
Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 1:24:01

Originally posted by LATC:
And with that this strat will not work again for awhile, nor will it ever work on any big server =P

And that's why I called it luck. :P Note the intent is not to diminish your Rank 1 finish. It is a great finish! (Additional note, I think you jumped too early, could have finished higher.)

The intent is more to say that finishing rank 1 also has a lot to do with picking (guessing) the right strat to begin with. If you had picked techer this set, there's no way you would have finished anywhere close to rank 1! Oldman's a great player, but look at the tech market this set, there's no way he could have finished Rank 1 this reset as a techer, that is the "luck of the draw" I'm talking about.

To finish rank 1, a player has to _both_ pick the right strat (luck) AND also play a perfect game the entire set (skill), and I attribute it 30%-70%.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jul 5th 2014, 1:51:54
See Original Post

eManny Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 1:43:30

I was #12, broke the all time all-explore by like 10M NW lol :)

That's a record Xin!

Edit: I actually broke my own record from last set =]

Edited By: eManny on Jul 5th 2014, 1:46:45
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 1:48:52

Nice! There was no way to easily tell which countries were all explore without looking at the news one by one!

Cannon Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 2:07:28

Good job LATC. Played really strong



Jul 5th 2014, 2:24:16

piece of fluff commie. 12th bastard balls


EE Patron

Jul 5th 2014, 3:10:40

Yikes barely made the top ten after some stuff sold and I never rebought
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

oldman Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 3:12:41

Congrats LATC, nice win. Though, I think you were too greedy with your grabbing hence resulted in the 2 retals on you. You also jumped too early IMO. You could have finished way higher.

It was a fluff tech set (too many big and semi big techers and not enough other big countries to support the market). I gave up the trying to win with a month left in the set lol.


EE Patron

Jul 5th 2014, 3:14:32

I gave up several mill net by taking old retals on dumb countries but w/e it didn't matter. LATC nice score. Would have been closer if that idiot hadn't topfed Mozart but LATC was winning either way I think.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

LATC Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 3:52:48

Thanks guys.

Xin/Oldman: really?? I calculated a 3.5 day destock off private. I ended up buying only troops/tanks and some jets the first 2.5 days because public market was still relatively cheap (and resold some things the first day). You think I shoulda waited another day and just destocked completely off private?
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

oldman Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 4:05:53

LATC - yeah, it appeared that you started jumping with 3.5 days to go (noted your first big increase in NW was from 46m to 68m). I didn't do the math this time round but usually when I did previously, it was worth it to jump later. It doesn't really matter anyway since you still won.

Viceroy Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 4:29:27

Congrats LATC.

Minor correction, 25 Rahr and Sons (#33) was a Demo Casher, not a Demo Farmer
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 7:18:34

Ya LATC, it is better to destock completely off private, even if it means having some leftover cash, and having to spend that on the public market on the last day.

Suppose you were cashing +4m cash positive, and the initial jump made you go into -1m cash per turn, if you jumped 1 day earlier as a result, you lost about ~250m cash in upkeep, or ~1m NW per day. Since this upkeep is cumulative, over all 3.5 days, that's ~3.5m NW or 875m cash. (Just example numbers)

If you spent this money jumping from public at $280/NW instead on the last day, you'll avoid that upkeep loss. In the grand scheme of things, jumping a little bit of cash at $280/NW instead of $240/NW is very little loss, compared to the extra upkeep paid over the 3.5 days of jump.

My own country, I jumped about 1.5b cash off the public on $163 jets in the last 18 hours, and another 1b on $188 jets and some tanks in the final 30 minutes. There's the assumption of course that the market won't run dry of units, which is usually the case if there are enough Commie Indies, and Demo/Theo Techers reselling on the last day.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jul 5th 2014, 7:31:23
See Original Post

Serpentor Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 8:06:16

I sold max goods probably as I never bothered logging in to play and recall. You probably gobbled them up fast.
The EEVIL Empire

h2orich Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 9:57:34

LATC, 3.5 days destock??? at that land, you probably only need 32-40 hours for full private market destock, your calculations must have went way wrong somewhere..

anyway, congrats on your win!

The missiles were not the only reason I left this set, it is also partially due to my re-service in the army for 2 weeks which denies me internet access on some days and also restricted time to play ee. Besides, I knew LATC was going to win, wasnt even gonna be a close fight with him.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 10:20:43

Originally posted by h2orich:
LATC, 3.5 days destock??? at that land, you probably only need 32-40 hours for full private market destock, your calculations must have went way wrong somewhere..


At 57k land myself, my destock only required 41 hours of PM, after accounting for initial buyout for a logout of 18 hours (did not do 40 hours, because of market reasons).

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 11:26:54

15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7.... CCCCCCCombo broken by crest23. :(

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 12:00:08

Updated with TNW difference checking, and forum sources. All countries in the top 25 are now identified.


This is the second Primary reset with the half-life DR kicking in. This time, without Lenshark's helpful DR calculator website!

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Do you want to build a snowman (#9) 64,491 $126,004,022 DG - LATC (Demo Oiler/Farmer Hybrid)
2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (#74) 64,215 $107,797,434 DG - crest23 (Demo Farmer)
3 To The Top (#147) 57,124 $106,455,301 DG - Xinhuan (Demo Farmer)
4 We Are One (#112) 30,522 $94,173,643 DG - oldman (Demo Techer)
5 Mysidia (#10) 46,202 $92,498,825 CG - Toran Republic (Commie Indy)
6 Gomu Gomu Pistol (#141) 45,340 $88,491,234 CG - Vivanick (Commie Indy)
7 Its Over 9000 (#121) 64,888 $85,950,266 DG - ingle (Demo Farmer)
8 Asterix (#126) 32,582 $85,707,674 RG - Getafix (Rep Casher)
9 Not for Love (#148) 58,451 $83,666,980 CG - Assassin (Commie Indy)
10 Shield Your Eyes (#129) 35,439 $83,281,605 DG - Blid (Demo Techer)

11 Enterprise NX01 (#45) 36,667 $82,493,577 RG - silentwolf (Rep Casher)
12 Precision Decision (#17) 48,011 $81,069,120 CG - now im nothing (Commie Indy)
13 DeLpHiNuS (#109) 52,839 $79,660,772 CG - DeLpHiNuS (Commie Indy)
14 Surface to Air Missiles (#3) 44,164 $75,054,922 CG - SAM_DANGER (Commie Indy)
15 Fire on High (#162) 38,778 $67,400,093 IG - Chewi (Dict Casher)
16 r a z o r w i r e (#39) 34,644 $66,002,948 DG - cyref (Demo Casher)
17 Lazy Tired and Successful (#12) 22,000 $65,495,369 RG - eManny (Rep Casher All-Explore)
18 Survival of the Fattest (#107) 38,471 $64,136,714 RG - ironX (Rep Casher)
19 smile (#55) 28,549 $63,214,031 HG - SethMosrite (Theo Techer)
20 fearvendor (#93) 38,049 $60,840,667 DG - fearvendor (Demo Farmer)

21 cannawhoopazz (#171) 21,748 $55,571,833 RG - mac23 (Rep Casher)
22 Farmer (#28) 30,352 $55,119,928 DG - MountainYeti (Demo Farmer)
23 To The Bottom (#127) 30,227 $54,785,270 RG - BILL_DANGER (Rep Casher)
24 Wu Tang is for the Children (#123) 35,695 $53,240,297 IG - Cannon (Dict Casher)
25 Rahr and Sons (#33) 32,008 $50,521,849 DG - Viceroy (Demo Casher)
26 WouldntYaKnow (#63) 28,332 $45,232,132 RG
27 Spot (#26) 24,531 $42,974,355 RG - Hammer
28 76 (#62) 31,280 $41,266,147 IG - Bentville
29 BowBeforeZOD (#7) 19,901 $38,467,519 DG
30 Murder Nova (#16) 17,906 $37,377,054 HG - KoHeartsGPA

31 GWCCMOPCOYBTCBG (#91) 23,295 $34,213,270 C - MADMARK
32 Cable has a NastyMUF (#174) 28,205 $33,173,861 CG - [I AM NastyMUF]
33 Aldri gi opp (#139) 21,754 $31,275,789 DG - Grimstad (Warred)
34 STARBREAKER (#198) 23,340 $31,211,758 RG
35 Chibua (#229) 17,833 $30,602,943 RG
36 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#35) 25,794 $30,107,348 CG - Serpentor (Warred)
37 dOgMiLk (#47) 18,559 $29,821,832 DG - yylim80sss
38 BiBiGoN (#98) 16,242 $29,753,879 D
39 Training Montage (#213) 18,246 $28,906,131 CG
40 NATIONS OF PIMPS AND EGGS (#2) 28,244 $27,661,636 IG - dexsydcol

41 Western Alliance (#105) 29,024 $27,370,448 RG
42 Wheres the Kaboom (#115) 16,165 $26,851,093 RG
43 Request For Production (#275) 24,527 $26,372,723 R - teky
44 Winston Churchill (#118) 14,167 $25,976,225 IG
45 New World Order (#203) 30,766 $25,106,109 D
46 Duc Slayer (#85) 22,498 $25,030,992 IG
47 RussianRoulette (#32) 21,736 $24,951,557 HG
48 Roux (#264) 20,761 $23,901,540 DG
49 sweden (#157) 22,574 $22,419,558 CG - Grenander
50 CJBerry (#61) 23,402 $21,488,497 HG

51 Gravitrons (#265) 13,420 $21,228,995 R
52 y granny what a big dict you hav (#42) 19,432 $19,212,384 IG
53 PineGap (#103) 17,494 $18,894,693 CG
54 I Am Back (#165) 6288 $17,279,196 CG - BobbyATA
55 reach for the skylar (#226) 14,655 $17,233,430 RG
56 COgS (#46) 17,692 $16,348,263 R
57 Shenandoah Valley (#168) 17,865 $16,293,678 IG - alexbajd
58 Spiders Bane (#208) 15,598 $16,029,012 I
59 Im Not a Darsh (#84) 11,178 $15,727,092 I
60 Dominion (#44) 18,806 $15,066,519 C

61 Candyland pKi (#8) 11,315 $13,959,119 I
62 Rush (#159) 15,635 $13,954,516 FG
63 Ghost (#142) 12,078 $13,805,320 M - start1212
64 BadAssMonge (#319) 13,822 $13,797,707 D
65 C R O A T I A (#106) 13,482 $12,662,946 TG - Gogy
66 Agape Satori (#217) 13,711 $11,645,363 CG
67 Detroit (#131) 10,276 $11,479,846 H
68 MacXGee (#11) 3632 $11,373,954 DG - Ka Mac
69 Safety Dance (#83) 20,856 $10,770,921 RG
70 Lanjiao Ah Jib (#120) 16,386 $10,680,674 IG - Melvin21

71 Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia (#73) 13,399 $10,512,007 CG
72 The Empire of Jay (#23) 8427 $10,408,411 M
73 black velvet (#188) 10,152 $10,381,873 R
74 Click it (#43) 11,045 $10,177,627 RG
75 Viciousveeland (#245) 9559 $10,166,793 CG
76 Alpharius (#31) 8528 $9,851,171 CG - Cable
77 X (#117) 13,183 $9,683,222 D
78 The Conquistador (#59) 7558 $9,606,726 H
79 sabbath bloody sabbath (#241) 12,518 $9,570,462 C
80 GENERAL X (#163) 10,588 $9,507,772 CG

81 EQUATE (#79) 9630 $9,449,147 CG
82 Meile (#302) 10,479 $9,398,621 CG
83 Sorona (#462) 12,473 $9,188,572 CG
84 llama man (#34) 15,682 $9,175,705 C
85 Solaris (#132) 7801 $9,136,214 H - drjg17
86 Big Kahuna Burger (#380) 12,298 $9,122,640 RG
87 New United States (#90) 13,009 $9,103,903 HG
88 dabtown420 (#135) 13,422 $9,085,865 CG
89 Necropolis (#57) 13,598 $9,073,842 C
90 Canada (#6) 14,626 $9,029,675 C

91 DOOMPAUL (#25) 9288 $8,933,057 HG - [deezyboy]
92 Neo Tokyo (#186) 12,537 $8,838,632 DG
93 Markland (#336) 15,866 $8,806,957 C
94 B O R G (#56) 6795 $8,736,637 I
95 Cartman (#116) 10,352 $8,252,691 C
96 enemy mine (#249) 10,117 $8,112,780 IG
97 PuzzleBox (#130) 7707 $8,093,088 DG - zerozerozero
98 Moldova (#185) 8698 $7,936,776 RG
99 Black Pearl Islands (#38) 11,821 $7,934,953 CG - lordwong
100 The Last Outpost (#36) 7861 $7,923,964 D

2 new records:

New category, Oiler/Farmer hybrid, with 1 entry in it
1 Do you want to build a snowman (#9) 64,491 $126,004,022 DG - LATC (Demo Oiler/Farmer Hybrid)

New #1 All-Explore record
17 Lazy Tired and Successful (#12) 22,000 $65,495,369 RG - eManny (Rep Casher All-Explore)

Special Mention
Sudden Burst (#48) - h2orich (Dict Casher)
Self-deleted after being missiled heavily while having the most land on the server by a mile. He would probably have broken 100m NW if he continued playing assuming no more missiles went his way (unlikely as that was).

Names in square brackets are forum handles.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jul 8th 2014, 12:31:43
See Original Post


EE Patron

Jul 5th 2014, 13:07:41

Ingle :|
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

MountainYeti Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 13:53:26

I finished 22nd. My strat should be pretty obvious.

LATC Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 15:14:27

7 Its Over 9000 (#121) 64,888 $85,950,266 DG - ingle (Demo Farmer)

Damn it Ingle, I thought we were friends!
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

Ka Mac


Jul 5th 2014, 17:02:01

Congrats LATC! and to everyone in the top 10. :)

I thought I just skip playing last set, but ended up playing it to retal those who attacked me early and give some love to those who double tapped me. I had fun.

Grats again!

and oh.. grimjoww didn't play last set.

mac23 Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 17:35:03

CONGRATS to all.

I was all x....looks like I squeaked out #3 on the list!
21 cannawhoopazz (#171)(Rep Casher All-Explore)

DB76 Game profile

New Member

Jul 5th 2014, 17:41:48

after being away for a dozen years, have to say it was more fun than I remember.

I was #302, started 2 weeks late, and wasn't entirely sure what I was doing.

ingle Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 20:27:32

Congrats LATC! :) I have nothing against you and was pretty sure you were going to win anyways!

Sorry for the late topfeed but too many people were whining about the "free" land from someone quitting, hence why I retalled you and then also crest.

I'm playing high spies and just messing around if someone seems to be playing with an unfair advantage.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 5th 2014, 22:37:33

Originally posted by mac23:
CONGRATS to all.

I was all x....looks like I squeaked out #3 on the list!
21 cannawhoopazz (#171)(Rep Casher All-Explore)

When you retalled Serp, that grab (retal) disqualifies you from being all-explore! Sorry buddy! :(

Serpentor Game profile


Jul 6th 2014, 6:33:14

I was probably all jetter at the time though. ;-)
The EEVIL Empire

silentwolf Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 3:33:42

27 Spot (#26) 24,531 $42,974,355 RG > Hammer

thanks for the list xin.


EE Patron

Jul 7th 2014, 4:30:17

Originally posted by ingle:
Congrats LATC! :) I have nothing against you and was pretty sure you were going to win anyways!

Sorry for the late topfeed but too many people were whining about the "free" land from someone quitting, hence why I retalled you and then also crest.

I'm playing high spies and just messing around if someone seems to be playing with an unfair advantage.
Finding someone who quit wasn't a bigger adv. than having oil rigs this set, and it was more earned than the random chance of picking the right strat. I do agree it's always annoying when someone finds easy land, but topfeeding them for it?

Edited By: blid on Jul 7th 2014, 4:33:42
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Hammer Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 14:59:42

Congrats, LATC, and all others in top 25.

Nice one, silentwolf...dang close to top 10.

LATC Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 15:09:35

Originally posted by blid:
Finding someone who quit wasn't a bigger adv. than having oil rigs this set, and it was more earned than the random chance of picking the right strat. I do agree it's always annoying when someone finds easy land, but topfeeding them for it?

More earned? Random chance of picking the right strat? It's not easy maintaining oil at $400+ for a month blid.. you try it. If being an oiler last was such a huge advantage why did no other oiler finish top 100? Everyone keeps saying/kept saying how 'lucky' it was to be oiler last set, but FYI it stayed that high because I resold about 2-3m barrels a day to keep it that high.

I think gaining 9700 free acres on any strat is a much bigger advantage/less earned than actually having to play a strat well/control market price of a good for over a month.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?


EE Patron

Jul 7th 2014, 15:16:42

Originally posted by LATC:
If being an oiler last was such a huge advantage why did no other oiler finish top 100?
Because there were no other good oilers, hence the high oil prices. There usually never are good oilers.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Jul 7th 2014, 15:19:30

You can only maintain $400 oil for a month if there's already a short oil supply. If there's too much oil, attempting that would result in a huge loss of investment.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

LATC Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 15:54:04

Right but that's the case every reset, except it's usually more volatile because no one/nothing is keeping the price consistent. It was a matter of identifying the pattern reset after reset and then figuring out how to use it to my advantage.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

ingle Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 18:04:43

Originally posted by blid:
Finding someone who quit wasn't a bigger adv. than having oil rigs this set, and it was more earned than the random chance of picking the right strat. I do agree it's always annoying when someone finds easy land, but topfeeding them for it?

The oil market is a lot harder to control (since you're dependent on many people buying your oil) rather than one person quitting and becoming someone's personal farm.

I was top fed many times last set, he was welcome to retaliate if he wanted to.

I would also say that this guy is probably a bit suspicious:

His nw dropped 9 mil in the last few minutes, probably selling military on private and buying items on public for a friend. I'd ask the mods to look into his activity to see who he did the buy out for.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 18:08:03


The thing is, in other for you to resell 2-3m barrels of oil everyday, you needed an initial capital to begin with. Capital that wouldn't exist without oil being extremely high in the first place. It's one of those "if you're ahead, get further ahead" type things.

That's why I maintain picking the right strat for each reset is luck. Tech being really poor last reset was bad luck, no amount of skill was going to let oldman win last reset as a techer. Likewise, oil being really good was good luck.

I only finished 3rd place last reset because on Day 8 of the reset, I decided tech was going to be really poor, and switched from a full labs 3k techer into a 3k farmer. By the time I completed my switch at 50 BPT, other countries were already 5k land and 2 days ahead of me, but the good food prices later helped me recover. If I had decided to go farmer right from the start of the reset, I might have finished 2nd instead of 3rd, but this is the kind of thing that is really luck dependent.

By the time I was 20k land, I had concluded that if I built rigs to take advantage of the oil prices, and go partially oiler (like LATC), it would just bring the oil prices down, and because I had to convert the rigs back into farms later for stocking, it just wasn't worth the building cost. From a "personal perspective" of maximizing Networth, it wasn't worth building rigs, it was slightly above worth it to keep any grabbed rigs too, since I had 220% Agri for the most part of the reset.

All the good players know this, unless you were already a partial oiler to begin with, and have low Agri, it just wasn't worth building rigs even with $400 oil, that would just drop to $300 after you built them. It's one of those "Let LATC run away with it" resets, and I just told myself my goal was to beat crest23 (and failed).

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jul 7th 2014, 18:11:20
See Original Post

LATC Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 19:03:03

The initial capital was from selling food, hence why being hybrid is key. I sold oil at $100-$150 the first few weeks and held food. The only lucky part was someone buying out the oil market a few days before I was ready. But when I was ready I unloaded food and brought up oil prices +$50 everyday setting a big SO right under my own selling price and then cycled up oil until $400, making a profit on every barrel bought previously, hence why being demo is also key. And then it was just a matter of maintaining the prices by building up more farms and attacking some of the other bigger oilers.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?


EE Patron

Jul 7th 2014, 19:50:23

Originally posted by LATC:
Right but that's the case every reset, except it's usually more volatile because no one/nothing is keeping the price consistent. It was a matter of identifying the pattern reset after reset and then figuring out how to use it to my advantage.
Well if you really did that then that's really impressive. don't Demo techers also always have SOs out for cheap oil for resale etc too though? Won't prices naturally stay at an equilibrium whatever that may be, as the too-cheap gets bought up by Demos and the too-expensive sits unsold?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Bee Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 20:18:08

Originally posted by ingle:
I would also say that this guy is probably a bit suspicious:

His nw dropped 9 mil in the last few minutes, probably selling military on private and buying items on public for a friend. I'd ask the mods to look into his activity to see who he did the buy out for.

that was me, had a bad set so was trying to screw commies/demo resellers over.. banked on it was july 4th and some ppl wouldn't come on again. That and it drives up prices for everyone else.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 7th 2014, 22:54:32

Thats excellent LATC, way to go

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 7:27:45

I don't know if my message is getting through, finishing rank 1 requires _both_ luck and skill. If 2 players are equally skilled, then it comes down to luck who finishes higher. Sometimes, the luck factor can win out over skill, but often times, skill can also win out over luck. A player needs both.

I'm not trying to say LATC won because of luck. I'm saying luck was a factor (and attributing this 30%), and this goes for any player on any reset. LATC definitely played skillfully, if it wasn't the case, he wouldn't have won. It takes a skillful player to capitalize on the opportunities created by luck, and that is what makes a good player.

Please don't misunderstand me, LATC.

SethMosrite Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 8:10:45

#107 was ironx

BobbyATA Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 19:13:43

Heck of a reset LATC! I really enjoyed it. Personally I built rigs the minute oil went over 300. As a commie with 10% market commish I figured this had to make sense...but I never did the math.

I really enjoyed how LATC played the reset too with the huge grabs on big countries. I've always thought that if you get a certain size larger than the rest of the competition, you can run a really high jets:turrets ratio and really start to run away with things. LATC kinda gave that a shot and it was fun to see. I thought 150M+ was possible at one point, you had a stunning amount of stock early as well...

LATC Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 19:32:03

heh thanks Bobby! Welcome back too, sorry you got missiled. I always need someone ahead of me in land to help me stay aggressive, woulda been a fun 3-way land race!
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

BILL_DANGER Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 1:38:18