that up.
God of War


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 22nd 2014, 6:43:56

Every set this fluff gets talked about. It is a dead horse. And lololol I need some boots, the fluff here is deep.
In the meantime...this cat is cool:


<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Taveren Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 8:38:20

Originally posted by iScode:

The proof is the info that tella leaked to sof about your plans, they were similar but not the same as what we planned and you still planned to hit sof, this was all the day after the chat.

Tellarion - present your proof, good sir!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

mdevol Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 8:40:07

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by mdevol:

true or false: you tagged SoF this reset, despite your "one reset ban"

I have it on, what I believe to be good intel, that you did tag, and that you have already been killed without walling.

Every country in SoF is claimed by a member and iScode is not listed as a member of SoF nor is there a country assigned to him. We have no new recruits this set other than returning SoFers and returning IXers. If you have information to the contrary then please inform Wargodess or Gutty our IAs.

iScode's ban is consistent with punishments leveled against other SoF members such as Chaz for suiciding our FDP RD while tagged SoF and oats for suiciding Evo while tagged SoF.

Quite frankly I'm sick of hearing of this issue and your attempts to politicize it. You can yell and scream all you want about it. Bring it i say.

and I am sick of your attempts to politicize that "the were trying to isolate us" and "they were scheming against us" because it is not true. if we wanted to kill you guys reset after reset, we would have when we had a multi set pact with LAF and there was nothing you could do about it, but we didnt. because we were better men than you.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 8:45:59

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by mdevol:

true or false: you tagged SoF this reset, despite your "one reset ban"

I have it on, what I believe to be good intel, that you did tag, and that you have already been killed without walling.

Every country in SoF is claimed by a member and iScode is not listed as a member of SoF nor is there a country assigned to him. We have no new recruits this set other than returning SoFers and returning IXers. If you have information to the contrary then please inform Wargodess or Gutty our IAs.

iScode's ban is consistent with punishments leveled against other SoF members such as Chaz for suiciding our FDP RD while tagged SoF and oats for suiciding Evo while tagged SoF.

Quite frankly I'm sick of hearing of this issue and your attempts to politicize it. You can yell and scream all you want about it. Bring it i say.

and I am sick of your attempts to politicize that "the were trying to isolate us" and "they were scheming against us" because it is not true. if we wanted to kill you guys reset after reset, we would have when we had a multi set pact with LAF and there was nothing you could do about it, but we didnt. because we were better men than you.

Quote every time I have posted it on AT then drama queen... You know just like you are already doing right now. There won't be much to post.. Why is that? Because I am not a whining little girl like you.

mdevol Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 10:04:33

for as long as you keep distorting the truth to push your "we are the victims here" agenda, I will.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

tellarion Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 11:35:29

Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by iScode:

The proof is the info that tella leaked to sof about your plans, they were similar but not the same as what we planned and you still planned to hit sof, this was all the day after the chat.

Tellarion - present your proof, good sir!

He still never told me exactly what he was referring to. I can only assume it was when Pride was in charge and he was trying to drum up a huge coalition. That was the set that we were forced to drop our DP with MD down to a unap, despite our close history, because we simply were not in a state to war(this was around the time rival FSed us out of the blue and we were in shambles). Pride promised more than he could deliver, saying that so and so was on board, only to find out they hadn't heard anything and hadn't talked to him yet, and I got spooked.

So yes, I betrayed our no longer close allies with general rhetoric and grandiose scheming that never went anywhere beyond a mere pipe dream. Cause, you know, presidents of big alliances always make sure to give intimate details of their plans to their unap allies that just turned them down for a dp...

But hey, if you really want to try and tarnish my reputation OVER A YEAR AND A HALF LATER over a complete non-issue, then keep going for it. You might want to refresh your memory of how we put our money where our mouth was and went to bat to help our allies out over the past year. In this country, we eat dead horses; we don't continue to beat them with a stick. Is that a kiwi thing?

Edited By: tellarion on Jun 22nd 2014, 11:39:52

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 12:07:39

Originally posted by mdevol:
for as long as you keep distorting the truth to push your "we are the victims here" agenda, I will.

Originally posted by Sov:
Quote every time I have posted it on AT then drama queen... You know just like you are already doing right now. There won't be much to post.. Why is that? Because I am not a whining little girl like you.

I am still waiting for you to quote said posts. And now with your latest comments I now challenge you to find a single quote of me playing victim. I bet you can't. Let's see.

The problem with you is that you know no other way to play politics in the current environment other than your usual "victim" way and because of your one dimensional ideals you think I conduct myself in the same way. Sorry, but I will never play victim nor will I whine like a little girl because SoF will never play the role of the weak like you love to play.

We also do not lie to our allies like you do, nor do we try to manipulate them by playing victim as you do. We tell our allies what we will do for them and we do it. We do not beg them to side with us, we earn their support by giving them ours.

Edited By: Sov on Jun 22nd 2014, 12:12:30

Alin Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 13:28:29

Man, even whores can say big words...

mdevol`s alliance just passed through the second act of proofing to be the best ally this game has to offer.

Your alliance can`t fight in this game on even therms. Last war, Sol knew it, you knew it, everybody knew it. This time ... not!!!

Sov Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 13:33:48

See, another example of your side twisting facts. SoF being FSed by SOL when it was offguard (and with a 8 member advantage) is no different to SoF FSing MD, yet it is somehow a good move when SOL does it but a cheap move when SoF does it. You did not see me jumping up and down crying foul when SOL hit SoF, it is part of the game.

You are all hypocrites.

Make excuses and cry victim all you want, I don't really think it is going to help your cause.

Alin Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 13:58:50

i make no excuses either. I am just saying that when Sol fsed you, you were tanked in.
This reset i was fsed 5 hours after i did 8k batch exploring on my techer.

But you sure know how to spin, and make you look like "good allies" and fluff. Only if didn`t know where you come from and who your best "buddies" were lol ...

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 22nd 2014, 15:22:27

I have found a new issue........
We need to discuss the fact that Tav used the word "Salty".

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

aponic Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 15:29:00

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by aponic:
Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Gongshow09:
MDs turn saving....who you calling in to save ya


coming from SoF, this is LaFable.

Uhm? Looks like SOL hit and it would make sense that MD was saving some turns to boost the SOL attack on SOF.

Why are you always weaseling around what is just straight up happening. You don't need to remark on every comment people make.

Do you have some terrible social disorder?

I need to remark on this.

Check the news. I was running KR's mere hours before SOL hit SoF. We weren't turnsaving.

Fair enough.

aponic Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 15:37:07

Originally posted by tellarion:
I can confirm that Sol hitting Sof wasn't decided until mere hours before it happened. It was being thrown around as a possibility less than 24 hours before they jumped in on Sof. MD wasn't turn saving, they were just not showing up to chats :P

Ok. SOL committed less than 24 hours from hitting. I accept this.

In the end it really doesn't matter at all to me because SOL chose to defend their ally. They had a reasonable justification to hit and how they executed it tactically with MD is really their business. If SOL did commit less than 24 hours before executing a FS then I suppose that is just the unfortunate result of the situation (begin limited on their time to prepare). If MD was not at least somewhat involved in making that FS goes as well as possible then its much the same story of the circumstance not allowing them to do so. Otherwise, it is just a tactical failure.

I don't know how this ended up as a point of debate. My original comment to mdevol was that its irrelevant that someone pointed out MD was likely saving some turns. It's MD's business how they coordinate with their ally in a war situation when everyone is declared. Some people on the boards should be taking valium.

Revan Game profile


Jun 23rd 2014, 17:41:28

MD put your big girl shoes on and fight without allies.... Or would the set be too long?

Atryn Game profile


Jun 23rd 2014, 22:05:25

Originally posted by Revan:
MD put your big girl shoes on and fight without allies.... Or would the set be too long?

No, it would be too short.

ba dum bum!

MilitantOrgy Game profile


Jun 24th 2014, 23:35:32

MD wasn't really saving turns. We just postponed a wave so we had more turns for when SoL joined in.

And as pointed before, MD's war performance was very lackluster at start, due to not even being remotely prepared for a war 8 days into the set, so there were people with a lot of turns not used because they had no real income as they were still building after batches.

Edited By: MilitantOrgy on Jun 24th 2014, 23:38:45
See Original Post

melvin85 Game profile


Jun 25th 2014, 9:52:40

i was in MD before and get frame when i was on resting a round(i dont own 2 country only SOF) so i can play with my friend in SOF .fluff happen ,but relationship between them from old day is good.So who in top management screw up thing?

Atryn Game profile


Jun 26th 2014, 2:36:56

Originally posted by melvin85:
i was in MD before and get frame when i was on resting a round(i dont own 2 country only SOF) so i can play with my friend in SOF .fluff happen ,but relationship between them from old day is good.So who in top management screw up thing?

MD-SoF fell apart when SoF decided to side with LaF during the whole TC/hanglong cheating fiasco.

aponic Game profile


Jun 26th 2014, 2:51:12

To be fair Atryn I think relations began to deteriorate 2-3 sets before that. However, I was not playing at the time

Atryn Game profile


Jun 26th 2014, 3:15:34

Originally posted by aponic:
To be fair Atryn I think relations began to deteriorate 2-3 sets before that. However, I was not playing at the time

True, they started to deteriorate WHILE TC/Hanlong were cheating and nobody would believe us. Didn't we later learn someone in SoF knew about some of it?

So not surprised it was 2-3 sets earlier on SoF's side.

For MD's part, we were trying to restore SoF relations and only wrote it off after that incident... We thought "ok, SURELY now they will understand what we've been saying"... but alas, no.

Flamey Game profile


Jun 26th 2014, 12:45:22

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by aponic:
To be fair Atryn I think relations began to deteriorate 2-3 sets before that. However, I was not playing at the time

True, they started to deteriorate WHILE TC/Hanlong were cheating and nobody would believe us. Didn't we later learn someone in SoF knew about some of it?

So not surprised it was 2-3 sets earlier on SoF's side.

For MD's part, we were trying to restore SoF relations and only wrote it off after that incident... We thought "ok, SURELY now they will understand what we've been saying"... but alas, no.

Changing history much?

They started to deteriorate when Hanlong showed us logs of MD conspiring with SoL/Evo who had been our bitter enemies for half a year. Logs showing that MD's help in negotiating a long-term peace between SoF/LaF and SoL/Evo was actually a plot to allow MD/SoL/Evo to destroy LaF and reduce them to a tier 2 power over the course of a few sets, while making sure SoF couldn't intervene. MD's motivation wasn't a suspicion of cheating, it was Arsenal's longing to avenge LaF over a 6 year old grudge that did involve LaF/RD and bots. Although MD was prepared to protect SoF, they were effectively relegating us to a junior partner without us knowing.

But of course we found out, because Hanlong had Boxcar admin access, which was given to him by TC who had rights... Immoral, but very different to cheating. He showed me pretty much everything of notice on your heads board, including logs with SoL, but there was no paranoia about cheating, not until at the very end where everyone thought Christmas had come early and discussions about how to make the most political capital out of it arose.

When it was claimed that Hanlong was going much further and that had actually hacked the Evo db, action was taken against him and LaF got crushed that set, which they agreed to and we agreed to. However, we were not going to let them get banged for a second set, when we knew the motivation was more about server dominance (I'd seen enough evidence). We defended them against our old enemies SoL and Evo and MD/PDM decided to FS us.

But if people want to blame SoF for deteriorating relations, I'd just tell people to look at how many FDPs have SoF dropped (and subsiquently FSed) compared to MD.