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I exchanged NO such information with Bad. In fact, i dont think ive spoken with Dreckon since the first day of the set. So i dont know what the fluff youre talking about.
It was MY understanding that we were all on the same side against untagged suiciders this set. We had that big meeting about it... you were there. And then you guys decided to go all cowboy on each other.
Its true that i sought you out to see what you guys intended on doing with Bad... because i thought we were on friendly terms based on our earlier conversations. Shall i post all of that personal correspondence between us to prove my case?
Well whatever. Why dont we just have a war about it so you can get your aggressions out?
and Reckless I specifically told you that I had barely talked to Dissident, and that I had told him that I thought we were cool with Icon because YOU said that we would both "call off the BS"... and then the next day y'all dumped a bunch of missiles on our guy? and not I am not defending his prior actions as I am sure you will try to cloud the issue with, I am clarifying that you and me had a VERY specific agreement to call everything off and you blatantly went back on your word.
and Celphi xBaDx would have kicked your azz last reset if we weren't 1/4 your size when we took the FS... so I wouldn't try to brag about that... if y'all hadn't quit you would all be dead by now this reset, maybe for the 2nd time each.
the rest of this gave me a headache...
however I agree w/ MrFord (puked in my mouth right there lol) that mods being unavailable is the problem... when we had our third suicider that admitted being paid to do it I reported those messages and got ZERO response even though I also sent PMs to tella about it.... EVER
as for the demos... I don't think that was cool actually during war, but not deleatable probably... but Rybka also farmed one of our suiciders WHILE he was doing his suicide run so he was in DRs for us... illegal according to posted rules? no... but a total punk move? yes....