
Atryn Game profile


May 13th 2016, 15:44:12

Originally posted by archaic:
The problem with Arsenal was that while he was leading MD, MD didn't work. No MD heads even knew they were in the coalition until hours before the planned FS. MD was not the problem, Arsenal was - although MDs glacial decision making process certainly did not help matters.

I'd call that analysis about 50/50. I was VP under Arsenal at that time. I knew. Others knew. But not everyone knew.

What is unique about MD is that we have elections - thus new leadership - frequently. Additionally, we will have a Heads team from 3-6 ppl, changing frequently. Then we have our oldest members, who often carry additional leadership responsibilities (like WCL, etc).

So that's a lot of people to "inform" about a "top-secret" coalition at a time when MD was being actively hacked and our entire site was no longer trusted.

Certainly, springing a very unusual war scenario on leaders/members with very little heads-up is a challenge. That's also why MD was clear about when we'd be ready - and no sooner.

Atryn Game profile


May 13th 2016, 12:09:02

Not sure ppl know what policing means anymore anyway.

Atryn Game profile


May 12th 2016, 14:02:36

Originally posted by archaic:
+++++Lots of MD waffling due to Arsenals lack of leadership ability,

Wow, that right there shows a profound lack of understanding about how MD works.

Granted, MD doesn't publicize its inner workings that much, so some forgiveness on that front.

Atryn Game profile


May 12th 2016, 14:01:08

Posts: 39
May/10/12 1:07:39
so TIE-Rival would be a side war with no involvement the coaltion blocks?
Arsenal, I have kind of assumed that everything I've said in here will someday end up on AT.

Archaic wins!

Atryn Game profile


May 5th 2016, 0:59:43

Originally posted by victor victoria:
answer where you may:

Can trump nominate his son or wife as vp?
If only an american born person can be president does that mean that somebody of foreign birth can not hold the office of any that would qualify for line of succession?

Wikipedia to the rescue!

The Twelfth Amendment states that "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States." Thus, to serve as vice president, an individual must: Be a natural-born U.S. citizen; Be at least 35 years old.

The rest of your questions made no sense to me. Its like you are speaking in tongues.

Atryn Game profile


May 5th 2016, 0:56:47

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
waiting to be proven wrong with a Wikipedia definition of "dirtbag" now

I dunno about wikipedia, but how's this?

Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 21:23:40

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
To me, the term "pathological liar" would be the bigger insult anyway. And I don't see how anyone can deny that both of these terrible candidates fit that bill.

That's very easy. While both may have lied at some point, neither comes anywhere close to the definition of "pathological". A pathological liar is compelled to lie about things even when it serves no purpose whatsoever.

Again.... Wikipedia:
Pathological lying can be described as a habituation of lying. It is when an individual consistently lies for no personal gain. The lies are commonly transparent and often seem rather pointless. There are many consequences of being a pathological liar.
a person who tells lies frequently, with no rational motive for doing so.

a person who lies compulsively usually for no external gain or benefit and often with detrimental consequences

I think we could describe your own tendencies as "hyperbolic".

Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:56:40

And.... Kasich just dropped out too.

Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:52:18

Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
Narcissist definition, a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish.

Mayo Clinic:
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:35:53

"cute" SAM. There is no way you can call Clinton more narcissistic than Trump. In fact, I don't really see how you can call her that at all if you understand what the word means.

Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:34:11


Atryn Game profile


May 2nd 2016, 15:58:49

Boxcar is gone?

I'm using it every day.

Atryn Game profile


May 2nd 2016, 15:56:56

Usually best to find our FM (Randy) in #earthempires on irc or on Skype.

Atryn Game profile


May 2nd 2016, 15:54:16

handled, I believe?

Atryn Game profile


Apr 14th 2016, 16:05:59

fluff You fluff (#141) [Momfluff]


Atryn Game profile


Apr 13th 2016, 12:28:42


Atryn Game profile


Apr 11th 2016, 13:27:16


Atryn Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 23:13:09

I guess it just doesn't wipe the database anymore.

You can put in a low number, and it is a new country from this reset.

You can put in a high number (like 400) and it is a dead country from last reset.

I could have sworn it used to wipe the database clean each reset....

Atryn Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 12:48:45


Atryn Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 1:59:59

untop this thread since it is dead now?

Atryn Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 1:59:25

Never too early?

Atryn Game profile


Mar 31st 2016, 15:02:39

Welcome back!

Atryn Game profile


Mar 27th 2016, 0:43:16

Finally over!

It was lots of fun Elders/stones! Your big waves on our top guys were really impressive. Sometimes 4, 5 or more FA packages and just overwhelmed anyway. Great turnout.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 25th 2016, 14:10:47

MD may be recruiting for next set...

Atryn Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 21:10:23

Originally posted by Pican-luc:
People are.

Damn, that is some deep fluff right there.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 19:00:44

yep, same.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 21st 2016, 0:16:26

Great! Then we can get back to the pew pew.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 21st 2016, 0:00:02

I would certainly hope it isn't true, and since I don't know the folks involved, I cannot judge the personality. People above me and more familiar with names out there can (and will) evaluate it I'm sure.

Regardless, someone did have the password to our warchat, which at least means we have a security leak somewhere - our problem to deal with...

Atryn Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 23:41:53

Dissident... well, Buch came into our IRC warchat channel:

[15:16] <Buch2> we had the pass code for here for the whole reset and two tagged md countries also you mother fluffers

There was a bit more, but equally retarded.

Essentially the claim comes from your side, not ours. We were impressed with the walling but we just assumed it was all legit.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 19th 2016, 4:56:15


Where did Sanders say anything bad about his wife or her opinions? All his comments were directed at the sheriff. You can certainly dispute his feelings toward the sheriff, but he isn't "flogging his wife"? His wife was a University President.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 14th 2016, 2:49:18

Originally posted by The Cloaked:
People aren't bigots because they don't want refugees.

That is true. But if you've been on these boards for any amount of time, you would know Heston qualifies for many reasons, not JUST his prejudice about refugees he has never met.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 13th 2016, 19:17:22

Originally posted by Heston:
Instead we only allow muslim cowards fleeing war.

Wait, you'd prefer the ones that aren't fleeing war? Like the fighters? vs. the women and children?

I find it hard to believe that if your family were faced with war - and I mean real fluff like the town next to you being slaughtered and the women raped and forced into sexual slavery - that you might, just maybe, tell your wife, daughter or even son / parents to GTFO and go somewhere safe. But then they'd be cowards nobody should help right?

Originally posted by Heston:
Who the fluff shoots rifles in their backyard in the city? fluffin retards do. Criminals do.

Well, at least we can agree on that. We should definitely round up those folks and take their guns away.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 13th 2016, 2:28:44

Your hate and bigotry Heston are exactly the fuel they want. Your lack of faith in humanity is one of your greatest weaknesses.

Maybe you should meditate more.

BTW, the male shooter in SB was a Chicago-born gun-loving American. He listed target shooting in the backyard as a hobby on his dating profile. You'd have loved him if he'd just shot a bunch of muslims in the name of Christ, I'm sure.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 13th 2016, 2:19:42

So happyweb = mrcuban?

HPK between alliances on the same side isn't that important. It might show who is breaking vs. who is finishing, but not always.... Sometimes you get breakers who are also good snipers.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 12th 2016, 20:12:06

Atryn Game profile


Mar 12th 2016, 3:27:40

Atryn Game profile


Mar 12th 2016, 2:36:57

We gave you some help on that first kill so you'd be off to a good start. ;)

Atryn Game profile


Mar 11th 2016, 3:07:02

How do you like it in the dark?

Atryn Game profile


Mar 10th 2016, 23:00:40

Originally posted by tellarion:
In adult land...

I hate adult land!
(in a grumpy smurf voice)

Atryn Game profile


Mar 10th 2016, 2:08:01

Good lord.... we are not a netting clan.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 10th 2016, 2:06:43

Welcome to Earth Empires!
Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to arrange mutual attacks with allies to create new, free land. Execute complex spreadsheet scripts to tell you the optimal buttons to press each day. Arrange market buyouts of technology with your friends to inflate your net worth. Join a clan or suffer the consequences of having no friends. Conduct monotonous operations to govern your country and build your empire.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 10th 2016, 2:01:20

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:

I didn't create my country that day. I think it auto created.

How does one set up the auto-create-my-country feature?

Atryn Game profile


Mar 10th 2016, 1:57:25

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:

RD was mass deleted in the Oct-Nov 2013 reset:;searchstr&page=12

The reset before that, they finished 3rd in total net worth and 1st in average net worth:

There was no "gang bang" leading up to the end of RD. One or more of RD's leaders broke the terms under which Pang allowed them to play his game, so the tag lost its privilege to exist. That is all.

RD's prior results are null and void given that we now know they were rapantly cheating to get there.

A win by cheating is not a win. It is not skill. It is forever tainted by the unfair access to information gained by hacking multiple servers, clans and the game itself.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 6th 2016, 20:22:41

I came in with the invasion of the MD MUD into e2025. I think that was 1997? I don't remember who, specifically, from the MUD I would give credit to, but I was programming on the special rooms and tools the MUD used to run our e2025 ops.

Those rooms, bulletin boards, books, player objects, etc are all still there on the MUD, btw. It is fun to go back and read some of the old messages from the MD Council room board.

My character still carrier the "Earth Teller" object, a spinning globe...

Atryn Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 15:12:31

Atryn Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 15:05:05

archaic / Colo / SAM,

You may be more well versed on the tax proposals of GJ than I am. In the video I just watched of him speaking at CPAC2016 he proposed eliminating both the individual income tax and the corporate income tax and replacing it with a national consumption tax, based on the Fair Tax as a "starting point". He then went on to say that eliminating corporate income taxes would create tens of millions of jobs.

Our current statutory corporate income tax varies from 15% - 35% with most businesses at the 34% or 35% level. Our average effective corporate tax rate is ~27% with many businesses paying no taxes at all due to the various loopholes.

Under the most recently proposed Fair Tax legislation, the national consumption tax would be an effective 30% sales tax rate.

Most business spend most of their income, and many business spend more than their income. If all corporate spending is subject to a 30% effective sales tax rate, wouldn't that increase taxes on corporations? How would that lead to more jobs?

Atryn Game profile


Mar 3rd 2016, 17:41:24

LOL.... Bonus!

Atryn Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 4:19:52

The amendment grew out of the political tumult surrounding the drafting of the Constitution, which was done in secret by a group of mostly young men, many of whom had served together in the Continental Army. Having seen the chaos and mob violence that followed the Revolution, these “Federalists” feared the consequences of a weak central authority. They produced a charter that shifted power—at the time in the hands of the states—to a new national government.

“Anti-Federalists” opposed this new Constitution. The foes worried, among other things, that the new government would establish a “standing army” of professional soldiers and would disarm the 13 state militias, made up of part-time citizen-soldiers and revered as bulwarks against tyranny. These militias were the product of a world of civic duty and governmental compulsion utterly alien to us today. Every white man age 16 to 60 was enrolled. He was actually required to own—and bring—a musket or other military weapon.

On June 8, 1789, James Madison—an ardent Federalist who had won election to Congress only after agreeing to push for changes to the newly ratified Constitution—proposed 17 amendments on topics ranging from the size of congressional districts to legislative pay to the right to religious freedom. One addressed the “well regulated militia” and the right “to keep and bear arms.” We don’t really know what he meant by it. At the time, Americans expected to be able to own guns, a legacy of English common law and rights. But the overwhelming use of the phrase “bear arms” in those days referred to military activities.

There is not a single word about an individual’s right to a gun for self-defense or recreation in Madison’s notes from the Constitutional Convention. Nor was it mentioned, with a few scattered exceptions, in the records of the ratification debates in the states. Nor did the U.S. House of Representatives discuss the topic as it marked up the Bill of Rights. In fact, the original version passed by the House included a conscientious objector provision. “A well regulated militia,” it explained, “composed of the body of the people, being the best security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person.”

Atryn Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 4:13:21

Originally posted by hawkeyee:
I've been playing this game for almost 20 years. That right there, to me, is insane. There is literally nothing else in my life aside from my family that has been around for that long.

Nonsense... The Simpsons has been running for 26 years. South Park will hit 20 years next year.

Atryn Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 4:07:57
