
braden Game profile


Jan 29th 2017, 2:50:22

china or russia will try to take our fresh water and america will win a war, for a third time, in defense of right.

i aint give no fluff, when it collectively hits the fan i side with the usn.



Jan 29th 2017, 18:15:10

This thread started out to be interesting. Start a new one, Scott and cyref you can stay here!

Heston Game profile


Jan 30th 2017, 17:53:56

Originally posted by Ivan:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Dissident:
ya? this is really affecting your day to day?

Yes. It's a shame that we (USA taxpayers) have to spend cash keeping them the fluff out. It's better than paying to bring them in.
That means the odds of getting shot, run over, poisoned, head chopped off, my women or child getting raped by one with a sex sexual emergency or religious grievance went down significantly.

you dont need us non americans to do that for you, you do that better yerselves then anyone ever could

Also your even dumber and more of a racist then i thought, and anyone letting you hold a gun or even be in the military should get their brains checked

I don't just hold a gun, I own multiple with all the bells and whistles. In fact I carry every god damn day. Since when does hating an entire religion make someone racist?
When you get a sliver or a paper cut do you call an ambulance and rush yourself to an emergency room? You like to blow things out of context to make your argument more pointed than it is. Youre like a little girl.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Jan 30th 2017, 18:07:14

kim karashian west tweeted that exact detail. Lol
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Ivan Game profile


Jan 30th 2017, 18:28:43

lol ofc you carry every god damn day, yer scared of yer own shadow

Heston Game profile


Jan 30th 2017, 19:54:36

Ghosts and goblins n fluff. That's living in commifornia. Take no fluff, fear nobody and victimized by none. It's a lifestyle of never calling 911 and handling your own fluff. Above your pay grade Nancy.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 30th 2017, 20:21:33

Actually his executive orders are pretty tame. Mostly just undoing things that Obama did by executive order. And its not coming fast, we have had years to plan what needs undone first.



Jan 30th 2017, 22:14:04

Originally posted by Heston:

kim karashian west tweeted that exact detail. Lol

she did? I wouldn't know as I don't follow her ;)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 30th 2017, 23:14:57

Shes where i go for all my social injustice news...

Marshal Game profile


Jan 30th 2017, 23:26:34

not due her pics?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Heston Game profile


Jan 31st 2017, 0:31:10

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by Heston:

kim karashian west tweeted that exact detail. Lol

she did? I wouldn't know as I don't follow her ;)

Yahoo news brings that fact...with a lot of other sjw fluff...
I am ashamed to have read it ☹️

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Jan 31st 2017, 2:44:06

Originally posted by cyref:
So now Trump wants to spend taxpayer money investigating a 'massive voter fraud' conspiracy that doesn't exist.
He cites a 2012 Pew Research study that was intended to provide ideas on how to clean up the voter registration system nationally.
One problem is that as people move from one state to another, they register to vote in their new home state but rarely close out their registration in their old state. It is not illegal to be registered in two states, and that is NOT voter fraud.
Another problem is that when dear old grandma passes away, the family rarely rushes to close out her voters registration.
Dead people on voting registration does NOT equal voting fraud.

And where is there any evidence of this gigantic conspiracy to gather all the records of double registration and dead people's names and addresses and then have an army of undocumented people come out BY THE MILLIONS to risk being caught casting illegal votes.

Trump cites the Pew Report of 2012, but either never really read it or is incapable of understanding it.
Here it is.

Trump follows conspiracy theory media, and I suspect his understanding of this Pew Study comes not from reading the actual report, but from some CT whacko's false regurgitation of that study.

But he's President now, so $million$ of taxpayers dollars will be spent investigating this nonsense. His narcissistic personality disorder does not allow him to process the fact that nearly 3 million more people voted for Hillary than for him. He can't stand it, and won't let it go.

I'm no fan of Trump. I think he's pretty darn scary, actually, but.. on this issue I don't see what the problem is. We're suddenly worried about wasting millions of taxpayer dollars when the issue is the integrity of our elections? Where's this outrage about irresponsible spending when Team Blue is in power? Our Federal Government wastes BILLIONS of the dollars of it's subjects every year... no matter which team is currently at the helm.

The very fact that the left fights so hard against election integrity measures is enough to convince me that there probably really is an issue there. When idiots start talking about "racism" just because a state wants it's election officials to check ID???? Yeah, there's some fraud going on there.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 31st 2017, 13:51:25

We Should not only have to show ID to Vote but we should have a Poll tax to reimburse the local gov't for their cost in operating the Polls and counting the vote. Why is it the Dems want it to be free to exercise your Right to vote, and find it offensive to have to show ID. But have no problems making me show ID, and paying for the same local gov't to be paid for doing a background check for me to exercise my second Amendment right?

And who is this Kim? most of the Kim's I know are Korean, so why does this ones opinion matter?

Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2017, 15:54:22

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by cyref:
So now Trump wants to spend taxpayer money investigating a 'massive voter fraud' conspiracy that doesn't exist.
He cites a 2012 Pew Research study that was intended to provide ideas on how to clean up the voter registration system nationally.
One problem is that as people move from one state to another, they register to vote in their new home state but rarely close out their registration in their old state. It is not illegal to be registered in two states, and that is NOT voter fraud.
Another problem is that when dear old grandma passes away, the family rarely rushes to close out her voters registration.
Dead people on voting registration does NOT equal voting fraud.

And where is there any evidence of this gigantic conspiracy to gather all the records of double registration and dead people's names and addresses and then have an army of undocumented people come out BY THE MILLIONS to risk being caught casting illegal votes.

Trump cites the Pew Report of 2012, but either never really read it or is incapable of understanding it.
Here it is.

Trump follows conspiracy theory media, and I suspect his understanding of this Pew Study comes not from reading the actual report, but from some CT whacko's false regurgitation of that study.

But he's President now, so $million$ of taxpayers dollars will be spent investigating this nonsense. His narcissistic personality disorder does not allow him to process the fact that nearly 3 million more people voted for Hillary than for him. He can't stand it, and won't let it go.

I'm no fan of Trump. I think he's pretty darn scary, actually, but.. on this issue I don't see what the problem is. We're suddenly worried about wasting millions of taxpayer dollars when the issue is the integrity of our elections? Where's this outrage about irresponsible spending when Team Blue is in power? Our Federal Government wastes BILLIONS of the dollars of it's subjects every year... no matter which team is currently at the helm.

The very fact that the left fights so hard against election integrity measures is enough to convince me that there probably really is an issue there. When idiots start talking about "racism" just because a state wants it's election officials to check ID???? Yeah, there's some fraud going on there.

Pretty much sums up the circle jerk to which these guys worship. The mere fact that he referenced millions is laughable and shows he doesn't grasp the reality of the federal government.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 31st 2017, 16:46:28

Voter fraud is illegal... and doesn't happen in significant numbers.

Voter suppression, on the other hand, is evident.

Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2017, 19:37:21

Originally posted by Dissident:
Voter fraud is illegal... and doesn't happen in significant numbers.

Voter suppression, on the other hand, is evident.

Good, time to prove it rather than let it be a matter of oppinion. If we prove it, it will no longer be an issue for either party going forward. If they find issues, they can fix.

If we are talking millions, we are talking about approx 0.0009% of the fed budget. What a bargain to ensure the integrity of our election system.

Voter suppression is in the same pile of bullfluff excuses as checking some New ID to vote.

Scott Game profile


Feb 2nd 2017, 6:29:29

Also... this popped across my news feed on my iPhone today:

“If you are talking about California, the state is apparently relying on the illegal alien to tell the state they shouldn’t be registered. There is still an honor system,” said von Spakovsky, co-author of the book “Who's Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk.”

The problem with California is there is no separate verification of citizenship on voter registration, said Charles Bell, Jr., a partner with California-based Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, a law firm that specializes in election law. Applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records.


dagga X


Feb 2nd 2017, 10:56:27

Who is surprised?

You can't fluffing ban assault weapons after kindergarten kids die in school.

Remember Rome? Paving the way for China - idiots.

TipDaVampire Game profile


Feb 2nd 2017, 13:44:08


Scott Game profile


Feb 2nd 2017, 17:30:38

Originally posted by dagga X:
Who is surprised?

You can't fluffing ban assault weapons after kindergarten kids die in school.

Remember Rome? Paving the way for China - idiots.

Do we ban kitchen knives, rocks, fists, or anything else when murder is committed. Did we ban flying a plane after 9/11?

Ivan Game profile


Feb 2nd 2017, 20:09:03

Err you got schools where kids arent allowed to eat with knives , but i guess they can eat their frenchfries pizza and flavored milk with forks only

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 2nd 2017, 21:13:45

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by dagga X:
Who is surprised?

You can't fluffing ban assault weapons after kindergarten kids die in school.

Remember Rome? Paving the way for China - idiots.

Do we ban kitchen knives, rocks, fists, or anything else when murder is committed. Did we ban flying a plane after 9/11?

I can't bring a bottle of water through security anymore, I need to take my shoes off and have them scanned. There's a multi-multi-billion dollar department created to stop the same kind of 9/11 stuff from happening again.

There are roughly 10x the number of deaths from guns per YEAR than there were on 9/11, yet any discussions about gun regulations or safety are rejected by the stupid logic of "why not ban knives or hands?!?!?! dur hur".

The level of discourse in the US is absolutely appalling. It's blatant hypocrisy wrapped in straw man arguments.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

braden Game profile


Feb 2nd 2017, 21:26:06

don't worry, everybody..
pang knows how to fix all.

he can't make the game work, but he thinks guns vs policy america vs dead americans yuuurhah thumbs up

braden Game profile


Feb 2nd 2017, 21:28:10

go ask rahm emanuel about the deaths per year in chi town..
you will sit here and suggest this is an error in gun control through republicans?
you kid, of course, yes?

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2017, 21:33:37

Originally posted by Pang:
I can't bring a bottle of water through security anymore ...

I make that 0.01% of the entire population killed annually, a huge industry in sales fuelled by paranoia, purchased medical treatment and keeping the shooter assholes in jail for the remainder of their lives ($20-40k pa ?)

Its big money, they're not going to find a reason to change anything because of it.

Whatever happened to "love thine neighbor as yourself?" :<
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2017, 21:38:34

Originally posted by Scott:
Also... this poopped across my news feed on my iPhone today: 💩💩💩💩💩

says it all about the media ! ;)

love the emotefluff, new feature ?
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Scott Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 2:14:01

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by dagga X:
Who is surprised?

You can't fluffing ban assault weapons after kindergarten kids die in school.

Remember Rome? Paving the way for China - idiots.

Do we ban kitchen knives, rocks, fists, or anything else when murder is committed. Did we ban flying a plane after 9/11?

I can't bring a bottle of water through security anymore, I need to take my shoes off and have them scanned. There's a multi-multi-billion dollar department created to stop the same kind of 9/11 stuff from happening again.

There are roughly 10x the number of deaths from guns per YEAR than there were on 9/11, yet any discussions about gun regulations or safety are rejected by the stupid logic of "why not ban knives or hands?!?!?! dur hur".

The level of discourse in the US is absolutely appalling. It's blatant hypocrisy wrapped in straw man arguments.

So because people have their panties in a bunch, we should infringe on constitutional rights? Makes sense if you are not a US Citizen...

Dissident Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 3:21:24

Yes well... i think the federal government should be restricted from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment.

Link Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 6:37:37

You don't want fbi agents smashing people's kneecaps with a billiard ball in a sock for information? Lol

I Am a meat popsicle.


dagga X


Feb 3rd 2017, 8:51:37

All you deadbeat, extreme right-wing American loonies who grasp desperately to the 'constitution' argument are sick and demented. You are, and you don't even realise it.

For one, the AMENDMENT to the constitution that paved the way for this absolute lunacy was enacted in 1791.

Only the most despicable, blatantly ignorant fluffheads of hicksville 'middle America' cling to a law that was made before the era of assault weapons and maximum damage munitions.

It took you bunch of retards only 3 amendments to amend the prohibition amendment (18 to 21) yet you cling to your guns like a bunch of small penised idiots. No matter if toddlers die. No matter if police die. No matter if massacres are the norm.

Keep going down that path.. in 50 years you will be irrelevant anyway and the world might be speaking mandarin - or under threat to be.

Heston Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 12:23:14

/me shoots dagga in the squishy butt fluff
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 13:12:32

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by dagga X:
Who is surprised?

You can't fluffing ban assault weapons after kindergarten kids die in school.

Remember Rome? Paving the way for China - idiots.

Do we ban kitchen knives, rocks, fists, or anything else when murder is committed. Did we ban flying a plane after 9/11?

I can't bring a bottle of water through security anymore, I need to take my shoes off and have them scanned. There's a multi-multi-billion dollar department created to stop the same kind of 9/11 stuff from happening again.

There are roughly 10x the number of deaths from guns per YEAR than there were on 9/11, yet any discussions about gun regulations or safety are rejected by the stupid logic of "why not ban knives or hands?!?!?! dur hur".

The level of discourse in the US is absolutely appalling. It's blatant hypocrisy wrapped in straw man arguments.

Originally posted by Ivan:

Err you got schools where kids arent allowed to eat with knives , but i guess they can eat their frenchfries pizza and flavored milk with forks only

Both the school and airport examples are also places where you may not legally bring a gun either. We're able to recognize that objects may be dangerous in a certain situation, but we don't ban the objects everywhere, because they do have legitimate uses.

There are legitimate and very important reasons for arms to remain legal and accessible to the general public. That's why we have an amendment guaranteeing that right.



Feb 3rd 2017, 13:44:13

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by dagga X:
Who is surprised?

You can't fluffing ban assault weapons after kindergarten kids die in school.

Remember Rome? Paving the way for China - idiots.

Do we ban kitchen knives, rocks, fists, or anything else when murder is committed. Did we ban flying a plane after 9/11?

I can't bring a bottle of water through security anymore, I need to take my shoes off and have them scanned. There's a multi-multi-billion dollar department created to stop the same kind of 9/11 stuff from happening again.

There are roughly 10x the number of deaths from guns per YEAR than there were on 9/11, yet any discussions about gun regulations or safety are rejected by the stupid logic of "why not ban knives or hands?!?!?! dur hur".

The level of discourse in the US is absolutely appalling. It's blatant hypocrisy wrapped in straw man arguments.

So because people have their panties in a bunch, we should infringe on constitutional rights? Makes sense if you are not a US Citizen...

You must have forgotten that reaction congress had to 9/11
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 14:11:56

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by dagga X:
Who is surprised?

You can't fluffing ban assault weapons after kindergarten kids die in school.

Remember Rome? Paving the way for China - idiots.

Do we ban kitchen knives, rocks, fists, or anything else when murder is committed. Did we ban flying a plane after 9/11?

I can't bring a bottle of water through security anymore, I need to take my shoes off and have them scanned. There's a multi-multi-billion dollar department created to stop the same kind of 9/11 stuff from happening again.

There are roughly 10x the number of deaths from guns per YEAR than there were on 9/11, yet any discussions about gun regulations or safety are rejected by the stupid logic of "why not ban knives or hands?!?!?! dur hur".

The level of discourse in the US is absolutely appalling. It's blatant hypocrisy wrapped in straw man arguments.

So because people have their panties in a bunch, we should infringe on constitutional rights? Makes sense if you are not a US Citizen...

You must have forgotten that reaction congress had to 9/11

Congress was/is wrong to violate the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans in response to terrorist attacks. They would be equally wrong to violate the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans in response to the actions of criminals who use guns.

Scott Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 14:36:36

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by dagga X:
Who is surprised?

You can't fluffing ban assault weapons after kindergarten kids die in school.

Remember Rome? Paving the way for China - idiots.

Do we ban kitchen knives, rocks, fists, or anything else when murder is committed. Did we ban flying a plane after 9/11?

I can't bring a bottle of water through security anymore, I need to take my shoes off and have them scanned. There's a multi-multi-billion dollar department created to stop the same kind of 9/11 stuff from happening again.

There are roughly 10x the number of deaths from guns per YEAR than there were on 9/11, yet any discussions about gun regulations or safety are rejected by the stupid logic of "why not ban knives or hands?!?!?! dur hur".

The level of discourse in the US is absolutely appalling. It's blatant hypocrisy wrapped in straw man arguments.

So because people have their panties in a bunch, we should infringe on constitutional rights? Makes sense if you are not a US Citizen...

You must have forgotten that reaction congress had to 9/11

Did they ban airplanes though? I still see large capacity airplanes flying around!

Also - what Sam said

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 14:51:12

LOL @ large capacity airplanes. I'm going to have to steal that phrase from you if you don't mind :)

Scott Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 18:01:42

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
LOL @ large capacity airplanes. I'm going to have to steal that phrase from you if you don't mind :)

Go for it...

Ivan Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 18:52:09

Wow I actually agree with Dagga on something!

Ivan Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 18:54:58

Dagga those small penis idiots are scared of another Bowling Green Massacre and unfortunately it wont matter what we say cause they will still be stuck 200 years ago :(



Feb 3rd 2017, 19:30:37

Why do people who are not American care what we do?
Dev encouraging it

Scott Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 19:35:13

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Why do people who are not American care what we do?


Marshal Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 20:20:52

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Why do people who are not American care what we do?

cause what your dumb prez does affects rest of the world too.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Dissident Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 21:33:26

i care because it consumes the whole internet... and thats why my porn is.

Marshal Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 21:35:36

why or where?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Heston Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 21:44:21

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Why do people who are not American care what we do?

cause what your dumb prez does affects rest of the world too.

perhaps self reliance is the tampon that will stop the bleeding?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Ivan Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 22:11:33

Heston phears the Bowling Green Massacre! and he loves alternative facts!

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 3rd 2017, 22:33:10

heh, there's lots of reasons people outside the US care about what the US does.

for me personally, I was in the US this week on vacation. I have family that lives in the US, I live within an hour of the border and my wife was born and raised in the US. She's a dual citizen so we can live and work in the US if we want. I purchase things from the US all the time, I own US securities, my work does major dealings with US companies, I have US coworkers... Our hard work in Canada creates jobs in the US, so I guess that makes me a job creator :D

I have a personal and financial interest in America doing well so I take an interest in what is happening there.

but re: guns -> I'm just agreeing with the 80+% of Americans who think there needs to be a better safety and regulation framework surrounding guns. It could even be implemented in such a way that if you take a gun safety class and register your guns you get to deduct a certain amount of gun care supplies + ammo from your tax return or something. Incentivize good behaviour from the masses and it'll help with preventable gun deaths while still allowing the crazies and criminals to obtain firearms unfettered, as the constitution intended.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 3rd 2017, 22:41:11. Reason: wording
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Scott Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 22:51:19

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Why do people who are not American care what we do?

cause what your dumb prez does affects rest of the world too.

Then stop taking our aid or relying on our economy.

Marshal Game profile


Feb 3rd 2017, 23:21:27

we aren't taking your aid but we are selling stuffs to you, not even you yankees are self-sustaining.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Heston Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 0:34:09

Originally posted by Marshal:
we aren't taking your aid but we are selling stuffs to you, not even you yankees are self-sustaining.

We used to be self sufficient. Democrats look to places where folks fluff on railroad tracks for cheap labor under the guise of helping them. It's sad really.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯