Active countries: 2420
Currently Logged in: 208
Currently Logged in: 208
Game Profile for Stryke on the Unknown Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Twenty-sixth
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | Unranked | N/A |
Land | Unranked | N/A |
Top 100 | Unranked | N/A |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | Unranked | N/A |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Kills | Unranked | N/A |
Deaths | Unranked | N/A |
Pop Killed | Unranked | N/A |
Attacks | Unranked | N/A |
Missiles | Unranked | N/A |
Defends | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
288 | 26 | SPARTA (#26) | 640 | $40,103 | F | |
285 | 26 | S T R Y K E (#26) | 2860 | $246,652 | H | xSTRYKEx |
41 | 90 | 15 (#126) | 2215 | $143,386 | M | JASON |
41 | 97 | 14 (#125) | 2124 | $139,506 | M | JASON |
41 | 91 | 13 (#124) | 2169 | $143,198 | M | JASON |
41 | 96 | 12 (#123) | 2174 | $140,377 | M | JASON |
41 | 77 | 11 (#122) | 2183 | $152,077 | M | JASON |
41 | 84 | 20 (#121) | 2246 | $145,637 | M | JASON |
41 | 94 | 19 (#120) | 2121 | $141,808 | M | JASON |
41 | 78 | 18 (#119) | 2346 | $148,671 | M | JASON |
41 | 95 | 17 (#118) | 2128 | $141,242 | M | JASON |
41 | 81 | 16 (#117) | 2300 | $146,965 | M | JASON |
41 | 80 | 10 (#116) | 2284 | $147,588 | M | JASON |
41 | 98 | 9 (#115) | 2042 | $137,327 | M | JASON |
41 | 76 | 8 (#114) | 2317 | $155,153 | M | JASON |
41 | 99 | 7 (#113) | 1457 | $116,849 | M | JASON |
41 | 88 | 6 (#112) | 2245 | $144,976 | M | JASON |
41 | 82 | 25 (#111) | 2280 | $146,714 | M | JASON |
41 | 85 | 24 (#110) | 2240 | $145,182 | M | JASON |
41 | 86 | 23 (#109) | 2184 | $145,086 | M | JASON |
41 | 83 | 22 (#108) | 2268 | $145,750 | M | JASON |
41 | 87 | 21 (#107) | 2254 | $145,017 | M | JASON |
41 | 89 | 5 (#106) | 2262 | $144,193 | M | JASON |
41 | 79 | 4 (#105) | 2300 | $148,350 | M | JASON |
41 | 92 | 3 (#104) | 2214 | $143,122 | M | JASON |
41 | 93 | 2 (#103) | 2208 | $142,642 | M | JASON |
41 | 100 | 1 (#102) | 1604 | $114,358 | M | JASON |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |