Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2450
Currently Logged in: 192

Top Players - Primary

Next Reset Sixtieth round: Nov 08, 2019 - Jan 07, 2020 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 144 countries in the Primary server.

1 James Moriarty (#4)  Game profile 51,117$100,156,918 CG
2 Bug (#33)  Game profile 43,700$95,065,236 RG
3 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon (#48) 44,259$68,899,964 CG
4 Prowler (#20) 45,962$63,357,124 DG
5 Better Run Through The Jungle (#3)  Game profile 32,118$60,868,029 DG
6 BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#29)  Game profile 33,003$55,455,337 DG
7 Dorsai (#15)  Game profile 28,515$54,751,532 DG
8 Agent Provocateur (#18)  Game profile 25,708$53,366,245 TG
9 DeLpHiNuS (#1) 29,409$52,500,000 HG
10 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#53)  Game profile 39,611$47,951,507 CG
11 Lebanon (#36) 24,831$47,259,546 CG
12 Cumorah (#9) 36,080$45,368,351 CG
13 X (#41) 18,070$37,975,824 DG
14 Mongolian Territories (#81) 29,519$35,236,836 TG
15 This or That (#51)  Game profile 20,696$31,278,197 RG
16 Teemo (#82) 33,786$30,456,102 DG
17 Under the Boardwalk (#6)  Game profile 25,841$30,091,364 HG
18 Pneuma (#13) 20,266$27,720,646 FG
19 ArOOstOOk (#17)  Game profile 16,174$26,656,258 D
20 B L A C K M A G I C (#40) 22,357$26,506,919 CG
21 Meatball Disaster (#70)  Game profile 14,390$24,764,939 DG
22 Stavka (#76) 21,661$24,395,445 RG
23 Cloud9 Employee (#14) 21,282$24,121,748 CG
24 Kamikaze (#73) 19,844$18,887,903 IG
25 Eclipse (#63) 526$18,436,842 H
26 NCC1701 (#62) 18,208$18,069,790 RG
27 Kaleanae (#45)  Game profile 14,487$16,499,792 DG
28 Kirk (#11) 14,521$15,434,979 C
29 PRINCE MONGO (#16) 8414$15,218,586 DG
30 Flashton (#7) 11,638$14,904,271 DG
31 Radio Shifty (#56)  Game profile 12,283$14,258,855 F
32 xXx (#43) 13,204$13,767,237 I
33 Die Hard Reindeer Games (#78)  Game profile 13,111$12,700,025 FG
34 Flying Turns (#39) 14,720$11,386,785 I
35 Omerta (#55) 13,063$11,337,731 RG
36 I Am Groot (#83) 11,589$11,178,855 CG
37 Mark Cyst (#75)  Game profile 13,919$10,424,790 C
38 Dirty Indigo Onion (#34) 10,739$10,150,039 I
39 MolsonCanadian (#32)  Game profile 10,075$9,290,153 DG
40 Something cool (#135)  Game profile 11,811$8,938,839 F
41 Pegasus (#77) 10,237$8,814,191 IG
42 The Dreaded Place (#112) 13,054$8,375,700 FG
43 Vyper (#37) 8349$8,254,263 I
44 The Free State of Hong Kong (#72) 11,376$8,157,824 CG
45 PoopTroop Farm (#2) 12,783$8,023,262 MG
46 Pagoda (#107) 16,055$7,892,998 CG
47 Hampden (#64) 8945$7,760,177 FG
48 I Tried (#12)  Game profile 10,622$7,318,996 IG
49 Pepsi (#22)  Game profile 8824$7,242,479 T
50 Cichlids Welcome Here (#38)  Game profile 12,470$7,108,024 IG
51 Pie Eater (#80) 10,779$6,876,088 D
52 Coolerland (#49) 6805$5,781,570 I
53 MagicalChicken (#26)  Game profile 11,014$5,325,905 I
54 Infidel Dogs (#85) 6501$5,319,849 DG
55 Earth (#25) 8384$5,270,402 I
56 Module Module Module Get TO WORK (#21) 1$5,004,732 CG
57 fgy (#61) 8110$4,760,299 I
58 chickenfarm (#94)  Game profile 6062$4,586,171 C
59 SOONER NATION (#47) 9024$4,248,935 D
60 Polk High (#52) 4416$4,038,927 DG
61 Bramallia (#58)  Game profile 9732$4,002,958 I
62 Cloud Cuckoo Land (#106)  Game profile 7314$3,659,927 CG
63 what is this I dont even (#74)  Game profile 8461$3,357,747 TG
64 Mutantville (#84) 5406$3,311,408 M
65 Logandia (#108) 4959$3,150,616 C
66 Cocaine and Hookers (#24) 5739$2,871,746 T
67 Haviks Realm (#104)  Game profile 6103$2,754,677 R
68 Ima hip upstairs and break my le (#44)  Game profile 6946$2,633,348 CG
69 Suicidal (#42) 6620$2,516,079 I
70 InSidiOuS DeAtH (#131)  Game profile 7662$2,359,054 C
71 Hegemone (#5)  Game profile 5758$2,343,862 C
72 Justice (#69) 5481$2,340,069 C
73 TrimFalcon (#90)  Game profile 6756$2,288,434 HG
74 Anarchist (#133)  Game profile 7661$2,169,378 T
75 Zombieland (#67) 9810$1,999,936 RG
76 CookieMonster (#30)  Game profile 6691$1,922,816 CG
77 Duckland (#115) 7470$1,763,321 C
78 BingleDerries (#46) 5361$1,521,540 R
79 CorteseVille (#99) 4925$1,460,557 CG
80 Archibalds Next Lil Thing (#118) 5966$1,389,244 F
81 Z Nation (#98)  Game profile 5988$1,333,319 C
82 Shop of Horrors (#28) 2962$1,204,526 C
83 Molokai (#68)  Game profile 5094$1,194,202 F
84 Think id forget (#129) 4413$993,696 C
85 War Stars (#155)  Game profile 5640$963,995 H
86 Islamic Republic of Pakistan (#140) 6700$887,540 M
87 Im back (#111) 4667$810,868 M
88 Bannock Boys (#127)  Game profile 3356$719,021 F
89 Okinawa (#95)  Game profile 3688$584,684 CG
90 Laser (#103) 3716$548,181 FG
91 WasteLands (#79)  Game profile 4497$544,028 RG
92 GamerVille (#154)  Game profile 4900$529,805 F
93 Primary (#65)  Game profile 3375$432,407 T
94 Silently Speaking (#158) 3339$419,017 CG
95 SoFaKingKul (#109)  Game profile 3818$397,431 H
96 Noitanimod Ydni (#54) 3633$361,710 CG
97 Crapland (#117)  Game profile 3371$319,389 C
98 zefir (#105)  Game profile 3147$300,741 M
99 Retaliation Nation (#86) 2594$292,779 T
100 Tarsonia (#157)  Game profile 976$290,760 RG

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