
Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 0:28:05

Yep, and then I allied Herbs the following set LOL.

LATC Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 17:12:30

Originally posted by crest23:

Seriously? Did you just say that? This is coming from the same idiot that tried taking down a top 10 player (putting others down) so that he can make top 10 (make himself feel better). You got me there.

I feel better now. What did I say wrong? You didn't think about the numbers when you were spending $500 million on oil? You didn't think about when sent over 40 million jets? How were you planning on making up just the NW lost from losing close to 4 million jets in the hit?

First off I spent only < $200mil on oil to make that hit.. oil was $75-$120 and I had some oil on hand. I had the 40m jets on hand already from buying up cheap jets the days before. And 2nd, yes I made a mistake in my first set netting for real, but I did that in the game as part of what I thought was a beneficial move, not to intentionally be a fluff.

You on the other hand, step into other ppl's business and insult those you deem lower than you on behalf of the person you deem superior, I don't know why? To suck up so they'll respect/like you more? Here are just a few recent examples
"How is it that this surprises you Alin? 2 garbage alliances"

This Thread:
'Further proof that LATC isn't top 10 material yet.' Even if he was never retalled or warred all set, he wouldn't have made top 10, 'to think he thought he ran a top country."

Also this thread (to galleri):
"I regard you as the epitome of incompetence in the discharge of your duties (it took you a few weeks to delete a country that according to your own words you knew was cheating a few weeks ago, and this is 6 weeks into the set), so you will not be getting any candy with that, sorry. Regardless of how nice or otherwise I am with you, you are still expected to AND will do your job, so, again, sorry.

These are rhetorical questions for the most part since as I already said, you are pretty incompetent and I know I can get better answers somewhere else."

And then after Galleri explains why she hasn't been too invovled this set because she lost a baby:
"But we are thanking galleri? Just like we have thanked her for deleting Viva basically every set Viva has played and we will thank her again the next set Viva plays."
Dumbasses should ALWAYS be made to pay. Make him pay oldman, farm him till end of set.

And yes Bobby, you are a dummy for thinking anyone would let that slide.
Lol, bobby's spoken like a total noob.

And now some sucking up:
You haven't tried leeching from Alin.
Once that food runs out, and I really believe it will, oldman will make you all pay, and if there's anything I know it is to ride oldman's coat tails

Do you not realize you're being an @$$ when you say these things? Why can't you make your points without adding backhanded insults? Like what Xin explained, helpful.. what you added, completely useless comment except to provoke and belittle.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

crest23 Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 18:57:40

You bought some $299 oil for that hit. Your country had half the land of the top players more than a month in. Your country wasn't making top 10 even if you didn't war.

Try leeching from Alin, he will drop the alliance and war you once he gets the chance.

What bobby did was dumb, he's played longer than me and should have known that practically no one has attempted to stock hunt and gotten away with it.

My talk about food was an attempt to get the price to stay up, nothing more.

The 2 types of ppl my history here proves I could care less about are;

1. Cheats like viva, jj23, and Seth. You can go look up the threads I have on them since you are into that.
2. Suiciders, whether they be total noobs like Cerberus or good players like you or bobby. A suicider bing someone that intentionally damages their country just to screw someone else.
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Dec 31st 2012, 20:56:55

Well, LATC has said he was attempting to make a profitable grab, and so did Bobby, so while in actuality they hurt other people with no benefit to themselves, that wasn't their intention. At least with his latest top feed, LATC hit someone with the right type of buildings, grumble grumble...
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2012, 20:59:05


/me looks for blid's country :p
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 0:08:19

To be fair Crest, Bobby's grab on oldman was a marginal profit IF oldman didn't retal. The money grabbed more than covered the cost of jets and oil, especially if you assume the empty acres are dropped and 20 tech per acre was bought on the ghost gained. (the tech would have also given some NW along with the ghost acres and buildings NW, which offsets the cost).

He miscalculated the part thinking he won't retal. It's the principle though, if you don't retal, it will encourage future grabs (as Bobby himself pointed out that oldman didn't retal earlier hits on his country as a precedent).

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 7:41:59

Random Comment 1:

There are 21 countries above 50k land right now.
There are 14 countries above 50k land the set before.
There are 11 countries above 50k land the set before that.
There are 12 countries above 50k land the set before that.
There are 10 countries above 50k land the set before that.
There are 17 countries above 50k land the set before that.

Random Comment 2:

There will be 13+ countries above 100m NW this set.
There are 13 countries above 100m NW the set before.
There are 9 countries above 100m NW the set before that.
There are 9 countries above 100m NW the set before that.
There are 9 countries above 100m NW the set before that.
There are 9 countries above 100m NW the set before that.

Random Comment 3:

Top 10 cutoff likely to be 110+m this set.
Rank 10 at $119,576,460 the set before.
Rank 10 at $83,969,549 the set before that.
Rank 10 at $98,391,309 the set before that.
Rank 10 at $99,333,964 the set before that.
Rank 10 at $95,683,351 the set before that.

PaleMoon Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 9:33:33

Random Comment 4:
Xin likes penguins (and is always right!)

"imo the true issue over there is and always has been palemoon." - Vic (Mr. Clear)

La Famiglia

oldman Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 12:39:58

seems like nobody got the top10 prediction right this set.

Looking like 5 reps, 3 commie, a demo and a dict.

Happy new year everyone!

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 13:46:00

Crest, are you going to make top ten? I don't expect to.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 14:01:28

I'm expecting the current top 10 to be the current top 10, minus AndrewMose, but including "So Close Yet So Far".

An apple a day - 145m
Infectious/SV Sounds - 129-130m
EEVIL WAR MACHINE/So Close Yet So Far/Big Test Icicles - 124-126m
Horny Anorexic Obnoxious Sh22p - 121-122m
Queenie - Maybe 116-120m?
in the spring - 110-115m?
Indecisive Warriors United - 105-110m?
Winter is coming - 100-105m?
All Dressed Up/Ciently/Once Upon a Time - 98-100m

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jan 1st 2013, 23:51:55
See Original Post

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 17:13:24

I made a little error last night. I played my turns forgot to recall my units of public and sold a lot of turrets that I didn't need to and dropped my final net by about 1-2m. I think I will not hit 130m an be right on 128. SV is going to pass me I do believe.

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 17:18:47

When I logged in this morning I was so scared that I broke my bonus turns. I'm just glad I only sold 11m turrets and not the full 19m turrets and 40m jets.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 17:53:50

still a great set for ya herbs

crest23 Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 18:13:10

You forgot winter, Xinhuan. Shouldn't he be in the mix? I'm still going with the all rep/ci/oldman top 10.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 1st 2013, 18:15:49

I haven't played primary since round 2. Are all of those fat countries only single tapping or are they farming weaker players? I assume that they're farming?

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 18:19:01

Slagpit that is 99% one tapping no farming. Occasionally someone would double tap the same target unintentional.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 1st 2013, 18:23:54

Wow, can I dare say that primary is almost civilized now?

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 18:27:12

Primary is if you want it to be. It's become quite a competition with alot of skilled players playing. The Gdi rules help a lot to keep it tame, but there are still the war type players playing and it's easy to get into a war.

Land amounts have been steadily increasing each set and now it almost seems that with 50k land your skinny if you want to have a shot at the top.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 18:45:47

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Wow, can I dare say that primary is almost civilized now?

Yep. Primary is the place to play.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 18:47:27

@Crest: Edited Winter in. Overlooked by mistake after I estimated top 10, then did a few more countries after that.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 18:49:57

too bad you were playing this set Xin=). Would have been quite a race for first with all those countries in the 120s

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 18:56:16

I've been playing every set (this year)!

To be fair Bobby, oldman would probably have finished 2nd at 130-135m... And you would probably have finished 105m and have a possible T10 spot.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 19:05:31


Rob Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 21:59:27

I was under the impression So Close Yet So Far would take a comfortable 2nd?

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 22:14:21

From what I understand he was also on vacation and missed out like myself on a lot of bonus points and bonus turns.


EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2013, 0:03:42

Good job Xin, congrats on the win. Nice commie, Herbs.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:05:22

I called it, all rep casher, CI, oldman top 10.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:06:11

congrats Crest on the top techer

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:07:37

Crest, your reselling failed? I thought you would do better. :(


EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2013, 0:10:10

I don't know why he would have. Tech sucked ass, food prices weren't that favorable and crashed suddenly.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:11:26

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 An apple a day (#76) 86,442 $147,044,570 RG - Xinhuan (Rep Casher)
2 Infectious (#150) 72,471 $130,418,350 CG - herbs12 (Commie Indy)
3 SV Sounds (#103) 74,987 $126,432,461 CG - afaik (Commie Indy)
4 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#88) 64,908 $126,145,549 CG - Serpentor (Commie Indy)
5 Big Test Icicles (#118) 81,887 $125,938,179 RG - Rob (Rep Casher)
6 Queenie (#3) 79,895 $124,959,878 RG - Reroll (Rep Casher)
7 So Close Yet So Far (#188) 87,747 $123,810,510 RG - Aqua (Rep Casher)
8 Horny Anorexic Obnoxious Sh22p (#155) 69,975 $122,034,801 IG - oldman (Dict Farmer)
9 in the spring (#21) 77,328 $121,460,474 RG - kmang (Rep Casher)
10 Winter is coming (#224) 70,064 $117,301,817 RG - metgyl (Rep Casher)

11 Indecisive Warriors United (#125) 36,422 $101,590,932 DG - crest23 (Demo Techer)
12 Once Upon a Time (#341) 31,811 $98,419,784 DG - AndrewMose (Demo Techer)
13 All Dressed Up (#117) 67,178 $98,266,186 IG - PaleMoon (Dict Casher)
14 Ciently (#359) 64,327 $96,935,061 CG - BobbyATA (Commie Indy)
15 Dictatorship Casher (#142) 64,017 $86,094,415 IG - ingle (Dict Casher)
16 Cities of the Plain (#5) 37,948 $83,998,031 DG - blid (Demo Techer)
17 Lil AzN That Could (#65) 60,810 $76,127,470 RG - LATC (Rep Casher)
18 BioHazzard from XI (#238) 36,354 $74,229,651 DG - KoHeartsGPA (?)
19 Let it be (#98) 36,546 $73,563,328 DG - Jedioda (Demo Casher)
20 Brandenburg (#99) 60,419 $73,453,662 CG - PaceBooM (Commie Indy)

21 Braavos (#237) 30,501 $73,397,948 HG - kingofthezulus (Theo Techer)
22 Enterprise NX01 (#47) 51,687 $72,934,549 HG - SilentWolf (Theo Casher)
23 Congo (#152) 54,920 $72,024,543 I - gotawd (Dict Casher)
24 Walls Of Stalingrad (#106) 42,163 $67,171,686 CG - Bonesaw (Commie Indy)
25 Andromeda (#131) 29,448 $55,152,215 H - Megallaan (Theo Techer)

Edited By: Xinhuan on Mar 3rd 2013, 16:08:37
See Original Post

OneMansArmy Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:27:32

Well done everyone at the top! I thought I would do better myself, but I know I screw up on a few things. I did beat my previous score by about 12mil, but I only gained 3 spots on my best rank, which is now 36th.

When I got my best rank of 39th three sets ago, to get into the top 40 you had to break 30mil networth. This set to get into the top 40 you had to break 40mil networth.
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

crest23 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:28:31

Yeah, food basically wiped me out. I thought talking it up here would help, but I lost about $6 billion having to sell on my PM.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Magellaan Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:30:11

Congrats Xin and the rest of the top 10 =)

hmm..25th, I made so many little fluff ups along the way that really add up but still I cant really see how you get to 100m as a techer this set so Id like to congratulate crest and andrew too :)
Not MD, fake Magellaan.


EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2013, 0:37:48

I think Andrew was the only techer that sold on time. So most techers spent the whole time buying for $55 and then had to sell for cheap. The second someone put 200m bushels for sale the market collapsed. I finally ended up getting my food sold mostly for about $44 but I lost probably ~20m networth to topfeeders that didn't even have the right type of buildings. Hey, turns a techer has to spend rebuilding are turns not spent teching. Have some respect. "=[
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Magellaan Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:47:27

Darn topfeeders!

I think I sold my food for $40 because I was convinced the market was crashing, then after that it went up again. Then I sold my mil tech and then discovered that it was actually cheaper to jump of my private market lol. I still cant believe I made top 25 really.
Not MD, fake Magellaan.

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:50:33

Congrats everyone! I still can't get past that 4th spot damnit!
The EEVIL Empire

Magellaan Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:00:39

Serp, you stopped grabbing too soon maybe? I really thought you were going to be the number 1 commie halfway into the set.
Not MD, fake Magellaan.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:02:31

Serp this was your best set yet congrats on the 4th spot. Nice win Xin and congrats to herbs for top indy, oldman for top farmer and crest for top techer.

Also it is freaking crazy there are so many forum-active/good players that Xin can list basically the entire top 25. Primary is really a great server to play right now!

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:04:03

Originally posted by Magellaan:
Serp, you stopped grabbing too soon maybe? I really thought you were going to be the number 1 commie halfway into the set.

It is probably true Serp stopped a day or two early but it wasn't a major impact. Herbs had much higher tech levels then Serp throughout, so Serp wasn't as far ahead as he looked. And then Serp got retalled by Muffin Man mid-late set and that gave herbs the top indy spot.

crest23 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:15:04

KoH was a demo farmer.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

oldman Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:42:08

congrats xin, luckily my rep record still stands. congrats aqua for the land record.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:42:25

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
Also it is freaking crazy there are so many forum-active/good players that Xin can list basically the entire top 25. Primary is really a great server to play right now!

Well, 8 of the top 25 are LaFfers. (And interestingly, 8 of the 21 countries above 50k land are also LaFfers.) I've been convincing people to play Primary over the year.

The top 15 is easy to deduce/figure out since it is the same people every reset, a few use the same country names (and strategies) every reset, and some have public profiles. I really didn't know Ciently was you though, I had thought your country might be Metgyl's, but his country fell into place once you revealed yours.

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:45:51

Congrats everyone, this was a very enjoyable set. Congrats to Xin on the win and the rest of the top 15.

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:50:00

Crest and Andrew very nicely done considering the hand you guys got dealt this set. Impressive scores for so many negatives towards techer.

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:50:34

Yeah without that Retal I woulda been 4 days ahead of where I ended up. For sure woulda been top Indy, but that's primary... Sometimes you get retal'd when you least expect it.
The EEVIL Empire

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:54:40

That is true Serp that retal set you back a lot. Also a similar thing the Christmas holiday also set us both back. And forced us both to stop grabbing earlier then expected. I personally wanted to hit 75k land this set before the 20th and failed on that.



Jan 2nd 2013, 1:54:49

Congrats all. In regard to the food prices, I used bonuses on decay and just stocked cash, I guess this insulated me somewhat. I thought it would get me higher in NW but still my personal best. Looking for allies for next set, pm.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:59:50

[quote poster=blid; 21480; 410461]I think Andrew was the only techer that sold on time. So most techers spent the whole time buying for $55 and then had to sell for cheap. The second someone put 200m bushels for sale the market collapsed. I finally ended up getting my food sold mostly for about $44 but I lost probably ~20m networth to topfeeders that didn't even have the right type of buildings. Hey, turns a techer has to spend rebuilding are turns not spent teching. Have some respect. "=[ [/quote] I'm not sure why 200m bushels would make the prices drop any faster. farmers only need to undercut by 1. obviously the prices did drop to far, but I don't fully understand the mechanics of why it dropped so fast if nobody else was dumping stock.