
mrford Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 15:43:37

you may get your wish soon. stay tuned. till then stop generalizing with blind hatred. it makes you look silly. i dont support cheaters.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

braden Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 15:49:33

" Out of those 900k, 100k does "mexican" "

what does doing mexican mean? how do we think mexican nationals might feel about this term?

also, you generalize all of rd as forever and always and only bad people. you don't know me from one of those mexican roma folk you mentioned above. i'd be willing to accept any apologies..

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 16:00:30

Confirmed, braden isn't a bad person, he is TERRIBLE. :P

ET defiler of braden

Alin Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 16:02:43

mexicans are stamped and checked. That was supposed to be yet another example of lame generalization by analogy. Those people are poor, 90% of them work hard and are paid miserable. However the tendency is to generalize the whole 100% because what the remaining 10% does. So i have been told by romanian/us citizens, real life friends. It was a pure simple example.

RD has a special status - ford got it right that time only, "guilty until proven innocent". I look only over express stats. An all time record is established by a RD person ( check stats ). No one ever even went close to that - because it is not possible without blatant cheating. RD build their "monuments" into express too. New player might not know that, but the old farts like me ... do. And i like that monument because it is the living proof of what i preach.

CX is yet some extra minor example ( altough i realize sometime he can do it the right way, he does not gets my benefit of doubt ).

I have nothing to apologize for at this point. Because i don`t know any of you good enough to say, that guy did it the right way. I have just counter-examples. I have a pretty fluffty idea about RD as a whole - and there are very limited facts that can change that ( not sure if it is even possible ).

You were supposed to be the person to go public and "spin" right?. I personally don`t have a good feeling about that too...

Thus like i said - no reason what so ever. Maybe i am wrong, maybe i am right about you - but those are my believes ....

Edited By: Alin on Oct 2nd 2014, 16:34:53

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 16:04:46

Outside of actual playing the game, just BSing outside it, RD were actually quite awesome.

Alin Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 16:05:53

you sure you`re not Vic-undercover ? :)

braden Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 16:54:42

thats right, people like me so i must be an awful person and a cheater.


mrford Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 17:02:33

Well, you are Canadian!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 17:14:30

Originally posted by Alin:
you sure you`re not Vic-undercover ? :)

Well ford and braden and CX all know me, so clearly I must be a multi.

ET head of tenuous logic

Hammer Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 17:47:37

Originally posted by Getafix:
Good job defending yourself against these trolls and cheats Alin. Mrford thinks that a lot of words will win the battle, but most of what he says is complete bullfluff and a bore to read. I haven't got the energy or time to argue with him but I appreciate your effort. Mrford always supports CX. Sewell always supports CX. Hammer, sadly, seems to be going over to the CX side. CX is a known cheater, that is a fact, he has no remorse for his cheating, and he will continue to cheat. The ones that are supporting him with their bullfluff troll posts should be the first one investigated for coordinated cheating if and when iZarcon gets around to checking on market data again.

It pisses me off when people cheat, lie about it, and go bragging about how great they are. It doesn't improve the game.

It's a little unfair, Getafix, to cast a judgement against me because I do not hop on the wagon of uncertainty. Of course, you have done that before, even "quitting" (for about 24 hours) in protest over a STUPID GAME. If I do not have any proof of anything or know what I am talking about, I keep my mouth shut so I do not look like an idiot.

Alin, on the other hand, is very passionate about his claim and, therefore, may know more than I do. That is his right to argue his point and I am not against him.

I once congratulated you on a nice game you were having, and you responded with an attack and a message that said, "Flattery will get you no where." Arrogance.

By comparison, when I have commented on the countries of Alin, CX, TDA, h2o, Cable, ebert, blid, and many, many others, they offered help to me. So who are the better people? And, I am not going to throw these guys, or anyone else, under the bus without factual evidence.

As for investigating "those who support CX" as you suggested, I suggested that in my post due to my whopping, first-place-threatening scores that range from $9mil to $21 mil all-time high.

Alin and I have discussed this privately and he understands my position. I do not have one, I do not whine, and I do not jump on the wagon UNLESS I know something to be true. I do not have the experience you guys have and, therefore, cannot agree or disagree with you. I have to base things on my personal experiences as I have previously noted.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 18:38:13

Find your own fun!

For me, the fun of this game is the people who can respond with humor to my in-game messages, usually after I get land-grabbed.

That, and looking at countries on eestats and finding the exact moment when someone who's been LG'd to hell and back finally snaps and blows all their turns in a fit of rage and vengeance.. makes me legit lol.

Not that my opinion matters to many of you, I'm sure, but I couldn't care less who wins, loses, gets deleted, champions fair play, or suicides randomly.

Seems to me the game (and i'm referring to Express because that's where my limited experience lays) is kind of like Russian Roulette. If you get boned one week, make another country the following week and try again. What's the big deal? I am certain everyone has other things going on in their lives outside the game, right?

Perspective, folks!

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 18:46:44

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
Perspective, folks!

Clearly, you're posting on the wrong board.


silentwolf Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 18:48:25

fellas.. leave Alliance/1A bullfluff in that server.

guilty due to association ? Alin, i have been in Laf for more than a decade. You make it seem like Sof and LAF are the devils ? They are by far the best alliance that i have seen in action from 1998. IX, UCN, MD, Rage, SOL, SoF etc all had their hey days.. but LAF is still standing till today.

and surely means that they are doing something right. Almost all their players ace in all servers. So you say Laf is not helping the game ? Laf brings this game to the next level.. the rest follow. I cannot recall a set when laf netted that any other alliance came close to beating them.

So there was a few bad eggs.. so what ? Every alliance had em. You talk about RD .. almost all top alliance leaders were part of RD since its inception.. think SOL was in there too. So fluff this holier that thou attitude you bring man.

Help the game, by helping the n00bs that come in and ask.. i pity how celphi got screwed for his gameplay.. yet he continued and did pretty well. not every new player is that persistant.

Help the game, by improving it.. i see Blid & h20 helping the game in the suggestion forums. but we all know blid loves h20.

Help the game !

HOWEVER .. This is a text based game and thats the main reason people leave.. not because of cheating. we all know that there are loads of games with better gameplay and free that are also available online...

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 18:51:06

Well, I got some good in-game advice from someone who shared their forum name with me so i figured i'd check out a few threads instead of mindlessly just posing for my bonus once per week.

I will also add that the person i'm referring to has a good attitude toward new players (which he half-mistook me for, not his fault, because although not new, i'm not very good, either!)


VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:12:58

silentwolf, are you saying LaF has never lost at the end in TNW/ANW to Evo/RED, NA, MD, etc? Not LaF bashing, I remember when I applied I had to prove I had won a round on any server for admission lol They have been remarkably consistent and long lived, but they have had down periods too, and even just been beaten by others.

Buttman, was it me? I send helpful messages somewhat frequently when I grab countries that look new, and always sign them "rattlehead." I make it a point to do it a couple times every set if I am grabbing.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:18:01

It wasn't you, but I don't doubt you!

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:26:18

Glad to hear someone else is reaching out, TBH. If vets want to keep playing the game they should take a little ownership of their behavior and its impact on player retention.

silentwolf Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:37:42

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
silentwolf, are you saying LaF has never lost at the end in TNW/ANW to Evo/RED, NA, MD, etc? Not LaF bashing, I remember when I applied I had to prove I had won a round on any server for admission lol They have been remarkably consistent and long lived, but they have had down periods too, and even just been beaten by others.

They had their days and won netting and wars.. and like the rest of the best .. had their worst too.

u had to prove ? really ?

mrford Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:38:25

Ironically I think buttman is talking about me.

I often message people that inefficiently farm my landfarm with advice. It appears I was able to pass on a few tips in this instance and was happy to help!

Trolling on the forums is one thing, but if someone asks a serious question I always give a serious answer.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

braden Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:40:22

sw: mr marble ;p

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:45:15


I have a lot of in-game interactions.. I message everyone I LG and everyone that LG's me.. and sometimes i message people just because of their country names. Its fun, although I message so many people and sometimes when I'm drunk, i wish there was a way to track the correspondence.

I got a good laugh out of the message from the guy who ran the Eskimo HQ country last week.

mrford Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:47:18

Yeah, I have always wanted there to be an inbox like in game message system.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 21:08:51

Buttman - we have a lot in common then. I message people all the time with "Is your name a reference to xxx" or "your name is clever" etc.

SW - yep. All I had for wins at that point were random games, where I ran into hao2 and a)learned how to really play and b)decided to join LaF. This was pre-SOF, so 98? 99?

Hammer Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 21:33:48

Buttman - good attitude and good perspective.

Alin Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 21:51:15

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
Well, I got some good in-game advice from someone who shared their forum name with me so i figured i'd check out a few threads instead of mindlessly just posing for my bonus once per week.

I will also add that the person i'm referring to has a good attitude toward new players (which he half-mistook me for, not his fault, because although not new, i'm not very good, either!)


I usually do that ...

Alin Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 22:11:43

Originally posted by silentwolf:
fellas.. leave Alliance/1A bullfluff in that server.

guilty due to association ? Alin, i have been in Laf for more than a decade. You make it seem like Sof and LAF are the devils ? They are by far the best alliance that i have seen in action from 1998. IX, UCN, MD, Rage, SOL, SoF etc all had their hey days.. but LAF is still standing till today.

and surely means that they are doing something right. Almost all their players ace in all servers. So you say Laf is not helping the game ? Laf brings this game to the next level.. the rest follow. I cannot recall a set when laf netted that any other alliance came close to beating them.

So there was a few bad eggs.. so what ? Every alliance had em. You talk about RD .. almost all top alliance leaders were part of RD since its inception.. think SOL was in there too. So fluff this holier that thou attitude you bring man.

Help the game, by helping the n00bs that come in and ask.. i pity how celphi got screwed for his gameplay.. yet he continued and did pretty well. not every new player is that persistant.

Help the game, by improving it.. i see Blid & h20 helping the game in the suggestion forums. but we all know blid loves h20.

Help the game !

HOWEVER .. This is a text based game and thats the main reason people leave.. not because of cheating. we all know that there are loads of games with better gameplay and free that are also available online...

I said Hanlongs Laf - which is like a dark age of Laf. Not the entire Laf like 4ever. And yes most of the alliances had bad eggs, some more some less.

but yea - this discussion is somehow childish - i have seen that things moved a little forward in 1a which is a great step for the players base in this game. I said it numerous times that i can basically drink a beer with anyone in this game, even if sometimes i sound like i hate someone bad.

Words on a forum of a game realy means nothing... at least for me.

Alin Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 22:20:54

Originally posted by Hammer:
Originally posted by Getafix:
Good job defending yourself against these trolls and cheats Alin. Mrford thinks that a lot of words will win the battle, but most of what he says is complete bullfluff and a bore to read. I haven't got the energy or time to argue with him but I appreciate your effort. Mrford always supports CX. Sewell always supports CX. Hammer, sadly, seems to be going over to the CX side. CX is a known cheater, that is a fact, he has no remorse for his cheating, and he will continue to cheat. The ones that are supporting him with their bullfluff troll posts should be the first one investigated for coordinated cheating if and when iZarcon gets around to checking on market data again.

It pisses me off when people cheat, lie about it, and go bragging about how great they are. It doesn't improve the game.

It's a little unfair, Getafix, to cast a judgement against me because I do not hop on the wagon of uncertainty. Of course, you have done that before, even "quitting" (for about 24 hours) in protest over a STUPID GAME. If I do not have any proof of anything or know what I am talking about, I keep my mouth shut so I do not look like an idiot.

Alin, on the other hand, is very passionate about his claim and, therefore, may know more than I do. That is his right to argue his point and I am not against him.

I once congratulated you on a nice game you were having, and you responded with an attack and a message that said, "Flattery will get you no where." Arrogance.

By comparison, when I have commented on the countries of Alin, CX, TDA, h2o, Cable, ebert, blid, and many, many others, they offered help to me. So who are the better people? And, I am not going to throw these guys, or anyone else, under the bus without factual evidence.

As for investigating "those who support CX" as you suggested, I suggested that in my post due to my whopping, first-place-threatening scores that range from $9mil to $21 mil all-time high.

Alin and I have discussed this privately and he understands my position. I do not have one, I do not whine, and I do not jump on the wagon UNLESS I know something to be true. I do not have the experience you guys have and, therefore, cannot agree or disagree with you. I have to base things on my personal experiences as I have previously noted.

Talk more with Getafix - you 2 will get along well. Getafix feels betrayal in my opinion. He was following close a certain player, he was "impressed" about how good that player does just to find latter what was rather a dissapointment for him. He didn't told me that, but i assume that is what happen. Now he probably dislikes to see someone else in his position because he sees things from his perspective and not yours ...

Hammer Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 22:22:10

Well said, Alin.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 22:33:13

Originally posted by Alin:
I said it numerous times that i can basically drink a beer with anyone in this game, even if sometimes i sound like i hate someone bad.

Beers on Alin! w00t!

ET drunken sot

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2014, 1:03:43

Alin, but you didn't do the beer challenge, tsk tsk tsk :-(
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2014, 1:57:01

As Buttman says, its just a game. But it is a nasty war game. I know that pissed you off about the flattery Hammer, it was very mean. That was back when you were an excellent target as I recall.

But I do remember being allied with you and answering a lot of questions for a few sets, just before you went to be allies with CX LaE. That's when you became a target. You thought that because we had been allies a few times that I shouldn't grab you.

Anyway, I'm not angry or bitter as Ford suggests, I'm just pointing out that as CX LaE himself admitted there was shady $7000 tech being sold by him, and as blid said, iZarcon said he was 99% sure CX cheated, though this is hearsay on my part because I have not seen that message myself, I just trust blid.

Maybe its just a game, but we spend a lot of time on it and enjoy it, many of us, and I enjoy attacking people who cheat. I am sorry I have implied that you are a cheater by association, but you should watch out who you hang out with or you may start to think like this:

Originally posted by Hammer:

Instead of being critical of those who win, we need to raise our game. Hell, out cheat the cheater if that is what the winner is doing.


EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2014, 1:59:42

Alin is a star
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

UpTheIrons Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 2:22:45

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:

Its fun, although I message so many people and sometimes when I'm drunk, i wish there was a way to track the correspondence.

That is awesome

Hammer Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 4:48:30

Originally posted by Hammer:
Well said, Alin.

This was in reference to Alin's 22:11:43 post and appeared right behind it on my machine originally. We must have been typing at same time or something!

Good luck to all this next set and I mean all. All of you have helped me at some point which kept me playing as my confidence grows each week. Hopefully, we are helping everyone as Buttman mentions so we can grow the population of the game and extend it's longevity.

I feel like I am blessed to be friends/acquaintances with all, even if that puts me in the middle sometimes.

Feel free to PM me with further commits as I am probably going to stop following this thread as we are just repeating same thing. Additionally, it is hard to get messages across sometimes with correct context without a verbal conversation.

Later, gang.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Oct 16th 2014, 19:53:07

Wow. My name is iZarcon :-/
EE Developer

Alin Game profile


Oct 17th 2014, 6:55:41

Please do what you do best and tell us if that it is legit or not.

That, when you have time ...

odahz Game profile

New Member

Oct 17th 2014, 12:10:37

legit or not?

deezyboy Game profile


Oct 17th 2014, 22:23:14

Originally posted by braden:
" Out of those 900k, 100k does "mexican" "

what does doing mexican mean? how do we think mexican nationals might feel about this term?

also, you generalize all of rd as forever and always and only bad people. you don't know me from one of those mexican roma folk you mentioned above. i'd be willing to accept any apologies..

mexican nationals would probally tell you that you are a weak homo for actually thinking about hurting peoples feelings.

why dont you go down to juarez and ask them retard

while your at it swing through down here to west memphis and talk to the locals about their feelings

hey zarcon.. thanks you rock. you and warster and tella donating your time free of charge, you are all bro status by me even tho warster is a flaming fluff



Oct 18th 2014, 1:21:07

Deezy... you are from Memphis? I had to spend a few months in Memphis for work. Complete fluffhole.


EE Patron

Oct 18th 2014, 1:23:35

Deezy... you are from 4chan?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2014, 1:25:26

Every city has a dark side to it. Perhaps that's where you had your job at.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2014, 1:28:14

Even the moon has a dark side :P

That right there folks is my Marshalesc post of the week!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Oct 18th 2014, 1:35:40

The only good part of Memphis I saw was beil street and graceland. I was teaching classes at a local university for work.... it was sketch in all directions from campus. I was living at the Sheraton... it was ok area, but don't go jogging more than 2 blocks from the hotel.

deezyboy Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 2:48:59

sewell: i'm actually from east tennessee up past knoxville, think mountains, but have spent maybe half of my life out in west/middle Tn.

blid: i may or may not surf /fit and /pol from time to time.

Celphi: all of memphis sucks, even in germantown the crime spills over, my advice is carry a gun and get in before dark. I've seen a lot of stuff here PTSD type fluff for sure. Nashvilles a little better but the gangs in both and clarksville are out of control. They literally shoot back and forth every day and rob us in between the tribal warfare, the police are completely inept at stopping it and to be honest at the rate we are going down here i can see a backlash sooner rather than later. Everyone knows its coming and everybody is talking about it anymore. Ferguson isn't far and needless to say them guys are playing with fire in provoking rednecks down here.



Oct 18th 2014, 2:59:41

I feel safer in philli than I did in memphis.

deezyboy Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 3:04:58

It's known as memphrica down here. Pretty sure it should be classified as a 3rd world country. God help us all if ebola ends up there lol

Frybert Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 3:19:15

Originally posted by deezyboy:
sewell: i'm actually from east tennessee up past knoxville, think mountains, but have spent maybe half of my life out in west/middle Tn.

blid: i may or may not surf /fit and /pol from time to time.

Celphi: all of memphis sucks, even in germantown the crime spills over, my advice is carry a gun and get in before dark. I've seen a lot of stuff here PTSD type fluff for sure. Nashvilles a little better but the gangs in both and clarksville are out of control. They literally shoot back and forth every day and rob us in between the tribal warfare, the police are completely inept at stopping it and to be honest at the rate we are going down here i can see a backlash sooner rather than later. Everyone knows its coming and everybody is talking about it anymore. Ferguson isn't far and needless to say them guys are playing with fire in provoking rednecks down here.

Psf, those aren't mountains those are hills. You need to west to find mountains.

Warster Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 3:35:40

At least I'm not a suiciding scumbag deezyboy :)
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

deezyboy Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 3:40:35

lol i have always wanted to see the ones out west they are beautiful. But i like my section of the country, all not prone to exploding supervolcanoes and whatnot.

Frybert Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 3:49:44

I drove OTR for 4 years. I can tell you, seeing those frosty white caps after hours upon hours of nothing but flat nothingness, it was pretty great. Of course the company I drove for was too cheap to spring from trucks that could actually navigate them, so we always had to drop our trailers at a contractor who would take them up for us. Ah well, maybe when I retire.