Feb 11th 2013, 17:47:58
I was 100% built up, my bpt was about 115 and my agr tech was about 200%. I also did building cost bonuses and I was already -40% costs. I don't know who these other farmers are but I'm a better netter than them because I'm a better netter than everyone when I choose to net, even on a server I know nothing about and haven't played since like 1998.
If I was netting, I'd be a 60k+ farmer right now, with smooth sailing to new all time records, I have no doubt about that at all.
However, like I said the point is moot cuz im not netting, nor would I have been under any circumstances. If it wasn't going to be Bobby it was either Crest of Gogy I was going to be fighting. I realized I was throwing away an easy top 10 set before I began fighting, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was beat up a helpless little boy, which I accomplished :)