
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 4th 2018, 13:58:06

- Make bots auto-restart after they crash
G: yes, super important for continuity and to reduce frustration.

- Get bots into team?
G: personally I dont think team can get any worse, it's the lost server, though I dont see that bots necessarily make it better.

- Increase bots?
G: I think they are where they need to be, if bots are too many there is no longer any competition for land. If there should be a change here I would suggest to flatten the DR-modifier curve a bit so that theres less difference between grabbing at the right time or the wrong time of day as well as the difference that occurs when a group or strat type stops grabbing. there are already times that the bots have a DR modifyer of 1.00 and times they are at max DR. If you make it like FFA you just remove the skill in finding the better grabs.
Grabbing has to remain an area in which great players can distinguish themselves from good ones. I too want to set land and NW records but not at the expense of removing the competetive aspect of grabbing.