Aug 24 - Oct 22
Sep 4 - Sep 8
Jul 13 - Sep 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3407
Currently Logged in: 208

Top Players - Primary

Current round: Jul 12, 2024 - N/A Prev Reset

Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes.
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There are currently 69 countries in the Primary server.

1 Teds Bundesheer (#5) 57,805$95,486,633 CG
2 Arathodoxia (#8) 55,491$95,155,599 CG
3 Waddi Tree Boulia (#36) 51,730$77,886,202 CG
4 Sirens on the Way (#13) 52,445$73,135,495 RG
5 This Is SuperFly Plz DNH lol (#19) 44,326$65,944,980 DG
6 daimon hellstrom (#32) 40,683$64,290,413 RG
7 Cartel Del Norte Sicarios (#20) 28,902$53,473,353 HG
8 DUPRPickleball40 (#10) 32,006$45,615,380 RG
9 UgolinoII (#24) 33,327$45,478,833 D
10 soonze (#42) 43,084$45,135,349 RG
11 DeLpHiNuS (#6) 32,706$40,696,180 RG
12 Money On The Dash (#40) 27,962$39,151,892 HG
13 Link (#17) 23,329$34,050,010 FG
14 ChatGPT (#29) 15,446$33,152,852 HG
15 AndrewMose (#2) 23,042$30,657,260 RG
16 Exterminator (#21) 23,746$25,199,098 CG
17 Arthos (#44) 24,649$23,999,581 FG
18 Amazing Grace (#55) 12,973$15,067,623 RG
19 Deviant (#31) 12,154$14,849,490 TG
20 Symphony of Destruction (#11) 11,210$14,694,449 TG
21 Cumorah (#18) 13,261$12,588,394 TG
22 woodworm (#51) 8476$12,529,753 DG
23 I dont know (#23) 10,484$11,701,403 DG
24 DefenderHD10 (#47) 10,700$10,162,775 DG
25 Outside Context Problem (#35) 9363$9,506,350 CG

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