Jul 17th 2017, 5:34:23
Hahaha. Nothing against LaF in terms of their ability and even willingness to teach a new player. I just don't know if its currently the best place to end up, considering the tag is mostly killed and starting there RIGHT NOW THIS SET, you likely wouldn't learn a thing and be reduced to farmland. I could see it being a wise landing zone AFTER this set, but if you were looking to join today and play this set, I'd pick somewhere else to at least get a feel for the game without being targeted by 2 of the largest clans. Which is why, for someone joining today or even within the next month, I wouldn't do LaF. Not a stab on your ability to net or teach at all. There were dozens of sets in the last set several years that it was obviously the place to learn. This is not that set.
Being versatile is clearly the way to being good. Being a great war dog comes with having some solid netting skills. Right now, laf is not netting and they are not in a position to help someone make a stong build. You'd likely be teaching the oop missiler strat which hardly has any application now that restarts are much larger but is still ideal for a midset startup in a war. I truthfully just dont want to end up farming this dude out of the game. Haha
You did your due diligence listing the other clans tho.
Gerdler is right about a number of things.
First off, i think LCN could compete with Monsters in that sort of helpful active players that net way. LB is a beast. I just couldnt be sure of the other clans listed willingness to actively help a new player.
Rage is actually also a decent choice. They brought home a few oldies but goodies and still have an active role in the politics of the game, despite their recent tree-huggary. By no means is that a bad place to end up.
But just in terms of someone giving the game their first go, I'd avoid the clans that are currently at war on a part that is getting smashed.
Current war is Elders/Sol vs Laf/stones/oma/red/imagnum.
Realistically i'd wait until next set to join any of them. If you really wanted to kill, best choice for now to enter the fray immediately would be Elders and I say that only because they arent getting hit so you could try some stuff out without having to worry about being smashed. The other 6 clans are either half dead or all dead. Just bad timing imo. I wouldnt dare say elders has the best teachers lol.
So i guess i'd pick between MONSTERS, LCN or RAGE if I were trying to be unbiased and tell him the best place to start TODAY.
Trouble is when the new set starts, my recommendations would likely change entirely. Just politics and dynamics haha.